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Ronon Dex/Jason Momoa Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by cavegirl View Post
    As you all know, I'm not able to send pictures of camera hogs or surfer dudes but I have two new links. They came from the Robert E Howard page.

    The first is an interview with Nispel, the second is an interview with Jason. But you must translate it first.

    If it doesn't work, please Stars, or anyone else, can you help me or us?


    I've read only the one with Jason so far, now I will proceed with Nispel's.
    Links not working - the addresses have been truncated. I could figure out the homepage of the second one but I don't read cyrillic...


      Originally posted by cavegirl View Post
      As you all know, I'm not able to send pictures of camera hogs or surfer dudes but I have two new links. They came from the Robert E Howard page.

      The first is an interview with Nispel, the second is an interview with Jason. But you must translate it first.

      If it doesn't work, please Stars, or anyone else, can you help me or us?


      I've read only the one with Jason so far, now I will proceed with Nispel's.
      Is the one with Jason the same as this one: That's the latest one we've seen.

      Originally posted by Lahela View Post
      Links not working - the addresses have been truncated. I could figure out the homepage of the second one but I don't read cyrillic...
      I can read it, but not understand it... :O I could figure out most of the headings, and I checked some of the catergories that could have something like this (such as 'culture') but couldn't find anything.

      Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


        Originally posted by cavegirl View Post
        Here is a translation of jason's interview, one of the fans made.

        Jason Momoa

        Mr Momoa, you ahve been here for 2 months now, how do you feel in Bulgaria?

        -Everyone is super-nice and friendly and I feel very safe. Sofia (the capital of Bulgaria) is an unique city. It offers many things that America can't. I had the pleasure to feel 3 seasons for this short time - snowy winter, spring and a few days ago summer. It is wonderful to be in a foreign country and see how all this happens. I found all the graffiti on the walls a bit an unpleasant surprise. I am not a fan of street art. Nowadays in America so many graffiti can't be seen. But at the same time it makes me feel like in a movie set.

        How did you prepare physically for the role?
        -I spent a lot of time lifting weights and sword-fighting. Every day I practiced sword-fighting for 2 hours, then another 2 hours lifting weights. And stretching after that. I spent 6 hours a day training with the stunt team "87eleven". these guys put me in the shape I am in now.

        Do you do martial arts?
        -I had never done it before. While working on 'Stargate:Atlantis' I had to use a sword but the guys from '87eleven' are incredible. They taught me to use a boken - a training samurai sword made of wood, which was something completely new to me. It is exciting but afterall ut is just a film fight.

        Did you have to gain weight for the role?
        -Yes, from the very begining of preparation I had to be 110kg - the heaviest I have ever been. And now I am back to mu usual 102 kg. It was very difficult to work out and constantly keep the musculature.

        What makes your Conan different?
        -Well I am playing him! And I am different compared to any other Conan in the world! I am different because I am a savage and I come from a line of savages (laughs).

        Did you get into the character's psychology, did you find what motivates him?
        -I read REH a lot. I loved the comic books when I was a kid. I haven't seen the movies though, but when I got the part I started reading Robert Howard's stories furiously. they fill my imagination. They were a good guide for me. Everything that I needed for this character could be found there and I felt a connection with him.

        You used to be a successful model, do you think that cinema us the logical continuation of your career?
        - This is my first big movie and I am very excited to see what happens next. I got the part thanks to a tv series for HBO that will be released soon. It is interesting that I play Chingiz Khan, and now Conan - 2 absolutely insane characters. I would love to see who will kick the other one's ass in a fight.

        Did you have any doubts before accepting the role?
        - Yes, I did because the script wasn't finished. But when I met the director, he ensured me that the script will be fantastic and then again I really wanted to play Conan. She is an incredible character!

        What is your opinion of the work of the other very famous man, also born in Honolulu? You must know whom I am an talking about?
        -I love Obama, and I heard that Obama also loves Conan.

        Do you like night life? What do you think about it here in Bulgaria?
        -I really love the Italian restaurants in Sofia. Actually my family is now waiting for me in one. I also visited a few night clubs but I do now like chaos music, I prefer relaxing with blues. So I love the food the most. With the crew we often visit Mexican restaurants, because we are all from California and we miss burritos, tequila and margarita.

        Who is your idol in Cinema?
        - I do not have any idols in cinema, but I have another and he is the musician Tom Waits.

        Do you like "New Boyana" and working with the "New image" crew?
        -The studio 'New Boyana' is fantastic! Incredible grounds and a lot of incredible people. Bulgarians treat me very well, right Sophie? (he turns to the make-up lady who is taking off loads of 'cuts' from the body of Conan). Yes, everyone here is fantastic. Bulgarian stuntmen are incredible. I love 'New Boyana'.

        By, work is waiting
        fantastic cavegirl! was that on a bulgarian site?


          Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
          is it wrong to say that I would rather *he* tie *me* up?

          stars you crack me up!
          theres nothing wrong with that at all as far as im concerned!!! and sorry for use of the 'tied up satedan' piccie dragongirl.


            Originally posted by cavegirl View Post
            You used to be a successful model, do you think that cinema us the logical continuation of your career?
            - This is my first big movie and I am very excited to see what happens next. I got the part thanks to a tv series for HBO that will be released soon. It is interesting that I play Chingiz Khan, and now Conan - 2 absolutely insane characters. I would love to see who will kick the other one's ass in a fight.
            Thanks for the translation cavegirl!

            Is Chingiz Khan what they call Khal Drogo in the Russian version of GoT???
            ETA - just Googled it and it's another version of Genghis Khan... now I'm even more confused! Is Jason playing Genghis Khan and somehow this has either slipped under the radar or I have completely lost my mind???
            Last edited by Lahela; 15 June 2010, 04:45 AM. Reason: typo


              Originally posted by Lahela View Post
              Thanks for the translation cavegirl!

              Is Chingiz Khan what they call Khal Drogo in the Russian version of GoT???
              ETA - just Googled it and it's another version of Genghis Khan... now I'm even more confused! Is Jason playing Genghis Khan and somehow this has either slipped under the radar or I have completely lost my mind???
              /\ What Lah said - thanks for this interview!

              I think it's just a nickname they use for Khal Drogo. I mean, from what I've seen of his character he kinda looks like the guy. And he's also leading a tribe of horsemen, just in a different reality.

              Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                sorry to break the chain of the conversation but ive just got a scoop!!! if you've seen the picture on FB of the girl dancing with Jason in a bar in sofia - ive just made friends with her and have been talking to her. oh my gawd!!!!!! wanna hear more?


                  Thanks for posting the translation again, mirishka.

                  I've got the link from the original Robert E Howard page, it's the writer of conan.

                  It's from a bulgarian magazine or something like that.

                  I let it translate by computer, first in german, but it was hard to unterstand. Than in english, and I get an meaning of the interview. Some time later, I found the translation of it, made by a reader of the page. She translated the interview of Nispel, the director of the film too, if i should post it, it's no problem.

                  I think, Jason would say, Khal Drogo is a kind of Dschingis Khan ( it's the german version ). He was a mongolian warlord instead of a Dothraki.
                  <sig removed for being over 100X our limit. Sigs must be 50K or less, thank you>


                    O my god.

                    It's my first direct post.
                    <sig removed for being over 100X our limit. Sigs must be 50K or less, thank you>


                      Congrats to being off probation cavegirl


                        Originally posted by cavegirl View Post
                        O my god.

                        It's my first direct post.
                        yippeeeee!!!!!!!! congrats honey!!!!


                          Congratulations Cavegirl. You're finally free.


                            Originally posted by mirishka View Post
                            sorry to break the chain of the conversation but ive just got a scoop!!! If you've seen the picture on fb of the girl dancing with jason in a bar in sofia - ive just made friends with her and have been talking to her. Oh my gawd!!!!!! Wanna hear more?
                            Do we??? Yes!!!!

                            Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                              Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                              Do we??? Yes!!!!
                              she is really nice, she is an extra on the film, she plays an ancient hooker - she got to film for 4 days with him and she said he was really really lovely. he was also a gentleman and although nearly every girl on the set was trying to get into his pants, he didnt get tempted - or at least to her knowledge. his hotel was opposite her appartment and they used to go into the bar almost everynight for drinks and sometimes dancing (as you saw in the piccie) Lisa and the kids came out half way thru filming but she said he was wonderful. she has some piccies but is under contract not to show them on internet or anywhere until the official ones have been released, she is gonna send me them when she is allowed. she has invited me to Sofia and will try and get a tour organized for the studio. she was really lovely. she has joined my web site and maybe she will put some other photos up there later.


                                Thanks for the interview translation Cavegirl and congrats on getting off probation. Awesome inside info Mirishka. Wicked pix Ever and DG!! More Momoa shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O

