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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    jealous of the photo op Kass.....*sighs..* that man is just so pretty...


      Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
      Ali Baba? Do we know that one? Doesn't sound familiar.
      We heard part of it on one of the con videos recently. Okay so he was doing a theater production of Alli Babba and the 40 Thieves. They had this HUGE sequence at the beginning where they all come out on stage and make this huge turn, and there is supposed to be smoke. Well apparently the smoke machines broke and had been spitting oil everywhere so the entire cast comes out goes to go into the turn and they all go flying about. Its much funnier when Kavan tells it though lol.

      Some of the pics looked like he did the Outer Limits audition again.
      Oh yes, that was very fun, we didn't have kids(well 1 but he was teeny) in the room so he was very colorful!

      Cyrano? Was that the one where he said he wouldn't do it because he doesn't sing?
      That is the one that made him realize he wanted to be an actor(you can find mention of it in Prion's blog from Cherry Hill). He *sort* of sang (mumbled really fast) happy birthday to some lady in the audience.

      And Rumpelstiltsken?
      He was doing another play (community theater or the like) and they were out in the village square type thing and they had a woman in the audience who was rather interesting to deal with.

      I think, Mac, you have to tell us more. It seems I am missing my memos.
      All in all his panel was great despite my brain quitting functioning. So a little bit more about some other things.

      My two questions were: (under spoilers for length)
      Question #1:
      You are known for playing a lot of "that dead guy" roles which was your favorite and most challenging to play?
      At first he seemed a bit thrown by my question because his first response was all. "wow way to bring it down. That's like saying 'you get a lot of s*&tty roles which was your favorite S*&tty role?' " He paused for a moment pondering before answering.

      He was all "I'd have to say my favorite role would be one I did for a pilot based on a 1960's show" he paused for a half second as if trying to come up with the name so my mouth helpfully decided to be all "Time Tunnel?" whats funny is he was all "Yeah, Time Tunnel thats right." So he goes on talking about how he really liked the character that he played a guy and again he pauses my mouth(which really by the end of the panel I *hated*) was all "Flynn?" and he was like "Yeah, Flynn- he was really fun and it was really hard but I loved playing him" He talked a bit about Flynn(sorry Row, don't have notes on it) and then he was all "And the guy who played Flynn was really amazing".

      Question 2:
      How do you feel about some of the odd names that the fans have given your character over the years such as Spansky?
      He kind of laughed and was all "Man I hated that name!"(or something similar) So he talks about how it became a running joke on set that his character didn't have a name and then went into the Evan name story. He talked about how he had this episode in the End of season 3 where Martin Wood had him in a fighter. He paused as if trying to come up with the name which my mouth decided to helpfully supply "First Strike". So Kavan looks over at me and is all "Wow you really know this stuff don't you? You could do my panel, I could come down there and ask YOU questions. You could do my auditions too- I have this one where I have to be a guy having sex who gets eaten can you do that?" At this point I'm over against the wall DYING of embarassment(because really who does that? lol) He goes on talking about First strike and how no one really knew that Martin had named him so they are all 'we gotta give you a name' and he was all "But I HAVE a name" and they didn't believe him.

      Other funny moment:
      A fan asked what was the hardest episode of Atlantis to work on and he was talking about how hard it was to do the one with all the prothestics where he was the General, and he couldn't come up with the name so he looks over and points RIGHT at me(as I'm still at the wall) and of COURSE I knew it was "Last Man" so I said so(since he pointed at me and all )

      Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
      Btw why were you shaky? Because of meeting HIM? You weren't sick, were you? *hugs Mac*
      No I wasn't sick, lol. Was just really nervous(see Last Man story for part of the reason). Plus meeting him as well.

      I'm a 60%'er


        Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post

        All in all his panel was great despite my brain quitting functioning. So a little bit more about some other things.

        My two questions were: (under spoilers for length)
        Question #1:
        You are known for playing a lot of "that dead guy" roles which was your favorite and most challenging to play?
        At first he seemed a bit thrown by my question because his first response was all. "wow way to bring it down. That's like saying 'you get a lot of s*&tty roles which was your favorite S*&tty role?' " He paused for a moment pondering before answering.

        He was all "I'd have to say my favorite role would be one I did for a pilot based on a 1960's show" he paused for a half second as if trying to come up with the name so my mouth helpfully decided to be all "Time Tunnel?" whats funny is he was all "Yeah, Time Tunnel thats right." So he goes on talking about how he really liked the character that he played a guy and again he pauses my mouth(which really by the end of the panel I *hated*) was all "Flynn?" and he was like "Yeah, Flynn- he was really fun and it was really hard but I loved playing him" He talked a bit about Flynn(sorry Row, don't have notes on it) and then he was all "And the guy who played Flynn was really amazing".

        Question 2:
        How do you feel about some of the odd names that the fans have given your character over the years such as Spansky?
        He kind of laughed and was all "Man I hated that name!"(or something similar) So he talks about how it became a running joke on set that his character didn't have a name and then went into the Evan name story. He talked about how he had this episode in the End of season 3 where Martin Wood had him in a fighter. He paused as if trying to come up with the name which my mouth decided to helpfully supply "First Strike". So Kavan looks over at me and is all "Wow you really know this stuff don't you? You could do my panel, I could come down there and ask YOU questions. You could do my auditions too- I have this one where I have to be a guy having sex who gets eaten can you do that?" At this point I'm over against the wall DYING of embarassment(because really who does that? lol) He goes on talking about First strike and how no one really knew that Martin had named him so they are all 'we gotta give you a name' and he was all "But I HAVE a name" and they didn't believe him.

        Other funny moment:
        A fan asked what was the hardest episode of Atlantis to work on and he was talking about how hard it was to do the one with all the prothestics where he was the General, and he couldn't come up with the name so he looks over and points RIGHT at me(as I'm still at the wall) and of COURSE I knew it was "Last Man" so I said so(since he pointed at me and all )

        No I wasn't sick, lol. Was just really nervous(see Last Man story for part of the reason). Plus meeting him as well.
        Look at it like this....... he'll never forget you!!!!


          great stories mac

          Live a life less ordinary ... Live a life extraordinary with me ...


            Oy, I just saw that the voting for the Isis Awards started...
            I'm a 60%er.

            I will always place the mission first.
            I will never accept defeat.
            I will never quit.
            I will never leave a fallen comrade.
            "There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."


              Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
              My two questions were: (under spoilers for length)
              Question #1:
              You are known for playing a lot of "that dead guy" roles which was your favorite and most challenging to play?
              At first he seemed a bit thrown by my question because his first response was all. "wow way to bring it down. That's like saying 'you get a lot of s*&tty roles which was your favorite S*&tty role?' " He paused for a moment pondering before answering.

              He was all "I'd have to say my favorite role would be one I did for a pilot based on a 1960's show" he paused for a half second as if trying to come up with the name so my mouth helpfully decided to be all "Time Tunnel?" whats funny is he was all "Yeah, Time Tunnel thats right." So he goes on talking about how he really liked the character that he played a guy and again he pauses my mouth(which really by the end of the panel I *hated*) was all "Flynn?" and he was like "Yeah, Flynn- he was really fun and it was really hard but I loved playing him" He talked a bit about Flynn(sorry Row, don't have notes on it) and then he was all "And the guy who played Flynn was really amazing".

              Question 2:
              How do you feel about some of the odd names that the fans have given your character over the years such as Spansky?
              He kind of laughed and was all "Man I hated that name!"(or something similar) So he talks about how it became a running joke on set that his character didn't have a name and then went into the Evan name story. He talked about how he had this episode in the End of season 3 where Martin Wood had him in a fighter. He paused as if trying to come up with the name which my mouth decided to helpfully supply "First Strike". So Kavan looks over at me and is all "Wow you really know this stuff don't you? You could do my panel, I could come down there and ask YOU questions. You could do my auditions too- I have this one where I have to be a guy having sex who gets eaten can you do that?" At this point I'm over against the wall DYING of embarassment(because really who does that? lol) He goes on talking about First strike and how no one really knew that Martin had named him so they are all 'we gotta give you a name' and he was all "But I HAVE a name" and they didn't believe him.

              Other funny moment:
              A fan asked what was the hardest episode of Atlantis to work on and he was talking about how hard it was to do the one with all the prothestics where he was the General, and he couldn't come up with the name so he looks over and points RIGHT at me(as I'm still at the wall) and of COURSE I knew it was "Last Man" so I said so(since he pointed at me and all )
              and I bet it was us who reminded him that Lorne had a first name

              It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                Look at it like this....... he'll never forget you!!!!
                I'll second that.

                Did he remember you at the photo op?

                Oh, Mac, I know it must have been so embarrassing for you, but it sounds just great, considering that there were so many people and he actually noticed you.

                I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                  Oh mac, I just had to laugh so hard about your stories, sorry. They were just really, really great. I just have this feeling he will remember you
                  I'm a 60%er.

                  I will always place the mission first.
                  I will never accept defeat.
                  I will never quit.
                  I will never leave a fallen comrade.
                  "There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."


                    Originally posted by CKO View Post
                    jealous of the photo op Kass.....*sighs..* that man is just so pretty...
                    Yes he is and funny and smart as well.

                    Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                    Look at it like this....... he'll never forget you!!!!
                    Gee thanks Lizzie thats really helping my nerves (Add in the fact that I told David I prefer Kavan over David- yeah this ain't going away, lol)

                    Originally posted by Nici View Post
                    great stories mac
                    Thanks Nici. I'm trying to jog my memory enough that I can get a decent report written up(as opposed to bits and pieces like this).

                    Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
                    Oy, I just saw that the voting for the Isis Awards started...
                    I'll go vote after class Rowena. Oh and I should be able to do some BETA work tonight.

                    Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
                    and I bet it was us who reminded him that Lorne had a first name
                    Yes I'm sure it was.

                    I'm a 60%'er


                      Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                      Hi Queen

                      Lovely pics. They're huge!!!!

                      You know, I still keep checking the Armageddon site for the Con interviews.....still nothing...How long are they going to take I wonder?

                      They are sooooo dragging their heels. Don't they know we are waiting?


                      I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                        Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                        We heard part of it on one of the con videos recently. Okay so he was doing a theater production of Alli Babba and the 40 Thieves. They had this HUGE sequence at the beginning where they all come out on stage and make this huge turn, and there is supposed to be smoke. Well apparently the smoke machines broke and had been spitting oil everywhere so the entire cast comes out goes to go into the turn and they all go flying about. Its much funnier when Kavan tells it though lol.

                        Was that the vid that broke off in the middle of his telling the story?

                        I didn't get much of that unfortunately.

                        I wonder if the Armageddon people are in the con dvd business. I'd buy one just for Kavan's panel and the couch interview.

                        I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                          Originally posted by vatazes View Post
                          Intentional repost of my all time fav KS pic . I don't know what it is about this one, but ... me oh my!
                          I think it's mine too. It's everything...the baby blues first off - get me every time. Then there's the nearly smile with the nearly dimples, the hair, the neck, the nicely crumpled black t-shirt that's just the right fit to show the outline of his physique but not in-your-face-here's-my-muscles. And of course the tattoo. Not that I've studied the pic or anything!! *le sigh*
                          Did I miss anything out?

                          Originally posted by vatazes View Post
                          I love the pics, but why does it always look like the astronauts are wearing bras on their heads . Couldn't help it.... It's what I think everytime I see pics like these...
                          LOL I always think something like that. Like a huge pair of belly warmer granny knickers, but looking again...bra it is!!!

                          Originally posted by vatazes View Post
                          Damn, he looks like he'd be great at snuggling .
                          *falls deep into the gutter*
                          Doesn't he just? I'd always thought Kavan was a good looking guy (who in their right mind wouldn't??) but when I saw THAT pic in one of mel's sigs, followed by a Prison Break/Atlantis x-over dream which ended up with me cuddling up with Lorne that I thought "oh hello there"!!! Shame on me for not seeing it sooner I suppose!!

                          Edit: hey Lizzie, I thought I'd quoted your msg, sorry. Yes they're huge - couldn't bring myself to resize them!!



                            Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                            I'll go vote after class Rowena.
                            That would be really nice of you

                            Oh and I should be able to do some BETA work tonight.
                            Please don't feel rushed. I can always use some exercise in patience

                            BTW, seems like they have some major computer glitch issues over at fanfic100. Which means that no claims will be accepted for an unknown amount of time. And here I thought I could get my Christmas stories online this Christmas
                            I'm a 60%er.

                            I will always place the mission first.
                            I will never accept defeat.
                            I will never quit.
                            I will never leave a fallen comrade.
                            "There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."


                              Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                              I'll second that.

                              Did he remember you at the photo op?

                              Oh, Mac, I know it must have been so embarrassing for you, but it sounds just great, considering that there were so many people and he actually noticed you.

                              Kethry- Photo Ops were BEFORE the Panel but he did seem to remember me when I went for Autos later. Oh that reminds me the Autograph story! *head desk*

                              Sooo I went to get my autograph and had been waiting forever in line. Got up to the table finally and he was all "Hi, nice to see you" *blanks* He signs my picture and I move onto Dan Shea and Dan is all 'sooo how are you?" and I'm all 'Uhmmm *mumbles incoherently*" Dan looks concerned(and maybe a little perplexed and is all 'Are you okay?' and I'm all "Um yes, I'm fine. Its just all HIS fault *points at Kavan*" My friend was standing at Kavan's table getting his autograph at that point, and oh so helpfully pipes up to Kavan "You know she's blaming you for something over there right?" and Kavan looks at me and is all "What'd I do?!" to which I so succintly answered "You don't wanna know!"

                              Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
                              Oh mac, I just had to laugh so hard about your stories, sorry. They were just really, really great. I just have this feeling he will remember you
                              Oh yeah I'm pretty sure he will too. If I could only figure out a way to be in London in January I'd be there in a heartbeat!

                              I'm a 60%'er


                                Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                                Yes he is and funny and smart as well.

                                It's so great that you could meet him.

                                Gee thanks Lizzie thats really helping my nerves (Add in the fact that I told David I prefer Kavan over David- yeah this ain't going away, lol)
                                I wonder if you'll make it into his con story repertoire. He has a way of remembering funny stuff like that.

                                Thanks Nici. I'm trying to jog my memory enough that I can get a decent report written up(as opposed to bits and pieces like this).
                                Oh yes, please. I'd love to read your con report. Let us know where to find it, yes?

                                Thanks so much for sharing your pics and stories.

                                I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction

