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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
    Thanks for letting me know, but it won't turn into a link for some reason. I'll keep trying to fix it.
    Sure thing dude. DId you try deleting it and recopying it and everything

    PS LADYLUCILLA - I keeping seeing your name onscreen, on and off again, just wanted to say Welcome to the thread.


      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
      Sure thing dude. DId you try deleting it and recopying it and everything
      yep, and I tried bbcode.
      Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



        Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
        yep, and I tried bbcode.

        All I Want for Christmas is You

        by our very own PADME18
        Last edited by MrsB108; 02 August 2007, 10:15 AM.


          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post

          All I Want for Christmas is You

          by our very own PADME18
          Thank you. I did get it fixed though just before I read this. I'm iming my computer savy friend who told me what to do. I need to take on of those computer classes at school.
          Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post

            All I Want for Christmas is You

            by our very own PADME18
            Just click on the banner for Padme's fic and it goes to the whole story.

            Padme: WOW!!!
            I cried. It was beautiful. And Jack. I love Jack. You do the characters so well. I loved that Jack came in just in time for Sam and the ending. But of course my fav is How John poppped the question. Aww. I just melted. I wish they could really do something like that. And I don't think I'll be able to hear that song without think of that scene. Awesome. Padme.

            Camy: If this doesn't get your muse in gear for you to do chpt 11, I dont know what will I'm dying to read the rest of it. LOL


              Hey YappiChick!!

     will not let me log in right now so I can not give a review on
              your fic The Battle of Wills. Hope I got the title correct!

              Although the cap Camy posted pulls it right up when you click on it!
              YEAH!!! It takes you to fic directly!

              It was Wild!!
              I absolutely love it! I found I was ROFL when I got to the end!!
              I myself would've probably popped John for telling Teyla admit it. You are
              wrong!! Whatever!

              This is a tribute in homage to your fic:I thought it was fitting!


              sig by Sci!

              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                OMG ELF -
                The curling iron of DOOM
                HAHAHAH Who the hell made that one up - totally great


                  Hey guys, I got a sneak peek for Chapt 2 of "Prisoners,... Again"

                  Drip... drip... drip..... The steady dripping noise woke John from his fitful sleep on the floor, and he found himself looking right at Teyla's sleeping face, something told him to just go back to bed while something else told him to hug his friend, her face was like that of an angel as she slept, still on her side. John slowly found that he had regained some movement and whatever the drug was, he could just barely move, much less try to stand, or even hug Teyla for that matter. So he thought. I think I'll.... stay on the floor

                  Teyla slept like a rock, out cold, unable to even move because of her numb side and the fact that she was now a little damp, something had to have happened, there was a canstant dripping noise, and a small river of water seemed to flow about a foot away from Teyla's face, making something like a river between them.

                  OK so there is water dripping by like a little river and neither of us can move? what next? a barfight with us in the middle of it? John wondered

                  Hope everyone likes! this chapyter will be very.... whumpy for both of our LoveBirds!!

                  Elf: would you be so kind as to give the link for the place to make those kind of screenshots? thanks!

                  This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                  "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                  "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                    Originally posted by scifan View Post
                    Mrs.B, I hope this is something you might like.


                    Originally posted by scifan View Post
                    You're so sweet Kingdom.

                    The Ties That Bind: Another part.


                    The next morning Teyla and Dr. Keller are ready to leave to visit Teyla’s people. John is waiting in the gate room. John notices that Teyla looks a little pale, “Are you ok Teyla?”
                    She forces a little smile, “I believe I am just anxious to see everyone. I been away far too long. I was not able to eat this morning, but once I get to the village I will eat something there.”
                    John looks around as if he was expecting something. “Aren’t you going to have anyone else go with you?” he says in a concern tone.
                    “John, I will be fine and I brought my staff. I have gone many times with just Carson and myself. Do not worry. If any trouble comes along I will contact Atlantis,” she replies. She and Keller walk through the gate.
                    Keller and Teyla are talking while walking through the woods. “We are almost there, just over this hill,” Teyla announces. “I am sure that they will be more than happy to meet you Dr. Keller.”
                    Keller smiles at Teyla, “Please call me Jen.”
                    “Alright, Jen it is,” smiles back Teyla. “I am surprised that I have not smelt any food cooking by now. Usually I can smell it from what seems like miles away.”
                    As they clear the woods and approach the village Teyla is devastated by the scene she sees. The village was empty, barren and the dwellings were all burnt down. Teyla ran through the village hoping to find any clues of her people and what happened. Eventually she drops to her knees and weeps.
                    Keller puts her hand on Teyla’s shoulder, “Teyla, we need to let Atlantis know what’s going on. We have been here for over an hour searching and found nothing. They will be worried about us.”
                    Teyla just sits there in total shock. She does not believe that this was the work of the Wraith. It didn’t look like something they would do. Anger starts to fill her heart at the thought of someone destroying her family and her friends. She gets up, takes her staff and gestures Keller to follow her. As they head back to the gate Teyla and Keller are attacked by savage looking men. There were about three of them. Teyla tells Keller to stay out of the way. She listens to Teyla and hides behind a tree. While Teyla is fighting the men, Atlantis radios to ask about their progress. Keller is all to happy to here from them and quickly tells them that they were being attacked and Teyla people were all missing. Teyla gave no mercy to the men during her fight, but they were very strong and she was quickly wearing down.
                    Back in Atlantis, Carter quickly orders Ronon, Lorne and a few marines to help Teyla and Keller. John is ordered to stay and is extremely upset and within minutes help was on its way.
                    Teyla was able to subdue two of the men and the third ran away before anyone showed up. When Teyla was done fighting she leaned over by the nearest tree and got sick. Keller hurried to her to see if she was ok. “I am fine. I am just a little dizzy that’s all and I am sure that it is only because I did not eat today, plus everything else that has just happened,” Teyla reassures Keller.
                    Keller gives a slight smile, “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were pregnant.” She lets out a little laugh.
                    Teyla was shocked by her remark, “Why would you say such a thing?”
                    “I’m sorry Teyla. I didn’t mean to offend you, but you being dizzy and sick are common signs, at least for Earth women, that they are pregnant.”
                    Teyla’s thoughts flashed back to the night that she dismissed as a dream. “Could it have been real?” she thought. Just when she was about to talk to Keller more about it, Ronon and Lorne show up. The two savages must have snuck away before they got there because they were gone.
                    When Teyla got back to Atlantis she could feel the sad eyes gazing upon her. John walks up to her, but she tries to kindly dismiss him, “I am sorry John, but may I be alone for just a little while.” Tears flowed down her face and as she starts walking up the stair of the gate room, she faints. Luckily John is close enough to catch her.

                    Oh poor,Teyla......Are you sure you didn't snag the script for s4,i can see this happen,now i'm on the edge of my seat.....!


                      Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                      Hey YappiChick!!

             will not let me log in right now so I can not give a review on
                      your fic The Battle of Wills. Hope I got the title correct!

                      Although the cap Camy posted pulls it right up when you click on it!
                      YEAH!!! It takes you to fic directly!

                      It was Wild!!
                      I absolutely love it! I found I was ROFL when I got to the end!!
                      I myself would've probably popped John for telling Teyla admit it. You are
                      wrong!! Whatever!

                      This is a tribute in homage to your fic:I thought it was fitting!


                      Thanks Elf.


                        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post

                        Oh poor,Teyla......Are you sure you didn't snag the script for s4,i can see this happen,now i'm on the edge of my seat.....!
                        Thanks Linda on both.


                          MrsB. This goes to your link.

                          I like doing this. It's easy. Thanks Jess.


                            Originally posted by scifan View Post
                            MrsB. This goes to your link.


                            I like doing this. It's easy. Thanks Jess
                            Hey, as Linda says, KEWL Thanks Scifan I really appreciate it. I have something awful planned for the story, I don't think it'll be the next chapter though, probably the one right after that

                            I think its so cool and thoughtful you guys are doing pics for the stories. Has anyone done one for yours yet????


                              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                              OASIS - PART 8

                              “DAMN IT!” John screamed as he ran hard following Rodney’s echoed screams into the darkness. The light on his weapon danced excitedly through the night with each step of his foot and only half of the time he could barely make out Rodney’s thrashing body.

                              Teyla and Ronon were catching up as well, but whatever was pulling Rodney was fast, very fast, and soon it would have taken his body completely out of their range. John knew he had no choice but to continue shooting and just pray that he didn’t hit Rodney by mistake.

                              He could feel Teyla just behind him, a series of bullets flying past him on his right as she shot towards Rodney’s attacker. Ronon, who had completely stopped, stood strangely far behind them, concentrating, focusing. He then aimed his weapon carefully into the night as he steadily kept his light fixed ahead using one forearm to hold the weapon still and the other to squeeze the trigger.

                              One shot from his barrel rang true through the shadows and struck the unseen assailant, causing the air to become filled with a horrendous screech of pain as it released Rodney’s legs and scampered off, quickly enveloped by the night.

                              John reached Rodney first, his eyes wide in horror at his inanimate shape. “Rodney? Rodney? Can you hear me?” he asked hurriedly as he checked his pulse.


                              John sighed in relief. “Rodney, its me, John.”

                              Teyla approached and knelt down by Rodney’s legs, examining them with her light. Wiping the blood and crusting red sand away, she saw the deep gaping punctures and gashes that covered him from where the creature’s long jagged nails had dug in. “These wounds are bad, John. He needs medical attention.”

                              “Yeah, well, I’m just glad we got you back buddy,” he said as he patted Rodney’s shoulder comfortingly. “Even if it’s not in one piece.”

                              “How bad is it?” Rodney said through gritted teeth. His eyes were watering and they all knew his pain was excruciating.

                              Teyla asked Ronon to shine his light on her and she started rummaging through her backpack. “What are you looking for?” John asked. She did not look up as she answered. “I always keep a syringe in my pack for medical emergencies. Carson had always thought it was a good idea, and I see now that he was correct,” she said smiling as she retrieved it from her backpack and held it into the light.

                              “You’re not gonna stick me with th—OW!”

                              “I am sorry, Rodney. But within moments you should feel comfort.” She held his hand reassuringly.

                              “That freaking hurt, Teyla! I don’t feel any--Whoa…..what is this stuff?……Oh this, this is just…..groovy……” he said and a wide smile slowly plastered across Rodney’s face as his eyes began to softly glaze over.

                              Ronon cleared his throat and spoke. “Sheppard, I think we have another problem. I think the sun should have been up by now.”

                              John looked at his watch and grimaced. “Well, you’re not wrong about that. The sun went down almost 20 hours ago. This is definitely a problem.”

                              “The sun will come out…..tomorrow… your bottom dollar that tomorrow….”

                              “Shut up Rodney.”
                              I LOVE THIS!!!
                              "Mom?".... That's priceless! Teyla giving Rodney the shot of happy juice!!...Sheppard patting him reassuringly on the shoulder to make sure he was okay!!...Can it get any better than that?....Now, I would have passed from lack of air if Rodney said for guy with messy hair, A caveman...that is one of my fave scenes from Sateda!!
                              sig by Sci!

                              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                                OASIS - PART 8

                                “DAMN IT!” John screamed as he ran hard following Rodney’s echoed screams into the darkness. The light on his weapon danced excitedly through the night with each step of his foot and only half of the time he could barely make out Rodney’s thrashing body.

                                Teyla and Ronon were catching up as well, but whatever was pulling Rodney was fast, very fast, and soon it would have taken his body completely out of their range. John knew he had no choice but to continue shooting and just pray that he didn’t hit Rodney by mistake.

                                He could feel Teyla just behind him, a series of bullets flying past him on his right as she shot towards Rodney’s attacker. Ronon, who had completely stopped, stood strangely far behind them, concentrating, focusing. He then aimed his weapon carefully into the night as he steadily kept his light fixed ahead using one forearm to hold the weapon still and the other to squeeze the trigger.

                                One shot from his barrel rang true through the shadows and struck the unseen assailant, causing the air to become filled with a horrendous screech of pain as it released Rodney’s legs and scampered off, quickly enveloped by the night.

                                John reached Rodney first, his eyes wide in horror at his inanimate shape. “Rodney? Rodney? Can you hear me?” he asked hurriedly as he checked his pulse.


                                John sighed in relief. “Rodney, its me, John.”

                                Teyla approached and knelt down by Rodney’s legs, examining them with her light. Wiping the blood and crusting red sand away, she saw the deep gaping punctures and gashes that covered him from where the creature’s long jagged nails had dug in. “These wounds are bad, John. He needs medical attention.”

                                “Yeah, well, I’m just glad we got you back buddy,” he said as he patted Rodney’s shoulder comfortingly. “Even if it’s not in one piece.”

                                “How bad is it?” Rodney said through gritted teeth. His eyes were watering and they all knew his pain was excruciating.

                                Teyla asked Ronon to shine his light on her and she started rummaging through her backpack. “What are you looking for?” John asked. She did not look up as she answered. “I always keep a syringe in my pack for medical emergencies. Carson had always thought it was a good idea, and I see now that he was correct,” she said smiling as she retrieved it from her backpack and held it into the light.

                                “You’re not gonna stick me with th—OW!”

                                “I am sorry, Rodney. But within moments you should feel comfort.” She held his hand reassuringly.

                                “That freaking hurt, Teyla! I don’t feel any--Whoa…..what is this stuff?……Oh this, this is just…..groovy……” he said and a wide smile slowly plastered across Rodney’s face as his eyes began to softly glaze over.

                                Ronon cleared his throat and spoke. “Sheppard, I think we have another problem. I think the sun should have been up by now.”

                                John looked at his watch and grimaced. “Well, you’re not wrong about that. The sun went down almost 20 hours ago. This is definitely a problem.”

                                “The sun will come out…..tomorrow… your bottom dollar that tomorrow….”

                                “Shut up Rodney.”

                                Oh good ol Ronan,haha Rodney's doped up again.....No sun yet.....i'm really afraid of the dark!

