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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by Isil'zha View Post
    Here it is: just finished it.

    Can you hear me? Stop, look, listen to my voice,
    It was never my choice to feel all alone
    This is my home
    Back up, you don’t know if you’ve never been here
    You’ve never been to the place inside, I face my fears
    It takes everything I am

    Move, by Thousand Foot Krutch

    I never thought to see a Wraith asleep. This queen, she has dealt with humans before. She can intimidate us, while not making herself so strange that we are desperate. But to see her asleep, curled in my bed, seemingly peaceful. I wonder why she does this. For she seems no older than my Sarla. Do the Wraith even have families? All I have ever seen, ever known of them is the monster that feeds in the dark. But such knowledge is not enough to destroy them.
    For I have found that you can always cause more harm to those you know. But it can also become harder. But what good would there be in the Wraith to find? I can think of nothing and hope to find nothing. And Sarla is angered—thinking that I have some measure of trust towards these Wraith. I am not so foolish as that, and so my wife and I leave to stay at another house.

    The test, the challenge. Few queens have ever slain a runner, never attempted it. My success will shame them. And to attack me for my shaming of them, it would merely add to their difficulties.
    My brothers will live. Whether or not I do so—though I would prefer to live. But if I die, they will say I was too young to lead, and another will care for them. They do not see it this way, of course.
    And there are still the human female, and her mate. If I kill them now, I will likely have to destroy the village as well. Or at least if I slay them without reason…I order my guards away.
    But it is time to rest.

    Where is Martak! Please be in the forest, please, ancestors, he would not have done so without consulting me…yes he would have. Just as I would have, if my chances were not so feeble.
    I hear a dark, angered scream come from my father’s house. I hope it is the Wraith queen, and that she is dead, and Martak is not.
    It only takes me a few moments to reach the house, and I see four of the male Wraith behind me. Perhaps I have enough time to finish this.
    But when I reach the bedroom, I see Martak-my Martak, held up in the air by one pale hand grasped around his throat. Her back is towards me, and I halt and draw my knife. He gasps, then collapses, and she drops him.
    I can feel my feet stepping backwards as she turns toward me. There is a curve of ebony blood stretching from her neck onto her shoulder, and it disappears as I watch. My hand pulls up the knife unaware, and throws it. The knife thuds into her chest, right next to where a human’s heart would be, the blade penetrating the skin and bringing more of the dark blood.
    She does not even look at it, and I begin to understand the enormity of my, of our mistake. I try to force myself to resist as she lifts me, then cocks her head to the side and opens her mouth in a snarl.
    “Why must you prove yourself such a fool?” she asks, and I see the expectation of this in her eyes. She wanted this! She wanted to witness my humiliation personally, to taste fear in my eyes. And I know I cannot hide it now.
    As I feebly try to pull away the hand clasped about my throat, I find myself relieved as I lose all consciousness.

    They had to prove me correct. The two humans lie unconscious in a corner of the room, with no permanent harm done to them. But something must be done. I cannot also them to go free.
    Why do they delay my hunt?!
    Four of my brothers enter the room, and stare at me as I pull the blade from my chest. The wound will heal with time, and perhaps I will feed soon. But not on these two.
    My brothers lift up the bodies. But I will have to remain to deal with them. Foolish humans.

    Sarla, why? Did you trust my judgment so little? Was I such an abhorrent leader as to drive you and Martak to this?
    She is not dead yet. But any attempt to save her will bring the destruction of my village. I cannot do so, cannot be so terrible of a leader as to abandon my people for my child.
    And this queen is clever. Allowing them to attack her, so that the villagers are not so angered at the executions, so that we can understand how she justifies their deaths.
    Will she kill them herself? I know how they will die—the Wraith will not waste any source of sustenance now. Sustenance? I cannot afford to think of myself as such.
    We will all be forced to watch the execution tomorrow.

    i made a few adjustments
    Can you hear me? Stop, look, listen to my voice,
    It was never my choice to feel all alone
    This is my home
    Back up, you don’t know if you’ve never been here
    You’ve never been to the place inside, I face my fears
    It takes everything I am

    Move, by Thousand Foot Krutch

    I never thought to see a Wraith asleep. This queen, she has dealt with humans before. She can intimidate us, while not making herself so strange that we are desperate. But to see her asleep, curled in my bed, seemingly peaceful. I wonder why she does this. For she seems no older than my darling Sarla. Do the Wraith even have families? All I have ever seen, ever known of them is the monster that feeds in the dark. But such knowledge is not enough to destroy them.
    I have found that you can always cause more harm to those you know. But it can also become harder. But what good would there be in the Wraith to find? I can think of nothing and hope to find nothing. And Sarla is angered—thinking that I have some measure of trust towards these Wraith. I am not so foolish as that, and so my wife and I leave to stay at another house.

    The test, the challenge. Few queens have ever slain a runner, never attempted it. My success will shame them. And to attack me for my shaming of them, it would merely add to their difficulties.
    My brothers will live. Whether or not I do so—though I would prefer to live. But if I die, they will say I was too young to lead, and another will care for them. They do not see it this way, of course.
    And there are still the human female and her mate. If I kill them now, I will likely have to destroy the village as well. Or at least if I slay them without reason…I order my guards away.
    It is time to rest now.

    Where is Martak! Please be in the forest, please, ancestors, he would not have done so without consulting me…yes he would have. Just as I would have, if my chances were not so feeble.
    I hear a dark, angered scream come from my father’s house. I hope it is the Wraith queen, and that she is dead, and Martak is not.
    It only takes me a few moments to reach the house, and I see four of the male Wraith behind me. Perhaps I have enough time to finish this.
    But when I reach the bedroom, I see Martak - my Martak - held up in the air by one pale hand grasped around his throat. Her back is towards me, and I halt and draw my knife. He gasps, then collapses, and she drops him.
    I can feel my feet stepping backwards as she turns toward me. There is a curve of ebony blood stretching from her neck onto her shoulder, and it disappears as I watch. Unawares, my hand pulls up the knife and throws it. The knife thuds into her chest, right next to where a human’s heart would be, the blade penetrating the skin and bringing more of the dark blood.
    She does not even look at it, and I begin to understand the enormity of my mistake, of our mistake. I try to force myself to resist as she lifts me, then cocks her head to the side and opens her mouth in a snarl.
    “Why must you prove yourself such a fool?” she asks, and I see the expectation of this in her eyes. She wanted this! She wanted to witness my humiliation personally, to taste fear in my eyes. And I know I cannot hide it now.
    As I feebly try to pull away the hand clasped about my throat, I find myself relieved as I lose all consciousness.

    They had to prove me correct. The two humans lie unconscious in a corner of the room, with no permanent harm done to them. But something must be done. I cannot allow them to go free.
    Why do they delay my hunt?!
    Four of my brothers enter the room, and stare at me as I pull the blade from my chest. The wound will heal with time, and perhaps I will feed soon. But not on these two.
    My brothers lift up the bodies. But I will have to remain to deal with them. Foolish humans.

    Why? Sarla, why, I ask. Did you trust my judgment so little? Was I such an abhorrent leader as to drive you and Martak to this?
    She is not dead yet. But any attempt to save her will only bring the destruction of my village. I cannot do so, cannot be so terrible of a leader as to abandon my people for my child.
    This queen is clever. Allowing them to attack her, so that the villagers are not as angered at the executions, so that we can understand how she justifies their deaths.
    Will she kill them herself? I know how they will die—the Wraith will not waste any source of sustenance now. Sustenance? I cannot afford to think of myself as such.
    We will all be forced to watch the execution tomorrow.
    I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


      love it isil zha keep the storys coming and i am finished august on the calendar 4 months to go then i am done


        Thanks. I was in a hurry to get it on-the power was cut off for a bit. Good ideas, Lilith. Maybe I'll get the 2nd chapter on FanFiction tomorrow.

        And I know what to do for the third chapter now too.


          naw... don't mention it... i mostly fixed gramatical errors... i can be a real grammar nazi when i want to
          I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


            Originally posted by Lilith View Post
            naw... don't mention it... i mostly fixed gramatical errors... i can be a real grammar nazi when i want to
            I would have been if I'd had the time. *snarls* (I think when I wrote my novelette there was one typo I missed in the entire thing.)There's nothing wrong with being obsessive on occasion.


              ah, yes... but when you correct your english teacher on a regular occasion, then you're just being neurotic not that i've done this, but one year, my english asked me to help her proofread the class's essays
              I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                Isil'zha, the second chapter is great. I liked it

                Wraithlord, I am curious to see that calendar I hope you will finish it soon.
                LONG LIVE THE WRAITH!
                Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club
                My fan fiction


                  i should have it finished in the next few days
                  i just hope you all like it


                    thought i post a link to a thread that i created a couple of weeks ago i totally forgot about till now so thought some of you might be interested
                    Last edited by wraithlord; 17 December 2006, 02:40 AM.


                      Interesting thread, WriathLord. Now if I can overcome my pathological fear of such things, I might post on it.

                      Scared of bugs, no. Snakes, no. Dark, no. Wraith, no. (That doesn't mean I'll hug them though-or at least not when they're hungry. ) Why the heck am I scared of the character/relationship section?


                        i am not scared of anything at all i quite like the character/relationship section
                        and i finished september on the calendar should be able to post it here in the next 2 or three days


                          yay i think WL's calander will be fabulous

                          I'm not dead. Yet.


                            I don't know that it's fear-more like the "stay out of my bubble feeling" I get when overly affectionate people I don't even know huggle jump me or something.

                            But the calendar should be quite cool.

                            And how did we get 31 signatures on the petition already? Lilith....

                            Oh, chapter 2 is now on FanFiction, but I didn't really change much.
                            Dulce et Decorum est^3 Chapter 2
                            Last edited by Isil'zha; 17 December 2006, 11:24 AM.


                              fears... hm... nope... don't have any... i am misanthrope, which causes me to avoid crouded places, but no actual fears....

                              and the petition, 32 signatures when i checked last night there were only 26! wow... if this keeps up, i'll bump up the goal to 200
                              I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                                Originally posted by Lilith View Post
                                fears... hm... nope... don't have any... i am misanthrope, which causes me to avoid crouded places, but no actual fears....

                                and the petition, 32 signatures when i checked last night there were only 26! wow... if this keeps up, i'll bump up the goal to 200
                                I avoid crowded places too. And stupid people.
                                It's interesting that we're getting this many signatures even when it's the insane holidays and most people are busy.

