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Which character do you prefere?

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    OK...haven't seen s2 yet, so can't comment on Ronon. I like all the characters. I love how they've given the show an international vibe, what with Zalenka, Grodin, Beckett etc.

    Anyway, my number one is Sheppard. Action man + funny + sexy + the bestest hairstyle in the galaxy!!


      I absolutely love McKay, then goes Beckett and Zelenka. Ronon is yummy... Shep is the last on my list, actually. The one I'd like to meet? Dr Weir, definitely.


        Mckay, Shepperd, or Weir!

        I sort of like ford and zelenca but I don't think Ronan is that cool or serves any major purpose yet but I guess he'll grow on me eventually haha. I still think he's a wannabe Teal'c!
        We are followers of eternal Hathor!!

        "We are the queen of the Gods, we are the mother of all Gods."


          You expect me to pick ONE?! ONE of these magnificant characters?! well...I supose..Raddick Zelenka "And i am telling you, your calculations are WRONG Rondey"

          Stargate Gateworld RPG. All are welcome!|Jim Andersons Bio.


            Definitely McKay is at the top of my list. He's so wonderfully flawed, and he reminds of my family. He also reminds me a bit of myself in a not too flattering way.

            Then I'd toss it to Zelenka, because he's just awesome and the perfect compliment to Rodney. But the best thing about him is that he could be a stand alone character as well. He and Rodney work wonderfully with each other, but work fine as individuals as well.

            Then Shep, for his hair and his attitude, but mostly for his hair.

            Then Ford, because he was sweet but could still kick bum in a non-threatening, kid-next-door-who-has-lots-of-explosives way.

            Carson, for the accent, and because he's such a homebody.

            Weir, because she proves that not all politicians are *******s, but I'm sure she could slip into manipulative!Weir easily. She just doesn't because she has morals.

            Teyla, for her strength, and the way she understands how hard it is to lead and gives the Atlantis team the benefit of the doubt, sometimes more than they deserve.

            And Ronan. I don't know him very well, but there is lots of potential. And the voice is great, even with the mumbles. I say it's because he didn't talk to a whole lot of people that weren't, you know, him, for so long that he forgot that some people might not understand what he was trying for.

            *~S.T.A.K.S.~*~LiveJournal Leik Woah~*

            "Dosmrti, dosmrti na to nezapomenu."


              Without a doubt, Shep is my fave character...good looking, great personality...did I mention good looking?

              I am not at all shallow, no sir-ee...

              I like all the characters in some way though...

              ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
              "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


                Welll, definitelly Zelenka. That boy rocks!!!!

                People think that I am weird because I watch just and only sci-fi. He he he.


                  What? No Lorne? C'mon, people! I can't believe this list is two [now three by the time I got this posted] pages long and nobody mentioned Lorne!! I love that they brought one of the secondaries from SG-1 into SGA!! Ane he's cute and has the ancient gene and jokes with McKay but is still different than Sheppard. "Major school."

                  Although I realize that there is a fan base for a first name of Marcus, I cannot help but think it's Michael--a pun on Lorne Michaels, the Saturday night live creator.
                  Last edited by snaillady; 31 August 2005, 11:23 AM. Reason: people posting too fast!!
                  It may look like I'm doing nothing, but on the cellular level I'm really *quite* busy.


                    Originally posted by snaillady
                    What? No Lorne? C'mon, people! I can't believe this list is two [now three by the time I got this posted] pages long and nobody mentioned Lorne!! I love that they brought one of the secondaries from SG-1 into SGA!! Ane he's cute and has the ancient gene and jokes with McKay but is still different than Sheppard. "Major school."

                    We didn't need new secondaries! We still had Stackhouse!

                    Official Member of the Fellowship of Rainbow Defenders
                    ...and the Lord said, 'Let there be F.O.R.D.' and there was, and it was good...


                      Originally posted by Nile
                      Hi to everybody!

                      I would like to ask you which character do you prefere about Stargate Atlantis cast?

                      For example I like John Sheppard...
                      I like Ronon Dex the most.

                      But I am also a fan of Dr. beckette and Ford.
                      Ronon Dex did not replace Ford. Ronon is an ADDITION to the team.. funny, that doesn't seem hard to understand to me.. guess I'm a McKay!


                        I really like all of the main characters and I love some of the minor characters..Lorne, Zelenka, Kavanagh....etc...
                        But I love....John and Teyla....I love them as individual characters and I love the chemistry between them. They are both strong leaders and very smart. They both know what they want and they know what they need to do in order to get it...They don't let anything or anyone stand in their way and they risk it all to follow what they believe is best for others before themselves...That, is something that I have not seen in any of the other least not as much as these two....JMO


                          Originally posted by Merlin7
                          Sheppard, hands down. He's the only reason I watch the show.
                          Definitely Sheppard


                            Originally posted by snaillady
                            What? No Lorne? C'mon, people! I can't believe this list is two [now three by the time I got this posted] pages long and nobody mentioned Lorne!! I love that they brought one of the secondaries from SG-1 into SGA!! Ane he's cute and has the ancient gene and jokes with McKay but is still different than Sheppard. "Major school."

                            Although I realize that there is a fan base for a first name of Marcus, I cannot help but think it's Michael--a pun on Lorne Michaels, the Saturday night live creator.
                            Yeah, but you asked for who folks preferred overall, so that means just one, and heck, I'm willing to bet most will be from the main (not secondary) cast, otherwise I could add a laundry list of names

                            They should give Major Lorne a first name. He might last longer then Oh wait, Grodin had a first name and well, look where that got him!


                              I like Sheppard best, and I like Ronon better than I thought I would.

                              McKay makes me laugh, and I love Elizabeth- she rocks!
                              Sig by Camy


                                Tough one.

                                Zelenka's a sweetheart. He bears so much abuse. And he's first name sounds... heroic.

                                I also love Ronon's ability to shoot a person without a long monologue.

                                Dr. Beckett is also a sweetheart. He reminds me a little bit of the cowardly lion... low on the cowardice though.

                                "You know what would make a good story? Something about a clown who makes people happy, but inside he's real sad. Also, he has severe diarrhea." - Jack Handy

