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Shipsgiving 2010: A Jack/Sam Celebration

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    Look #27

    How awful to watch a man you might have feelings for kiss someone else; who looks just like you (and to a certain extent is you)! You can see Sam’s confusion; what does this mean? She’s not sure whether to be embarrassed or upset.


      Look #28

      Sam looks at Jack with such excitement and joy. After so much work, she has him back. And she falls back on her technobabble to keep her grounded. Then he walks away from her. The hurt and rejection in her eyes is so painful.


        Look #29

        Jack just told Sam he hasn’t been acting like himself since he met her. You can tell she’s holding it in right now. She wants to lash out; tell him to stop being such a jerk, and find out what is actually going on with him. But all she can do is watch him as he turns and walks away from her, again.


          Happy Shipsgiving folks!
          Always nice to pop in and say hi.
          Looking forward to reading the fics and seeing the videos created for this time.
          Mourning Sanctuary.
          Thanks for the good times!




              Look #30

              Jack’s thinking of little bikinis and Sam is thinking, “Oh, really?!”


                Look #31

                Jack’s first fishing invitation. First surprise and confusion. She hardly knows how to react before he walks out. Then she thinks about it. She’s clearly flattered and a little intrigued. Maybe she could go fishing with him. But then when she runs out in the corridor and sees the anticipation in his eyes, she chickens out. She’s just not ready yet.


                  Look #32

                  When Jack says they can’t come up to help him blow the replicator infested Asgard ship and he won’t be coming down she’s looking at hero Jack. She wishes he wouldn’t be so self-sacrificing but she knows she couldn’t love him if he were any other way. You can also tell she’s determined to get there and go down with him, if necessary.


                    Look #33

                    Amazing the difference a near death experience and three weeks on an alien planet with only Teal’c as a chaperone will do. This fishing invite is neither a surprise, nor unwelcome. She wants to go; he knows she can’t; but that smile lets him know that, even though she must say no, they’re still OK.




                        Look #34

                        This is the cold, dark side of Jack that Sam has never seen up close. It really takes her aback. Even though she has to have some idea of what he’s capable of; she’s never seen it close up. She has to be wondering how to reconcile this man with the one that has shown such tenderness with little dogs, little children, and occasionally her.


                          Look #35

                          When Sam learns that she and Jack are both accused of being Za’tarcs she’s worried, and so is he. It’s not often he’s this open and vulnerable with her.


                            Chemistry...from the very beginning...

                            Up until now...

                            And hopefully, beyond...


                              If any of those 7 guests lurking around here fancy getting themselves a piece of Shipsgiving Flair, you know what you gotta do.....login or sign up and join in the fun


                                Look #36

                                Sam doesn’t want Jack to sacrifice himself for her. She sees his love for her, and his determination to do anything for her. This is the same look she gave him when he wouldn’t leave her at the force shield.

                                She knows what he’s doing, and why. She can’t stop him, and it’s killing her.

