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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
    Wouldn't have been half the fun otherwise I just like a challenge, and I can't demand realistic writing on screen if I don't at least try it myself.
    Yes, totally get that. Why expect others to do what you cannot do yourself? (or at least try your best to do)

    Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
    Remember the new category? Btw, the locker room scene is definitely K-s and a lot of fun. Poor, poor Lorne.

    See! I told you that you would like it didn't I?!

    Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
    *tries to visualize a Mac/laptop ship and the resulting offspring*


    Great one Kethry! I think there will come a point in 2 weeks and 2 days that I will be so glad to kiss the laptop goodbye at least for a little while. Until then I am stuck slaving away over boring curriculum and administrative duties.

    Though really as long as I don't do what I've done a few nights recently I should be okay. Its a really odd feeling to wake up with the laptop next to you in bed and not remember how it got there. Oy!

    I'm a 60%'er


      Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
      No, definitely not just you, Queen. I have *several* PWP's floating around on my hard drive that are in the several hundred page range(though they do have other bits, and no they are NOT getting published )
      Several hundred pages??? Good Lord!!!

      Why aren't they getting published?

      Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
      *tries to visualize a Mac/laptop ship and the resulting offspring*


      Oh my God.... where's Lizzie.... THIS is surreal!!!!



        Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
        Yes, totally get that. Why expect others to do what you cannot do yourself? (or at least try your best to do)
        Back in the Army, one of my instructors once said something similiar... "An officer should never expect more of his or her subordinates than he or she is willing and able to give him- or herself." Somehow that stuck with me ever since then. Good to know there was something else beside resentment and bitterness I brought with me
        I'm a 60%er.

        I will always place the mission first.
        I will never accept defeat.
        I will never quit.
        I will never leave a fallen comrade.
        "There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."


          I'm here with my eyelids propped open.
          That's not surreal that's.... that's .....something else...
          I'm lost idea what's being talked about.

          But I recognise this guy...



            Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
            I'm here with my eyelids propped open.
            LOL, wondered where you were!! I'm off to bed, in that case I suggest you do the same! *huggles*

            Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
            That's not surreal that's.... that's .....something else...
            Agreed!!! Weirdos!
            Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
            I'm lost idea what's being talked about.
            Me neither, and I've been here!!

            Hey, where did you get photos of my hubby from???



              OK I'm off to bed..
              Before I go I've just seen that the author John Scalzi is being hired as a creative consultant on Universe.
              He's one hell of a writer and that can only be good news.
              Recently read the Androids dream. Very smart and funny guy.

              I kicked that irritating blond woman out so there's now room for another....Hmmm....yep that would be me.... OK I'm coming...


                Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                OK I'm off to bed..
                Before I go I've just seen that the author John Scalzi is being hired as a creative consultant on Universe.
                He's one hell of a writer and that can only be good news.
                Recently read the Androids dream. Very smart and funny guy.


                I kicked that irritating blond woman out so there's now room for another....Hmmm....yep that would be me.... OK I'm coming...
                In your dreams.

                Night Lizzie! Night QH!

                We'll see about SG 90210 when we see it. ATM I just don't like the way it has taken over and the SGA movie has been shoved back to 2010. It's like they don't care for it anymore in favour of their new toy. (Hey, we got hired on for SGU! SGA - what was that again?)

                I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                  Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                  Several hundred pages??? Good Lord!!!

                  I think the last one I proofread was over 600 pages and now the author is expanding it and making it into a trilogy!

                  Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post

                  Though really as long as I don't do what I've done a few nights recently I should be okay. Its a really odd feeling to wake up with the laptop next to you in bed and not remember how it got there. Oy!
                  I was thinking -- is our little Mac really a Replicator??
                  sigpic myLornefanfic


                    Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                    It's like they don't care for it anymore in favour of their new toy.
                    Actually, most of Season Five felt like that. I really get the impression that at least for some people the cancellation didn't come as sudden as they claim.

                    Okay, will go to bed now. New year's resolutions and that book... 'Night, everyone.
                    I'm a 60%er.

                    I will always place the mission first.
                    I will never accept defeat.
                    I will never quit.
                    I will never leave a fallen comrade.
                    "There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."


                      Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                      Several hundred pages??? Good Lord!!!

                      Why aren't they getting published?
                      Uhm because, honestly, I really have my doubts about my writing ability when it comes to PWP. I have two that are sitting around the 300 page mark(one just under and one just over) and one that's up in the 600+ page range. I mean there are shorter NOVELS out there.

                      Oh my God.... where's Lizzie.... THIS is surreal!!!!

                      Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
                      Back in the Army, one of my instructors once said something similiar... "An officer should never expect more of his or her subordinates than he or she is willing and able to give him- or herself." Somehow that stuck with me ever since then. Good to know there was something else beside resentment and bitterness I brought with me
                      Yes, I have heard something very similar as well and I think that is why I have such a hard time teaching my classes. I expect such a high level from myself that sometimes I forget there are 'regular' people out there who haven't put as much time and energy into the study of the things I have.

                      Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                      I'm here with my eyelids propped open.
                      That's not surreal that's.... that's .....something else...
                      I'm lost idea what's being talked about.

                      But I recognise this guy...

                      Nice pics Lizzie

                      I'm a 60%'er


                        Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
                        I think the last one I proofread was over 600 pages and now the author is expanding it and making it into a trilogy!
                        Wow, its a relief to know I'm not the only one who writes that much. Now if only I could write that much on things I *SHOULD* be focusing on it would be perfect.

                        I was thinking -- is our little Mac really a Replicator??
                        Not as far as I know, though it could just be the fact that I'm a Seattle Native and thus have straight caffeine running through me instead of blood

                        Night Row!! *waves*

                        I'm a 60%'er


                          Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                          It seems my one 10-year-old S/J story (which has been up since Monday) has already attracted more readers than my Lorne ficlet. Hmmmmm.... I guess there are more S/J shippers in the world than LorneLovers.
                          *sticks fingers in ear* lalalala...I can't here you

                          I'm not holding out much hope for SGU, from the ad I saw while watching Sanctuary made it seem like a ST:Voyager

                          It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                            Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post

                            Definitely a must see *fans self*. I found the parts without Kavan a total let down given how much I love the films - Trinity especially. *Can't help but think of Ryan Reynolds*

                            TV series are rarely in the same league, but judging by that 1 episode, I'm glad I never bothered!!

                            And you don't get a better three! It's funny, Joe's a good looking guy but I really only like him as part of Shex...or whumped o' course!

                            I havent seen all of the Blade eps just a few here and there they should have put him in a couple of eps at least though

                            Nope you dont and yes joe is a good looking guy single pairing though i prefare lorne/shep to shex i dont really know why

                            Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
                            I'm not holding out much hope for SGU, from the ad I saw while watching Sanctuary made it seem like a ST:Voyager
                            I havent seen any ad's for it but i feel the same

                            Banner Made By: Fainne | I'm a 60%er | My Youtube


                              Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
                              Thnx for the insight into the tat. I was just curious. I didnt really notice it till watching Outer Limits yesterday. Oh and I DID get the chance to take a peek at the Blade video someone posted -- although lost track of part 4 - I'll have to go back. I also checked out a couple of his interviews -- WOW!!!

                              LOL (I'll still keep an eye out for that unsuspecting Gibbs-slap!!!) I havent seen much of Kavan in other things --- yet. I know he's been in a lot, but I'm a new LorneLover!
                              Well it can take some time, a lot of Kavan’s stuff (three things that come right to my mind) never even aired on TV. We LorneLovers are highly dedicated *coughs* obsessive

                              Congrats on the rank change by the way!

                              Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                              Thanks Kethry, I'm off to read it right now I just got back from watching "Marley & Me" and bawled like a baby.
                              Oooh sad? I know the ending of the book, I didn’t even read it and it makes me cry.

                              Boy do I have a doozy for you. I think Row rec'd it to me and I'm rec'ing it to you. The Fine Art of Self Destruction it's actually a RNT fic, on AU Lorne & Our Carter. Very very good read.

                              Though I will warn you that it is *R* rated(or M) just as a heads up.
                              Ooooh thank you! *goes to fave*

                              Originally posted by Goauld System Lord View Post
                              This most likely has been mentioned here before, but I just saw Kavan Smith in The Outer Limits, starring Alyssa Milano, for the first time. I just have one word to say: HOTNESS!
                              *laughs* Definitely a favorite around here Goauld

                              Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
                              Guess I never thought certain people were writing for certain characters. I just assumed McKay got all the good stuff cause he was a lead character. Never could understand the fascination with Keller. She seems to young for the position. Must be something to do with being from Chippewa Falls... hmmm.
                              Keller was definitely not my favorite. I agree she seemed far too young to be so accomplished to have made a name of herself, been sent to Pegasus and allowed to be CMO.

                              Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                              Oh? Not seen that...

                              Actually, I read one the other day but can't remember what it was. Yes, I read a het story!! LOL. It was set during Doppelganger, how the entity got into Lorne or something. I'll look
                              Yeah his episode “Disclosure” aired back in 1999. I’m not sure if SciFi re-airs the show still…

                              And please let me know if you find it

                              Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                              nah, its just that I spend so much quality time with the laptop lately(though I *do* resent being called the 'girl version of McKay' the other day) due to the curriculum I'm designing.
                              You resent it? Really? I’ve been called that and I took it as a compliment Then again I do wear a t-shirt like he did in “Home” that points upwards and says “I’m With Genius”…

                              Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
                              Hey - just wanted to say - you guys are great - I went back and was actually reading some long-ago posts and there were some questions about Kavan's personal life (and I did ask about the tat). You guys all agreed his personal life is his and should be off-limits. I think that is great - to respect him as a person. I have spent alot of time in the NASCAR world and know that those guys dont have much of a personal life kept private. I also live where professional football players lives are an open book.

                              So - kudos to you all...
                              Well we like to respect Kavan around here. He’s doing what he loves but I don’t think being on TV or in the movies should make someone an open target for whatever people want to say. Don’t feel bad about that tat question, often when we get new LorneLovers in we get the same usual questions ‘is he married’ things like that. Thankfully everyone who’s joined us is just as respectful of Kavan’s private life as the rest of us. So kudos goes to you as well.

                              Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                              It seems my one 10-year-old S/J story (which has been up since Monday) has already attracted more readers than my Lorne ficlet. Hmmmmm.... I guess there are more S/J shippers in the world than LorneLovers.
                              Ugh, I have three S/J stuck in writer’s block hell right now

                              Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                              Nah there are times when UST is *GREAT* as is Angst and whatnot. Then there are other times when you just want to take two characters, knock them over the head, lock 'em in a room and not let 'em out until either one of 'em is dead or they've resolved their UST.

                              Yes, teammates should definitely be off-limits as it creates a 'danger' of sorts where their focus could be split in an emergency situation. Can't have one person undergoing undue risk to save another when they *SHOULD* be focusing on getting out of a situation. Plus add in all the chain of command issues(because even if civvie/military they exist within the team hierarchy) and it just becomes a GIANT can of worms.
                              I agree, there are times when I crave UST / angst sort of stuff. As for the second statement, that is very true. Except for McShep


                                Originally posted by Lyconia View Post
                                I havent seen any ad's for it but i feel the same
                                I'm trying to stay positive.


