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    Originally posted by _WraithQueen_ View Post
    NO!!! No hurting Ronon!!!!!

    *huggles Ronon*
    Oooo, dear Are you sure about Ronnon? If he see you I doubt he will want to kiss you
    Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club
    My fan fiction


      Originally posted by female Wraith View Post
      He is sooooooooooooo cool!!!!! I think every Wraith is splendrite is Gabrielid. My favourite is Gabriel and then it's Bob
      mines gabriel and then michael......too many hot wraith......

      I'm not dead. Yet.


        i will see want i can do it will tomorrow before i can start at it ok


          thats fine

          I'm not dead. Yet.


            based on looks alone, my favourite is michael... based on personality [( and completely ignoring michael b.c he's had more development than all the others )] i like Gabriel... he has a wonderful honour code, and to me honour is everything
            I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


              Originally posted by Lilith View Post
              based on looks alone, my favourite is michael... based on personality [( and completely ignoring michael b.c he's had more development than all the others )] i like Gabriel... he has a wonderful honour code, and to me honour is everything
              Yup - I like Gabriel too. He was very honerable, but you never forgot he was a wraith. I think many people who didn't like the wraith before started to appreciate them because of Gabe. My other favorite is Steve (like many others). Steve had a casual sophistication about him and was very alluring. Erik (Wraith fan named scientist from Allies) was also very cool. I wonder if he got picked on by the other Wraith kids for being too smart when he was young. Then there is the wine drinking, gourmet dining wraith from condemmed that we have yet to see again!

              I agree with the discussion above that we should start a petition to get them back. The Asurans are boring and the Genii deserve to be on the business end of a hungry wraith's hand after what they did to Gabriel and the Atlantis team.
              Atlantis Girl

              Go to this link to help us keep the wraith on Atlantis -

              please sign the save Elizabeth petition to keep her on Atlantis to!


                Originally posted by Laura the Asgard View Post
                I agree with the discussion above that we should start a petition to get them back. The Asurans are boring and the Genii deserve to be on the business end of a hungry wraith's hand after what they did to Gabriel and the Atlantis team.
                actually the Asurans explain alot about SG1's New Order... like why the Ancients had the design for a weapon specifically against the replicaters... i had always wondered about that... i maen, as far as we had known, the Ancients had since ascended when the replicaters began plaguing the Asgard, so why did they have a weapon that specifically disrupted and destroyed the high frequency radio signal between nano-tech cells? and with the introduction of the Asurans, everything just fell into place.... but eccentially, they are still replicaters, and we've already seen enough of them on SG1, so now they'll have to come up some really drastic story arch or they'll become stagnant too quickly.... and i'm not sure what SGA will be able to that'll top RepliCarter and her performance in Gemini and Threads....

                There is still alot of potential with Kolya and his troupe of renagade Genii, but the question is, will the writers and producers be able to access and expand it... currently, the answer is no... Kolya is too hell-bent on revenge against Shep... but if he could turn the tables and channel that anger into something *else* then it'll create one hell of a story arch...

                But at this current moment, b/c of Common Ground, we saw a new faccet of Kolya that was expected by fans, and a new faccet of the Wraith and their social concepts of humans, which was completely unexpected... If SGA is to become as popular and successful as SG1, then they need to expound on that... for SG1, they were able to develop the Goa'uld better by introducing the Tok'ra... for SGA, they need to expound on the social strictures of he Wraith, and in a good twist, when Shep and Gabe meet again, they'll have a better understanding of each other and even more of a budding relationship than what Shep had with Michael... Shep's only obsticle is trying to keep Ronon in line...
                I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                  I came up with a draft for a petition to have better portrayals of Wraith in the future(and to stop the stupid retrovirus)-to send to TPTB. As for the Wraith bill of rights, that'll take a little longer.

                  Michael's my favorite Wraith so far (yes, I'm biased towards freaks), also liked the one (Gabriel) from Common Ground, and the one in Condemned, and...they're all interesting-well, maybe not the drones.

                  I found the Michael/Teyla scene in Misbegotten very interesting-how she wouldn't answer his question about what would be the difference between the retrovirus and death.

                  No, I don't think the Wraith are cute (don't care, actually). Cuteness does not make my list for what interests me in a guy.

                  What is the function of Ronon besides being mad at the Wraith for letting him live seven more years? And I completely agree with what Lilith said.


                    Ronon acts as a counter-base to Shep's calm and control, at the same time, he allows the other characters to see the faults within themselves and grow from it...for example, whenever Shep becomes rash and clouded by anger, Ronon is usually the last person to say anything, but he does it with the air of "hey, you're doing my job, and i sure as hell don't wanna do yours" I find it funny how SGA-1 is supposed to mirror SG-1, McKay is the brains, Teyla is the compassion, Shep is the leader, brave and honourable... but Ronon is the exact opposite, personality wise, of Teal'c, serves the same purpose: balance between the other members.... Teal'c had cool, stoic way of doing things; whereas, Ronon is rash and quick to anger... but he still keeps everyone else in check....

                    and earlier when i said looks, i meant more charisma and attitude exerted in specifc actions.... Michael just "looks" more amicable than any Wraith who has gotten due time on screen.... and please post your rough drafts for the petition... maybe we can help you write it
                    I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                      Do you guy's know what eps we'll see the wraith agian for the rest of season 3?

                      P.S my fav Wraith would have to be the Queen from Allies, yes I know the queens and keepers are portrayed by the same actress but there something about the way she was dressed and spoke in that ep was just so cool.

                      LOL it looks like she just walked out of a catwalk.


                        that would be the charisma and attitude put forth by her actions... i agree, the Queeen from Allies is definately the most attractive, even though she practically lied the entire ep....
                        I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                          Here's the rough draft for the petition. What do we do with it once it's done?

                          We would like to see a greater emphasis on the Wraith, especially in a sympathetic light, and showing more aspects of their culture. The Wraith are not mindless monsters, and we would enjoy seeing things from their point of view as well.

                          We would also like Atlantis to turn their medical expertise to finding a more viable and less drastic solution to the issue of the Wraith than the retrovirus; preferably work on an alternate food source.

                          And thanks to Lilith for explaining Ronon to me.


                            AND we wanna see michael back!!!! (kidding of course but it would be great ) it sounds fantastic isil'zah

                            I'm not dead. Yet.


                              And we want to see the Wraith from Common Ground Good text.
                              LONG LIVE THE WRAITH!
                              Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club
                              My fan fiction


                                or we'll send the wraith on THEM!

                                I'm not dead. Yet.

