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Rachel Luttrell/Teyla Emmagan WOW Thread

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    Originally posted by mcalex22

    Just look at here, teylas beatiful


      Originally posted by mcalex22
      Hey everyone,

      I think I posted here a while back but I haven't really been visiting much, just lurking. I am a bit confused about which thread I should be posting to as I just realised there's the WOW thread and the Appreciation thread.

      I have been really liking SGA with Teyla and really really enjoy her scenes!

      I thought she was really good in TLG (hopefully this is not a spoiler) so I made some caps.

      This might be spoilery but I couldn't help it - I love the smile she has on her face! (from TLG)

      Now this one is not spoilery, from Epiphany:

      Anyhow, let me know if they're inappropriate and I'll delete the post.

      I love it when you come and post becuase you bring some awesome pics! I love the one you posted before from 'The Hive' before!

      Here is one of Teyla from 'The Hive'


        Great pics everyone...can't wait till we can post some more from season 2...without spoiler tags..


          Originally posted by Camy
          Why did she make this face? I thought things were hot and heated in this episode! Was this her face after
          the alien told her what John felt about her

          Nah..... here
          The alien just said "Teyla? It's me" and she looks at him and crouches beside him and gives that little smirk says "Do not waste your time trying to convince me you are john sheppard............I do not believe you" and then she kinda winks at him.
          Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


            Originally posted by green_eyed_lady
            Nah..... here
            The alien just said "Teyla? It's me" and she looks at him and crouches beside him and gives that little smirk says "Do not waste your time trying to convince me you are john sheppard............I do not believe you" and then she kinda winks at him.
            I loved that scene! This episode has some of the best Teyla scenes yet.
            Sig by Luciana


              Originally posted by maxbo
              I loved that scene! This episode has some of the best Teyla scenes yet.
              I really needed to read that maxbo especially after the whole 'Grace under Pressure' let down.


                Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                I really needed to read that maxbo especially after the whole 'Grace under Pressure' let down.
                You know, it's because of Grace Under Pressure that I thought she wouldn't have a significant part in TLG. I don't remember reading reading anything about her in TLG until a fews days before I saw it and what I read was confusing because it was reported that
                the scene that everyone was talking about where John says "he cares about you more than you know" was directed not to Elizabeth, but to TEYLA! My reaction was HUH? I didn't think Teyla had a big part in TLG so how could this widely anticipated line be directed to her when there was no mention of her in the previews?

                I watched TLG expecting to enjoy Elizabeth and John and I got so much more. It was a surprisingly well balanced show in that almost everyone featured had rather significant roles. The overall writing could have been better, but you can't have everything.
                Sig by Luciana


                  Originally posted by green_eyed_lady
                  Nah..... here
                  The alien just said "Teyla? It's me" and she looks at him and crouches beside him and gives that little smirk says "Do not waste your time trying to convince me you are john sheppard............I do not believe you" and then she kinda winks at him.
                  Oh i think i saw that look in the clip AG posted on the Shep/Teyla thread.

                  I'm really looking forward to Teyla's part in TLG.

                  R.I.P Wraithlord

                  Awesome sig by SciFan


                    Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                    Oh i think i saw that look in the clip AG posted on the Shep/Teyla thread.

                    I'm really looking forward to Teyla's part in TLG.
                    Ah no...I want to see the look but I said no I wasn't going to watch the vid!

                    Okay picture time

                    Lesson for today:

                    Under no circumstances are you to steal food from Telya

                    Because she doesn't take it well!


                      Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                      Ah no...I want to see the look but I said no I wasn't going to watch the vid!

                      Okay picture time

                      Lesson for today:

                      Under no circumstances are you to steal food from Telya


                      Because she doesn't take it well!

                      Never come between Teyla and Lunch. It's not a pretty sight. Bloody lip. Oh no!...

                      Resist AG. Fight it! Teyla's with you...

                      R.I.P Wraithlord

                      Awesome sig by SciFan


                        A few pics from CDT:

                        Lovebar made by natz099
                        My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                          This is from awhile back when I gave you guys info on the Rachel Con that I went to back in November of 2005...well, this is my latest news...sorry if you are seeing this again...
                          I posted this in the Shep/Teyla well...

                          Buenos dias, mis amigas y amigos!

                          I have some recent news that I just came across...Remember my con experience, well, I never received my photo with Rachel so finally last night I email the administrator..and typical of seems I got the info wrong and they aren't automatically sending the pics...apperently they downloaded them on the website and I am to pick my pic and email the administrator with the identification number...

                          So, I email the guy and he writes back, how is he supposed to know which one is mine if he doesn't know who i am?

                          Well, I responded, DUH? I am the prettiest girl next to the gorgeous Rachel!

                          Yeah, sometimes, I wonder about people...anyways,
                          I got another tidbit...remember that I told you that I didn't know the song that she sang...well, I got it...

                          The song she sang was "I Know Him So Well", from the soundtrack to the musical "Chess". The interesting thing is that in the soundtrack, the song is a duet.

                          Now, all I have to do is listen to my recorder and I will type for you guys exactly which verses she sang....AWESOME!

                          John is excited too...Yippee!

                          Have a great day EVERYONE!


                            Thanks for the pics! Someone on another thread mentioned that they really liked Teyla's look for this episode, and the pictures look very, very nice.

                            "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                            HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                              Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                              Thanks for the pics! Someone on another thread mentioned that they really liked Teyla's look for this episode, and the pictures look very, very nice.
                              Not nice, awesome!
                              She wore two different outfits and I really liked them both. Was sth new.


                                Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
                                Not nice, awesome!
                                She wore two different outfits and I really liked them both. Was sth new.
                                Teyla's got some new!

                                And I must say I like the way her hair is pulled back in the pictures posted above.

