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Seeking worldwide RDA/Jack O’Neill fan support– Nomination of RDA to Cdn Walk of Fame

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    Originally posted by Lesleyp
    Sorta proves the point that it's not talent that gets a star on the HWF. Let's hope the Canadian version goes with talent....keep those nominations and letters coming folks.
    Oh, Hollywood is all about the politics (and/or $$$!) I don't believe Britney has a star, I mean, WTF?!?!? Someone was high or bribed that year! And P Diddy? Just what has he ever done to help anyone? Isn't he just some kind of wanna-be "gangsta" who occasionally makes hip-hop records? The mind boggles!

    Is there an e-mail address for the committee?
    Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

    My fanfic


      Originally posted by AmberLM
      Oh, Hollywood is all about the politics (and/or $$$!) I don't believe Britney has a star, I mean, WTF?!?!? Someone was high or bribed that year! And P Diddy? Just what has he ever done to help anyone? Isn't he just some kind of wanna-be "gangsta" who occasionally makes hip-hop records? The mind boggles!

      Is there an e-mail address for the committee?
      Which committee AmberLM?

      I read somewhere that the HWF committee doesn't like to be contacted by fans. The committee to Nominate RDA to CWF is:

      Canadians can follow the link to the website to submit nomination online,

      and non Canadians are urged to write/fax the committee at
      Canada's Walk of Fame
      1 Yonge Street Suite 1014
      Toronto, Ontario
      Canada, M5E 1E5
      Tel. 416.367.9255
      Fax 416.367.0090

      Feel free to cut and paste from my original submission. The info you need to include is on page 1.....

      Keep up the Nominations everyone!!!!!!!!!!!

      And don't forget to post to this thread when you're done.
      Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
      Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
      Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


        I meant the Canadian one. Thanks for the info!
        Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

        My fanfic


          I'm trying to get support here, I've been voting for Amanda Tapping on poll. At the moment she's No.1

          Well, I've also been voting for all of the guys as well, trying to make it a Stargate winners month, but RDA is slipping down he was 2nd for a while but he's now 3rd and only 33 away from being fourth, so I'm trying to get some support for the rest of the guys.

          You will have to log an account on but if anyone would like to help, it would be greatly appreicated.

          Thank you for reading. Away to post on the other thunk threads!


            Is there any news yet? I think that the whole SG group should get a mention from Canada for the great things they've done in the Vancouver area. Thanks to the whole team, eh, we appreciate it.
            you blow up one sun and suddenly everyone expects you to walk on water


              Originally posted by Clark'sGirl
              I'm trying to get support here, I've been voting for Amanda Tapping on poll. At the moment she's No.1

              Well, I've also been voting for all of the guys as well, trying to make it a Stargate winners month, but RDA is slipping down he was 2nd for a while but he's now 3rd and only 33 away from being fourth, so I'm trying to get some support for the rest of the guys.

              You will have to log an account on but if anyone would like to help, it would be greatly appreicated.

              Thank you for reading. Away to post on the other thunk threads!
              Ummm . . . so quit voting for AT and vote for RDA!!! He needs the votes!

              I'm trying get him up to #1, but I sure can't do it alone.
              - Mary
              SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
              Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                Originally posted by Hatchepsut
                Is there any news yet? I think that the whole SG group should get a mention from Canada for the great things they've done in the Vancouver area. Thanks to the whole team, eh, we appreciate it.

                Won't be any news until later in the year Hatchepsut. We just gotta keep those nominations rolling in. I'm trying to keep this thread visible so those who intend to send a nomination but haven't done so can have a gentle reminder.

                Anyone who has sent in their nomination but haven't said so you know who you are....please post, let us know and keep the ball rollin. Thanks
                Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
                Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


                  this is a "get the heck off page 3" bump
                  Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                  Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
                  Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


                    PAGE 4 EEEEEKKKK
                    Here are the instructions once again:

                    Originally posted by Lesleyp
                    On July 4, 2006 I submitted a nomination to Canada’s Walk of Fame requesting that Mr. Richard Dean Anderson be considered an inductee and receive his own Maple Leaf (our counterpart to Hollywood’s star). Nominations are currently being accepted for the 2007 year.

                    The Walk is located in Toronto Ontario and was started in 1998 to recognize Canadian talent. It is my humble opinion that, citizenship aside, Mr. Richard Dean Anderson is a Canadian and worldwide talent worthy of our recognition.

                    Despite not being Canadian born, Mr. Anderson meets one of the “Or” requirements which is to have spent most of his creative years in Canada. He has met that requirement by far. Although it appears that only a Canadian can nominate someone, there may be merit if Mr. Anderson’s worldwide fans were to join together in a supportive campaign.

                    What I am suggesting is that any fan living outside of Canada write/fax the Canadian committee expressing your view on how Mr. Richard Dean Anderson has brought Canada to you. And for our close American neighbours, perhaps how you would be willing to boost Canada’s tourist trade by coming up to witness any ceremony of him receiving his Maple Leaf stone set in Toronto. Failing that, just coming up to see the stone and have your picture taken with it.

                    Be sure to include how you believe Mr. Anderson meets the nomination criteria. I have included my final submission below which you may feel free to cut/paste and re word as you deem necessary to further our goal.

                    Nomination Criteria:
                    Nominee must have been born in Canada or have spent their formative or creative years in Canada
                    Nominee must have a minimum of 10 years experience in their field
                    Nominee must have had national or international impact on Canada's Heritage

                    It appears that shows can also be nominated, and as Stargate is made in Canada, why not continue with that?

                    The address/fax is:

                    Canada's Walk of Fame
                    1 Yonge Street Suite 1014
                    Toronto, Ontario
                    Canada, M5E 1E5
                    Tel. 416.367.9255
                    Fax 416.367.0090

                    Again, the website address is

                    If you support the campaign please let us know by posting on this thread to keep it alive (i.e.: on page 1). Thanks

                    My Final Submission sent July 4/2006
                    Nomination for Richard Dean Anderson to the Canadian Walk of Fame

                    Despite not being Canadian born, a large portion of Mr. Anderson’s film/television career has been in Canadian made productions. His working career in Canada spans decades. His most recent endeavour, Stargate SG1 (the longest running science fiction television series) has been a huge boon to the Vancouver film industry and has created hundreds if not thousands of jobs in that area. The series is loved worldwide and brings Canadian scenic settings to the world (fans of the series are well aware that it is filmed in Canada).

                    Although no longer a regular on the series, he was the executive producer and star for the first eight years. It is largely due to his efforts as an actor/producer that this Canadian produced show is still so popular. In addition, the economic benefits reaped from his series, and its subsequent spin off, to British Columbia are in the millions of dollars annually.

                    Prior to Stargate, his popular and long running television series, MacGyver, was also made in British Columbia, Canada.

                    And if this isn’t enough, three of his made-for-television movies were also made in Canada. He is also an avid hockey fan; surely that must count for something.

                    From as early as 17 years of age he has spent a great deal of time in Canada, be it working or exploring our country’s natural beauty. He is a renowned environmentalist, particularly concerning our oceans and water ways. If ever there were a time to make an exception to the Canadian born guideline, it would be now, for this particular actor. A place on our walk of fame would show him how much Canada cares, respects, and appreciates all that he has brought to our film and tourism industries.

                    To be given a place on our walk of fame would acknowledge Mr. Richard Dean Anderson as an honorary Canadian. His Canadian fans are grateful for all he has brought not only to Canada, but to the world. He is not only a citizen of the US he is also a truly caring citizen of the world.

                    My final point deals with our Hollywood counterpart. The Hollywood Walk has Canadian actors on it. These entertainers largely practise their craft in the United States. Mr. Anderson does not have a star on that walk. Why? My guess is that most of his work is done right here in Canada. An American who practices his craft here, and is hugely successful at it, bringing glory not only to himself, but to the Canadian film industry as well. Surely we can thank him for all he has brought to us by a Maple Leaf on our walk.

                    I would submit that Mr. Anderson meets the nomination criteria in that he has spent a great deal of his “creative” years in Canada. Mr. Anderson has well over 10 years in the Canadian filming industry, and he has brought Canada to the world through his popular television series and environmental endeavours, enriching not only our economy but our film heritage.

                    Thank you for your consideration.
                    Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                    Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
                    Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


                      Come on guys, post here if you've sent your nominations. I
                      Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                      Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
                      Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


                        Okey dokey folks. It's the fall (well almost). Committee is likely gathering up any nominations rec'd and starting the consideration process. As we know, winners will be announced in the spring, with ceremonies in the early summer.

                        Soooooooooo. I have noticed there have been 1005 views on this particular thread. Just wondering how many here have sent in their nominations, or have been draggin their feet. Post here and let us know when mission accomplished. If you know a fan who hasn't followed up on mission objective as yet, give em a gentle nudge. We're on the clock.

                        If you know RDA fans that hang on other threads, point them here in case they haven't heard about the campaign. Who knows, if we get RDA on, then next time we can go for the whole show.
                        Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                        Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
                        Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


                          I think he more than deserves a star on the Canadian Walk of Fame. MacGyver alone should be enough, but then it should be enough for the American one too. Sigh... Anyway I was wondering does anyone know what kind of Canadian charities he supports/supported? It might be helpful mentioning that too. The National Geographic comes to mind, but I seem to remember he also supported the BC Children's Hospital and the a VAncouver Children Hospice. Anyone have the details so I won't send off a half-done thing?
                          Also while I really think it's great to nominate him I also believe we have to be careful that it doesn't look like we're spamming them with the same nomination. Just a thought.


                            Originally posted by windy
                            I think he more than deserves a star on the Canadian Walk of Fame. MacGyver alone should be enough, but then it should be enough for the American one too. Sigh... Anyway I was wondering does anyone know what kind of Canadian charities he supports/supported? It might be helpful mentioning that too. The National Geographic comes to mind, but I seem to remember he also supported the BC Children's Hospital and the a VAncouver Children Hospice. Anyone have the details so I won't send off a half-done thing?
                            Also while I really think it's great to nominate him I also believe we have to be careful that it doesn't look like we're spamming them with the same nomination. Just a thought.

                            Not sure about the charities. YOu could probably check it out on though. There's a list of his supported charities there.
                            As for the spam thing, that's why you have to provide your real name and contact information to them.
                            Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                            Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
                            Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


                              I found the reference to the Hospice, but nothing about the BC Children Hospital. I sent off my nomination though. I hope it went through, it was kinda odd, there was no confirmation or 'thank you for your submission' or anything, it just reloaded empty. HOpe it got through.


                                I really hope RDA gets this nomination! He really deserves it!

