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Hey Everyone, I know I haven't posted in a LONG time, but with the end of my school career(aka Graduating from College), and moving back home, and possibly general laziness, I've been a bit busy. Anyway, I posted on Joe Mallozzi's Blog yesterday, and he replied.
Anyway, I"m going away for a few days, so if someone else wants to spam the lovely Mr. Mallozzi about this, please feel free, because we need a permanent name before we all go mad. See you all in a few days!!!
Okay, I'm tired of not knowing so I decided to ask Kavan over on SciFi World:
Anyway, LorneLovers everywhere are ready to start beating our computer screens. You said in previous interviews Lorne's canon name will be Evan. According to Joe Mallozzi's blog, he's been saying
Can you please clear this up?