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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by wriathlord View Post
    i really like the fanfic good story
    i made a gabriel wallpaper

    and i am also working on the wraith calendar thought i post a teaser of it
    hope you like them
    I love your work Wraithlord! The Gabriel wallpaper graces my desktop. The wraith calander is great idea too. 12 months - 12 wraith..or 12 wraith wallpapers - Single's like Steve, Bob, Micheal, Gabriel, Erik, Shawn (wraith from Condemmed), Hive Keeper, Wraith Queen from "The Hive" Wraith Queen from "Allies", and mixes of all of the above..12 months is not enough!

    I've been out for a couple of days and I saw we have more signatures on the petition. I post on the "All Wraith Thunk thread" and posted this out there.

    Someone was concerned about their english. Don't be!! This is a place where people from all over the world can discuss things and share things in common. And for Wraithlord to make us more pics! I'm not sure if Candy has seen this thread yet but she does some cool work on the thrunk thread as does Lysia. That's what is so cool about these kinds of sites.

    Long Live the Wraith!
    Atlantis Girl

    Go to this link to help us keep the wraith on Atlantis -

    please sign the save Elizabeth petition to keep her on Atlantis to!


      Originally posted by female Wraith View Post
      I've read few of the stories in and found some of them very interesting but this one in the link is levels above the usual Wraith' fiction.
      Please, when you wrote a story post it here. We all will be very happy to read it

      I also saw that the thread posted from Lilith is united with an old thread. I don't understand why. I gave up reading the messages about what evil monsters are the Wraith. And in one other thread while I was defending that Hathor is not a rapist - this was my personal opinion - a group of people tried to convince me I am thinking wrong. When I said that "woman to rape a man" sounds to me like an oxymoron they said that I obviously don't understand what I am reading and writing because English is not my first language and have to return my dictionary and to want the money back. Sweet, isn't it? So don't bother with what someone said or wrote. Most important is what YOU think.
      this is soo true... omg O.O when i saw the thread in my subs today i was like "818 replies in less than 48 hours?!" and then i saw the creator of thread changed to someone i didn't know... and i then i realised it must have been merged.... i was seriously comfused for a moment... but then i didn't feel like reading it at all....

      And don't pay attention to those jerks FW... some people just weren't taught manners... though it is possible for a woman to rape a man... rape is defined as forced sexual intercourse of any or all parties... it's just that we are predispositioned to believe that since men are more aggressive than women, it would be harder for a woman to push a man around than for another man.... which if you really think about it... it's bull... we've been pushing them around since the dawn of time

      Originally posted by TechnoWraith View Post
      Unfortunately, the community here has gotten a tad ridiculous when it comes to opinions and what-have-you. The community here has changed, for the worst. A few years ago, you could freely express you opinion and have well though and intelligent debates and discussions. Now it seems that when you post an opinion that differs with others, you get narced for it.
      which is why i stay in the OT... there are no serious debates and everyone is soo euphoric, nothing can really be taken seriously and it's about time you stopped by old man

      Originally posted by TechnoWraith
      As for the wraith, yes, i love them very much. Steve was the first wraith i fell in love with. I certainly hope the rumors of removing the wraith from the Atlantis story line are false. That would be an exceptionally poor thing to remove the principle enemy from the picture. What we really need is a recurring bad guy. (SG-1 had system lords, Ba'al, apophis, etc). Atlantis has the genii, but they're not a steadily recurring enemy. The wraith serve that purpose far better than a bunch of nuclear farmers.
      always putting it so eloquently have you signed the petition yet? 18 signatures and counting...
      I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


        Thanks for the green Lilith.

        I suppose I should visit the OT again, but I have so much trouble finding a decent debate around here. And I get bored of small talk too quickly.

        Think I'd already read some of the thread your thread was merged w/. So I wasn't utterly lost. Some very good points in the old stuff, though.

        The pushing guys around-I'm not terribly fond of wimpy guys. Don't like brutes either. Certain amount of balance, I guess.

        Story is still in progress-I've never done anything first person and present tense before. Got characters, setting, background info....

        And I'm working on an analysis of Wraith psychology. The best comparison I've thought of so far is Japan at certain points-Seppuku, Kamikaze, communal society-a bit different from us individualistic Americans.


          Originally posted by Isil'zha View Post
          And I'm working on an analysis of Wraith psychology. The best comparison I've thought of so far is Japan at certain points-Seppuku, Kamikaze, communal society-a bit different from us individualistic Americans.
          O.o sounds interesting!! i can see the Kamikaze and communal society, but where did you see parallels to Seppuku?? the Queens/Keeper carry themselves as more like High Priestesses of Ancient times, imo...
          I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


            Originally posted by Lilith View Post
            O.o sounds interesting!! i can see the Kamikaze and communal society, but where did you see parallels to Seppuku?? the Queens/Keeper carry themselves as more like High Priestesses of Ancient times, imo...
            I was thinking of it as more the high ranking males doing so-maybe by being the Queen's next meal. If they screw up especially. Either way to die sounds highly unpleasant to me.

            I'll have to find my college psych. notes and work on it more.


              hey my little wraithies wassup?

              I'm not dead. Yet.


                Originally posted by susanne View Post
                hey my little wraithies wassup?
                Let's see:
                Not quite awake.
                Not wanting to think about Seppuku in any detail at this moment.

                Any comments on my story thing?


                  i think its awesome and you poor thing, want a shepperd clone to ease the hunger?

                  I'm not dead. Yet.


                    No, I'm not that desperate.

                    Will try to go get more sleep now.


                      lmao ok then goodnight

                      I'm not dead. Yet.


                        hi guys whats happening just finished the April part of the calendar but i dont have a picture for it i have the keeper for January Gabriel for February that one is for female wraith and bob for august
                        that one is for areghnatha.
                        anymore requests?


                          oh and i am working on a keeper wallpaper as well and a wraith queen wallpaper should have them done in a few days


                            And I am waiting joyfully for your next wallpapers! (but good things need time... take the time you need , I will try to be pationed )
                            Wraith are not evil... they are simply hungry .
                            LONG LIVE THE WRAITH!!!!!!!!


                              Originally posted by wriathlord View Post
                              hi guys whats happening just finished the April part of the calendar but i dont have a picture for it i have the keeper for January Gabriel for February that one is for female wraith and bob for august
                              that one is for areghnatha.
                              anymore requests?
                              i believe Isil'zha wanted Michael for June, and i wouldn't be adverse to it either for April, i'm thinking the Queen from Hive would work nicely, unless you already have a Wraith lined up but are looking for a good pic....

                              Originally posted by Isil'zha View Post
                              I was thinking of it as more the high ranking males doing so-maybe by being the Queen's next meal. If they screw up especially. Either way to die sounds highly unpleasant to me.

                              I'll have to find my college psych. notes and work on it more.
                              i see.. you're thinking the heirarchy is similar to Dai-shogun, Shogun, Empirer.... well that makes sence.... having to submit oneself as the Queens next meal for the battalion's failure and on the flip side being the next mate if the battalion is the best ranking.... if you want some help, i wouldn't mind... taking AP Psych myself
                              I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                                Yes, Lilith, that's pretty much the idea. And I'll take all the help I can get.

                                I actually got started on the whole Wraith psych. tangent because someone on a thread said something about the Wraith not valuing their own lives, so why should we? That annoyed me-it's not that they don't value their lives, but they value the hive above themselves.

                                And yes, I did want Michael for June.

                                Oh, some good points on the Wraith: Evil or Just Misunderstood thread.

                                Be back tomorrow. 22 signatures on the petition so far.

