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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    I have Dish and only 2 things I can record on my DVR I think I could upgrade to the Hopper but it is only rare that I have more than 2 things to rec and when that does happen one of the shows always comes on an hour or two later and on occasion one is a repeat so I can skip it all together. Since I am sole user of the tv I don't have to worry about someone watching something I don't want to see


      Hubby watches The Walking Dead too, which can be a bit gruesome at times, but I can usually ignore it... I think with the cartoons, it is the over-exaggeration in the voices and speech patterns that get to me at times.

      The other thing I've noticed is that if I can't watch something because of conflicts, I can usually stream it online.


        DG or Blen... did either of you watch Heroes? I saw the first 2-3 episodes and then I guess lost interest... not sure, but was wondering what you all thought if you did watch it?


          I only saw a few eps in the beginning and then I watched a few I knew Christopher Ecclestone was in (Oh the irony of watching a show to see the Invisible guy lol) and I saw a few here and then because my Dad watched I never really got into it. I have thought of going through and starting from the beginning and seeing if it was better to see it from the start but have not gotten around to it.


            Same here. I didn't realize it went four seasons and thought it might be fun to try it again and see if it was better without a week or more between episodes... might end up with the same results though. Just finished Robin Hood BBC though and wanted another series to give a go...


              How did you like Robin Hood? I have thought of watching that and Sherlock but haven't tried either yet


                sorry off topic it has been way way windy here the last couple days of course this means big storm coming I saw the radar and WOW look at the colors in that line of storms

                (I am where that white circle is just north of Fort Worth.)


                  Sherlock was fun, but you have to pay close attention to the dialog to enjoy it. Looking forward to more of it in the future I hope.

                  Robin Hood is very much what you'd expect. Lots of arrows and out-swindling the evil Sheriff. I think that the first and second seasons were better than the third, however I did enjoy a few of the things that occurred in the third. *shrugs*

                  I think I enjoyed it a little more because I had tried a few other shows on Netflix before I got to Robin Hood that I didn't like, so finding one that was even halfway decent was nice.

                  Of course... now I'm trying to find another show.


                    Wow, DG... that is very colorful and ominous looking. Stay safe and all that too. Storms are fun though as long as no one is hurt and such. You'll have to let us know how it is when it hits you.


                      I will have to give the shows a shot and see.

                      I love storms so I am hoping that it likes me enough to not do much damage (I would prefer none but there is going to be some I am sure)


                        Looks like you are in for a spell of bad weather DG. Keep safe.

                        Bailey, have your tried Life on Mars (the British one) or it's sequel Ashes to Ashes? They are both really good series for you to try.

                        Oh and they both have excellent music as well.

                        BTW sorry haven't tried Heroes.


                          Or what about Mad Dogs? Some familiar faces in this one.


                            I have looked for those three in Netflix, but they aren't available for streaming yet. However, the US version of Life on Mars is available now. Might give that one a go again too. It kind of grew on me last time I watched it and might be interesting to rewatch now that I know a few things I didn't the first time through.

                            How about Breakout Kings? I had someone tell me that was really good too and is streaming on Netflix, but I haven't tried it yet either.


                              I saw 3 on the Mad Dogs promo I recognize

                              I haven't seen Breakout Kings and I wasn't overfond of the US version of Life on Mars

                              I got rained on and it looks like on the radar animation that the worst of it has passed me tree lost some twigs and leaves, no hail here so I think I am good. It is still raining but not like it was.


                                Glad you only are missing a few twigs DG.

                                Sorry, I haven't seen Breakout Kings.

                                What about Being Human? It certainly isn't anywhere near as gory as The Walking Dead. I think you would enjoy it. We are just about to start series 5 here on Sunday.

                                BTW it isn't anything like Buffy etc either. The characters are all really likeable and "human".

