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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
    Has he ever said "Mother, you're not going out dressed like that"?
    OH YES!

    Kids, eh? They just wouldn't know cool if it came up and bit them!!

    Oooh, cool... wraith... bite... what a lovely image to go to bed with esp on a Sunday night!!!
    Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


      Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
      And why not. I'm all in favour of parents shocking their offspring once in a while. I remember my son being very bemused by my taste in male character appearance. He didn't expect it to be 'Gothic and dead looking' as he put it
      Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
      They were my son's words exactly! He added - "and they're aliens - and fictional! Mother you are a head case!"
      He also refuses to be seen in public with me in my goth t-shirts and my single tribal earring!

      Dang. Now I wish I had had kids. I don't get to embarrass anyone.

      Here's a bit of hypocrisy for ya, though...

      My sister is 51. She loves Ren Faires and this Scottish band, Albannach ( She kinda 'follows' them - comes up to Pennsylvania when they're at our Ren Faire, and goes to whatever Faires they're doing down in Florida where they live. She totally loves these guys - she's like their old lady groupie, or something.

      Anyway, the other day I was telling her about Tyler stopping by the WDC for a little chat, and she says, 'Come on? Talking on-line with actors? When are you gonna grow up?'

      Sometimes Freaks just don't get other Freaks unless you're both freaks over the same thing.

      On a side note - TNT (US channel) is airing a Blade marathon - I just saw 'Prince Nuada' as a blood sucking vampire, and now I get to see 'Todd' as a Norwegian vampire

      I have lots to say - both about Todd & Spike - and both serious and gushy.'s all trapped in my head, I can't seem to find the words to get it out. Gimme time, eventually I'll find the words...



        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
        Dang. Now I wish I had had kids. I don't get to embarrass anyone.

        I have lots to say - both about Todd & Spike - and both serious and gushy.'s all trapped in my head, I can't seem to find the words to get it out. Gimme time, eventually I'll find the words...

        Yeah, its fun embarrassing the kids!

        Just take a look at those delicious pics of Spike - that should at least set the gushy stuff free!!!
        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


          Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
          Yeah, its fun embarrassing the kids!
          I just misread that as it's fun embalming the kids.

          Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
          Just take a look at those delicious pics of Spike - that should at least set the gushy stuff free!!!
          And then come over and join the party we've having in the revived 'All Wraith' thunk thread. Spike is included, of course.



            Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
            I just misread that as it's fun embalming the kids.


            And then come over and join the party we've having in the revived 'All Wraith' thunk thread. Spike is included, of course.

            Well, actually, I've decided it's getting late and it's that part of any party where you
            make out, sorry -
            hide out under the pile of coats in the upstairs rooms... boy am I gonna have sweet dreams tonight!!
            Last edited by Todd's Pet; 11 January 2009, 02:31 PM.
            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


              Originally posted by MCH View Post
              Spoiler for SGA movie

              A bargaining chip for Todd, release me I'll give you a ZPM. Todd never goes into a situation (most time), without a backup plan.
              Yeah I agree,
              he has something up his sleeve, metaphorically speaking - he has a plan.

              Originally posted by Black Water View Post
              Hails to everyone.....this would seem to be a fitting place for this discussion so it is not lost. But in regards to what is to come next as far as movie content and Todd's place:

              Do you not think that the Dart's pilots that had the "Kamikaze run @ Area 51 beamed themselves onto earth before crashing? We have seen this before in a very similar scenario @ Atlantis.....Perhaps there will be Wraith running around loose on Earth in this movie...and Todd will of course tie into this scenario...
              Welcome Black Water - & Mherriez to WDC! more the better.

              That sounds
              very possible, but I would highly doubt it with the writers that we have got cause all they see is "a good wraith is a dead wraith"!

              Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
              Re Spike:
              The human disguise was a v hot look, but I'm talking Wraith Spike -
              now that is one fine looking Wraith!
              Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
              I think the elements of the look that were common to both Wraith and human are what makes it a hot look... long hair (messy or otherwise) in an unusual colour, penetrating eyes, the strong and silent attitude and of course oozing "I am a kick a$$ alpha male" from every pore!!!
              That is something about these guys and I totally agree.
              I came, I saw, I conquered!
              We are unique! Created unique!


                Originally posted by Black Water View Post
                Hails to everyone.....this would seem to be a fitting place for this discussion so it is not lost. But in regards to what is to come next as far as movie content and Todd's place:

                Do you not think that the Dart's pilots that had the "Kamikaze run @ Area 51 beamed themselves onto earth before crashing? We have seen this before in a very similar scenario @ Atlantis.....Perhaps there will be Wraith running around loose on Earth in this movie...and Todd will of course tie into this scenario...
                I like that idea.

                Maybe they theought the hive ship would succeed and their hive brothers would not be long behind them.

                Thanks to DS for my siggy


                  First, I'd like to welcome all the new Wraith worshippers! Safety in numbers, as I always say!!

                  Secondly, for those of you who know Wraithworshipper - or 'Wraithie' - please, keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Ya know - sometimes we all need a little cyberhug now and then...



                    Welcome Mherriez, Nanoflare, Black Water, and any other newbies I might have missed.

                    All that talk about embarrassing your kids really hit home with me. My 18 year old son just shakes his head and walks away when I talk about the Wraith. He likes their look but that is as far as it goes. He figured out a long time ago that I always cheer for the antihero, and actually recommends books now that have characters he thinks I might like.

                    But he is really creeped out when I mention that I think an actor or anime character is attractive: mom's are not supposed to think guys are "hawt" much less half-naked Wraith like Spike in Vegas!

                    Black Water, I like your idea about the
                    kamikaze dart pilots beaming down into area 51!

                    I was so inspired by all the Spike pics that I made a new banner.
                    Sparrow hawk



                      Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                      I think the elements of the look that were common to both Wraith and human are what makes it a hot look... long hair (messy or otherwise) in an unusual colour, penetrating eyes, the strong and silent attitude and of course oozing "I am a kick a$$ alpha male" from every pore!!!

                      PS When my hair eventually turns completely white, I am definitely putting jet black streaks in the front and I don't care if my kids think I'm a freak!!!
                      Hey....who says you have to wait for white hair...maybe I am different kind of Wraith though


                        I'm terribly late with the WDC but here's a little present before I go to bed. Thanks to Stargate alphabets thread and with a lot of screencaps, I managed to complete the wraith alphabet -- at least all but the letters on the computer in the dart in "The Lost Boys".

                        I've created a wraith font (which I still inted to improve, but it's a good start ). Here are some example texts (spoilers for size):

                        My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
                        Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


                          Thanks for the welcome! I love this thread, everything I wanted to discuss about has already been talked about.
                          Last edited by Nanoflare; 11 January 2009, 04:48 PM.


                            Originally posted by Sparrow_hawk View Post

                            I was so inspired by all the Spike pics that I made a new banner.
                            Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
                            I'm terribly late with the WDC but here's a little present before I go to bed. Thanks to Stargate alphabets thread and with a lot of screencaps, I managed to complete the wraith alphabet -- at least all but the letters on the computer in the dart in "The Lost Boys".

                            I've created a wraith font (which I still inted to improve, but it's a good start ). Here are some example texts (spoilers for size):

                            OOOOO. AHHHHHH. Love the new banner and the wraith font!!! Good job ladies!!!!!
                            Siggie created by TP//Avatar by Draco-Stellaris


                              Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
                              I'm terribly late with the WDC but here's a little present before I go to bed. Thanks to Stargate alphabets thread and with a lot of screencaps, I managed to complete the wraith alphabet -- at least all but the letters on the computer in the dart in "The Lost Boys".

                              I've created a wraith font (which I still inted to improve, but it's a good start ). Here are some example texts (spoilers for size):

                              You are so clever - thats really awesome - maybe we should learn this and start conversing in wraith
                              I came, I saw, I conquered!
                              We are unique! Created unique!


                                Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
                                I'm terribly late with the WDC but here's a little present before I go to bed. Thanks to Stargate alphabets thread and with a lot of screencaps, I managed to complete the wraith alphabet -- at least all but the letters on the computer in the dart in "The Lost Boys".

                                I've created a wraith font (which I still inted to improve, but it's a good start ). Here are some example texts (spoilers for size):

                                That font is beautiful!
                                Sparrow hawk


