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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
    Ah....I see. Well...maybe they haven't determined whether or not the males have true gender (well, you know - whether or not they can reproduce, or whether only the queens do by producing 'genetic material'.) In other words, maybe the male Wraith are viewed as a 'neuter' sex, eunuchs.
    In 'Spoils Of War' the Wraith technician refers to the newly born masked guard as a male -

    WRAITH: Put him with the others.

    Maybe the words 'he' and 'him' mean something different to Wraith, though, so 'it' could be more accurate when looking at them from a human point of view.


      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
      But Spikey will come along - read this - and say..."nooooooooooooo! I luff them!! They are NOT eunuchs!!" So...who knows....

      Am I like, still needed here?

      The Masked ones can be er, neutered, they're just clones, they're not complete Wraithsies, so sterile it is. No need for them to reproduce. Their reproduction is the cloning machine. Separate race in the race.

      The other males, while smaller (blame it on Das, she sent me the picture!), might not be. Hopefully aren't... With there being only a few Queens left, their culture might have totally changed. And they might not reproduce at the moment because there's too little food, so no reason for them to go at it. And the Queen rules, if she wants some, she'll have to pick someone out to get it, me thinks.

      In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

      I wish I got to know you better.


        Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
        you're not the only one wondering weird things tonight, das. my weird imagination took me over just now...
        It went boom?

        In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

        I wish I got to know you better.


          *Rewatches The Kindred, Part 1 scenes*

          Why does Michael go through all this effort to refine the Hoffan drug, to get it from 50% to 30% killed humans, if he plans on killing them all, later on, still?

          Did he not plan on doing that, but changed his mind after Teyla was dead? (Aka the last part of his humanity?)

          In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

          I wish I got to know you better.


            Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
            *Rewatches The Kindred, Part 1 scenes*

            Why does Michael go through all this effort to refine the Hoffan drug, to get it from 50% to 30% killed humans, if he plans on killing them all, later on, still?

            Did he not plan on doing that, but changed his mind after Teyla was dead? (Aka the last part of his humanity?)

            According to Rodney in 'Last Man' -

            He selected the strongest and the healthiest of the survivors and converted them to hybrids.

            The refined Hoffian drug left more survivors for Michael to choose the strongest and healthiest from. I'm guessing that women would be included because there's no point creating a super race if it can't reproduce. The other humans were becoming a threat because Ronon recruited an army from them and he probably wasn't the only one doing this either.


              Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
              In 'Spoils Of War' the Wraith technician refers to the newly born masked guard as a male -

              WRAITH: Put him with the others.

              Maybe the words 'he' and 'him' mean something different to Wraith, though, so 'it' could be more accurate when looking at them from a human point of view.
              I do think they see each other as male and female - as he/she/him/her - but in a physical sense (afterall, the women have breasts, the men have facial hair - obviously they have distinction between the sexes - but in a reproductive sense they may be considered 'its', in that it has yet to be determined what role - if any - the males play in the reproductive process. You would think they'd have SOME role, but...well, let's face it, the Wraith do lack females, and the males - all 'albinos' - may indicate that they are sterile hybrids in their own right. A hybrid between bug and human, unable to reproduce - like a mule. HOWEVER....I think this is only true of the masked Warriors - I do think the male, unmasked Wraith play a part in the reproductive process - probably not all, but some - we just don't know what it is yet...or how. Honestly, I don't think I want to know.... it might be WAY creepier than we've ever imagined....



                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                I do think they see each other as male and female - as he/she/him/her - but in a physical sense (afterall, the women have breasts, the men have facial hair - obviously they have distinction between the sexes
                Maybe there are different 'grades' of maleness but Wraith have no need to have distinguishing words for them because they all know who does what.

                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                - but in a reproductive sense they may be considered 'its', in that it has yet to be determined what role - if any - the males play in the reproductive process. You would think they'd have SOME role, but...well, let's face it, the Wraith do lack females, and the males - all 'albinos' - may indicate that they are sterile hybrids in their own right.
                Seeing as all the males are albinos there must be some other defining factor for reproduction. (Am not sure about the Wraith in 'Condemned' because his pink hair could have been due to the lighting in that scene.)

                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                I do think the male, unmasked Wraith play a part in the reproductive process - probably not all, but some - we just don't know what it is yet...or how. Honestly, I don't think I want to know.... it might be WAY creepier than we've ever imagined....das
                Logically there would be a reason for male Wraith to evolve if there really was any logic to it. It could be that Queens pick the best males as and when they want to mate and send out a special pheremone which makes the males sexually active for the occasion. Once it's all over the peremone effect wears off and they go back to being sexually dormant.


                  Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                  Logically there would be a reason for male Wraith to evolve if there really was any logic to it. It could be that Queens pick the best males as and when they want to mate and send out a special pheremone which makes the males sexually active for the occasion. Once it's all over the pheremone effect wears off and they go back to being sexually dormant.
                  Finally you say it...

                  In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                  I wish I got to know you better.


                    Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                    Finally you say it...
                    Unless TPTB produce a settlement full of breeding females, most males would be sexually dormant all their lives. There's several bizarre possibilities that TPTB could use if they want to such as only Wraith males past a certain age have the ability to be sexually active if the Queens choose them. The younger ones could be in a kind of pre-adolescent stage. And the Queens could still lay eggs.

                    Whatever TPTB decide on if they're ever going to mention it will be what's suitable for a particular plot, though. They won't really care what Wraith fanciers feel about it.

                    PS: Sexually dormant males wouldn't be much use to human girls unless they could find a way of manufacturing the Queen pheremone.

                    PPS: As for Queens laying eggs, I can't really see that it makes much difference. Even if they gave birth after the human fashion, the faced males would still come from eggs because we all do.
                    Last edited by ciannwn; 12 March 2008, 07:27 AM.


                      I have never seen a queen (we don't see much of them, though) pregnant or with an egg. Those eggs must be rather small then, or not, as we do not know a lot about the wraith.

                      I kind of like the idea of the male wraith helping to grow the youngh ones in seehorse style. So the queen wouln't be occupied too long with reproducing either and the wraith population would be easier to sustain with so few queens. Do I make any sense at all?



                        Grrrrrrr!! The internets ate my POST!!!!!!!

                        Originally posted by GoSpikey
                        Am I like, still needed here?

                        Of COURSE!! We just know which Wraith-luff buttons to push...

                        Originally posted by ciannwn View Post

                        According to Rodney in 'Last Man' -

                        He selected the strongest and the healthiest of the survivors and converted them to hybrids.

                        The refined Hoffian drug left more survivors for Michael to choose the strongest and healthiest from. I'm guessing that women would be included because there's no point creating a super race if it can't reproduce. The other humans were becoming a threat because Ronon recruited an army from them and he probably wasn't the only one doing this either.
                        Yeah - exactly. Kill off the weak humans, transform the strong into hybrids - soon there will be no human or Wraith left alive in the PG. Michael's a meanie...

                        Originally posted by ciannwn
                        Maybe there are different 'grades' of maleness but Wraith have no need to have distinguishing words for them because they all know who does what.
                        Exactly. They may have different classes, or ranks - those who are 'privileged', and those who have yet to prove themselves. Perhaps the difference is seen in the only things that ARE different among them: hair style, tattoos, and clothing. Perhaps we'll learn someday what significance - if any - these differences have.

                        Seeing as all the males are albinos there must be some other defining factor for reproduction. (Am not sure about the Wraith in 'Condemned' because his pink hair could have been due to the lighting in that scene.)
                        Yeah - from lighting - or from drinking too much red wine...

                        Logically there would be a reason for male Wraith to evolve if there really was any logic to it. It could be that Queens pick the best males as and when they want to mate and send out a special pheremone which makes the males sexually active for the occasion. Once it's all over the peremone effect wears off and they go back to being sexually dormant.
                        That makes so much sense. Just like animals go into 'heat', and insects send out pheromones when they are ready to breed, it makes sense that the Wraith are sexually dormant until the Queen is ready to reproduce.

                        Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                        Unless TPTB produce a settlement full of breeding females, most males would be sexually dormant all their lives. There's several bizarre possibilities that TPTB could use if they want to such as only Wraith males past a certain age have the ability to be sexually active if the Queens choose them. The younger ones could be in a kind of pre-adolescent stage. And the Queens could still lay eggs.

                        Whatever TPTB decide on if they're ever going to mention it will be what's suitable for a particular plot, though. They won't really care what Wraith fanciers feel about it.
                        That's why I keep talking up the Wraith and Todd on JM's blog - it can't hurt to let him know how popular these guys are, and the more he sees DIFFERENT names on the blog inquiring about the Wraith and their future, the more appreciation he may have for them, and their potential to bring in additional fans and viewers. Problem is there is a fine line between keeping the Wraith menacing in a 'campy' way, and not a 'cheesy' way. Too much of a good thing could ruin the characters if they're not careful.

                        As far as the idea of a Queen sending out pheromones when she's ready to mate - I LOVE it! Think of all the males that will swarm to her, and fight for the privilege to mate with her. Would be far better than Spock fighting Kirk during the Pon farr (Amok Time episode). It would be great to see exactly how brutal Wraith can be to one another when they get their once in a lifetime chance to mate.

                        PS: Sexually dormant males wouldn't be much use to human girls unless they could find a way of manufacturing the Queen pheremone.
                        *Visualizes Spikey pouting in the corner...then running off the the science lab to develop her own 'queen pheromone...'*

                        I prefer to think of them as sexually dormant. It makes them more interesting...especially when you think of how all of their energies must be spent elsewhere. It also gives us insight into their overall restraint - how controlled they are with themselves...until they feed, then all hell breaks loose!

                        Originally posted by Shanthaia
                        I have never seen a queen (we don't see much of them, though) pregnant or with an egg. Those eggs must be rather small then, or not, as we do not know a lot about the wraith.

                        I kind of like the idea of the male wraith helping to grow the youngh ones in seehorse style. So the queen wouln't be occupied too long with reproducing either and the wraith population would be easier to sustain with so few queens. Do I make any sense at all?
                        I honestly can't imagine the queens 'pregnant' - not like humans. I see them as producing eggs (which may be fertilized outside of the body, as fish do, or not. See...I told you that the more we think about it, the creepier it becomes...). I can see eggs being incubated in 'cells', and tended to as they grow and finally hatch...but for the faced Wraith, hatched as children, and not fully developed like the masked clones.

                        Ahhhh...SO much we don't know about Wraith!!!



                          The whole Wraith reproduction has not been fully explored. We only saw how the masked warriors were created.(at one time the masked warriors were called no faces I got that info from season 1 DVD ) This still does not explain Ellia ( another bit of info from the DVD did you know in the original story plan for Instinct the writers were going to use a young Wraith boy instead of a girl. The writers thought the story would generate more sympathy if the child was a girl) So, I wonder how Ellia came about?

                          Maybe the keepers ,other that watching over the sleeping Wraith, some of them maybe breeders too. Since we don't see a lot of them. What do the keepers do when the Wraith are awake.

                          With the cloned warriors they probably don't reproduce anyways since they are created for a specific role. We can speculate all we want on Wraith reproduction but, alas it's up to the writers.



                            Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                            According to Rodney in 'Last Man' -

                            He selected the strongest and the healthiest of the survivors and converted them to hybrids.

                            The refined Hoffian drug left more survivors for Michael to choose the strongest and healthiest from. I'm guessing that women would be included because there's no point creating a super race if it can't reproduce. The other humans were becoming a threat because Ronon recruited an army from them and he probably wasn't the only one doing this either.
                            It would be logical, yes, but from a Wraith point of view... Watch this:

                            In The Last Man, where Michael walks out of his tent with Andee's head (), there's a crowd cheering on Michael. I don't know if you spotted women, but I'm sure I most certainly have not.

                            If Teyla was supposed to be his, and she died, then maybe the others weren't getting a mate either. My personal guess is that his Hybrid virus didn't work on Teyla cos she's female, and she died in the process? Might explain why he didn't try again...

                            In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                            I wish I got to know you better.


                              Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                              In The Last Man, where Michael walks out of his tent with Andee's head (), there's a crowd cheering on Michael. I don't know if you spotted women, but I'm sure I most certainly have not.

                              If Teyla was supposed to be his, and she died, then maybe the others weren't getting a mate either. My personal guess is that his Hybrid virus didn't work on Teyla cos she's female, and she died in the process? Might explain why he didn't try again...
                              It's possible Teyla died because of the hybrid treatment. On the other hand, maybe she tried to kill him or something so he gave up on her. After all, it was her baby which was of real importance to his plans and he was prepared to let an Iratus bug feed on her in 'Vengeance' in order to produce one of his super-bugs. If Sheppard and co. hadn't arrived when they did she would have been dead. We don't know anything about Michael's hybrid treatment either. The original Wraith geneticist made the first human/Wraith hybrids and Teyla inherited the Wraith DNA concerned so that obviously worked with human females. Michael could also be using a variation on Beckett's first retrovirus which had the effect of turning Ellia into a buggy creature as well as starting to do the same with Sheppard.

                              As for there being no female hybrids in the crowd cheering Michael on it could be due to him only using males for warriors and keeping the females for having offspring. If he wanted to be completely different to his Wraith origins he might have decided against letting females do anything more than breed because Wraith are ruled by Queens.


                                Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                                PS: Sexually dormant males wouldn't be much use to human girls unless they could find a way of manufacturing the Queen pheremone.

                                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                                Grrrrrrr!! The internets ate my POST!!!!!!!

                                Of COURSE!! We just know which Wraith-luff buttons to push...
                                That easy, am I?

                                Yeah - exactly. Kill off the weak humans, transform the strong into hybrids - soon there will be no human or Wraith left alive in the PG. Michael's a meanie...

                                BUT! A HAWT MEANIE!


                                I know I filled my PB account with 35 about the same pics, but I already kicked out many to get a fine selection, so you're going to have to suffer through the rest...


                                *Spreads her pheromones*


                                Exactly. They may have different classes, or ranks - those who are 'privileged', and those who have yet to prove themselves. Perhaps the difference is seen in the only things that ARE different among them: hair style, tattoos, and clothing. Perhaps we'll learn someday what significance - if any - these differences have.
                                We had better. I wanna know if Todd ever had kids...

                                *Goes to her Penny!Todd tabs and drools...*

                                *Puts on fan*

                                Yeah - from lighting - or from drinking too much red wine...
                                I thought about that one too, once. From the red wine...

                                ... and the more he sees DIFFERENT names on the blog inquiring about the Wraith and their future, ...
                                You can't sign with a different name each time?

                                *Visualizes Spikey pouting in the corner...then running off the the science lab to develop her own 'queen pheromone...'*
                                I'm surprised you don't think I already have it...


                                In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                                I wish I got to know you better.

