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Atlantis/I.O.A. split

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    Originally posted by PG15 View Post if only Teyla is a "good guy", then how does that affect your wish to separate the good guys on Atlantis from the IOA?

    And once again I maintain that there is no "right" decision or "wrong" decision. It's all about the context and the weighing of the pros and cons at the time by the person making the decision. Letters from Pegasus could've meant disaster if the events turned out differently; if they were discovered and the intel lost. After all, it's the intel that told Earth what was coming and resulting in them sending the right amount of reinforcements and protected Atlantis for as long as they did. If that didn't happen and Atlantis fell, and the Wraith reached Earth, then it would've been disaster for the Milky Way. That was the price Teyla could've paid to save a handful of people. Who's really right here?

    Why are the Wraith wrong? They feed on humans because that's what they need to do to survive. What makes humans the decider of what's wrong and what's right? Sure I don't want to be eaten, but if I were to think about this objectively there's nothing wrong with the Wraith whatsoever. Why should they tinker with their DNA when we, who CAN live on nothing but plant life, don't even try to stop eating living creatures (some of us do, of course)? What makes a human life so much more precious than a Wraiths that killing them is right, but them killing us is wrong?

    On the flipside, the Michael situation could've rid the galaxy of the Wraith forever. If the retrovirus had suceeded, no more humans would need to die at the hands of the Wraith.

    And Sheppard was wrong to order McKay to effectively kill Weir? Why? He had a point: the nanites could tell the replicators where they were, at which point they would ALL die, including Weir.

    Now, I'm not saying that the actions you chose to be "right" were wrong. I'm merely saying that there is always another side to the issue that stops any action from being completely right, or wrong.

    So why don't you do something first? Lead the pack in your righteousness, as it were. It's only right.
    I believe there is an absolute right, and many wrongs. Good and bad. However, In this world, it is unachievable most of the time. So, we settle for the lesser of two evils. I do believe it was wrong for Michael to needlessly murder thousands of humans to kill the Wraith. Because he wasn't just attacking the Wraith; he was killing humans as well. On the other hand, the concept of a Wraith retrovirus was wrong as well, as it stirpped the Wraith of what they were naturally. Yes, it is good if the AE can eliminate their need to feed. And, as far as animals, it depends on how you view animal life. If you view them as sentient beings, and I mean sentient in the human sense- rational, emotional, progress-minded, capable of complex thought, then yeah, eating them is kinda bad. On the other hand, the Wraith are not evil because they have to feed. What makes them evil is the way they treat humans and destroy civilizations. that is why they are evil. Because they are malicious beings. Michael, as evil as they come. But, many decisions are not good nor evil. When one is evil, they are not only selfish, but malicious, greedy, and they needlessly do harm to others to achieve their goals. Some might call it Macciavellian, but evil is evil. there is no mistaking it.
    Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

    ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
    encounter on the strange journey.


    2 Cor. 10:3-5
    3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
    4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
    5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


      But evil is not absolute; it's a human definition, based on human perception. The Wraith certainly don't think they're evil, so who's right, and why?

      But I agree with you 100% that we're usually doing the lesser of 2 evils. Really, that statement right there sums up what I've been trying to say all along. Heh.


        Originally posted by PG15 View Post
        But evil is not absolute; it's a human definition, based on human perception. The Wraith certainly don't think they're evil, so who's right, and why?

        But I agree with you 100% that we're usually doing the lesser of 2 evils. Really, that statement right there sums up what I've been trying to say all along. Heh.
        Anything that thinks it is evil, but keeps doing wut it does anyways is deeply scary.


          OK, back on topic. Atlantis going rogue. Not something they'd do easily, in fact, it would take an SG equivalent of President Clarke, however, it may not be as blek as you've predicted.

          Atlantis is afteral, the crown jewel of the Anient whatever it's called. And if push came to shove, I'd start eyeing the replimaker. Fod and suplies won't be as big a problem at first, as you'd have less people to...well.... supply.

          And i imagine if they start using nanotech, they could become independent without any problems righ there.

          The downside is that now you have earth after you. And no ships to defend yourself with. Not to mention a lack of silled crews even if you managed ot coble something tgether.

          Tis is one of those interestign scenarious, intriguing, but ultimatly not going to happen.


            You wanted a reason worth leaving Earth for?...How about Canceling the show?
            Stargate: ROTA wiki

