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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by OrangeSwirl
    OMG!! girls you're all slacking!! shame shame!

    no one mentioned the black tee of Yum which our loverly Marcus was wearing under his un-zipped jacket!! now, we just have to get that jacket off and we'll be all set!
    oh my, I have to watch things several times to get it all cuz I focus on different stuff each time, but the black T was hot!

    Thanks for the caps Kate!

    And yes, why stop at the jacket?


      Originally posted by Sparrow
      WOW!!! So thrilled to find this thread. I have been a long time admirer of Major Lorne's and to find this thread was just icing on the cake Love the pics!!!
      Welcome to the LorneLovers! Nice to have another admirer to drool with.


        Originally posted by Morgania
        Good point. I hereby volunter to the dangerous task of stripping Lorne.

        Welcome Sparrow. Is that Captian Sparrow? And you should always bring cake.

        Lucky Weir has a very nice view...
        here here on the nice view. I hope Kavan doesn't read this thread cuz he might run quickly as far away as he can, and we don't want that! LOL


          Originally posted by Blue Banrigh

          I wonder if Sheppard is going to rib Lorne for destroying the Orion the first time he drove it. But yay, Lorne saved their asses.

          Hehehehe, love that he got to work with Zelenka.

          The last bit in the queens chamber had me worried. He got whumped cause he was being a gentleman and trying to reassure the queen.
          *hugs Lorne!*
          I love that he was a gentleman but stupid Rodney didn't say anything about the stuff possibley not working on the females. They could have saved a good choke! But then at least Rodney helped him up off the floor.


            Originally posted by Nici
            Still thinkin' about it

            Caldwell was acting all high and mighty ... he kinda sounded not thrilled when he said something like, "Here's the Orion finally" when they made it to their destination. I had to joke and say as Lorne, "Yeah sorry ... I'm new at this whole ship thing." Is the Orion coming back do ya think? It was fun to see Lorne in that area (had to squee when I saw him in the big chair LOL ) but it was also nice seeing him on the hive with the other men ... AND leading in front of Sheppard. hehe

            Yeah that little incident with the queen ... kinda saw it coming ... but thank goodness you had McKay and Sheppard both shooting as soon as they saw Lorne being strangled in the air. And yes, it would have been nice to hear them say "Marcus" ... but ... we still got the season ahead ... who knows how they'll tease us next LOL

            Yep ... okay ... I'm done for now.
            I wonder too what the next big tease will be. Please don't kill Lorne! He needs a promotion, don't you think?


              Originally posted by Morgania
              I thought the Orion was destroyed by Wraith, thats why they had to beam over so fast. Was glad to Lorne in command of it for a short time. He looked nice in the big chair. I kept hoping they'd use his first name too, but oh well... we do have lots more episodes for that (hopefully).
              yep, the Orian is gone....and I don't hold out much hope that they will use his first name...unless they make him a more personal story. But do we know any of the story archs?


                Originally posted by purpletoo1
                I wonder too what the next big tease will be. Please don't kill Lorne! He needs a promotion, don't you think?
                Yeah, I think so. Then it would put as the same rank as Sheppard though. Not sure if that would really work.
                Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


                  Sorry but Colonel Lorne just doesn't roll with me. *shrugs* LOL
                  Live a life less ordinary ... Live a life extraordinary with me ...


                    I keep misreading Orion as Onion. Dunno if that's my stomach doing my thinking for me or what, but I keep picturing carmelized onions instead of a warship...

                    Lorne's continuing survival is about the only concern I have left in regards to the show. Everything else may be turning to crap, but Lorne is still his wonderful, loveable self and I hope he survives for as long as the show does because Atlantis needs him and more characters like him. Tough, competent, snarky, adorable, and above all there when you need him most.


                      "This is the Atlantis ship... Onion". And it has a sister ship called the Ogre. (Shrek!)
                      Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


                        *laughs* Ancient ship Onion? *laughs*

                        Glad people enjoyed the caps and OMG OS when I was capping I was drooling as I capped with that shirt!

                        And welcome Sparrow!


                          Originally posted by Morgania
                          Yeah, I think so. Then it would put as the same rank as Sheppard though. Not sure if that would really work.
                          hmm...that would make him second in command when shep disappears. But he is that now anyway so I suppose his promotion can wait.


                            Don't think he needs a promotion yet, Major Lorne suits him much better than Lt. Colonel Lorne.


                              I had an epiphany last night...Major Lorne rocks! I mean I'd seen him before and I knew who he was, but he'd just never 'clicked' with me. Now I'm going to have to rewatch all of his episodes!


                                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                                I had an epiphany last night...Major Lorne rocks! I mean I'd seen him before and I knew who he was, but he'd just never 'clicked' with me. Now I'm going to have to rewatch all of his episodes!
                                Welcome, the more the merrier.

                                I didn't have my epiphany till Runner, didn't really notice him in Enemy Mine, Jeremiah or Escape from Mars the first time around.

