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Rachel Luttrell/Teyla Emmagan WOW Thread

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    Originally posted by maxbo View Post

    I was pissed that Jack wasn't in Unending too. To not have Jack in the last episode of the series was just wrong on so many levels and there's no way they can ever fix that error in judgement. That's why, even though I enjoyed Unending more than EatG, in the end, it was as disappointing as EatG to me. Like EatG, Unending lacked satisfying closure.

    As for the Chicago Con - please remember to provide con reports for us poor souls who will have to live vicariously through you.


    Like you, I came into Stargate fandom through SGA, not SG-1 and mostly because of Teyla (with Elizabeth a close second). In fact, I didn't begin to get into SG-1 until after I found out that there would be a crossover episode during SGA's Season 3/SG-1's Season 10. So far, I've watched Seasons 1-5, 9 in full and much of Seasons 6, 7, 8 and 10 of SG-1. Although I enjoy the later seasons, my favorites are the early SG-1 seasons.

    As for Jason and Vegas, yes, he asked to play the Wraith. He probably asked after he realized there wasn't a part written for Ronon. Unfortunately, Cooper and Co., nixed that idea, which was strange considering that they had to hire an actor and put him in Wraith makeup anyway. Why not use one of the actors that they already had under contract instead?

    And, I agree that the chemistry between the actors comes through both on and off screen. They really seem to like each other and that's why I also believe that Joe and David didn't mean any disrespect to Rachel and Jason with their *I wish Vegas had been the finale* comments. And, no, I don't think they ever mentioned this in front of Rachel or Jason. If they had, then I'm sure that Rachel and Jason would have pointed out that... 'HELLO! We weren't in that episode', which considering that this group is like a group of rowdy siblings could have been hilarious to see on stage. Sort of like that funny little rift by Rachel and Jason at a Con where they mocked how little screentime they had on SGA.

    Regarding EatG being listed among the fan favorites, I put that down to the fact that it was the last episode of the series, the series had just ended and at least one movie had been promised more than anything else. The reviews of that episode have not been great, because even those who liked it described it as too rushed.

    That's a good question about asking Joe, Rachel, David and Jason how they would have written the finale. Especially since, as you noted, all of them are writers themselves.
    Now this I would love to see! *giggles at the thought*

    Now I took this line from DH's comment...I found it interesting...

    Can you imagine, people would have been freaking out – what the hell, Sheppard’s dead, and McKay is married?
    Really? I missed this fact in the episode. many guesses who the wife could be. I certainly didn't miss the McKeller's moment in the hallway.
    Sigs made by the talented Cazzblade, Donna, Jeyla, Linda, Luciana, Mayra, Mrs.B, Padme
    Scifan, Teylafan, WraithLord & YC & me.

    Thanks for the memory to the cast and crew of Stargate Atlantis.
    WraithLord - R.I.P.


      Originally posted by Courtam3 View Post
      I read the interview with DH and I have read other comments where JF like DH would have liked Vegas to be the ending of the show.

      My personal spin on what I have read is that they both loved the fact that Vegas was so different than another SGA episode. Their characters were not the usual the way they were played in that specific episode. I am hoping that is not a slight against Teyla or Ronon, as the characters are a main part of the show.

      I did enjoy Vegas but I would have been even unhappier with that being the series finale. While watching it I did wish there was some way that Teyla and Ronon could have also been in it – it was AU why not have them included as well? To me with out those two the episode felt off.

      EATG for me sucked as a series finale (But for me so did SG1’s finale Unending) I too felt that it was rushed and not well executed but at least the whole team was in it.

      I am sure someone will ask about this at the Chi con coming up. I may ask myself.
      I hope you will. And It would be great to hear your con report.
      Sigs made by the talented Cazzblade, Donna, Jeyla, Linda, Luciana, Mayra, Mrs.B, Padme
      Scifan, Teylafan, WraithLord & YC & me.

      Thanks for the memory to the cast and crew of Stargate Atlantis.
      WraithLord - R.I.P.


        Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
        I hope you will. And It would be great to hear your con report.
        Oh crap with her big mouth has committed herself to a con report
        One must always be improbable – Oscar Wilde sigpic


          Originally posted by maxbo View Post
          I found the David Hewlett interview linked in this thread interesting:


          David didn't care for the rushed EATG as a series finale and feels that Vegas would have been a better choice. Although EatG was badly written and too rushed, IMO, at least it featured Teyla and Ronon and wasn't an AU episode, unlike Vegas. So, I agree and disagree with David on this. What do you think?
          Well........I think you all know by now my feelings on the ep "Vegas" But, I'll refresh your memory's I thought it was on of the worst eps in the franchise. It was like a very bad ep of CSI (and I love CSI), Teyla and Ronon were missing, why were they missing? Oh right, Shep didn't go to Atlantis so didn't get to meet them so they didn't come to Atlantis? Well if that happened then isn't the fact that Todd is there they stupidest thing ever? I mean it was Kolya kidnapping Shep that brought the meeting with Todd. So no Shep then no Todd, right? And if this was an AU and things didn't quite happen the way they did in our universe then shouldn't Carson still be CMO and shouldn't Elizabeth still be in charge, why was Keller there and why was Woolsey there. If taking one person out of the equation (Sheppard) it would have changed the way things happened, so they didn't meet Teyla or Ronon, Carson didn't get blown up by an exploding tumour, Weir didn't get taken by the Asurans, they would never have met Todd. Again how did Todd get there?

          Oh boy, AU's give me a headache

          So, what was the question again?

          No, I think having Vegas as the series finale would have been the biggest mistake they made, even bigger than Keller, even bigger than killing Carson, even bigger than getting rid of Weir. It would have been a HUGE mistake of epic proportions.

          Did I make my point?

          Originally posted by Courtam3 View Post
          I read the interview with DH and I have read other comments where JF like DH would have liked Vegas to be the ending of the show.

          My personal spin on what I have read is that they both loved the fact that Vegas was so different than another SGA episode. Their characters were not the usual the way they were played in that specific episode. I am hoping that is not a slight against Teyla or Ronon, as the characters are a main part of the show.

          I did enjoy Vegas but I would have been even unhappier with that being the series finale. While watching it I did wish there was some way that Teyla and Ronon could have also been in it – it was AU why not have them included as well? To me with out those two the episode felt off.

          EATG for me sucked as a series finale (But for me so did SG1’s finale Unending) I too felt that it was rushed and not well executed but at least the whole team was in it.

          I am sure someone will ask about this at the Chi con coming up. I may ask myself.
          Yep, why would they have the two people who knew about the Wraith more than any other person in the expedition there? That wouldn't have made sense, would it Notch that up as another in a long list of glaring mistakes

          Unending wasn't the greatest finale but it didn't have the same mistakes as EATG. EATG was an ep full of mistakes and bad writing.

          Originally posted by Courtam3 View Post
          I know its OT here but Unending for SG1 had no Jack not even a mention of him - which pissed me off as a long time fan of SG1.
          I missed Jack *sniffles*

          Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
          Jeyla, thanks for the caps.

          @Jeyla and Sci, love the artwork.

          @ Maxbo, Jeyla, Courtam3, I think I commented about the episode, Vegas a couple pages back. I wanted to say that I did hear that Joe and David made those comments recently about Vegas. I certainly don't think or want to think that Joe and David were trying to slight Rachel or Jason. So although I can understand Joe and David's rationale for thinking this would have been a good episode to end the series. I don't agree with them. There was no Ronon and Teyla in this episode. I was pissed they weren't in this episode, given that everyone else seem to be in this episode even Todd. So the excuse that there were no Ronon and Teyla because there was no Sheppard seems like a very hollow argument/excuse for them not being there if you ask me because if you follow that reasoning then we should not have seen Todd in this episode either. Not having Teyla and Ronon did affected my enjoyment of this episode. I can only imagine if this was the series finale. I wanted to see the team, the whole team, so inspite of its faults I would take EATG any day over Vegas as the series finale.
          Teyla and Ronon were in EATG......They were.......Yep they were in it......

          Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
          Really? I missed this fact in the episode. many guesses who the wife could be. I certainly didn't miss the McKeller's moment in the hallway.
          Thank you


            Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
            Rachel was great as a Wraith Queen, as was Teyla.... I thought that suited her well......

            Since she has part Wraith in her DNA it would have been interesting to see her actually turn into one. But what they did in that episode was briliant and I liked her as a Wraith
            I agree that Rachel was great as a Wraith Queen and it was one of the hightlights of the season for me. Rachel and Chris H. rocked that episode and I was hoping to see follow-up later in the season. Too bad that never happened.

            Originally posted by Jeyla4ever View Post
            That was intriguing, wasn't it? I think part of Teyla reveled as the Wraith Queen and looking at her hand, the defining moment where the Wraith turn into what they are, it kind of symbolize her inner struggle. What she had as the Wraith Queen, that's something that will always be with her. Just my thought.
            The follow-up possibilities from The Queen were numerous and all much more interesting than McKeller turned out to be. When I saw that scene of Teyla looking at her palm - for one brief moment, I thought that maybe, just maybe SGA's writers were going to redeem themselves and salvage Season 5, after all.

            Unfortunately, instead of focusing on more interesting storylines, like following up on Teyla's role in The Queen, they chose to continue to push Keller on us and to continue to recycle Rodney-focused storylines. As a result, when Todd returned in First Contact, instead of getting an interesting follow-up to The Queen, we got to see him stuck with Keller and to see Rodney stuck with another character again - Daniel, this time. It would have been refreshing to see Daniel heavily interact with Sheppard, Teyla, Ronon... hell anyone, but Rodney because that was just so tired and expected.

            And, for another example of how out of touch SGA's writers were, Martin Gero actually claimed that he paired Rodney and Daniel because he figured that everyone would expect him to pair Daniel with Sheppard. Can we say OUT-OF-TOUCH, boys and girls?

            I mean, seriously, did anyone expect these writers NOT to pair Daniel with Rodney?

            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
            It would have been interesting to see more of that struggle but then we all know that would have never happened
            Of course not, because following up on Teyla's role in The Queen would have required doing more work than the writers were willing to do and it would have cut into all of that easy-to-write-for-Rodney time. SGA's writers are a good reason why it's never a good idea to get too complacent in the writing room because they became lazy, arrogant and stale. IMO, if they had been more in fear of losing their jobs, we would have gotten a much better show overall. Instead, after Season 1, they were all over the place.

            Originally posted by scifan View Post
            *sneaks in*

            Hugs Linda.... drops off sig......


            .... *sneaks out*
            *sigh* Rachel's absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing this.

            Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
            Jeyla, thanks for the caps.

            @Jeyla and Sci, love the artwork.

            @ Maxbo, Jeyla, Courtam3, I think I commented about the episode, Vegas a couple pages back. I wanted to say that I did hear that Joe and David made those comments recently about Vegas. I certainly don't think or want to think that Joe and David were trying to slight Rachel or Jason. So although I can understand Joe and David's rationale for thinking this would have been a good episode to end the series. I don't agree with them. There was no Ronon and Teyla in this episode. I was pissed they weren't in this episode, given that everyone else seem to be in this episode even Todd. So the excuse that there were no Ronon and Teyla because there was no Sheppard seems like a very hollow argument/excuse for them not being there if you ask me because if you follow that reasoning then we should not have seen Todd in this episode either. Not having Teyla and Ronon did affected my enjoyment of this episode. I can only imagine if this was the series finale. I wanted to see the team, the whole team, so inspite of its faults I would take EATG any day over Vegas as the series finale.
            I don't agree with Joe and David on this either because in addition to the biggie - no Teyla and Ronon, I also didn't like the fact that Vegas featured AU characters. Even if Teyla and Ronon had been included, I would have hated having the last episode of the series feature AU versions of our characters.

            I agree that the reasoning that there was no Teyla and Ronon because there was no Sheppard is flimsy because as you mentioned, Todd was there. Since AU-Sheppard had never joined SGC, then how was Todd there, who we would never have met if not for Sheppard? Also, for that matter, since AU-Sheppard had nothing to do with the SGC, why was he included? Why was non-IOA Woolsey included? Why was Keller included?

            Seriously, because Vegas was an AU episode, there was a lot about it that didn't make sense, so I find it mindboggling that some believe that it was made sense to not have Teyla and Ronon in the penultimate episode of the series. Perhaps if it had aired much earlier in the season, it wouldn't have been so blatantly obvious that the writers were dissing those characters/actors, but we're talking about the next to last episode of the entire series! It's sad, and unfortunate that the writers were comfortable with excluding two of the main characters from such a pivotal episode.

            Originally posted by Courtam3 View Post
            Oh crap with her big mouth has committed herself to a con report
            Yep, you're on the hook now! Prepare to be pestered to within an inch of your last nerve.
            Last edited by maxbo; 10 June 2010, 10:38 AM.
            Sig by Luciana


              Originally posted by maxbo View Post
              Yep, you're on the hook now! Prepare to be pestered to within an inch of your last nerve.
              And be aware they're not afraid to use the local lemming to do so.
              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                Well........I think you all know by now my feelings on the ep "Vegas" But, I'll refresh your memory's I thought it was on of the worst eps in the franchise. It was like a very bad ep of CSI (and I love CSI), Teyla and Ronon were missing, why were they missing? Oh right, Shep didn't go to Atlantis so didn't get to meet them so they didn't come to Atlantis? Well if that happened then isn't the fact that Todd is there they stupidest thing ever? I mean it was Kolya kidnapping Shep that brought the meeting with Todd. So no Shep then no Todd, right? And if this was an AU and things didn't quite happen the way they did in our universe then shouldn't Carson still be CMO and shouldn't Elizabeth still be in charge, why was Keller there and why was Woolsey there. If taking one person out of the equation (Sheppard) it would have changed the way things happened, so they didn't meet Teyla or Ronon, Carson didn't get blown up by an exploding tumour, Weir didn't get taken by the Asurans, they would never have met Todd. Again how did Todd get there?
                BINGO! If it doesn't make sense for Teyla and Ronon to be in Vegas because they never met Sheppard, then how can it make sense to have Todd in Vegas, since he too never met Sheppard in the Pegasus galaxy?

                In addition, I think it's more reasonable to believe that Teyla and Ronon may have eventually connected with Atlantis without Sheppard around, than it is to believe that Todd would have have survived to become an Atlantis/SGC prisoner/contact without Sheppard around.

                And, I agree about that Carson should have been the CMO and Elizabeth should have been in charge of Atlantis in Vegas. Actually, Elizabeth could have been in charge because I don't think they mentioned who was heading Atlantis in this episode.

                Anyway, I found the FBI-Woolsey and Keller inclusion silly.

                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                So, what was the question again?

                No, I think having Vegas as the series finale would have been the biggest mistake they made, even bigger than Keller, even bigger than killing Carson, even bigger than getting rid of Weir. It would have been a HUGE mistake of epic proportions.

                Did I make my point?
                Yep, you made your point, loud and clear.

                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                Yep, why would they have the two people who knew about the Wraith more than any other person in the expedition there? That wouldn't have made sense, would it Notch that up as another in a long list of glaring mistakes

                Unending wasn't the greatest finale but it didn't have the same mistakes as EATG. EATG was an ep full of mistakes and bad writing.

                I missed Jack *sniffles*

                Thank you
                Thank you. Yet another reason why it was beyond senseless to not have Teyla and Ronon included. Vegas was all about trying to stop a Wraith and who, among the Atlantis crew knows Wraith better than Teyla and Ronon? That's right, no one. Yet, they weren't included in this Wraith-retrieval episode. Yeah, that makes sense.

                Yeah, as strange as Unending was, and as weird as it was to not have Jack in it, EatG was just a level of awfulness that can't be matched. The only good thing I can say about that episode is that it included all of the characters. Unfortunately, the episode was so bad that I have no desire to watch it again in order to see the characters.

                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                And be aware they're not afraid to use the local lemming to do so.
                Damn straight! Prepare for battle, little Lemming, we may be calling on you to pester poor Courtam3 soon.
                Sig by Luciana


                  Originally posted by maxbo View Post

                  Damn straight! Prepare for battle, little Lemming, we may be calling on you to pester poor Courtam3 soon.
                  Say it ain't so!!! I will try my best. Not sure how it will turn out oh and it will only be for Saturday
                  One must always be improbable – Oscar Wilde sigpic


                    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                    And be aware they're not afraid to use the local lemming to do so.
                    *does her "GOOD DEED OF THE MONTH for Lemming"*

                    *Lemming gets one HECKUVA sugar high......* I gave her the following (all mixed together)

                    10,000 gallows of Mt Dew Baja Blast
                    7 megatons of pure cane sugar
                    1 pure expresso coffee (.27 ounces actually)
                    1 rep pepper...... (with al lthe dew and sugar there's zero taste, besides,. lemming needs her veggies!!)

                    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                      Originally posted by maxbo View Post
                      BINGO! If it doesn't make sense for Teyla and Ronon to be in Vegas because they never met Sheppard, then how can it make sense to have Todd in Vegas, since he too never met Sheppard in the Pegasus galaxy?

                      In addition, I think it's more reasonable to believe that Teyla and Ronon may have eventually connected with Atlantis without Sheppard around, than it is to believe that Todd would have have survived to become an Atlantis/SGC prisoner/contact without Sheppard around.
                      Exactly, they could have still went to Athos and met the Athosians and Teyla with or without Shep. But the whole Todd thing came about because Shep pissed off Kolya and he kidnapped him. If Shep wasn't there then none of that would have happened so they never have come across Todd. So it's even less likely that Todd would have been there than Ronon or Teyla.

                      And, I agree about that Carson should have been the CMO and Elizabeth should have been in charge of Atlantis in Vegas. Actually, Elizabeth could have been in charge because I don't think they mentioned who was heading Atlantis in this episode.

                      Anyway, I found the FBI-Woolsey and Keller inclusion silly.
                      The way it seemed to me in the AU was that the only difference was that John wasn't part of the expedition. So why was Keller, Woolsey and Todd there yet there was no Teyla or Ronon? I got the impression that in S5 no one could care less about Ronon and Teyla except for Alan McCullough and Carl Binder as those were the only two that seemed to at least try to use them for something other than to hold up the wall.

                      Yep, you made your point, loud and clear.
                      That's good Out of all Stargate eps, Vegas is the one ep I have the problem with the most

                      Thank you. Yet another reason why it was beyond senseless to not have Teyla and Ronon included. Vegas was all about trying to stop a Wraith and who, among the Atlantis crew knows Wraith better than Teyla and Ronon? That's right, no one. Yet, they weren't included in this Wraith-retrieval episode. Yeah, that makes sense.
                      Gee, now why would they take the two people who know more about the Wraith than anyone else on the expedition along with them to try and catch a Wraith Much of season 5 didn't make sense

                      Yeah, as strange as Unending was, and as weird as it was to not have Jack in it, EatG was just a level of awfulness that can't be matched. The only good thing I can say about that episode is that it included all of the characters. Unfortunately, the episode was so bad that I have no desire to watch it again in order to see the characters.
                      There was so much wrong with EATG it wasn't even funny From having John sent to Earth so he can use the chair to Carson flying the City *headdesk* And don't even get me started on that thing Radek suddenly mentioned *double headdesk*

                      Originally posted by Princess Awinita View Post
                      *does her "GOOD DEED OF THE MONTH for Lemming"*

                      *Lemming gets one HECKUVA sugar high......* I gave her the following (all mixed together)

                      10,000 gallows of Mt Dew Baja Blast
                      7 megatons of pure cane sugar
                      1 pure expresso coffee (.27 ounces actually)
                      1 rep pepper...... (with al lthe dew and sugar there's zero taste, besides,. lemming needs her veggies!!)
                      *goes into hiding*


                        Originally posted by Courtam3 View Post
                        Oh crap with her big mouth has committed herself to a con report
                        Well, I'm still alive even though I always end up not doing the con reports I plan on doing....

                        See you in Chicago, then, I'll be there to take loads and loads of pictures of all the wonderful people... I don't tend to ask questions because I'm usually so freaked out waiting in line that I don't listen to any of the previous questions.

                        *EG sneaks back into the dark cave she's been hiding in*


                          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                          *goes into hiding*
                          There's enough power in that meal to keep Lemnming on full power for about...... ten days or so....

                          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                            Could we please stop being so friggin NEGATIVE on this thread? Please?? It's so negative on this thread that I don't like coming to it!! Let's stop looking at what TPTB DIDN'T do and start looking at what they DID do!! Seesh people!!

                            Now to remind us why we love Teyla so much, I've found a video.
                            Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


                              Originally posted by AlbinoMonkeyC View Post
                              Could we please stop being so friggin NEGATIVE on this thread? Please?? It's so negative on this thread that I don't like coming to it!! Let's stop looking at what TPTB DIDN'T do and start looking at what they DID do!! Seesh people!!
                              If you can think of what TPTB did do well with Teyla, then by all means share it because I would love to get a more positive perspective on how they wrote/developed Teyla. For instance, this latest round of "negative" posting, was prompted by David H. (and Joe F.) stating that Vegas should have been the series' finale instead of EatG. Since Rachel wasn't in Vegas and this is a Rachel thread... well, the discussion wasn't flattering to TPTB. If you have a more positive opinion, then please share.

                              On the other hand, if you don't want to discuss Teyla, then please feel free to continue to contribute in other ways, such as sharing Rachel updates, videos, artwork, icons, con reports, etc. During my time visiting this thread, I've noticed that it goes in cycles - there are periods when it's lighthearted and then there are periods when it's, as you put it - negative.

                              If the negative bothers you, then there is nothing stopping you from dropping off something positive like the cool video below:

                              Originally posted by AlbinoMonkeyC View Post
                              Now to remind us why we love Teyla so much, I've found a video.
                              By the way, thanks for sharing this.
                              Sig by Luciana


                                Originally posted by elephantgirl View Post

                                See you in Chicago, then, I'll be there to take loads and loads of pictures of all the wonderful people... I don't tend to ask questions because I'm usually so freaked out waiting in line that I don't listen to any of the previous questions.
                                Oh for sure! Although my sneaky plan is to have my friend Terry ask the questions! She has for more guts than I do! Can't wait to meet ya.
                                One must always be improbable – Oscar Wilde sigpic

