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Wraith Defenders Club

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    One test done.

    Interesting point, female Wraith. *curses tv schedule*

    But do they have names for personal use, or just for the convenience of their worshippers?

    I personally don't attach much importance to my 'real' name.


      just thought that i mention that i am going to try and make a new wraith wallpaper and i am going to take my time with this one ok and if any one has any ideas as to want you would like to see in it feel free to say so ok


        I'm sure you'll do your usual fine work, Wriathlord.

        Can't think of anything particular I want on it though. Oh, yeah: Wraith.

        Here are some ways Atlantis could behave in a 'humane' fashion towards their prisoners.

        1. No torture. (Saw that one coming, didn't you.)

        2. No involuntary medical experiments.

        3. Better cells. Maybe some actual furniture. I'd be pretty annoyed if I was stuck in a square room w/ nothing save a cement floor for interest.

        4. Show some respect for the dignity of the prisoners. (Maybe we should just post the relevant Geneva convention section outside the cells.

        5. Allow them some control over their environment. (Adjust the lighting a little, etc.)

        Just trying to work out some stuff for the Wraith Bill of Rights.

        How goes the petition?


          Well, that is a difficult question
          Let see what I remembered from Hive...
          When she asked the question she began to think very hard for which one queen Sheppard spoke. She connected the names with some Queens. So from that point of view the Wraith recognized themselves by an abstract definitions. May be the names are use only for the humans but I doubt it.

          And Neera said a chapter of a legend about the awakening of the Wraith. I wonder what else there are in these legends. May be they are like our mythology with the names of the Goddesses - the Wraith' Queens - and their heroes - the male Wraith.

          From what I saw and after these thoughts I belive that Sateda was ruled by a very strange Hive. Did anyone ever heard Ronon to tell anyhing about the worshippers or Wraith' names?
          Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club

          My fan fiction


            Originally posted by Isil'zha View Post
            I'm sure you'll do your usual fine work, Wriathlord.

            Can't think of anything particular I want on it though. Oh, yeah: Wraith.

            Here are some ways Atlantis could behave in a 'humane' fashion towards their prisoners.

            1. No torture. (Saw that one coming, didn't you.)

            2. No involuntary medical experiments.

            3. Better cells. Maybe some actual furniture. I'd be pretty annoyed if I was stuck in a square room w/ nothing save a cement floor for interest.

            4. Show some respect for the dignity of the prisoners. (Maybe we should just post the relevant Geneva convention section outside the cells.

            5. Allow them some control over their environment. (Adjust the lighting a little, etc.)

            Just trying to work out some stuff for the Wraith Bill of Rights.

            How goes the petition?
            That Bill of Wraith is very good. I have to think what else I can add.
            Did you finish the text for the petition?
            Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club
            My fan fiction


              Don't remember Ronon ever mentioning Wraith names.

              The hive in Sateda was strange. I found myself wondering, if part of the Queen's duty is to reproduce, but since the food source is so limited, that's something quite rare, and thus the Queens lost some of their influence because of it.

              Also, a sense of identity isn't the same as what we consider a name. It could be something conveyed on a telepathic level, and while the 'name' they chose to give to the worshippers could cover some aspect of it, I don't think the two would be the same.

              And the Wraith would make incredible mythology.


                The basic text is on this page. Lilith said she'd "take over the preparations from here." We just needed to figure out who to send it to, & how to do so.

                "Bill of Wraith" is a good title.


                  Actually what you or someone else choose as a name is very close to it's real identity The names of the Gods are not thier real names but an expression of their true "I". For example the Egyption Goddess Sekhmet - her name means the Mighty one. May be in that way are named the Wraith' Queens.

                  I suggest the petition to be announced for subscribing of all memebrs of Gateworld. That will be no spam. And we can even start a thread like Would you want the main villian again to be the Wraith? With a poll.
                  What do you think?
                  LONG LIVE THE WRAITH!
                  Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club
                  My fan fiction


                    Sounds good.

                    Very good point about names. My only concern was that their 'names' might not just be limited to the sounds we use for ours. I thought they could actually show the idea behind "the mighty one" on a telepathic level, and would thus consider our form of communicating it inadequate.

                    I can write the petition, but I don't know what to do after that.


                      As I understood Lilith knows
                      LONG LIVE THE WRAITH!
                      Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club
                      My fan fiction


                        i think the sense of names as the Wraith Queen in hive meant was a generic name for the hive... the hive name, if you will... it acts in the same manner as a surname would for humans or crest for vampyre/lycan clans/packs....

                        as for the petition, i went to google and searched for petitions and it gave me links to a whole bunch of petition hosting sites... i posted two of those links here... it should be only a page or two back... the second link was the one i liked better b/c it has a setting that automatically sends the petition to whomever once a certain number of signatures are collected... our only snag is we have to send it to either EP Brad Wright or Robert Cooper, but i can't seem to find their email addys anywhere... i'll go ahead and set up the petition... we should be able to change the prefs afterwards too, so i think we'll be okay for now...
                        I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                          So the things about the petition are going ok. I posted a thread for the Wraith and the Moderator added a poll. The results of the poll will be a good support for the petition.
                          LONG LIVE THE WRAITH!
                          Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club
                          My fan fiction


                            yeppers! we can post a link to the petition once i've started it

                            edit: we can designate a signature goal... what do you guys want to aim for? and we can add a picture, anyone want to contribute?
                            Last edited by Lilith; 08 December 2006, 02:03 PM.
                            I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                              Originally posted by female Wraith View Post
                              So the things about the petition are going ok. I posted a thread for the Wraith and the Moderator added a poll. The results of the poll will be a good support for the petition.
                              i voted on that poll female wraith just now (i hope it helps )


                                where exactly is this poll... i need to cast my vote
                                I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.

