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Breaking news on SG1 & SGA from Burbank Con - SciFi meddling with shows!

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    Breaking news on SG1 & SGA from Burbank Con - SciFi meddling with shows!

    Solutions has breaking news on the opening credits for SG-1 and SGA,
    from the Creation Burbank Con:

    They're hacking up the beginning credits on BOTH shows! 10 seconds! You can read the rest of the news on the site above.

    I can't believe that stupid friggin (I could say a lot worse) SciFi is doing this. Need more ad time for their dumb bowflex ads? Sheesh, bet they don't touch BSG....

    Travesty. Sorry, but this is insane. Two of the best musical scores on TV today will be ruined.

    Next thing you know we'll have giant CGI snakes and sabertooth tigers in each show to tie into the insipid films SciFi keeps showing....

    You don't understand. . .those male enhancement ads are IMPORTANT! *ROTFL*

    I hope this isn't true. Both SG1 and SGA have cool opening credits that I actually sit and watch. *shaking head*

    When all else fails, change channels.


      Originally posted by prion
      Solutions has breaking news on the opening credits for SG-1 and SGA,
      from the Creation Burbank Con:

      They're hacking up the beginning credits on BOTH shows! 10 seconds! You can read the rest of the news on the site above.

      I can't believe that stupid friggin (I could say a lot worse) SciFi is doing this. Need more ad time for their dumb bowflex ads? Sheesh, bet they don't touch BSG....

      Travesty. Sorry, but this is insane. Two of the best musical scores on TV today will be ruined.

      Next thing you know we'll have giant CGI snakes and sabertooth tigers in each show to tie into the insipid films SciFi keeps showing....
      Why doesn't SciFi just air a message like, "Scifi Original Series: Stargate SG-1 Starts Now." , "Scifi Original Series: Stargate Atlantis, Starts Now." No music, no rapid clips from the show. Just a picture of the SG-1 and Atlantis teams in front of their respective stargates. Beats the 10-second opening.

      Ya know, i'd better shut-up because if someone from Scifi reads that, it might give them an idea.


        Whew, when I read the title of this thread I feared the worst. There's no need to elaborate further. Suffice to say, none of the thoughts running through my head were good.

        Honestly, if this is as far as Sci-Fi's influence over the show goes we'll all be lucky. Not that I'm at all pleased. Quite the opposite. I guess I'm just thankful that the new villain for season nine isn't the Dinocroc or (you guessed it) Mansquito.


          ^ You have a point.

          As long as fake 100 foot snakes, and CGI sabretooths don't start making appearances in Stargate, it doesn't really bother me too much about the 10 second opening sequences.


            Anything I could say about this would be so filled with buckets of irritation that I don't feel is necessary to dump on the poor readers of this post.

            But I will go as far as saying that as a fan of these shows, I feel as though I'm being cheated from enjoying my favorite theme songs because of...what, exactly? They needed more ad time? Perhaps to sell a few more cases of Cialis???

            Man...I've really been looking forward to seeing how they were going to layout the new opening without Rick...what clips they'd use, what new promo clips of the cast...

            This. Really. Sucks.

            ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


              Originally posted by prion
              Solutions has breaking news on the opening credits for SG-1 and SGA,
              from the Creation Burbank Con:


              They're hacking up the beginning credits on BOTH shows! 10 seconds! You can read the rest of the news on the site above.

              I can't believe that stupid friggin (I could say a lot worse) SciFi is doing this. Need more ad time for their dumb bowflex ads? Sheesh, bet they don't touch BSG....

              Travesty. Sorry, but this is insane. Two of the best musical scores on TV today will be ruined.

              Next thing you know we'll have giant CGI snakes and sabertooth tigers in each show to tie into the insipid films SciFi keeps showing....
              ARGH!!!! No, they can't do this! You are right, they are 2 of the best musical scores on TV, and now they want to cut them, to make room for more commercials???? I doubt they will be adding time to the shows.

              I thought tptb said with Sony now owning MGM, money wouldn't be a problem. Yeh, sure.

              As for your assessment of SciFi "original" programing, I still can't believe they actually pay people to write, produce and direct, such pure and utter drek!!!!!
              On fighting:
              Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
              Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


                Originally posted by: ÜberSG-1Fan
                But I will go as far as saying that as a fan of these shows, I feel as though I'm being cheated from enjoying my favorite theme songs because of...what, exactly? They needed more ad time? Perhaps to sell a few more cases of Cialis???
                I entirely agree, this is utter crap. Both shows have terrific, classy openings. This just raises the enmity and disdain I have for Sci-Fi to a whole new level.

                Angry as I am though, if this is what it takes for Sci-Fi to stop cutting off a few seconds of the new episodes once they return from commercials to what is usually Act IV of a given script, then perhaps it's worth it. Jeez, it seems that the only damn thing Sci-Fi ever gets right is its decision to renew the shows. Everything else is loathsome and abhorrent.
                Last edited by golfbooy; 09 July 2005, 05:48 PM.


                  Originally posted by Lida
                  ARGH!!!! No, they can't do this! You are right, they are 2 of the best musical scores on TV, and now they want to cut them, to make room for more commercials???? I doubt they will be adding time to the shows.

                  I thought tptb said with Sony now owning MGM, money wouldn't be a problem. Yeh, sure.

                  As for your assessment of SciFi "original" programing, I still can't believe they actually pay people to write, produce and direct, such pure and utter drek!!!!!
                  I have to apologize, I made a blooper. Sony may own MGM, but MGM doesn't own SciFi. So this is SciFi's way of making more money, as UberSG has already stated, by selling more cases of Cialis. Don't forget the other "great" the one selling ( I think I have the name corrct) AXE body spray for men. Wow, I'll bet it's just wonderfully odiferous, the commercials sure are.

                  And Golfbooy, I doubt SciFi is doing this to increase the time spent on the shows themselves. I wish, but I sincerely doubt it.

                  I am royally pissed! (sorry) Keep this up SciFi and you'll be watching your rating drop into the basement. I wish Barry Diller was still running the network.
                  On fighting:
                  Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
                  Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


                    Well this is crappy

                    Although when I first saw the title I was thinking even worse things - like Scifi was forcing them to add Tripping the Rift characters to the cast or something.

                    I've heard the Stargate theme a jillion times but i still love it. And the Atlantis theme is lovely as well. I adore all the opening shots. Boo Scifi. And yeah -It seems to make sense that they're trying to get more commercials in. Figures.

                    The article says only RCC and BW will have their titles shown during the 10-second opening credits. So does that mean the regular casts' names won't be listed on-screen except over the opening scenes of the show? That's how "Lost" does it. I think "Lost" has like a 3-second opening theme. Maybe that's the new trend.

                    Well this is a bummer. And particularly for Joel Goldsmith who's always done such a nice job with the music.
                    Last edited by keshou; 09 July 2005, 06:20 PM.
                    Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


                      Well at least hopefully they will be the full length opening credits on the DVD's. That's what's really important though, right? At least it is to me.


                        Originally posted by Klems
                        Well at least hopefully they will be the full length opening credits on the DVD's. That's what's really important though, right? At least it is to me.
                        Probably too early to know


                          I honestly don't care how much time they chop out of the credits as long as they don't cut any time out of the 43 actual minutes of the show.

                          Perhaps folks here don't realize that if SciFi is requesting a cut to the credits in order to add more commercials, that translates into their having MORE advertisers interested in buying time during the show than in previous years. And more interested advertisers means the show is likely to stay on the air longer. This would be considered good news by those who want the show to continue beyond next season.


                            Originally posted by prion:
                            They're hacking up the beginning credits on BOTH shows! 10 seconds! You can read the rest of the news on the site above.

                            I can't believe that stupid friggin (I could say a lot worse) SciFi is doing this. Need more ad time for their dumb bowflex ads? Sheesh, bet they don't touch BSG....
                            re: BSG comment...
                            Ooooooooo! Ouch! (but thank you for venting that)

                            Originally posted by prion:
                            Travesty. Sorry, but this is insane. Two of the best musical scores on TV today will be ruined.
                            Maybe that's their way to force people to buy the DVDs, to get the entire show, instead of them chopping up the plots like they did with Rising (on TV).

                            Personally, I've grown to like SG:A's intro theme more than SG-1... But Unfortunately, I have YET to hear the complete end theme to SG:Atlantis. It's been swallowed up from DAY 1 with preview ads of something, including the sci-fi Friday night line-up eps. Hate the horror movie ads... those are soooooooo annoying. Plus, in order for them to show the preview ads to anything simultaneously with the program's credits, the end credits get squished by a vertical screen separator, so they are almost totally unreadable (on my TV, anyway).

                            At least with Star Trek: Enterprise, the split screen was horizontal so that the end credits were still readable. (Theme music got cut for showing the ads, but at least there was an agreeable halfway point.)

                            I was beginning to wonder if I'd ever hear the end theme to Stargate: Atlantis at all when the DVD finally comes out (waiting for the complete box set, on this end).

                            Plus, I guess they don't want to spoil those of us who actually watch (and enjoy) the intro theme to guess what eps each scene goes to, if there are any viewed there at all. Something I've been observing from the beginning ~ all the time with SG-1 and SG:A. The series have used some great filming techniques for SG-1's intro theme (ex: swoosh effect with Daniel's *powers* at Anubis, with an immediate reinforcement effect of the swoosh effect from the stargate.


                              They're going to go from a minute long opening to only ten seconds! This bits! You know, maybe this is why JM was hesitant to tell us what order the credits were going to be in SG-1.

                              5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!

