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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Icons contest, huh? Interesting.

    ~Lady B
    Queen of HIVE 2O ~ SGC Operations ~ Tok'ra Resistance ~ Jaffa Legions


      Will the icons eventually be used for the forum or are they just for fun?


        Wraithy facial hair...

        Does anyone know what that style of facial hair is called that is worn by Neo, Steve, Shawn, Jimmy, and others?

        - and -

        Does anyone in here have a Commander (or is a Commander) who has tried to grow something like this to give advice for how long that takes and how hard it is to maintain it, as it looks hard to shave around the rest of the face?


          I think you may be referring to what we call a "goatee"?

          Mr TP has a short one, so I'm afraid I don't know how long it would take, though I would imagine it will vary with how fast the person's hair grows, as well as whether they want short and neat a la Todd, or long and braided a la Eddie.

          Mr TP does confirm, however, that it can be difficult to maintain the shape, depending on how intricate it is... given that he keeps his goatee "human" style, he uses a special trimmer that lets him keep the shape neat.

          I think we may have discussed this here before and some folks suggested that, in the case of wraith, they may just go with what Nature gave them - ie. what they have, be it single, double etc, just grew that way naturally - and they then vary it with individual styling/braiding.

          However, in Steve's case at least (haven't looked that closely to others! ) in the middle of his two-pronged goatee there's a little stubbly bit... so it looks like he had a single goatee more like Todd's but decide to chop off the middle bit and braid what was left - vain creature that he is, he couldn't settle for what Nature gave him and just had to improve on it!
          Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


            Thanks for the advice. The closest thing I can find for a name so far is a forked goatee. It looks really difficult for humans to grow these and they probably would not be as silky. Marco Hietala of Nightwish has one. It looks like he braids it, twists it, or beads it to keep the strands of hair straighter but the top part is still frizzy.


              Love all the pics, wallpapers and the plushie. I was going to do a multiquote for each post but decided it would be simpler if I just did it like this.


                Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
                Thanks for the advice. The closest thing I can find for a name so far is a forked goatee. It looks really difficult for humans to grow these and they probably would not be as silky. Marco Hietala of Nightwish has one. It looks like he braids it, twists it, or beads it to keep the strands of hair straighter but the top part is still frizzy.
                Certainly, human male facial hair seems much coarser, hence why it looks better kept short.
                My own personal theory is that wraith, being descended from insects, do not actually have hair at all - what looks to us like hair is actually silk.
                Like spiders or silk worms, it was implied in The Defiant One that Greg cocooned the human himself, so presumably was capable of spinning silk. Perhaps their "hair" is a variant of cocoon silk.
                See previous discussions about Steve-spun silk undies!!!
                Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                  Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                  Woohoo! I've just found a PS tutorial about using the EXTRACT menu to cut out fiddly bits like hair and stuff... guess what I;ll be doing after work this week!

                  *rushes off to play with Steve's hair*
                  Ooh, let me know when you give it a go, I'm not sure if I have the same tool/option in Elements, but I can have a look
                  Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                  See previous discussions about Steve-spun silk undies!!!
                  Oh yes, I remember those convos


                    Originally posted by rora'sPA View Post
                    Oh yes, I remember those convos
                    I remember the speculation about where Wraith extrude their silk from.


                      It is a good thing the posts are documented and archived for educational purposes!


                        Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
                        Will the icons eventually be used for the forum or are they just for fun?
                        They're for fun But after the contest is finished you can use them, if you wish of course


                          Originally posted by Icarium View Post
                          They're for fun But after the contest is finished you can use them, if you wish of course
                          *wanders onto thread after couple of days absence* Where? What icons? NEED!

                          Originally posted by ciannwn
                          I remember the speculation about where Wraith extrude their silk from.
                          And a very interesting speculation it is too. Any chance of a reprisal.


                            Originally posted by Isolde View Post
                            And a very interesting speculation it is too. Any chance of a reprisal.
                            Steve: And just why do you think TP is such a devoted worshipper of moi? And, no, Izzy - if the Commander hasn't already shown you where his silk comes from then I sure ain't showing you mine!
                            TP: Some things are just too private, Sis!!!
                            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                              The Commander is showing me some other things right now.


                                He he! I'll show you mine if you show me yours??? After all, wraith love playing games!

                                Okay, so... I think the discussion went something along the lines of: Do wraith scoot their silk out of their feeding hands or - like spiders - from their bottoms?
                                I guess it depends on how you feel about where your silk-undies-lovingly-hand-made-for-your-last-birthday came from!!!
                                IMHO everything about Steve is gorgeous so where his silk comes from makes no difference to me!
                                Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar

