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    love the new chapter susanne looking forward to the next one


      thanks wraithlord took me a while but im back on track.

      I'm not dead. Yet.


        Originally posted by susanne View Post
        writing it now as it happens lol and thanks i didnt know how to write it fromsams point of view so i switched to atlantis' point of view i think it was rather refreshing
        Your writing style is improving.

        Originally posted by wriathlord View Post
        that is great to hear first more episodes with wraith in them now another queen me too i wonder what she will look like to and what colour her hair will be and i hope she is the queen of Gabriel's hive
        i think season 4 is going to be the best season ever
        The appearance of a Wraith Queen is soooo fascinating There is something in the Wraith Queens that makes the fans adore them.
        Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club
        My fan fiction


          Originally posted by female Wraith View Post
          Your writing style is improving.
          thanks female wraith that means a lot to me lol

          I'm not dead. Yet.


            Originally posted by female Wraith View Post
            The appearance of a Wraith Queen is soooo fascinating There is something in the Wraith Queens that makes the fans adore them.
            i know i have to admit though that when i first heard about the wraith before Atlantis first started i wasn't interested in them but after seeing the keeper in rising i was hooked on the wraith after that and today i still don't know what it actually is that makes the female wraiths so fascinating to me?


              Shawn´s Livejournal is friggin finally updated again at



                Originally posted by susanne View Post
                *sigh* FINALLY!!! lol i finally got around to the new chapter and i finally conceived most of the story

                Chapter 8

                Atlantis gets an unexpected call….

                The atlantians had not realized Sam was missing until a few hours after the scientists had returned. Worried she was in trouble the sent the dedalus to take a look. Of course by then Sam had already left the planet with Gabriel.
                They called it a tragic accident. That is until a few days later when a wraith hive appeared on the long-range sensors….
                Dr. wier trotted into the control tower looking anxious. It was 1 am and she was being summoned for an emergency. Running up the stairs to chuck she met Sheppard and McKay both looking equally tired. “Chuck what going on? Why was I summoned?” the technician just shook his head in disbelief “ I think you’d better hear this for yourself ma’am” he quipped before pressing a few controls. The screen on the right flickered into life showing a dim room almost like…. A hive room. Suddenly Sam appeared on the screen. And waved slightly. “Greetings Atlantis no im not fooling it really is me and to prove it dr McKay will probably be analyzing my voice patterns to ensure this is not a hologram and tape recording.” McKay nodded “ I would” he said quietly. Sheppard shushed him as the recording continued. “ By now you will have tried to contact the planet via stargate and it has failed. That is because the incoming and out coming crystals as well as several others were fried during the attack. I was lucky enough Col. Sheppard to come across an old friend of yours.” She reached out away from the cameras view and pulled a wraith into the view line. Sheppard’s eyes widened as weir gazed at him “a friend of yours?” wier asked giving him ‘the look’ “Its Gabriel…. i cant believe it, he swore all debts were paid after I rescued him…” “Obviously not Col. or he wouldn’t have saved her” muttered wier irritably. McKay this time shushed her. “He introduced me to the hive queen and we struck a deal. She has offered us wraith knowledge and the promise that no wraith in her hive will feed on us if and only if we protect them. So im asking not just for my sake but for theirs too… consider the deal” the tape cut off and left all 3 people in thought. “Chuck is that it?” whispered dr wier. “ It is ma’am” Elizabeth glanced at the two men “my office. Now.” Sighing they followed her to the glass office and sat down “well?” she demanded. Sheppard was the first to answer “well if Gabriel got to her first id say im 90% certain she’s still alive.” At this McKay gave him a disgusted look “how can you say that? She’s on a hive full of wraith Col!” “Yes McKay I know but I spent a day or two with him remember? He keeps his word and obviously he gave his word to protect her.” “It’s a WRAITH Col! How can you be so sure? This is going to be that serum thing all over again! I guarantee they’ll double cross us again!” Elizabeth stood quietly thinking it over; the bickering was starting to irritate her again… “ Ok QUIET! Here’s what were going to do, we’ll ask that Gabriel and the queen to come down with Samantha carter, if they refuse or arrive without Samantha we will take it she is dead and they are fooling us understood?” “Yes ma’am” they both chorused.
                Hooray!!!!!!!Don't worry , sus , it was well worth waiting for it! It's great!
                I love the poem!


                  Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                  There's only one logical way with information we have so far. Their society is based on beehives/termite nests. The Queens lay hundreds of eggs which hatch out into little creatures resembling Iratus bugs. ( I got the impression that Iratus bugs don't have a larval stage.)These eat and grow etc until they're big enough to spin cocoons and pupate into humanoid infants.

                  Queen showing family photo album no. 1,999,775 to a friend. "That's Steve after he'd just hatched. Here's his cocoon - see how neat and tidy it was. I knew then that he'd grow up to care about grooming."

                  I really, really, hope that yet to be revealed information about Wraith eliminates the above idea. Still, it could be worse. Drop dead gorgeous Steve could have started life as a maggot.
                  A maggot?! That is so not sexy!!!!!!!!!!!
                  Although I must admit that I'm thinking the same thing that you are
                  Nope, definettly not sexy.....a little iratus bug wraith! yuk


                    Originally posted by ChelApophis View Post
                    Hooray!!!!!!!Don't worry , sus , it was well worth waiting for it! It's great!
                    I love the poem!
                    thanks chel

                    I'm not dead. Yet.


                      *sigh* im not sure about the first bit of this one.... but you can judge for yourselves

                      Chapter 9

                      Negotiations and compromises

                      The message had been sent and now there was nothing to do but wait as the lantians thought the offer over.
                      Gabriel had kindly offered her his room for some sleep but she couldn’t, things were interesting around here. However it wasn’t long before they received a reply from Atlantis. Sam was brought back to read it. “Well it seems they are inviting us down. They ask that the queen come and you too Gabriel.” Gabriel nodded standing silently. After his outburst confessing his feelings he was now giving her a stony silence. Only talking to her when necessary. Sam looked up at him “so how are we arriving?” Gabriel took his time to answer “ we will be taking a dart.” Having tried to initiate conversation and failed again Sam gave up. The lack of conversation was killing her. “Then lets go.”

                      It had been over an hour since dr wier had sent the message to the hive ship. Her brain begged her to go to sleep but she couldn’t. Sitting in her office she tried to look busy but ended up playing solitaire. Finally a technician arrived at the door and she looked up “dr wier we picked up a dart heading inbound. Where should they unload their cargo?” Elizabeth thought about it… where could they land? “The east pier.” She muttered. The technician jogged out of her office to deliver this information when Rodney knocked on the door. “Enter” she said looking up. “Oh Rodney I thought you were…” “ I was I just finished. It seems it is indeed the real Samantha carter.” Elizabeth raised her eyebrow “are you sure? I don’t want an imitation Rodney…” “ Absolutely, the voice matches her tones and pitch perfectly, also I’ve been reviewing the tape, she moves and gestures exactly like Sam and she knew dead on I would review the tape. They either recorded it earlier then killed her or more likely she’s still alive” Elizabeth brightened at this, she had been wary of putting her crew through another incident like the allied attacks. Suddenly another technician appeared. “Dr wier… they’ve landed. From what we can tell they have Samantha carter with them” Elizabeth jumped to her feet and smoothed out her uniform, it was time to do what she did best…negotiations.

                      Sam had barely touched down on the east pier when a group of soldiers greeted them. Gabriel lowered down and whispered in her ear “they have guns” “I know they have guns, its standard procedure. They wont shoot unless necessary.” Gabriel gave a slight nod and straightened up again as the leader approached Sam. “Samantha” he nodded. Sam nodded back and muttered “major Lorne” “so these are the guests?” “Yes major they are. Where is dr wier?” “ She will be joining us shortly, were here to escort you to the debriefing room” “lead on major.” The group strode off under the brightening sky towards the towering structure of Atlantis.


                      I'm not dead. Yet.


                        3rd post 0.o anyway ive been experimenting with chibis little freakish dolls. and i decided hell lets make a steve chibi!!! so i did lol

                        say hi steve....

                        steve: hi steve....

                        I'm not dead. Yet.


                          thats cool susanne great job


                            Wonderful update. And this Hi Steve is *big smile*. Great.
                            LONG LIVE THE WRAITH!
                            Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club
                            My fan fiction


                              lol thanks maybe i should make more wraithy chibis *thinks*

                              I'm not dead. Yet.


                                boredom is now setting in so heres bob chibi!


                                bob: whaddaya mean i die in the ep i get introduced?! im calling my agent.... oh wait.. i wraithed him....

                                I'm not dead. Yet.

