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Radek Zelenka/Elizabeth Weir Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    How are we all???

    What's this about fanfics???

    I wanna read them but college will most likely block them.


      Rosehawk's been having a go at tasteful kinky fics so you probably won't get it through the filter


        It filters them anyway.


          have a look later, it's worth a look


            Originally posted by Reefgirl View Post
            Everyone has the ability in them, you just have to let it out
            I had forgotten how much I enjoy writing, actually enjoy getting to be creative. I have had to put so much on hold in my life. That's why it so much fun to hang around with you guys!!!
            I signed up to take an Improvisation class in a few weeks. If that doesn't get me out of my shell, nothing will.

            Zelenka and Weir seem to make it easy too!!!

            Allestian, I can e-mail you a version if you want, if it doesn't get either of us in trouble.
            Last edited by Rosehawk; 18 October 2006, 06:11 PM.



              Good for you Rosehawk. I used to love writing stories at school, I never bothered at all after I left until I came across an X Files messageboard where they decided that they didn't like the way season 8 was going so decided to write their own season, so I joined in and I haven't looked back.


                That would be nice Rosehawk

                I'll PM you with my e-mail...erm...right...well I go on half term so...

                Ahh stuff it I'll PM you with both of them.


                  Allestian - Sent story to both the e-mails you pm'd me.
                  It is not the final version, but pretty close. Some minor grammar and a few descriptives here and there to make it flow better are the only real differences.

                  Hope you like!!!!!

                  Originally posted by Reefgirl
                  I used to love writing stories at school, I never bothered at all after I left until I came across an X Files messageboard where they decided that they didn't like the way season 8 was going so decided to write their own season, so I joined in and I haven't looked back.
                  I like to write but never seriously when I was in school. I went back to university a few years ago to get an Engineering degree to compliment my business degree, work background and experience. Had to take some creative critical thinking English classes. I was so surprised how much I loved the classes and how they challenged me. Had to quit school, work wouldn't continue to pay for the degree program and I never found an outlet to write, that is until now!

                  Zelenka and Weir are so much fun to write about!!!!



                    Thanks for the e-mails...haven't got them yet...

                    The best thing about RALFing is that you can write absolutely anything...if you know what I mean...


                      They are fun to write aren't they




                          I had a bash at Lorne and Teyla that was fairly easy too, I'm not sure if I could do McKay and Weir or Sheppard and Weir, I think I'd get a lot of hate mail if I encroached on certain ships


                            I did a McKay/Weir ship one. It was a song fic called...oh what was it...let me find it...




                            .....oh that was it!!! 'Make this go on forever'.

                            It was a true to anything tearjerker, ask fififolle.


                              Well give us a link then


                                Yeah Allestian, send us the link!!!!

                                Okay, we haven't had a good screen cap for awhile.


                                Elizabeth: Radek, you did remember to take care of what we talked about this morning

                                Radek (to himself) Oh my god, I left the tape in the camera and I gave the camera to Rodney. (Czech swear words here)


