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    Originally posted by susanne View Post
    *sigh* im not sure about the first bit of this one.... but you can judge for yourselves

    Chapter 9

    Negotiations and compromises

    The message had been sent and now there was nothing to do but wait as the lantians thought the offer over.
    Gabriel had kindly offered her his room for some sleep but she couldn’t, things were interesting around here. However it wasn’t long before they received a reply from Atlantis. Sam was brought back to read it. “Well it seems they are inviting us down. They ask that the queen come and you too Gabriel.” Gabriel nodded standing silently. After his outburst confessing his feelings he was now giving her a stony silence. Only talking to her when necessary. Sam looked up at him “so how are we arriving?” Gabriel took his time to answer “ we will be taking a dart.” Having tried to initiate conversation and failed again Sam gave up. The lack of conversation was killing her. “Then lets go.”

    It had been over an hour since dr wier had sent the message to the hive ship. Her brain begged her to go to sleep but she couldn’t. Sitting in her office she tried to look busy but ended up playing solitaire. Finally a technician arrived at the door and she looked up “dr wier we picked up a dart heading inbound. Where should they unload their cargo?” Elizabeth thought about it… where could they land? “The east pier.” She muttered. The technician jogged out of her office to deliver this information when Rodney knocked on the door. “Enter” she said looking up. “Oh Rodney I thought you were…” “ I was I just finished. It seems it is indeed the real Samantha carter.” Elizabeth raised her eyebrow “are you sure? I don’t want an imitation Rodney…” “ Absolutely, the voice matches her tones and pitch perfectly, also I’ve been reviewing the tape, she moves and gestures exactly like Sam and she knew dead on I would review the tape. They either recorded it earlier then killed her or more likely she’s still alive” Elizabeth brightened at this, she had been wary of putting her crew through another incident like the allied attacks. Suddenly another technician appeared. “Dr wier… they’ve landed. From what we can tell they have Samantha carter with them” Elizabeth jumped to her feet and smoothed out her uniform, it was time to do what she did best…negotiations.

    Sam had barely touched down on the east pier when a group of soldiers greeted them. Gabriel lowered down and whispered in her ear “they have guns” “I know they have guns, its standard procedure. They wont shoot unless necessary.” Gabriel gave a slight nod and straightened up again as the leader approached Sam. “Samantha” he nodded. Sam nodded back and muttered “major Lorne” “so these are the guests?” “Yes major they are. Where is dr wier?” “ She will be joining us shortly, were here to escort you to the debriefing room” “lead on major.” The group strode off under the brightening sky towards the towering structure of Atlantis.

    That's so cool , sus! great work! you know , it's a real pleasure reading you're story! and it's a real pain finishing mine.....


      Originally posted by susanne View Post
      boredom is now setting in so heres bob chibi!


      bob: whaddaya mean i die in the ep i get introduced?! im calling my agent.... oh wait.. i wraithed him....
      love the bob and steve chibis! so funny!


        LOL thanks i made a keeper too but im not happy with her so i wont be posting it and sorry about the quality guys no scanner so im taking pictures of them with my phone LOL

        I'm not dead. Yet.


          Originally posted by susanne View Post
          LOL thanks i made a keeper too but im not happy with her so i wont be posting it and sorry about the quality guys no scanner so im taking pictures of them with my phone LOL
          Don't worry , lol! I wouldn't have noticed it , if you hadn't said it.


            O.k. wraithies! I've finished part 2 of " A night with Gabriel"! It involves Gabriel , Elizabeth and a paire of itsi-bits-tiny-winny panties.
            I could say that those of you that are not 18 yet shouldn't read it , but it's not that bad, so go ahead. Enjoy!

            P.S. I've checked 2 times that I've posted it, so don't worry Female Wraith, it's there.


              alright chel ill show you but dont say i didnt warn you


              keeper: OOOHHHH food!

              and ill take a look later im running late for class

              I'm not dead. Yet.


                Originally posted by susanne View Post
                alright chel ill show you but dont say i didnt warn you


                keeper: OOOHHHH food!

                and ill take a look later im running late for class
                that is great susanne and the OOOHHHH food! that is hilarious excellent job


                  Originally posted by susanne View Post
                  alright chel ill show you but dont say i didnt warn you


                  keeper: OOOHHHH food!

                  and ill take a look later im running late for class
                  You needn't have to warn me , because it's damn funny! I like it! "ooooh! food!" good thinking!
                  Hey, could you make one Gabriel chibi, pretty please?


                    gabriel? hmmm ill see lol might look a little like bob i dunno

                    I'm not dead. Yet.


                      ok since the database was moved back i'll just post this again in case anyone missed it


                      gabriel: stop looking at me like that. i already feel sorry for my food.

                      I'm not dead. Yet.


                        Originally posted by susanne View Post
                        ok since the database was moved back i'll just post this again in case anyone missed it


                        gabriel: stop looking at me like that. i already feel sorry for my food.
                        Seen it, told you that I loved it, but GW must have problems again, since I don't see my posts and those of the others after me.
                        So , I'll say it again , sus, IT'S GREAT!


                          lol thanks chel i hope it does look like gabriel lol i had no photo to work with at the time and to clarify things the forum engineer had to move it back 2 or so days to get it working again. so all posts and rep points after the day its moved back to dont exist now

                          I'm not dead. Yet.


                            oh By the way any other requests?

                            I'm not dead. Yet.


                              Originally posted by susanne View Post
                              oh By the way any other requests?
                              Surprise me!

                              Yeah , I can see that, there are some problems with G.W. At least, they were able to get it working.


                                O.k. since the other posts were deleted, I'll start again. If you didn't saw the other one, it doesn't matter , because this one is better ( I've added wraith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
                                Ladies and gentlemen, here is the new, improved Antlantis in S.P.


