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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post

    Elf this one for you:
    Ive seen the second one before, but the first one is just freaky! In a cool creepy way!

    Well, I'm of to take a 3 parter Final Exam. Joy.

    my ships


      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
      Mega freaky!

      Neh,same old same old...We had a couple days of braw sunny weather and now the rains back...Typical Scottish weather!

      Don't think we're gonna get a summer this year!
      that sucks dude heres some sun for ya


        I'm trying to do a gizzillion things at once online since I've been gone for so long. My computer is still not fixed but I have it completely stationary so that the cord doesn't move! LOL

        Anywho, I"m updating Stargaze, and just a reminder that if you don't belong to LJ, and you love to do artwork, you should. I've captured some beautiful scenes with Teyla and with John separately and together. I'm doing Echos right now, and Wikked can't believe how many caps I"ve taken because they were so many beautiful shot of Teyla in this one.

        So, if you haven't friended me, do! It's the only way you can see the caps.

        I'll be back!


          Originally posted by Camy View Post
          Did I miss anything really good besides all the wonderful MILESTONES!


          I can't beleive I miss our 30000 post! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

          Thanks Mrs. B for the nice welcome! All is well, I guess but they could be better! but then again, they could be worse...yeah, all is well! Thanks for asking!
          Of course! Glad to hear everythings good, you missed Yappichicks excellent new chunk of story and Scifan has a new one going here which is totally great and there was a preview on that no one seemed to see except one person

          Originally posted by girlinabox View Post
          Ive seen the second one before, but the first one is just freaky! In a cool creepy way!

          Well, I'm of to take a 3 parter Final Exam. Joy.
          GOOD LUCK!!!! Youve been studying hard


            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
            that sucks dude heres some sun for ya
            heehee,that is so mental....It certainly helped cheer me up a bit!


              Waves to Camy...

              Just a quick fly by post too... I have been redecorating my daughter's room and my living room. Having new carpets as well so had to move everything out of the rooms. My son and his friends helped... but I'm pooped.. have to move it all back tomorrow once the carpets go down.. yikes

              Congratulations to any milestoners. Loving all the little fics as usual.. You guys are doing a great job. I'm pretty busy over the next few days but hopefully will get time to do some more wallies.



                Hey this is what the whump thread was saying...did you guys know this
                It looks like Teal'c will show up in Midway and that's when we'll get to see him spar with Ronon and the episode with the Sheppy blood is This Mortal Coil.


                  Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                  There are many different Conventions out there but as for Comic Con, i think the one in San Diego is the biggest as far as the U.S. Then there are others like The Wizard, Creation and i honestly don't know what other conventions there are out there LOL!. For the New York Comic Con, here is the link :


                  I don't know how big this one is. New York is WAY too far for me LOL!.

                  By the way, just read Part 4 of your fic!!!...Excellent as always, can't wait to read
                  How they get Teyla back!
                  Thanks Mayra. I was hoping that the SGA cast come on this side of the continent. LOL. I know one is going to in NJ and some of the SG1 cast will be there, but that's it.
                  I'm glad you like the story. I'm hoping to more after supper.


                    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post

                    Elf this one for you:
                    That's freaky seeing a blonde,blue eyed Teyla. Maybe a twin.


                      Well i'll read yer fic tomorrow scifan,it's really late here so i won't see it tonight unfortunately!


                        Camy, I don't have it on FF yet. I'll probaby wait til I'm done.

                        Here it is, all parts.


                        Atlantis is now stranded in the middle of nowhere and lost. Weir is in serious condition, Keller and her other doctors and nurses are all busily working on saving Weir's life. Many are only wounded. Some serious but most are not. What was worse is their power is depleting quickly. Luckily they find a planet that has breathable air, but they still have to worry about food, medical supplies and mostly protection from the Wraith and the Asurans.
                        Rodney, Zalenka and the rest of the science teams are franticly working on a way to get a hold of the SGC. John is trying to figure out whose able body enough to help with repairs and to be ready for another attack from whomever.
                        Within 12 hrs of there arrival to the planet, their worse fears happened. The Asurans found them. John, Teyla and a wounded Ronon gather all their weapons and readied they soldiers. Rodney frightfully started working on a way to an ARG modified to affect the whole city again.
                        Many Asurans came. One tried to take Weir, but was stopped by Lorne with an ARG blast. Confusion was everywhere, but almost as quickly as they had come, they left. John was suspicious and asked Rodney if he knew what happened. Rodney had no clue. Lorne reported to John about the casualties and as he was doing that Ronon ran to tell John that Teyla was missing. Fear filled his eyes as he looked up into the now darkened sky.

                        “Rodney!” yells John. “What the hell just happened? Damn it!” He paces back and forth, trying to think of what to do next.
                        “Why? What’s the matter? What’s going on?” asks a concern Rodney.
                        Ronon responds almost inaudible, “Teyla is gone. They took her.”
                        Rodney eyes widen with shock as Zelenka hangs his head down low.
                        Keller radios John over the comm., “Colonel Sheppard?”
                        “What!” yells John, still upset about Teyla.
                        “I’m sorry Colonel,” Keller responds with a confused tone. “I just wanted to let you know that Dr. Weir made it through surgery and is recovering right now.”
                        “Oh. I’m sorry. Thank you for informing me,” John replies with a much calmer tone.
                        John looks at Ronon, “How the hell are we suppose to find her.” He picks up a piece of debris and throws it across the room and walks away before Ronon could respond.

                        Asuran’s City:

                        Teyla eyes slowly open. She sees herself in a place that looks like a medical room. She finds herself strapped to a table and cannot escape. Two Asurans walk in and stand over her. One of them grabs her arm tightly. Teyla starts to feel something move in her stomach. Tremendous pain from her abdomen causes her to scream. She blacks out from the ordeal.

                        Later, Teyla wakes up to find herself in a cell. An Asuran woman is there with some food and drink. A guard stands by to make sure Teyla doesn’t try anything.
                        “Please, don’t resist what we give you. We have no need for food, but I insisted that we should feed you. I do not want any harm to come to you. I am Lidil,” says the woman quietly.
                        Teyla looks at her with suspicion, “Why are you helping me?” Teyla looks around confused, “How long have I been here? The last thing I remember was being on Atlantis.”
                        “You’ve been out for several days and not all of us believe in this war against the children of the Ancients,” replies Lidil as she looks around cautiously.
                        “My friends will be looking for me. You need to help me,” pleads Teyla.
                        “I don’t know what I can do. You’re friends will not be able to find you. They are stuck where they are and will surely die with out provisions,” answers Ladil. The guard motions her to leave. Teyla curls up in a corner and begins to cry.


                        Rodney has found a way for them to modify one of the puddle-jumper with a hyper drive, and with Elizabeth amazing recovery she agrees to join Rodney, John and Ronon to try to get to the midway gate station.
                        “Why can’t we just use the jumper to get Teyla from those monsters,” barks John.
                        Rodney roles his eyes and Weir crosses her arms and gives John and stern look. “John, you know that we can’t do anything to help Teyla right now. If we can’t get a hold of SGC then we all die. What use are we to Teyla then? I’m sorry John, but this comes first,” orders Weir. She continues after seeing his dissatisfied face, “John, I understand, but you know that I’m right.
                        John’s face turn from anger to disappointment and he walks away with out a word, but not before he knocks off some paper off of Weir’s desk. Ronon starts to go after him, but Weir stops him.
                        “Why is he so mad Ronon? I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this way?” she asks.
                        “He’s afraid that she’s being tortured. He afraid that we won’t save her in time and I feel the same way,” replies Ronon and he walks away.

                        Hours later John, Ronon, Elizabeth and Rodney are ready to leave in the puddle jumper. Rodney is still nervous that it might not work. Before they leave, John apologizes to Elizabeth for his behavior for the past week. She tells him that she understands and once they get a hold of SGC they will try to attempt to get Teyla. He stares out in front of him not looking at anyone, but Elizabeth can see the glaze over his eyes and wonders if his feelings for Teyla are deeper than he leads on.
                        The jumper remains in hyper-speed for some time and when they have to drop out, they end up close to Atlantis’ home planet. Sensors indicate that a ship was close by and they begin to get nervous, but soon they found out that it was the Daedalus.
                        When the Apollo left Atlantis, Colonel Ellis contacted the SGC about Atlantis’ plan and their dire needs. As soon Colonel Carter was able to join Colonel Caldwell they headed to the Pegasus Galaxy as fast as possible. John came in and landed the jumper in the Daedalus’ bay area.

                        Nice to have you back.



                          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                          Hey this is what the whump thread was saying...did you guys know this
                          It looks like Teal'c will show up in Midway and that's when we'll get to see him spar with Ronon and the episode with the Sheppy blood is This Mortal Coil.
                          Oh do give details...I need details on this..I've heard nothing about this...what happens to
                 he expected to get hurt In this Mortal Coil?

                          Late...but it's here..

                          THANKS SCIFAN!


                            Originally posted by scifan View Post
                            Camy, I don't have it on FF yet. I'll probaby wait til I'm done.

                            Here it is, all parts.


                            Atlantis is now stranded in the middle of nowhere and lost. Weir is in serious condition, Keller and her other doctors and nurses are all busily working on saving Weir's life. Many are only wounded. Some serious but most are not. What was worse is their power is depleting quickly. Luckily they find a planet that has breathable air, but they still have to worry about food, medical supplies and mostly protection from the Wraith and the Asurans.
                            Rodney, Zalenka and the rest of the science teams are franticly working on a way to get a hold of the SGC. John is trying to figure out whose able body enough to help with repairs and to be ready for another attack from whomever.
                            Within 12 hrs of there arrival to the planet, their worse fears happened. The Asurans found them. John, Teyla and a wounded Ronon gather all their weapons and readied they soldiers. Rodney frightfully started working on a way to an ARG modified to affect the whole city again.
                            Many Asurans came. One tried to take Weir, but was stopped by Lorne with an ARG blast. Confusion was everywhere, but almost as quickly as they had come, they left. John was suspicious and asked Rodney if he knew what happened. Rodney had no clue. Lorne reported to John about the casualties and as he was doing that Ronon ran to tell John that Teyla was missing. Fear filled his eyes as he looked up into the now darkened sky.

                            “Rodney!” yells John. “What the hell just happened? Damn it!” He paces back and forth, trying to think of what to do next.
                            “Why? What’s the matter? What’s going on?” asks a concern Rodney.
                            Ronon responds almost inaudible, “Teyla is gone. They took her.”
                            Rodney eyes widen with shock as Zelenka hangs his head down low.
                            Keller radios John over the comm., “Colonel Sheppard?”
                            “What!” yells John, still upset about Teyla.
                            “I’m sorry Colonel,” Keller responds with a confused tone. “I just wanted to let you know that Dr. Weir made it through surgery and is recovering right now.”
                            “Oh. I’m sorry. Thank you for informing me,” John replies with a much calmer tone.
                            John looks at Ronon, “How the hell are we suppose to find her.” He picks up a piece of debris and throws it across the room and walks away before Ronon could respond.

                            Asuran’s City:

                            Teyla eyes slowly open. She sees herself in a place that looks like a medical room. She finds herself strapped to a table and cannot escape. Two Asurans walk in and stand over her. One of them grabs her arm tightly. Teyla starts to feel something move in her stomach. Tremendous pain from her abdomen causes her to scream. She blacks out from the ordeal.

                            Later, Teyla wakes up to find herself in a cell. An Asuran woman is there with some food and drink. A guard stands by to make sure Teyla doesn’t try anything.
                            “Please, don’t resist what we give you. We have no need for food, but I insisted that we should feed you. I do not want any harm to come to you. I am Lidil,” says the woman quietly.
                            Teyla looks at her with suspicion, “Why are you helping me?” Teyla looks around confused, “How long have I been here? The last thing I remember was being on Atlantis.”
                            “You’ve been out for several days and not all of us believe in this war against the children of the Ancients,” replies Lidil as she looks around cautiously.
                            “My friends will be looking for me. You need to help me,” pleads Teyla.
                            “I don’t know what I can do. You’re friends will not be able to find you. They are stuck where they are and will surely die with out provisions,” answers Ladil. The guard motions her to leave. Teyla curls up in a corner and begins to cry.


                            Rodney has found a way for them to modify one of the puddle-jumper with a hyper drive, and with Elizabeth amazing recovery she agrees to join Rodney, John and Ronon to try to get to the midway gate station.
                            “Why can’t we just use the jumper to get Teyla from those monsters,” barks John.
                            Rodney roles his eyes and Weir crosses her arms and gives John and stern look. “John, you know that we can’t do anything to help Teyla right now. If we can’t get a hold of SGC then we all die. What use are we to Teyla then? I’m sorry John, but this comes first,” orders Weir. She continues after seeing his dissatisfied face, “John, I understand, but you know that I’m right.
                            John’s face turn from anger to disappointment and he walks away with out a word, but not before he knocks off some paper off of Weir’s desk. Ronon starts to go after him, but Weir stops him.
                            “Why is he so mad Ronon? I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this way?” she asks.
                            “He’s afraid that she’s being tortured. He afraid that we won’t save her in time and I feel the same way,” replies Ronon and he walks away.

                            Hours later John, Ronon, Elizabeth and Rodney are ready to leave in the puddle jumper. Rodney is still nervous that it might not work. Before they leave, John apologizes to Elizabeth for his behavior for the past week. She tells him that she understands and once they get a hold of SGC they will try to attempt to get Teyla. He stares out in front of him not looking at anyone, but Elizabeth can see the glaze over his eyes and wonders if his feelings for Teyla are deeper than he leads on.
                            The jumper remains in hyper-speed for some time and when they have to drop out, they end up close to Atlantis’ home planet. Sensors indicate that a ship was close by and they begin to get nervous, but soon they found out that it was the Daedalus.
                            When the Apollo left Atlantis, Colonel Ellis contacted the SGC about Atlantis’ plan and their dire needs. As soon Colonel Carter was able to join Colonel Caldwell they headed to the Pegasus Galaxy as fast as possible. John came in and landed the jumper in the Daedalus’ bay area.

                            Nice to have you back.

                            Oh, my goodness yes...I read this early early this morning and I thought this was part of Adrift!!!!!

                            Very, very good! Keep it coming.


                              Originally posted by Camy View Post


                              THANKS SCIFAN!
                              WOWWwweeeeeeee. Thats wonderful!! What great pics of them!!!

                              Heres more from the Whump side of the moon
                              I honestly don't remember seeing the split lip and I was looking for it. In the promo the camera was only on Sheppard for a short time and mostly on Larrin. He was also behind bars and it's not a normal cell like we are used to. The bars were a lot thicker and did block part of his face.
                              I really wish I had a photographic memory. Sorry It's possible that this scene was before the split lip. We know that he gets beaten, but is it at the beginning or does he getting beaten for trying to escape.
                              and I didnt know about the
                              or the fact that
                              he gets beaten!!!

                              Oh and apparently ALSO
                              Michael will be back for a 2 parter, since Connor told a Con audience he'd be heading up there shortly to begin filming.
                              Last edited by MrsB108; 25 July 2007, 03:03 PM.


                                Oh, Thanks Mrs. B

                                If Connor is back, we know Teyla will be involved! Also, I believe Tealc comes out in Reunion, right? so he's going to come more than once to SGA?

