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Ronon Dex/Jason Momoa Thunk Thread

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    HA! Got your flag.

    I think that's a new record time, too.

    Shep: Hardy har har. Now gimme that back. I can do better... I think


      Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
      So very, very true!!

      I loved that scene - you just knew Shep was going to end up with the duff end of the deal...

      Damn! Can't green you...
      No worries... I have that problem all the time!
      Too many funnies, not enough


        Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post

        Seems it might be a generational skipping thing, then... defiant clone, good clone, defiant clone, good clone You and I lucked out, Sal. *high five*
        *hands Neelan a bottle of champagne*
        I think this calls for a celebration.
        But it's gonna have to wait till I get back from walking the dog.
        Awesome sig by Laura
        "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

        The randomess that is me
        Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


          Originally posted by Salamas View Post
          *hands Neelan a bottle of champagne*
          I think this calls for a celebration.
          But it's gonna have to wait till I get back from walking the dog.
          *waits with empty champagne flute*


            Let the party begin!
            *pulls out drinks*
            Awesome sig by Laura
            "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

            The randomess that is me
            Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


              Originally posted by Salamas View Post
              Let the party begin!
              *pulls out drinks*
              WOOHOO! Yes, Ronon... you can celebrate, too

              Sunday spoilers


                Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                WOOHOO! Yes, Ronon... you can celebrate, too

                Sunday spoilers
                A toast to our good clones!
                *hands out drinks to Neelan, Junior and Nibbles*

                Awesome sig by Laura
                "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                The randomess that is me
                Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                  Originally posted by ladyshae View Post
                  Yeah I have seen you there a few times, I waved but,,, you didn't wave back.
                  I saw you but I couldn't wave back, I was too busy trying to keep my balance on that thin black line!

                  Originally posted by ladyshae View Post

                  Wait a minute you can spell "recalcitrant" but you forgot how to spell bedpo...... OH!! nevermind.

                  Oh dear.

                  Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                  Don't worry, Bunny... I understood ya. But then, I'm kind of a word-nerd, too
                  Hey, I paid for the English degrees I have, so I gotta use 'em somehow... even though I usually "speak" on bboards in colloquialisms.
                  Oh, and my Ronon clone is SOOOOO not "hard to operate" He's very willing to tell me where everything goes and how to use all attachments!

                  Yes... high heels are EVIL

                  Originally posted by telpethoniel View Post
                  Speaking of 'english as a second language' where's Ice been? we've got a couple of people in here who have english as a second language...
                  Where abouts are you from Sal? (or just point me to said post where it was mentioned before lol)
                  I got an e-mail from her today, she said real life has been keeping her busy.

                  Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
                  More diary...


                  V. odd last couple of days. Met man with Wraith daughter. At first quite, quite worried (and disgusted) as thought Wraith was, you know, actually his daughter. Although, when all is said and done, alien babes are alien babes, and although Wraith Queens are ugly as sin and scary as hell, they *do* have a nice pair.

                  Uh, hang on…

                  Did I say that out loud?


                  Seemingly not. Teyla still quite friendly, Rodney still quite annoying and Ronon still… whatever Ronon is. Angry, possibly. It’s hard to tell sometimes.

                  Anyway. Man with Wraith daughter. He found her when she was young and the stupid moron – get this – took her home with him. Give that man a Noble prize. I mean, sheesh…

                  The upshot of it all is that – surprise surprise – she’s been life-sucking people. I don’t know; you bring them in, you house train them, you feed and clothe them and then they repay your kindness with mass genocide. The ungrateful wench. You’d think she was a Wraith or something…

                  In the end, Carson came with his retro-virus (why is it retro, I wonder? Does it want to live in the Sixties or something?) and the **** REALLY hit the fan.

                  You know – we should so realise these things are going to happen…

                  She turned into some kind of blue bug thing. And was, unsurprisingly, rather miffed about it all.

                  How do I know?

                  Well, I got whumped, didn’t I?


                  So here I am, in the infirmary. Awaiting inspection.




                  Oh, yeah. Go Sheppard!

                  Beat Ronon in a running race AND snogged Teyla!

                  Go me!


                  Err, or maybe not.

                  Seems like I’ve got that retro-virus thing in my system.

                  Ahh, well, I’m sure it’ll be okay.

                  Yeah. Sure it will.


                  Is that a scab?


                  Okay, what is this, Freak Sheppard Out Day?


                  No entries recently due to the fact that I mutated into a bug. Yes, that’s right – a bug.

                  Not that I’m bitter.

                  Okay, not really a bug. I mean, I didn’t grow an extra pair of arms or antennae or anything like that. More like a human bug thing.


                  ‘Scuse me; I think I’m going to go and have another shower…


                  If I find ONE MORE can of Raid in my bed, I am going to shoot someone. This is just not funny anymore, people!

                  And that includes YOU, Rodney!


                  Never have I seen a man so obsessed with socks. I mean, okay, so Ronon was on the run for 7 years and so good socks would have been a real luxury, but sheesh, you don’t need test drive every pair you’re given on some poor marine.

                  Note to self: Get suitable fruit basket for poor marine, c/o Carson.

                  I cannae help it...
                  OMG!! Hilarious!! Here's some virtual green since I can't give you reality green yet. I need to go onto some thread and green random people until I can green people here again.

                  Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                  ME! ME!! ME!!! ME!!!!!!! **bounces up and down and shoves her way to the front of the line**



                      **fantasizes that is her leg being lifted so tenderly by the hottie with the dreadlocks**






                                AAAAAAA! *screams*
                                I'm trying to study but my dog wont let me!
                                She keeps whining! I've walked her twice in the past hour, she acts that she wants out, but then wants back in. I refreshed her water and even bought a water cup into my room. I've laid on the bed with her and petted her. Nothing works! *headdesk*
                                The next time my parents decide to leave around exam time, I am not letting them out the door!

                                [/angry venting]
                                Awesome sig by Laura
                                "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                                The randomess that is me
                                Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty

