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How To Save Carson Beckett (& Elizabeth Weir)

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    How To Save Carson Beckett (& Elizabeth Weir)

    I know there are two separate threads on this subject. One for Elizabeth and one for Carson.

    But to save the show we need to SAVE BOTH CHARACTERS!!!

    I love both characters dearly, and I'd hate to lose either one of them. The scenes between the two sparkle, and the characters bring out the best in each other.

    If you agree, please remember to support BOTH characters
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)

    The doctor has already been written off. We don't know how the finale is going to go for Weir.


      Well...according to N. John Smith, Paul McGillion and David Hewlett there may be a way to bring Carson back.

      Plus...Weir could be in the same position. S3 has been completed and S4's first 8 eps have been drafted, and a few are already completed.

      We shouldn't give up on EITHER up on one sends out the entirely wrong message to TPTB that we'll put up with whatever they do.
      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


        Ok, then I withdraw my last comment. Perhaps there is still hope.


          Thank you
          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            I still have hope that it's not too late to save BOTH characters! We need to bring back Beckett and prevent Weir from becoming recurring!!


              Some of my favourite scenes in The Return pt 1 were

              When Beckett coaxed Elizabeth out to dinner with Sheppard and McKay

              The characters are so good I said, they bring out the best in each other as well as EVERY OTHER CHARACTER.

              Think about s4...we're gonna have:

              Sheppard - an emotional cripple who only occassionally opens up, and even then not fully
              Teyla - who keeps everything together 99.9% of the time
              Ronon - who, following Sateda seems to have gotten over *everything* he's been involved in
              McKay - who just bites everyone's head off
              Sam - who acts like a smarmy teenage girl around mckay and will be distant from Sheppards team (like she was with SG1 to start)
              Abe - hard nose military man
              Keller - who unlike Sam could actually BE a teenage girl!

              They're getting rid if the two characters that really act as a conduit for us to connect to the rest of the characters. They challenge our assumptions of the others and force us to look past the flaws and surface features of people.

              You can't have a successful show without EMPATHY AND INTEGRITY.

              I love both characters, and I think the show could have survived losing ONE.

              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                Why do they want to get rid of Elizabeth ??? Are TPTB replacing her with Carter ??? Then don't bring Carter in; I want Elizabeth on the show.

                And I want to keep Dr. Beckett too. He's a great character.


                  I do not believe that Weir is being replaced by Carter, it really does not seem like they will do that. I do not want Weir gone and I will miss her, but if it makes sense to the plot I can deal with it. But if Carter replaces her...I will be mad.
                  Weir: He's just a boy!
                  Jinto: I am Jinto.
                  Sheppard: She's pleased to meet you.

                  I miss Jinto.


                    The thread title is rather spoilery


                      I'm so upset.. Weir is my fav character!! I guess it was just hard for the writers to write for a main character who's not a part of the main team and can only go off world for certian reasons. I can understand that.

                      I guess her role in the show now will be similar to Hammonds/Landrys, which I think I can live with.. As long as they aren't replacing her with Carter (or anyone else for that matter).

                      I'm still gonna give season 4 a chance. All these changes might turn out for the good


                        Originally posted by jenks View Post
                        The thread title is rather spoilery
                        There's a whole story about it on the main page.. I'm sure most people would have already seen it there already.


                          Originally posted by Aussie_Fan View Post
                          I'm so upset.. Weir is my fav character!! I guess it was just hard for the writers to write for a main character who's not a part of the main team and can only go off world for certian reasons. I can understand that.
                          I think that points to the writer's deficiencies more than anything else - the structure of Atlantis has been different from SG1 from the start. But yes, I do see what you're saying here.

                          Originally posted by Aussie_Fan View Post
                          I guess her role in the show now will be similar to Hammonds/Landrys, which I think I can live with.. As long as they aren't replacing her with Carter (or anyone else for that matter).
                          If her role is at least equal to Hammond's, with the few eps set on Atlantis itself more concentrated on her... but I'm worried based on spoilers for Final Strike
                          that she will be on the DL for much of the early part of S4.

                          If that happens, well, I'll just go to SueKay's comment now....

                          Originally posted by sueKay View Post
                          You can't have a successful show without EMPATHY AND INTEGRITY.
                          I think this is completely true, especially for older viewers or ones who are interested primarily in characters rather than fx. Some of my biggest problems with the show came in the second half of S2, when I honestly thought at times that the characters had been replaced by dopplegangers. Fun storytelling and great crack have their place, but I do kind of watch SGA because it's supposed to be "real people" encountering bizarre things, and the reactions of more emotionally stable, mature, and empathic characters really ground the series for me.

                          Since we never actually see reaction shots of Teyla, I'm thinking these qualities may be going the way of the Dodo and that SGA might be turning into a pumpkin, er, a traditional SF show.
                          Last edited by the old briar pipe; 15 January 2007, 05:21 PM. Reason: spelling...


                            What happened to my post? Why was it deleted? There was another one after mine agreeing with me 100%


                              Off-topic is off-topic and therefore liable to be deleted
                              This thread is for the purpose of saving Weir and Carson, the fact you find them less than inspirational is neither here nor there. There are other threads where you can share and discuss your opinions regarding these characters.

