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Ronon Dex/Jason Momoa Thunk Thread

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    More diary...


    V. odd last couple of days. Met man with Wraith daughter. At first quite, quite worried (and disgusted) as thought Wraith was, you know, actually his daughter. Although, when all is said and done, alien babes are alien babes, and although Wraith Queens are ugly as sin and scary as hell, they *do* have a nice pair.

    Uh, hang on…

    Did I say that out loud?


    Seemingly not. Teyla still quite friendly, Rodney still quite annoying and Ronon still… whatever Ronon is. Angry, possibly. It’s hard to tell sometimes.

    Anyway. Man with Wraith daughter. He found her when she was young and the stupid moron – get this – took her home with him. Give that man a Noble prize. I mean, sheesh…

    The upshot of it all is that – surprise surprise – she’s been life-sucking people. I don’t know; you bring them in, you house train them, you feed and clothe them and then they repay your kindness with mass genocide. The ungrateful wench. You’d think she was a Wraith or something…

    In the end, Carson came with his retro-virus (why is it retro, I wonder? Does it want to live in the Sixties or something?) and the **** REALLY hit the fan.

    You know – we should so realise these things are going to happen…

    She turned into some kind of blue bug thing. And was, unsurprisingly, rather miffed about it all.

    How do I know?

    Well, I got whumped, didn’t I?


    So here I am, in the infirmary. Awaiting inspection.




    Oh, yeah. Go Sheppard!

    Beat Ronon in a running race AND snogged Teyla!

    Go me!


    Err, or maybe not.

    Seems like I’ve got that retro-virus thing in my system.

    Ahh, well, I’m sure it’ll be okay.

    Yeah. Sure it will.


    Is that a scab?


    Okay, what is this, Freak Sheppard Out Day?


    No entries recently due to the fact that I mutated into a bug. Yes, that’s right – a bug.

    Not that I’m bitter.

    Okay, not really a bug. I mean, I didn’t grow an extra pair of arms or antennae or anything like that. More like a human bug thing.


    ‘Scuse me; I think I’m going to go and have another shower…


    If I find ONE MORE can of Raid in my bed, I am going to shoot someone. This is just not funny anymore, people!

    And that includes YOU, Rodney!


    Never have I seen a man so obsessed with socks. I mean, okay, so Ronon was on the run for 7 years and so good socks would have been a real luxury, but sheesh, you don’t need test drive every pair you’re given on some poor marine.

    Note to self: Get suitable fruit basket for poor marine, c/o Carson.

    I cannae help it...
    I curse the sun so I can howl at the moon...

    I want to live, I want to experience the universe and I want to eat pie.
    Deviant Art Fanfiction


      Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
      Well, I checked the Pleasure Pit and didn't find the PG Stick in there... uh... don't think I've seen in since Grey was last in here.

      *giggles* "folding his laundry"... is that what we're calling it now?
      I don't know what you are talking about. **Must behave until location of PG stick is established**

      Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
      Don't worry, Bunny... I understood ya. But then, I'm kind of a word-nerd, too
      Hey, I paid for the English degrees I have, so I gotta use 'em somehow... even though I usually "speak" on bboards in colloquialisms.

      oi, "colloquialisms"
      1. A colloquial expression.

      Well that was specific, alright then.
      1. characteristic of or appropriate to ordinary or familiar conversation rather than formal speech or writing;
      2. informal.

      Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
      Oh, and my Ronon clone is SOOOOO not "hard to operate" He's very willing to tell me where everything goes and how to use all attachments!
      Yeah Crunchie is all too happy to tell me where to put things and where to go for that matter. I don't find his advice all that helpful though.

      Originally posted by purpletoo1 View Post
      heeee, I understand when you aren't used to them or you have to stand for long periods of time they kill. But I love them! *thinks fondly of my J LOs* Just ask Neelan I lived in them at the con and the long lines killed but I didn't mind, beauty comes with a price, LMAO!!
      I can't afford it.

      Inside Voice -- My Rant Region


        Originally posted by purpletoo1 View Post
        Now that wasn't helpful, shame on you shae evil girl! Don't listen to her Tel *plugs Tel's ears, gags shae*
        I wasn't trying to be helpful.
        Just truthful.

        Don't worry Tel, I have faith in you.

        Inside Voice -- My Rant Region


          Originally posted by Salamas View Post
          Why does everyone do that? Dont live through me! It's a baaaad idea!
          It's gotta be better than living through me. I am so boring.

          Originally posted by Salamas View Post
          I did... Then I put it down... And since then someone put it on a rubber rope and its got a mind of its own.
          What frightens me is that there are only a certain number of umm people in here that are tall enough to reach it.

          Originally posted by Salamas View Post
          Yes I did give her a whip. Be happy it wasnt the Cat o' Nine Tails. That would have been worse.
          I like cats!!! teeheehee

          Originally posted by Salamas View Post
          Nibbles is sleeping. He's a bit tired. I hid his gun, oooh boy he wont be happy about that...
          I took Crunchie's gun and stick away and gave him a mop and bucket. Talk about not happy.
          Now he's fashioned 57 ways to immobilize and eviscerate someone with a mop and bucket.
          Dictionary's are fun!!!

          Inside Voice -- My Rant Region


            Originally posted by Salamas View Post
            Awww poor you. I dont think these clones know their own strenght... It's a bit scary. Nibbles broke my bed the other night... Dont ask how...

            Originally posted by Salamas View Post
            That sounds cool! I suck at computer games, I even fail at Sims...
            I use to play the Sims all the time, even made SGA sims. But then found that all I did was spend all my time building and decorating so now I just don't see the point.

            Originally posted by Salamas View Post
            I lost the stick... I think Weary might have taken it...
            Perhaps we should warn Bunny, or...... congratulate her, not sure which.

            Originally posted by Salamas View Post
            I tell that to Nibbles too when he misbehaves. Usually while holding a sharp object in my hand...
            I have been using my zat, I think he's building and immunity.

            Originally posted by Salamas View Post
            I can help too! And Nibbles. He set up some kind of hunting thing... I think you are meant to put a clone in there and then hunt them and there are all kinds of traps. I'm still figuring out why he did it.
            Oh that sounds like fun!! Crunchie is still transfixed by the mop, it seems mops are nonexistent on Sateda. At first he thought I got him a really skinny Teyla clone. And then of course I had to zat him for thinking of another woman.

            Inside Voice -- My Rant Region


              Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
              (Does the ability to be incredibly moody, to roll your eyes at everything and do exactly the opposite of everything your mistress tells you to do come under the heading of 'Mad Skills'? 'Cos if it does, Weary has top class mad skills...)
              That must be where Crunchie got those skills.

              Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post

              I wonder how big a 'laundry basket' we're talking about, here?
              It's your............ standard............ king............ size. There's some tall laundry in this world.

              Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
              Yeah, well, being an English teacher kind of does that to you! (And then there is the fact that I, errr, got bored and read the dictionary once. I was looking for cool words!)
              Already our minds are becoming one.

              Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
              Lucky you. Weary is about as contrary as it gets. Although I think he does it because he knows I like a challenge... bless him...
              Awwww, Now there is a skill I wouldn't mind Crunchie adopting from Weary. Crunchie are you paying attention? Yes Crunchie, it's a mop, it's used for cleaning the floors. No you don't shoot the dirt off the floor, you scrub ................ *sigh*

              Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
              I know, I feel your pain. Ronon is just sooo adorable in this episode. I normally end up turning the episode off before, well, you know. The bit
              when Ronon consoles Rodney

              Oh. My. God. I just sobbed. And then I sobbed some more. And then I sobbed even harder
              when 'Carson' came back at the end and spoke to Rodney.
              *SNIFF* I don't wanna talk about that episode. My tissue box is empty. *SNIFF*

              Inside Voice -- My Rant Region


                Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                Howdy everyone! Just popping by to say hello before I continue studying for my history exam on monday. :s Ewie! It's annoying. I have to know so much about Stalin, Lenin, Mao, and The League of Nations and WWI. *dies* I'll pop by every now and then. Happy Saturday to everyone. *huggles*
                Hi Sal!!! Uh, bye Sal........ Was that Sal?

                Inside Voice -- My Rant Region


                  Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
                  *is worried that making a Runner hunt another Runner (who are both clones of the original Runner) will creat some kind of paradox and tear a hole in the fabric of the universe...*
                  I think you are meant to put your clone in there and then hunt him yourself. Although, with the exception of the whole tearing up the fabric of the universe thing, clone on clone errrr hunting does sound like fine entertainment.

                  Inside Voice -- My Rant Region


                    Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
                    More diary...


                    V. odd last couple of days. Met man with Wraith daughter. At first quite, quite worried (and disgusted) as thought Wraith was, you know, actually his daughter. Although, when all is said and done, alien babes are alien babes, and although Wraith Queens are ugly as sin and scary as hell, they *do* have a nice pair.

                    Uh, hang on…

                    Did I say that out loud?


                    Seemingly not. Teyla still quite friendly, Rodney still quite annoying and Ronon still… whatever Ronon is. Angry, possibly. It’s hard to tell sometimes.

                    Anyway. Man with Wraith daughter. He found her when she was young and the stupid moron – get this – took her home with him. Give that man a Noble prize. I mean, sheesh…

                    The upshot of it all is that – surprise surprise – she’s been life-sucking people. I don’t know; you bring them in, you house train them, you feed and clothe them and then they repay your kindness with mass genocide. The ungrateful wench. You’d think she was a Wraith or something…

                    In the end, Carson came with his retro-virus (why is it retro, I wonder? Does it want to live in the Sixties or something?) and the **** REALLY hit the fan.

                    You know – we should so realise these things are going to happen…

                    She turned into some kind of blue bug thing. And was, unsurprisingly, rather miffed about it all.

                    How do I know?

                    Well, I got whumped, didn’t I?


                    So here I am, in the infirmary. Awaiting inspection.




                    Oh, yeah. Go Sheppard!

                    Beat Ronon in a running race AND snogged Teyla!

                    Go me!


                    Err, or maybe not.

                    Seems like I’ve got that retro-virus thing in my system.

                    Ahh, well, I’m sure it’ll be okay.

                    Yeah. Sure it will.


                    Is that a scab?


                    Okay, what is this, Freak Sheppard Out Day?


                    No entries recently due to the fact that I mutated into a bug. Yes, that’s right – a bug.

                    Not that I’m bitter.

                    Okay, not really a bug. I mean, I didn’t grow an extra pair of arms or antennae or anything like that. More like a human bug thing.


                    ‘Scuse me; I think I’m going to go and have another shower…


                    If I find ONE MORE can of Raid in my bed, I am going to shoot someone. This is just not funny anymore, people!

                    And that includes YOU, Rodney!


                    Never have I seen a man so obsessed with socks. I mean, okay, so Ronon was on the run for 7 years and so good socks would have been a real luxury, but sheesh, you don’t need test drive every pair you’re given on some poor marine.

                    Note to self: Get suitable fruit basket for poor marine, c/o Carson.

                    I cannae help it...
                    Raid in his bed.

                    Inside Voice -- My Rant Region


                      morning everyone
                      Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                        Originally posted by ladyshae View Post
                        Hi Sal!!! Uh, bye Sal........ Was that Sal?
                        Yesh it was me! I'm kinda lurking inbetween typing up notes for studying. But I wont talk much otherwise I'll be here and not doing work. :s
                        Awesome sig by Laura
                        "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                        The randomess that is me
                        Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                          Originally posted by mckaychick View Post
                          morning everyone
                          Morning mckaychick!

                          Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                          Yesh it was me! I'm kinda lurking inbetween typing up notes for studying. But I wont talk much otherwise I'll be here and not doing work. :s
                          Oh it was you, I thought I was hallucinating there. How are your feet now.
                          I must go too, I have much spring cleaning left to do and since the temperature is tolerable here today I better get it done.
                          Come on Crunchie, bring your new toy with you.

                          **You mean my new weapon**

                          Yes dear, your new weapon, your new weapon against dirt. If you use it well I will give you back your old weapon.

                          **My gun?**

                          We'll see, we'll see. Maybe.

                          **That always means "no"**

                          **thinking I have WAY too much spare time on my hands.**
                          Later Ladies.

                          Inside Voice -- My Rant Region


                            hey lady hows it going
                            Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                              Originally posted by ladyshae View Post
                              I think you are meant to put your clone in there and then hunt him yourself. Although, with the exception of the whole tearing up the fabric of the universe thing, clone on clone errrr hunting does sound like fine entertainment.
                              *nod nod*
                              Yup that's what I meant. You put in your clone with minimal weapons meaning no gun. It's filled with little traps that arent harmful, just painful. And you hunt down your clone and the faster they give up the less hurt they will be.
                              Awesome sig by Laura
                              "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                              The randomess that is me
                              Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                                Originally posted by mckaychick View Post
                                hey lady hows it going
                                It's going great! That is until I actually go a get my cleaning started. I need a self-cleaning house. I have a self-cleaning oven. Why can't I have a self-cleaning house?
                                How's it going with you? How's the new job?

                                Inside Voice -- My Rant Region

