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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
    RNT is one of my fave Lorne eps, I LOVE watching the first half because he's in almost every single frame!! And that makes me squeee!!!

    And so do my clones... *cuddles tight*
    *giggles and winks* i'm with you, girl!
    I am NOT slashing these two!!
    beautiful pic made by Luciana


      -happy sigh- That episode sounds wonderful! I think I'll have to skip seasons 8 and 9 to buy season 10 when I get financial aid this semester...

      -huggles brand new clone- I'm sure he'll keep me happy for the month until then.

      (I really loved Vala too, so it'd be nice to have a season with her in it)

      Sig. courtesy of the phenomenal Shelbel!


        Originally posted by Ratbaby07 View Post
        Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
        Actually, she was asking who she was married to. Turned out to be McKay. Crazy AU Sam! Much rather be with Evan!!
        Aww, darn, it would be SO cute if AU Sam was with him!
        Well, AU Sam had been married to him! That's why they were together in the picture, but darned McKay stole her away... She should have stayed with Lorne... he's a much sexier man

        Oh!! I just remembered, I haven't seen quarantine yet, my sister taped it for me cuz I was gone, I thinky I shall go watch that now Yay!

        Proudly Supporting Team USA


          Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
          Well, AU Sam had been married to him! That's why they were together in the picture, but darned McKay stole her away... She should have stayed with Lorne... he's a much sexier man

          Oh!! I just remembered, I haven't seen quarantine yet, my sister taped it for me cuz I was gone, I thinky I shall go watch that now Yay!
          Wow, that girl is NUTS! Haha, I love McKay but...but...he's not LORNE!!!

          Have fun!

          Sig. courtesy of the phenomenal Shelbel!


            Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
            Well, AU Sam had been married to him! That's why they were together in the picture, but darned McKay stole her away... She should have stayed with Lorne... he's a much sexier man
            Really? I didn't remember that (only saw it once). Shame on Sam!! That is unthinkable!


              evenin ya'll


                Hey CKO!

                I watched RNT the other night! I had a S10 marathon. I had forgotten Lorne was in that epi until he came strolling on screen...*sigh*...that was a good epi. Sooooo much Lorneage. Makes a girl content with life! *goes to happy Lorne place*
                Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                  *gets up on soapbox*
                  Gather 'round new LorneLovers!!!
                  It's time for your TEST

                  That's right, there is a Kavan test, many a LorneLover are divided by this test, it is time to see where the new recruits stand. And on what you might ask?

                  Blonde Kavan!!!

                  So new LorneLovers? What do you think, Yay or Nay on Kavan's blonde locks?
                  And before anyone asks, they're all real, Kavan did dye is hair for a bit.


                    GAH! *hides* make it go away! *starts crying*
                    Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                      Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
                      Well, AU Sam had been married to him! That's why they were together in the picture, but darned McKay stole her away... She should have stayed with Lorne... he's a much sexier man
                      *dies laughing* I don't think she was ever married to him. He even said, he and AU Sam were just friends. I'm pretty sure the picture was taken after she'd left Rodney...

                      Originally posted by leighanners View Post
                      GAH! *hides* make it go away! *starts crying*
                      Well like I said Leigh, its a test, see what the new LorneLovers think.


                        Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
                        *dies laughing* I don't think she was ever married to him. He even said, he and AU Sam were just friends. I'm pretty sure the picture was taken after she'd left Rodney...

                        Well like I said Leigh, its a test, see what the new LorneLovers think.
                        I know! There should be fair warning though! It's just
                        Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                          ye and its just wrong.. my eyes they burn....

                          i think i gotta post some of my wps again...

                          yes they can be added to LorneLovers PB and they are as always snurchable..

                          SPOILERS for S4

                          behind the cut and ya can clicky




                            Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post

                            K, so he looks like Clark Kent in that picture... for some reason that's what i think of, LOL

                            As for me.... I like (what's NOT to like about Kavan?) but I'd like it even better shorter, long hair on a man just isn't my thing

                            Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
                            *dies laughing* I don't think she was ever married to him. He even said, he and AU Sam were just friends. I'm pretty sure the picture was taken after she'd left Rodney...
                            Well, he clearly said, when she handed him the picture and asked about the wedding band "That must have been taken before the divorce." Sam asked, err... well gestured wondering if they were married, and Lorne goes no no no "She left for some hotshot millionaire named McKay." okay... so I'm not quoting directly, but that's what I remember LOL I just watched the ep like last week

                            Proudly Supporting Team USA


                              Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
                              *gets up on soapbox*
                              Gather 'round new LorneLovers!!!
                              It's time for your TEST

                              That's right, there is a Kavan test, many a LorneLover are divided by this test, it is time to see where the new recruits stand. And on what you might ask?

                              So new LorneLovers? What do you think, Yay or Nay on Kavan's blonde locks?
                              And before anyone asks, they're all real, Kavan did dye is hair for a bit.
                              Hmm, I'm going to have to say "Nay" to the blonde. My clone would be in biiiig trouble if he came home lookin' like that. I don't hate it enough to send him packin', but I might shave his head. Now THAT would be an interseting look...

                              I do however, love the rather wicked little smile he's got in the second pic...

                              Sig. courtesy of the phenomenal Shelbel!


                                Originally posted by Ratbaby07 View Post
                                I might shave his head. Now THAT would be an interseting look...
                                It would be GI Joe!Lorne LOL

                                Proudly Supporting Team USA

