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Shep/Weir Shippers Chatting Thread

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    Shep/Weir Shippers Chatting Thread

    Hello, I noticed recently that a few of the people in the shep/weir thread and myself have been chatting off topic a lot and a few people said that there should probally be a chatting thread where we all could chat about whatever, so I thought I'd start one for well anyone who wants to just chat. I didn't see another thread like this when I was searching, and truth be told, I'm quite the chatter.

    Let's start off with the topic of favorite music or movies, or if anyone else has a better topic, I'll go with that. I can tell you that my personal favorites in music would be just about everything in the 80's, funny I wasn't around that time but I love the music. It might also be that I've been listening to Def Lepard and Guns'N'Roses since I was really little, so I like that type of music. Some of my personal favorite movies would be Ghostbusters, Aliens, and Dirty Dancing. Honestly I could go on for a while but I'll leave it at that and gotta go post a link in shep/weir now, to let anyone know about it, so later for now.
    McKay: I'm invulnerable!
    Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
    McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

    McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

    First icon made by Cathain Nottingham and last 4 made by ToasterOnFire
    My LJ My Fanfic My Homeschooling Blog

    Originally posted by weirfan517
    Hello, I noticed recently that a few of the people in the shep/weir thread and myself have been chatting off topic a lot and a few people said that there should probally be a chatting thread where we all could chat about whatever, so I thought I'd start one for well anyone who wants to just chat. I didn't see another thread like this when I was searching, and truth be told, I'm quite the chatter.

    Let's start off with the topic of favorite music or movies, or if anyone else has a better topic, I'll go with that. I can tell you that my personal favorites in music would be just about everything in the 80's, funny I wasn't around that time but I love the music. It might also be that I've been listening to Def Lepard and Guns'N'Roses since I was really little, so I like that type of music. Some of my personal favorite movies would be Ghostbusters, Aliens, and Dirty Dancing. Honestly I could go on for a while but I'll leave it at that and gotta go post a link in shep/weir now, to let anyone know about it, so later for now.
    okay.. this is cool... i will join you here...
    fave movies... Top Gun... Sound of Music (i went to salzburg austria where they filmed it... marvelous) and probaly all the trek movies....
    music on the oother hand... i have no idea, it changes... but i listen to everything from pavarotti to eminem and the spice girls and pussycat dolls... strange huh?


      Originally posted by weirfan517
      Hello, I noticed recently that a few of the people in the shep/weir thread and myself have been chatting off topic a lot and a few people said that there should probally be a chatting thread where we all could chat about whatever, so I thought I'd start one for well anyone who wants to just chat. I didn't see another thread like this when I was searching, and truth be told, I'm quite the chatter.

      Let's start off with the topic of favorite music or movies, or if anyone else has a better topic, I'll go with that. I can tell you that my personal favorites in music would be just about everything in the 80's, funny I wasn't around that time but I love the music. It might also be that I've been listening to Def Lepard and Guns'N'Roses since I was really little, so I like that type of music. Some of my personal favorite movies would be Ghostbusters, Aliens, and Dirty Dancing. Honestly I could go on for a while but I'll leave it at that and gotta go post a link in shep/weir now, to let anyone know about it, so later for now.
      Oohh. Off topic chat! Fun! Let me see... My favorite movie has to be Titanic. I love that movie! I get totally caught up in the love story and cry every time.

      I love all kinds of music. Country, pop, soundtracks, classical. My fave singer is Josh Groban. I loathe rap. I mean, the beat is usually good but I can't stand the vulgerness and swearing.

      Here's another discussion question. Books. Who is your favorite author(s)? My favorite author is Marion Zimmer Bradley. I love her Avalon series and Darkover series. I have recently gotten involved in the Harry Potter series. I am on book 3.

      Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


        Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
        Oohh. Off topic chat! Fun! Let me see... My favorite movie has to be Titanic. I love that movie! I get totally caught up in the love story and cry every time.

        I love all kinds of music. Country, pop, soundtracks, classical. My fave singer is Josh Groban. I loathe rap. I mean, the beat is usually good but I can't stand the vulgerness and swearing.

        Here's another discussion question. Books. Who is your favorite author(s)? My favorite author is Marion Zimmer Bradley. I love her Avalon series and Darkover series. I have recently gotten involved in the Harry Potter series. I am on book 3.
        oohh... books... Traci Harding's Ancient Future Trilogy... she is the best Aussie author out there!!!!!!
        ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


          Books..I like the Harry Potter books and have read all of the 'A Series of Unfortanate Events' books, some of my favorites and I just read whatever, oddly I've picked up a few psychology books in bookstores and have skimmed through those whille looking around.
          McKay: I'm invulnerable!
          Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
          McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

          McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

          First icon made by Cathain Nottingham and last 4 made by ToasterOnFire
          My LJ My Fanfic My Homeschooling Blog


            Hmmm... my favorite stuff is pretty predictable, 'cause I'm obsessed with anything Disney.

            My favorite music:
            Haven't really listened to the radio in a looong time, 'cause I got tired of all the commercials. I collect music from the Disney theme parks. Got 8 gigs of it so far! I also love film scores, 'cause they inspire my imagination.

            My favorite movies:
            Aladdin! I am absolutely in love with that film. Beautiful art, beautiful music, beautiful story... beautiful men... *huggles Aladdin* Pirates of the Caribbean is definitely up there! My friends and I went to see it opening night (I even brought along my little Pirates of the Caribbean Pluto doll to the theater) and I've loved it ever since! Free Willy just because of the killer whales. I was a huge Keiko nut, and I'm still obsessed with killer whales. Lilo and Stitch, 'cause it's adorable. I was working at Walt Disney World when that one came out... saw it in the movie theater at Downtown Disney on opening day. Of course, since that one was made in the Florida studio, I was surrounded by people who worked on it...

            My favorite books:
            I haven't had much time to read lately, which is frustrating. There's so many books I want to read, but school keeps me too busy! My all-time favorites (in no particular order):
            Namu, Quest for the Killer Whale - the autobiography of Ted Griffin, the first person to successfully keep a killer whale (Namu) in captivity. He has a really amazing storytelling ability! Plus, it's got killer whale stories.
            Waking Walt - a what-if story - what if Walt Disney really was cryogenically frozen. At some point in the near future, when the Disney company is in jeopardy, he's woken up to save it. The author had a really interesting take on Walt - definitely not the saint that the media tends to portray him as. Although by many accounts, this author seems to have gotten him pegged a lot better than the "saint" image...
            Mouse Tales - Stories behind the scenes at Disneyland. This is all the dirty little secrets that Disney doesn't want you to know - deaths on the rides, Cast Member practical jokes, fights in the park, and other weird, off-the-wall stories about the park. A fascinating read, and based on my own experience as a Cast Member, I'm inclined to believe it.
            A Circle in the Sea - One of the most underappreciated books I've ever read. It's about a girl whose dad is in the military and comes back from a tour of duty with a present for her - a pendant that he found on a beach. When she puts it on, her mind begins to inhabit the body of a dolphin far away. I've been dying to find a copy of this book somewhere... unfortunately, it's long out-of-print, and used copies on are selling for well over $100!
            The His Dark Materials trilogy - made up of The Golden Compass, the Amber Spyglass, and The Subtle Knife. Great story about a parallel Earth, where humans' conscience is essentially outside their body, personified as an animal that is near them at all times. It's got a definite fantasy feel, with a great storyline that's just fun to read. But beyond that, it does a great job as a sometimes-subtle commentary on religion. I hear it's being turned into a movie now - can't wait!

            At the moment, I'm reading "Freeing Keiko," the story of Keiko the killer whale. Fun to read, but the author's attitude gets a bit annoying and "preachy" at times. And I hear from people who worked with Keiko that he got a lot of stuff wrong. I've already noticed one factthat I know for certain is not true (or at least making a mountain out of a molehill) because I've read the scientific paper that he based the comment on. Despite the author's attempt to act like a killer whale know-it-all, it's pretty clear (to me, at least, as a zoology student) that it's just that - an act. Still, it is fun to read about Keiko, and generally what went on behind-the-scenes.
            "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
            My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


              Hey, it's a cool Idea to open this thread

              So my favourite music: It changes every month At the Moment I'm a totaly fan of Eskobar, James Blund and Morcheeba But I like Linkin Park, Keane, Coldplay, Nightwhish, Lorena McKennitt

              Movies: Too much to tell all of them, I'm a becoming Film-Maker so really a Film-Freak
              Here are some: Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Carribean, Black Beauty, Secret Garden, The Interpreter, The Missing.
              From the animated Films I love "The Last Unicorn", Beauty and the Beast and Ice Age


                Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
                Oohh. Off topic chat! Fun! Let me see... My favorite movie has to be Titanic. I love that movie! I get totally caught up in the love story and cry every time.

                I love all kinds of music. Country, pop, soundtracks, classical. My fave singer is Josh Groban. I loathe rap. I mean, the beat is usually good but I can't stand the vulgerness and swearing.

                Here's another discussion question. Books. Who is your favorite author(s)? My favorite author is Marion Zimmer Bradley. I love her Avalon series and Darkover series. I have recently gotten involved in the Harry Potter series. I am on book 3.
                OK! Hi guys!!This is going to be a FUN thread!

                First off: BOOKS! I am a complete and utter nerd. I absolutely ADORE fantasy - can't get enough of it! My fav books atm are The Black Jewels Trilogy by Anne Bishop (best writer i have come across ever i think..) and then there is The Ancient Future Trilogy by Traci Harding. Lexa and I were 'discussing' that the other day. And by disussing I clearly mean gushing about how good it is

                MUSIC! I have to agree with gwen. I dont like rap, but I like R&B Hip hop, dance...but not techno. Im pretty easy going actually.

                I dont think i have a favourite movie...PotC comes close...

                AND GET THIS!!! I'm watching the movie Supernova and there is a person called Dr. Sheppard in it It is a guy...but I can still hope

                Lovebar made by natz099
                My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets



                  Ghostbusters, Aliens, and Dirty Dancing
                  Top Gun... Sound of Music
                  Other faves inc Labyrinth (t3h Bulge ), Silence of the Lambs and my all time fave = The Rocky Horror Picture Show!

                  Music wise i'm like Lexa, i listen to a bit of everything - depends what mood i'm in. Current playlists inc Lifehouse, Chronic Future, Liz Phair, KCs Choice, Stereophonics and My Chemical Romance. Love Guns N Roses, Queen, Killers and Gwen Stefani. Oh and Nirvana. And Shedaisy.

                  I don't read a lot of books any more but i have read the first five HP's Also read The Shining and Carrie and some books by Dean R Konntz which were good. Last book i read was Monsterous Regiment by Terry Pratchet which i highly recommend. Very very funny

                  Hmm..something new about me. Well i'm cuurently decorating my room ( and by currently i mean, started months ago and have been too lazy to finish it ). It's black and purple (or at least will be) and i've just persuaded Mum to let me paint my ceiling black so i can put fairy lights all over it
                  Last edited by SallyLizzie; 18 November 2005, 07:05 AM.


                    Great idea for a thread! I will so be posting here 'cause I like to talk, just as soon as I get back from Arizona and have my own computer (I always feel guilty using up time on someone else's computer, especially when I'm a house guest.)

                    Anyway, just wanted to say "hi" to y'all. Wish my luck on my defense on Tuesday!
                    ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                    The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                      Originally posted by Dorka
                      Hey, it's a cool Idea to open this thread

                      So my favourite music: It changes every month At the Moment I'm a totaly fan of Eskobar, James Blund and Morcheeba But I like Linkin Park, Keane, Coldplay, Nightwhish, Lorena McKennitt

                      Movies: Too much to tell all of them, I'm a becoming Film-Maker so really a Film-Freak
                      Here are some: Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Carribean, Black Beauty, Secret Garden, The Interpreter, The Missing.
                      From the animated Films I love "The Last Unicorn", Beauty and the Beast and Ice Age
                      I LOVE Loreena McKennitt's music! My fave has to be The Mystic's Dream.

                      SaphireJewelledQueen-Is it a made-for-tv movie? If so, I couldn't get through it. I kept yelling at the tv "That's scientifically impossable!" Yet I love The Core.

                      Let me see... What are some tv shows people watch becides Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis? I'm totally hooked on Lost, Desperate Housewives, Commander in Chief, and the 4400.
                      I also like Anime (Digimon, Sailor Moon, and Fushigi Yuugi) and have read over half of the Sailor moon manga (comic books. In this case badly translated )

                      Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                        Cool, a place I don't have worry about going off topic.

                        Let's see, I'm reading The Hitch hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I've seen so many references to it I figured I must be missing out on something. I'm liking it so far. But my all time favorite book is To Kill a Mockingbird. The only novel sized book I've read more than once.

                        I'm not a huge movie watcher. The last movie I went to see at the theater was Star Wars Ep. III. Of the first three Eps I thought III was the best. Still can't beat the original trilogy though.

                        I liked Silence of the Lambs too. I read the book after seeing the movie and the movie contradicts the book in some ways and I prefer the movie's version of certain events. I watched about fifteen minutes of Hannible and decided that was not a movie I wanted to see. Silence of the Lambs was more of a psychological thriller where I found Hannible a lot more gruesome and violent.

                        I really like posting on Sheppard/Weir thread because I really like and am comfortable with the people who post there. I like discussing other aspects of the show and post on other threads in the character and relationships section, but I'm just not as familiar with the posters on the other threads. Not that I have a problem with other posters. It's just a familiarity with the posting of other people. You know what I mean?

                        Anyway this is a good thread idea for just sharing with you guys other things.


                          GOOD LUCK LA!

                          SGLAB - I've seen Silence, Hannibal and Red Dragon. Red Dragon was more physcological than gruesome The only one i read was Hannibal and that varied from the film quite a bit. There were extra characters for a start. I found the book much better. But i find most books to be better than the film.

                          I watched Hitchhikers last week and it left me feeling (maybe coz i watched it over two nights starting at 3am ) I plan to read that too at some point, but i really want to read Mein Kampf too.

                          Gwenhwyfar - I watch Lost too. Still on S1 tho I <3<3<3 Charlie and Sawyer Seen bits of Desperate Housewives. Wished i'd have watched it from the start That along with WW and N/T.
                          Been watching Weeds -funny show

                          Used to watch Friends, XF, Buffy and Angel (tho stupid tv buggered up airing Angel so i missed loads )


                            Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                            SGLAB - I've seen Silence, Hannibal and Red Dragon. Red Dragon was more physcological than gruesome The only one i read was Hannibal and that varied from the film quite a bit. There were extra characters for a start. I found the book much better. But i find most books to be better than the film.
                            I've seen all three as well. Loved Silence - the fact that it was such a pschologically suspenseful film really intrigued me. I saw Hannibal - a bit heavy on the gore on that one (I tend to hate/get grossed out by really gory stuff). It was alright, though, but it definitely lost a lot of that psychological aspect that I loved so much in Silence. Red Dragon I loved! We went in a big group from work to see that one night, and the guys sitting in front of us had a sort of "MST3K"-type commentary going on. To this day, there's scenes I probably wouldn't even remember if it weren't for some of the comments I remember them making. Most people probably would have found it annoying, but I found it hilarious! Still, that's one that was easy to have nightmares about. For some reason, the cannibalism stuff wasn't horribly creepy to me (even the end of Hannibal), but the way that the victims died in Red Dragon makes me shudder.
                            "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                            My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                              Hannibal wasn't too gory for me. Cabin Fever is MUCH worse, it's one big gore-fest. Yuk.

                              We were meant to go in a big group to see Red Dragon but it ended up just me and Ash We all ended up going to see Signs tho which was great coz the whole cinema was packed and then the ushers came in waving these huge torches, and when the dog barked everyone jumped out their seats (GodBless surround sound ) Oo and there was a news reporter on it called Sarah Hughes and i was like 'OMG! That's me! I'm in Signs'

                              I used to watch loads of horrors ( Scream Trilogy's my fave with Halloween a close second) but i've gone off the gore. Just makes me feel sick.
                              We had a GirlsNiteIn last week and watched the new version of Texas Chainsaw Masacre. That left me quite disturbed as it's a true story, and of course i'm all ''He could still be alive. That only happened early '70s ('74?)'', then Jo's all '''What if they wanted to expand their horizons? They could be in Liverpool!'' Then the next night we were all at a fancy dress party and the first person i bump in to (literally) is a fella dressed like Leatherface - fully equipped with chainsaw Needles to say, i **** meself, lol.

