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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Poltergeist View Post
    Just delurking to ask a question. Has it been confirmed that Rachel will be back in season 5 yet?
    Yes it has.


      Originally posted by Poltergeist View Post
      Just delurking to ask a question. Has it been confirmed that Rachel will be back in season 5 yet?
      Yup, JM confirmed it on his blog and Rachel herself confirmed it when I asked her three weeks ago today (right now actually)


      I see that Linda has gone to bed.... BUT TeylaFan is still awake...... where's m'Crowbar?

      This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
      "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
      "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


        Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
        Yup, JM confirmed it on his blog and Rachel herself confirmed it when I asked her three weeks ago today (right now actually)


        I see that Linda has gone to bed.... BUT TeylaFan is still awake...... where's m'Crowbar?
        When did u get to speak to RACHEL!!?!?

        great to hear!!
        -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

        Thanks Camy!!


          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
          OT~ Allright since this place is dead lately I'll start a new poll.

          Tell me what you THINK will happen in Outcast.

          1)Sheppards ex wife will make a move/drop some innuendo on him

          2)Sheppards ex wife will impart some sound advice on him regarding his emotions or lack thereof to communicate them

          3)Sheppards ex wife will only be there in a sympathetic and/or directorial (Homeland security) capacity regarding the fathers death/escaped Replicator

          4)Sheppards ex wife will have hooked up with his brother
          I am popping in to vote on your poll Mrs. B.


          2. Because I would love to see John's reactions and just maybe this will open his eyes regarding his feelings for Teyla. *a girl can hope can't she*

          4. For the angst factor. Hello!

          Although, I think #1 could be interesting to see. To see his reactions to her come ons considering his statement regarding his marriage to her. I think we would find out if he still as any remaining feelings for his ex-wife IMO.

          So 2 & 4. I can't decide between those two.
          Last edited by Guest; 29 January 2008, 02:54 PM.


            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
            OT~ Allright since this place is dead lately I'll start a new poll.

            Tell me what you THINK will happen in Outcast.

            1)Sheppards ex wife will make a move/drop some innuendo on him

            2)Sheppards ex wife will impart some sound advice on him regarding his emotions or lack thereof to communicate them

            3)Sheppards ex wife will only be there in a sympathetic and/or directorial (Homeland security) capacity regarding the fathers death/escaped Replicator

            4)Sheppards ex wife will have hooked up with his brother
            Hmmm, i'd have to say 2 or 3. I hope it's not 1 LOL!.

            Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
            Hey Linda (Or anyone else eager to see Paul )...I don't know if you saw this but in case you didn't...

            It's Paul
            In a kilt
            Thanks for posting this!. Paul is wearing
            a Save Carson shirt! how cute and cool is that!.

            Originally posted by gater101 View Post
            Ruby has updated Sleep Study
            Thanks Gator!...i hadn't realized Ruby updated!.

            Sig by Camy


              Title: Awry
              Summary: John Sheppard has a death wish.
              Characters: John, Teyla, Ronon, Rodney, Carter, Conlin, Kanan
              Pairing: John/Teyla, Teyla/Kanan, slight John/Conlin
              Rating: K+

              John Sheppard had a death wish.

              Or at least that’s what he was calling this momentary lapse in judgement. He hadn’t started his day with a death wish, of this he was sure but as so often happened in his six years in Atlantis, his best laid plans oft’ went awry.

              It had started out simple enough with a quiet stroll through a friendly village on a friendly planet with his team for the last time. He’d been content – hell, maybe even excited – with the fact that even Teyla had come out for this, his last mission on Atlantis. Even Rodney had seemed pleased to be embarking on their mundane, diplomatic – if it could even be called that – mission. He’d been fine when the local alien men had started to take notice of the still somewhat new Conlin; she was military, and John knew that the drunken kiss she’d planted on him at the celebration night a few months back had been erased from her memory by the sheer level of alcohol she’d consumed and he wasn’t really in the mood to remind her of it. He’d also been fine – if somewhat a little grossed out – when really, really hot alien females starting making advances on his two male companions.

              What had irked him - though was not the reason for his death wish - was the distinct level of inattention he was receiving. He’d joked with Teyla about it – he didn’t see the point in ruining his last mission because of her misconstrued idea that he’d done something wrong – and she’d replied that she wasn’t receiving particular attention either. Although she didn’t seem as bothered by it as he was.

              He’d even been death wish free when he’d plopped down at the dinner table and was faced with two of the most disconcerting things he’d ever seen in his life. One was Rodney. The other, Ronon. He’d never seen either of them – well, except that one time with Rodney – flirt. And he didn’t like it. The food was even better than it had looked and he’d been readily accepting of the offer of seconds.

              It wasn’t even when a rather large, rather attractive man approached Teyla and attempting to ‘gain her affection’ that his death wish arrived. No. This he could handle; he’d seen it many times and he’d seen the many times she’d brushed their advances off, telling them of her marriage to another man. This time was no different and Colossus – as John had taken to calling him – had shed a lingering stare in John’s direction before sauntering off to another table and – no doubt – another hapless female.

              It could have been when said hapless female had approached Teyla and demanded a fight to the death for the affections of Colossus but it wasn’t. Even still, it wasn’t when Teyla had repeatedly turned down the offer – at which John had smiled thankfully – and tried to usher the woman away – he was also thankful Teyla was not above some subtle threats about how effectively she could kick aforementioned Hapless Female’s ass.

              His plans probably started to go awry when Hapless Female called Teyla a coward. It was when Teyla’s pride hadn’t been able to stand it anymore and she’d stood angrily, agreeing to take part in a winning of the affections of Colossus’ in death match ass kicking festival that John had sensed a downturn on his good day. Hid death wish didn’t even come in to play as he tried to talk her out of her idiotic actions – he wasn’t above telling her pride how stupid its’ actions were – or even when she’d spun on him with a death glare in her eyes, slowly stripping down to her black tank top.

              He’d stood by the side lines, bartering for the surrender of one of them without death to the other with the leader of the village but he was having none of it and, if John’s spidey-senses were as in tune as he thought they were, he could have sworn the old git was enjoying the show. He could barely bring himself to watch the vicious fight and he’d almost jumped into the ‘arena’ and tossed Teyla over his shoulder and made for the Stargate when Hapless Female whipped a knife from somewhere in her barely-there attire. He hadn’t even realised he’d tossed Teyla his own knife until he reached down to do just that.

              He had barely been able to contain his yell of joy when Teyla had gotten the upper hand and pushed her opponent to the floor, knee at her back, knife at her throat. He’d almost had a heart attack when he thought Teyla wasn’t going to stop and actually drag the knife across Hapless Female’s neck. It wasn’t even as bad a day as it was now when he’d stormed ahead of the quartet, trying to calm his erratic breathing as his anger at what Teyla had just done swamped him.


              His death wish didn’t come in to play until they’d made it safely back to the welcoming arms of Atlantis. In fact, if he was to be accurate, it wasn’t until they’d made it to the briefing room and Carter had asked what the hell had gone wrong that John felt the first inklings of a death wish. He hadn’t been able to hold back the flow of his anger as he recapped the events to Carter. He hadn’t been able to stop himself from retaliating hotly when Teyla had interrupted and they’d ended up in a shouting match with one another. It wasn’t even as his arms flailed about his head, or when he pointed at Teyla, or even when he accused her of being a selfish idiot.


              It was, in fact, about two seconds after that that John Sheppard realised he’d somehow developed a death wish. It was about two seconds after chewing Teyla out in front of Carter, Ronon, Conlin, McKay and Kanan that he found out kissing Teyla was as enjoyable as it had been the first, second and third time it had happened. It was about thirty seconds after that that he pulled back from her and saw Kanan being held back by the unyielding arms of Ronon as Teyla stared at him with wide eyed astonishment that he realised he had a death wish.

              And boy did he not care because, ridiculously, inconceivably – he wanted to do it again.

              He’d only managed to raise his eyes to hers for a few seconds before he felt something connect with his jaw and he was sprawled across the floor, looking up at Kanan who’d somehow freed himself from Ronon’s unfreeing arms. Before John had been able to mount any form of defence, the Athosian was gone and John was left with his team staring down at him incredulously.

              He’d only answered them with an innocent “what?” before hauling himself – to which he thanked his team mates sarcastically – to his feet and making his way to the infirmary - because he was sure he heard something crack.

              It was only when he was lying on a bed with an ice pack pressed against his face that he realised maybe his day wasn’t so awry at all. Because, as he thought back on those thirty seconds of death wish madness, he realised something.

              Teyla had kissed him back.
              don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

              facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                Hey Sci,

                I finally caught up with some of my fan fics reading. I was able to read the last three chapters of your fic, Fate. I couldn't leave you a review on ff for some reason, so I figure I would leave you a review here.

                I am sending you some mental greens. Great story. Yeah, Kanan & Michael are dead and the Athosians are safe, but the baby. Now, if you excused me I need to go wipe my eyes with a tissue.

                I hope everything is fine with your father and Pete. I think I left you a PM on Sat. night or Sun. when I found out. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.


                  Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                  Title: Awry
                  Summary: John Sheppard has a death wish.
                  Characters: John, Teyla, Ronon, Rodney, Carter, Conlin, Kanan
                  Pairing: John/Teyla, Teyla/Kanan, slight John/Conlin
                  Rating: K+

                  John Sheppard had a death wish.

                  Or at least that’s what he was calling this momentary lapse in judgement. He hadn’t started his day with a death wish, of this he was sure but as so often happened in his six years in Atlantis, his best laid plans oft’ went awry.

                  It had started out simple enough with a quiet stroll through a friendly village on a friendly planet with his team for the last time. He’d been content – hell, maybe even excited – with the fact that even Teyla had come out for this, his last mission on Atlantis. Even Rodney had seemed pleased to be embarking on their mundane, diplomatic – if it could even be called that – mission. He’d been fine when the local alien men had started to take notice of the still somewhat new Conlin; she was military, and John knew that the drunken kiss she’d planted on him at the celebration night a few months back had been erased from her memory by the sheer level of alcohol she’d consumed and he wasn’t really in the mood to remind her of it. He’d also been fine – if somewhat a little grossed out – when really, really hot alien females starting making advances on his two male companions.

                  What had irked him - though was not the reason for his death wish - was the distinct level of inattention he was receiving. He’d joked with Teyla about it – he didn’t see the point in ruining his last mission because of her misconstrued idea that he’d done something wrong – and she’d replied that she wasn’t receiving particular attention either. Although she didn’t seem as bothered by it as he was.

                  He’d even been death wish free when he’d plopped down at the dinner table and was faced with two of the most disconcerting things he’d ever seen in his life. One was Rodney. The other, Ronon. He’d never seen either of them – well, except that one time with Rodney – flirt. And he didn’t like it. The food was even better than it had looked and he’d been readily accepting of the offer of seconds.

                  It wasn’t even when a rather large, rather attractive man approached Teyla and attempting to ‘gain her affection’ that his death wish arrived. No. This he could handle; he’d seen it many times and he’d seen the many times she’d brushed their advances off, telling them of her marriage to another man. This time was no different and Colossus – as John had taken to calling him – had shed a lingering stare in John’s direction before sauntering off to another table and – no doubt – another hapless female.

                  It could have been when said hapless female had approached Teyla and demanded a fight to the death for the affections of Colossus but it wasn’t. Even still, it wasn’t when Teyla had repeatedly turned down the offer – at which John had smiled thankfully – and tried to usher the woman away – he was also thankful Teyla was not above some subtle threats about how effectively she could kick aforementioned Hapless Female’s ass.

                  His plans probably started to go awry when Hapless Female called Teyla a coward. It was when Teyla’s pride hadn’t been able to stand it anymore and she’d stood angrily, agreeing to take part in a winning of the affections of Colossus’ in death match ass kicking festival that John had sensed a downturn on his good day. Hid death wish didn’t even come in to play as he tried to talk her out of her idiotic actions – he wasn’t above telling her pride how stupid its’ actions were – or even when she’d spun on him with a death glare in her eyes, slowly stripping down to her black tank top.

                  He’d stood by the side lines, bartering for the surrender of one of them without death to the other with the leader of the village but he was having none of it and, if John’s spidey-senses were as in tune as he thought they were, he could have sworn the old git was enjoying the show. He could barely bring himself to watch the vicious fight and he’d almost jumped into the ‘arena’ and tossed Teyla over his shoulder and made for the Stargate when Hapless Female whipped a knife from somewhere in her barely-there attire. He hadn’t even realised he’d tossed Teyla his own knife until he reached down to do just that.

                  He had barely been able to contain his yell of joy when Teyla had gotten the upper hand and pushed her opponent to the floor, knee at her back, knife at her throat. He’d almost had a heart attack when he thought Teyla wasn’t going to stop and actually drag the knife across Hapless Female’s neck. It wasn’t even as bad a day as it was now when he’d stormed ahead of the quartet, trying to calm his erratic breathing as his anger at what Teyla had just done swamped him.


                  His death wish didn’t come in to play until they’d made it safely back to the welcoming arms of Atlantis. In fact, if he was to be accurate, it wasn’t until they’d made it to the briefing room and Carter had asked what the hell had gone wrong that John felt the first inklings of a death wish. He hadn’t been able to hold back the flow of his anger as he recapped the events to Carter. He hadn’t been able to stop himself from retaliating hotly when Teyla had interrupted and they’d ended up in a shouting match with one another. It wasn’t even as his arms flailed about his head, or when he pointed at Teyla, or even when he accused her of being a selfish idiot.


                  It was, in fact, about two seconds after that that John Sheppard realised he’d somehow developed a death wish. It was about two seconds after chewing Teyla out in front of Carter, Ronon, Conlin, McKay and Kanan that he found out kissing Teyla was as enjoyable as it had been the first, second and third time it had happened. It was about thirty seconds after that that he pulled back from her and saw Kanan being held back by the unyielding arms of Ronon as Teyla stared at him with wide eyed astonishment that he realised he had a death wish.

                  And boy did he not care because, ridiculously, inconceivably – he wanted to do it again.

                  He’d only managed to raise his eyes to hers for a few seconds before he felt something connect with his jaw and he was sprawled across the floor, looking up at Kanan who’d somehow freed himself from Ronon’s unfreeing arms. Before John had been able to mount any form of defence, the Athosian was gone and John was left with his team staring down at him incredulously.

                  He’d only answered them with an innocent “what?” before hauling himself – to which he thanked his team mates sarcastically – to his feet and making his way to the infirmary - because he was sure he heard something crack.

                  It was only when he was lying on a bed with an ice pack pressed against his face that he realised maybe his day wasn’t so awry at all. Because, as he thought back on those thirty seconds of death wish madness, he realised something.

                  Teyla had kissed him back.
                  Gater101, what an interesting read. Great fic.
                  Teyla is still married to Kanan! Awry indeed. Now, I am curious to see what John is going to do next.
                  Last edited by Guest; 29 January 2008, 08:02 PM.


                    Hmmm John sheppard has a deathwish these days doesn't he?

                    Well..... get a read at this little to-be-written-soon story!!......
                    Title: Unbreakable Spirit
                    Rating: M (from strong themes of blood/gore & some senseual moments)
                    Characters: John, Teyla, Teal'c, Ish'ta & Daniel
                    Pairings: John/Teyla, Ish'ta/Teal'c
                    Sumup: On a ruetine visit to Earth goes sour when Teal'c gets word of the Hak'tyl Jaffa being attacked by the Wraith and ish'ta is captured. When Teyla also disappears on the mission to the planet, John goes postal and it takes three Wraith stunners and a zat to knock him out.

                    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                      Heya Teyilia!

                      Um, you remember that story where the team goes to a roman-esque planet, and John and Teyla are captured and have to fight each other as gladiators? Well you see, I got some of my writing bug back and I was thinking of writing it . . do you mind if I pick it up again?
                      || twitter || tumblr ||


                        Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                        Heya Teyilia!

                        Um, you remember that story where the team goes to a roman-esque planet, and John and Teyla are captured and have to fight each other as gladiators? Well you see, I got some of my writing bug back and I was thinking of writing it . . do you mind if I pick it up again?
                        uh..... you mean to tell me that you have not written it yet?! *goes for the Three Stooges Crowbar* Get to it!!!

                        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                          Hi! My friend showed me this place! I love SG1 and SGA! Teyla/John are my Fave Ship!


                            Originally posted by JT-4-Ever View Post
                            Hi! My friend showed me this place! I love SG1 and SGA! Teyla/John are my Fave Ship!
                            Welcome! We love new people. If you're a writer, I invite you to post your work to our very own John Teyla Archive- John Teyla Convergence. Here's the link


                              Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                              uh..... you mean to tell me that you have not written it yet?! *goes for the Three Stooges Crowbar* Get to it!!!
                              Uh oh . . . Robots! Although I do have a summary written.
                              || twitter || tumblr ||


                                Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                                Thanks Donna for link.

                                Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                                Title: Awry
                                Summary: John Sheppard has a death wish.
                                Characters: John, Teyla, Ronon, Rodney, Carter, Conlin, Kanan
                                Pairing: John/Teyla, Teyla/Kanan, slight John/Conlin
                                Rating: K+

                                John Sheppard had a death wish.

                                Or at least that’s what he was calling this momentary lapse in judgement. He hadn’t started his day with a death wish, of this he was sure but as so often happened in his six years in Atlantis, his best laid plans oft’ went awry.

                                It had started out simple enough with a quiet stroll through a friendly village on a friendly planet with his team for the last time. He’d been content – hell, maybe even excited – with the fact that even Teyla had come out for this, his last mission on Atlantis. Even Rodney had seemed pleased to be embarking on their mundane, diplomatic – if it could even be called that – mission. He’d been fine when the local alien men had started to take notice of the still somewhat new Conlin; she was military, and John knew that the drunken kiss she’d planted on him at the celebration night a few months back had been erased from her memory by the sheer level of alcohol she’d consumed and he wasn’t really in the mood to remind her of it. He’d also been fine – if somewhat a little grossed out – when really, really hot alien females starting making advances on his two male companions.

                                What had irked him - though was not the reason for his death wish - was the distinct level of inattention he was receiving. He’d joked with Teyla about it – he didn’t see the point in ruining his last mission because of her misconstrued idea that he’d done something wrong – and she’d replied that she wasn’t receiving particular attention either. Although she didn’t seem as bothered by it as he was.

                                He’d even been death wish free when he’d plopped down at the dinner table and was faced with two of the most disconcerting things he’d ever seen in his life. One was Rodney. The other, Ronon. He’d never seen either of them – well, except that one time with Rodney – flirt. And he didn’t like it. The food was even better than it had looked and he’d been readily accepting of the offer of seconds.

                                It wasn’t even when a rather large, rather attractive man approached Teyla and attempting to ‘gain her affection’ that his death wish arrived. No. This he could handle; he’d seen it many times and he’d seen the many times she’d brushed their advances off, telling them of her marriage to another man. This time was no different and Colossus – as John had taken to calling him – had shed a lingering stare in John’s direction before sauntering off to another table and – no doubt – another hapless female.

                                It could have been when said hapless female had approached Teyla and demanded a fight to the death for the affections of Colossus but it wasn’t. Even still, it wasn’t when Teyla had repeatedly turned down the offer – at which John had smiled thankfully – and tried to usher the woman away – he was also thankful Teyla was not above some subtle threats about how effectively she could kick aforementioned Hapless Female’s ass.

                                His plans probably started to go awry when Hapless Female called Teyla a coward. It was when Teyla’s pride hadn’t been able to stand it anymore and she’d stood angrily, agreeing to take part in a winning of the affections of Colossus’ in death match ass kicking festival that John had sensed a downturn on his good day. Hid death wish didn’t even come in to play as he tried to talk her out of her idiotic actions – he wasn’t above telling her pride how stupid its’ actions were – or even when she’d spun on him with a death glare in her eyes, slowly stripping down to her black tank top.

                                He’d stood by the side lines, bartering for the surrender of one of them without death to the other with the leader of the village but he was having none of it and, if John’s spidey-senses were as in tune as he thought they were, he could have sworn the old git was enjoying the show. He could barely bring himself to watch the vicious fight and he’d almost jumped into the ‘arena’ and tossed Teyla over his shoulder and made for the Stargate when Hapless Female whipped a knife from somewhere in her barely-there attire. He hadn’t even realised he’d tossed Teyla his own knife until he reached down to do just that.

                                He had barely been able to contain his yell of joy when Teyla had gotten the upper hand and pushed her opponent to the floor, knee at her back, knife at her throat. He’d almost had a heart attack when he thought Teyla wasn’t going to stop and actually drag the knife across Hapless Female’s neck. It wasn’t even as bad a day as it was now when he’d stormed ahead of the quartet, trying to calm his erratic breathing as his anger at what Teyla had just done swamped him.


                                His death wish didn’t come in to play until they’d made it safely back to the welcoming arms of Atlantis. In fact, if he was to be accurate, it wasn’t until they’d made it to the briefing room and Carter had asked what the hell had gone wrong that John felt the first inklings of a death wish. He hadn’t been able to hold back the flow of his anger as he recapped the events to Carter. He hadn’t been able to stop himself from retaliating hotly when Teyla had interrupted and they’d ended up in a shouting match with one another. It wasn’t even as his arms flailed about his head, or when he pointed at Teyla, or even when he accused her of being a selfish idiot.


                                It was, in fact, about two seconds after that that John Sheppard realised he’d somehow developed a death wish. It was about two seconds after chewing Teyla out in front of Carter, Ronon, Conlin, McKay and Kanan that he found out kissing Teyla was as enjoyable as it had been the first, second and third time it had happened. It was about thirty seconds after that that he pulled back from her and saw Kanan being held back by the unyielding arms of Ronon as Teyla stared at him with wide eyed astonishment that he realised he had a death wish.

                                And boy did he not care because, ridiculously, inconceivably – he wanted to do it again.

                                He’d only managed to raise his eyes to hers for a few seconds before he felt something connect with his jaw and he was sprawled across the floor, looking up at Kanan who’d somehow freed himself from Ronon’s unfreeing arms. Before John had been able to mount any form of defence, the Athosian was gone and John was left with his team staring down at him incredulously.

                                He’d only answered them with an innocent “what?” before hauling himself – to which he thanked his team mates sarcastically – to his feet and making his way to the infirmary - because he was sure he heard something crack.

                                It was only when he was lying on a bed with an ice pack pressed against his face that he realised maybe his day wasn’t so awry at all. Because, as he thought back on those thirty seconds of death wish madness, he realised something.

                                Teyla had kissed him back.
                                Woohooo!! Way to go John.

                                Thanks Laura. Great fic.

                                Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
                                Hey Sci,

                                I finally caught up with some of my fan fics reading. I was able to read the last three chapters of your fic, Fate. I couldn't leave you a review on ff for some reason, so I figure I would leave you a review here.

                                I am sending you some mental greens. Great story. Yeah, Kanan & Michael are dead and the Athosians are safe, but the baby. Now, if you excused me I need to go wipe my eyes with a tissue.

                                I hope everything is fine with your father and Pete. I think I left you a PM on Sat. night or Sun. when I found out. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
                                Aww. That's ok. I like Mental greens too. I'm glad you liked it.
                                Hun. I just sent you an PM.

                                Originally posted by JT-4-Ever View Post
                                Hi! My friend showed me this place! I love SG1 and SGA! Teyla/John are my Fave Ship!
                                Welcome to the Thread JT4Ever!!!

                                Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                                Welcome! We love new people. If you're a writer, I invite you to post your work to our very own John Teyla Archive- John Teyla Convergence. Here's the link
                                Hey Suz!!! How are you?

                                Goodnight everyone.
                                I posted this in galleria, but not everyone gets there so, I'll post it here too.

                                This one has some words to it.
                                Last edited by scifan; 29 January 2008, 08:21 PM.

