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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    jtjaforever glad you have had some good news concerning your sister. It must be a very difficult time to see someone you love suffer. I hope she continues to improve.

    One thing that has struck me the most about John and Teyla is how comfortable they are around each other and this was conveyed from very early on in season 1.

    John as I've said before is a fairly private person and not prone to displays of emotion of physical contact. He was clearly taken aback by Weirs hug and didn't really respond at all. But he has never shown any awkwardness in the presence of Teyla or when making physical contact.
    The only time we saw him a little awkward was in Sateda but then he was baring his soul there. But HE instigated the physical contact. He did it again with such ease in the return part 1 with the Athosian head touch.
    They both now seem to share a strong bond and for Teyla to say that she is sure that their paths will cross again shows the type of bond they have that she was so sure that they would see each other again.

    John just seemed out of place on earth and only perked up when he had the opportunity to get back to the Pegasus Galaxy - so for him it also felt right to be going back there - maybe to a place that he knows deep down is really his home now - and even though he is still not ready to admit how he feels about Teyla he is aware enough to know that he wants to be with her again.
    Last edited by bluealien; 17 December 2006, 07:58 AM.


      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
      I only can agree what has been said about the scene in The Lost Boys...

      For being in such a crappy place they sure had a moment there,,that he really didn't seem to mind having... he seemed comfortable enough laying just there,,*lol* and she sure didn't mind having his head on her lap...
      That's one of my main points. He made no move to leave her lap. He seemed to be very appreciative of the view directly above him and I get the feeling Teyla's lap is very comfortable. Shoot, as I mentioned this wasn't totally one sided, Teyla seemed a bit bereft when he moved away. If it wasn't for the bloody hive ship and those other punkers stuck with them, I'm sure that John would have happily stayed where he was. He totally gave that impression to me, especially when he was completely aware of his surroundings---the obvious questions seemd like a front to keep him in his position as long as possible. And I do believe Teyla was caressing his hair before hand.

      I just find it a bit awkward to have a head on your lap, a head you would put on your lap because of some close connection and not give some human contact. If I planned on not touching him, he'd have my jacket or something to as comfortable as I can make it----under his head. The only reason for head on lap is to give a bit more physical contact. Lucky John...No one has been that close to other aspects of Teyla's anatomy.
      Click statement above to read article.


        Originally posted by vaberella View Post
        That's one of my main points. He made no move to leave her lap. He seemed to be very appreciative of the view directly above him and I get the feeling Teyla's lap is very comfortable. Shoot, as I mentioned this wasn't totally one sided, Teyla seemed a bit bereft when he moved away. If it wasn't for the bloody hive ship and those other punkers stuck with them, I'm sure that John would have happily stayed where he was. He totally gave that impression to me, especially when he was completely aware of his surroundings---the obvious questions seemd like a front to keep him in his position as long as possible. And I do believe Teyla was caressing his hair before hand.

        I just find it a bit awkward to have a head on your lap, a head you would put on your lap because of some close connection and not give some human contact. If I planned on not touching him, he'd have my jacket or something to as comfortable as I can make it----under his head. The only reason for head on lap is to give a bit more physical contact. Lucky John...No one has been that close to other aspects of Teyla's anatomy.
        Yes lucky John indeed - he looked very content to be lying in Teyla's lap - and she seemed quite content for him to stay there. This is really something quite intimate - as many have said before - why not just stick a jacket under his head if she was just trying to make him comfortable. Can you really see John just continuing to lie there if he had woken up with his head on anyone elses lap.!!


          Imagine if it was Ronon's lap!!
          Click statement above to read article.


            Well Ronan does seem to be more touchy feely these days. Hehe

            John would probably have rocketed out of Ronans lap so fast that the poor guy would probably have injured himself again, and been in need of Teyla's tender loving care.


              Originally posted by bluealien View Post
              Well Ronan does seem to be more touchy feely these days. Hehe

              John would probably have rocketed out of Ronans lap so fast that the poor guy would probably have injured himself again, and been in need of Teyla's tender loving care.
              That's for sure.

              Teyla...I hit my head!!
              What happened now?!
              My head was on his was next to know?!
              Any time Sheppard!
              Come here John.
              Click statement above to read article.


                Well *lol* yes Ronon is more touchy feely these days... I mean he is giving out hugs left and right now it seems...

                He gave John a big bear hug in The Return 1,, and Sheppard was really caught of guard but I can understand that since Joe didn't expect that to happen *lol* and Rachel seemed to have fun at that the way she smiled in that scene.

                I've always seen John more comfortable around Teyla... yes he is a private person and don't really go around having his feelings out for everyone to see.. but even at that,,he has never backed away from Teyla... he was the one who took the step to put the necklace on her ,,, he didn't back away when she went up to him for the Athosian head touch, he sure doesn't seem to mind loosing to her everytime at stick fighting,, since he doens't seems to mind where he might end up (Hot Zone) eheheh...

                John hasn't opened up and talked about his life or his past,,or anything really personal with anyone else but Teyla...she's seen a side of him I think no other will see of him,,,
                Sigs by Scifan


                  Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                  Well *lol* yes Ronon is more touchy feely these days... I mean he is giving out hugs left and right now it seems...

                  He gave John a big bear hug in The Return 1,, and Sheppard was really caught of guard but I can understand that since Joe didn't expect that to happen *lol* and Rachel seemed to have fun at that the way she smiled in that scene.

                  I've always seen John more comfortable around Teyla... yes he is a private person and don't really go around having his feelings out for everyone to see.. but even at that,,he has never backed away from Teyla... he was the one who took the step to put the necklace on her ,,, he didn't back away when she went up to him for the Athosian head touch, he sure doesn't seem to mind loosing to her everytime at stick fighting,, since he doens't seems to mind where he might end up (Hot Zone) eheheh...

                  John hasn't opened up and talked about his life or his past,,or anything really personal with anyone else but Teyla...she's seen a side of him I think no other will see of him,,,

                  Yes she has - John doesn't seem to feel the need to put up those barries when he is around Teyla. He doesn't hide behind the jokes and the easy going banter. He speaks from the heart with Teyla and doesn't try and back out of emotional situations. You can see that he is becoming more at ease opening up to her and in time I feel we will get to see and understand John Sheppard a lot more - and this will be because of Teyla.


                    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                    Yes she has - John doesn't seem to feel the need to put up those barries when he is around Teyla. He doesn't hide behind the jokes and the easy going banter. He speaks from the heart with Teyla and doesn't try and back out of emotional situations. You can see that he is becoming more at ease opening up to her and in time I feel we will get to see and understand John Sheppard a lot more - and this will be because of Teyla.
                    Ohh Blue you managed to be the first one to post on page 1000...

                    I agree... he doesn't close himself off around her... he has chosen to open up... the thing is I don't think we would have know those things about him and how he feels of his friends..if he hadn't talked to Teyla...the guy usually just clams up when ever someone mention something personal to him,,,joke it off or whatever,,, but not with Teyla.. I think it's for me atleast a way of that he feels he can open up to her because he feels she can understand him, understand who he is, what he is, just what it takes to be a leader in war, and who may be able to handle his demons, handle his past, understanding he haven't had it simple in his life...

                    I mean Teyla does all that...she's a warrior herself, a leader for her people, knowing she has to make split second choices when danger comes her way, how strong she is no matter how her life has been like, how she is able to move on and focus on the matter that are coming and not second guess herself all the time, loyal, can listen, argue when needed , but are also good at grounding a man like John. Know him well enough to know what to say to him to get him to listen...

                    Weir has tried - he's just gone against her several times,
                    Rodney has tried - John just yelled at him and walked away.
                    But Teyla - well he might argue and put up a fight to get his way but in the end she knows how to handle him, and are able to break through to him in the end...making him see reason and that there just may be another way to do things...
                    Sigs by Scifan


                      WOOOHOOOO WE HAVE REACHED 1000 PAGES

                      Congratulations !!!!!!


                        Yes CONGRATS everyone...

                        Let's keep the great discussions coming and we will get even more pages to fill up...
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          WOW thats so great that we actually made it to a 1000 pages. This thread has come alot from talking about the pair and showing off stories and making graphics.


                          Does anyone know wat episode is gonna air in canda on MONDAY? Does Canda get previews for next episodes like the scifi does here in the states?
                          part of:
                          Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

                          wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one


                            Originally posted by Sheylafan87 View Post
                            WOW thats so great that we actually made it to a 1000 pages. This thread has come alot from talking about the pair and showing off stories and making graphics.


                            Does anyone know wat episode is gonna air in canda on MONDAY? Does Canda get previews for next episodes like the scifi does here in the states?
                            Unfortunately we don't know as the schedule doesn't show which episode. It says it will be a re-run but then it said that last week.

                            If we do get another new episode it will either be the Game or the Ark. Will have to wait until monday to find out.


                              My goodness you folks have been busy! Well, where do I start? I guess I’ll back track a little:

                              Oh, first off…..

                              Cyn: I’m glad to hear things are a bit better for your sister. Camy was asking about you since we hadn’t heard anything. We’ll continue to pray for you and your family. Hugs right back at ya! D.

                              Now, for the discussion ……

                              J/T Kiss: Teyla’s hand in the air? I didn’t see that so much as a sign for John to stop, but rather a sign of Teyla’s indecision. She could have placed her hand on John’s shoulder and gently pushed him away. Or she could have cupped the back of his head, encouraging him to continue. She did neither. Before the kiss Teyla noticed a difference in John, but continued the session anyway. She was surprised when John pinned her to the wall, surprised when he initiated the kiss, and readily accepted it. There was a moment of pure passion and then reality crept in, but before she could make up her mind to stop the kiss or just let nature take its course, John ended it. That’s my take on that.

                              J/T Touchy-Feely: I have to agree that J/T are very comfortable touching each other. I also agree that neither are blatant with showing affection, so when we see this type of interaction between the two it has more meaning. The only time where I’ve seen an uncomfortable moment was in Sateda and that was because John was pouring out some of his feelings.

                              Bella: Not continue the Hiatus?!? *wheezes* What?!? *struggles to breath* Of course you have to keep it going! If you cancelled it I’d expire. (get that gleam out of your eyes) It’s perfect just as it is. You, Camy, and Doxy did…are doing an amazing job. I don’t think you realize just how fast people would lose interest in the show if we didn’t have something like the hiatus to keep us going. I too…*sighs*…don’t participate as much as I would like (still trying to finish my story) but I hope things will change by the beginning of the year. Don’t doubt our appreciation for all of the hard work you guys have put into this. We appreciate it. We really do, so thank you.

                              Villains/Hero Week:
                              Seasons 1

                              1. Hands down, the Wraith: Have to say they are the most intriguing, by far; especially after CG.
                              2. Koya: After John humiliated him in Storm & Eye, it was a give. Their little ‘nothing personal’ code is weird considering they always took it personal. And…..
                              I really hope he’s still alive, but if he doesn’t come back, then the Wraith from CG has to take his place.


                              1. John: He’s the hero, what did you expect?
                              2. Rodney: He’s the reluctant hero of the show.

                              Season 2

                              1. Michael: Not human, but no longer accepted by the Wraith, perfect.
                              I'd really hoped they would take off on the Michael likes Teyla angle, but TPTB seem to prefer that he focus on Carson. What a shame.

                              2. Wraith: Though many times there was no actual Wraith in the episodes, at least half of season 2 was dedicated to Wraith genealogy, technology, or interaction.
                              3. Though it breaks my heart, Ford: He was close to killing Rodney and his recklessness nearly got the others killed as well. Luckily, we can excuse him because he’s not himself.

                              1. Rodney: He uses his brain and brawn, on occasion, to save the day, but he also makes some serious mistakes.
                              2. Ronon: He’s learning as he goes, but has Teyla there to help with the outsider’s perspective.

                              Season 3
                              1. Assurians: Brainless machines, imitating there makers…hey, that sounds like a Cylon!
                              2. Michael: Misbegotten and more to come?
                              3. Koya: After CG, he deserves a good beating.
                              4. Luscius: Do I really have to go into details?

                              1. John: Still putting his life on the line for others.
                              2. Rodney: Or should I say Rod?
                              3. Teyla: Phantoms, hands down our girl is the champ.
                              4. Carson: Who shot the ugly Wraith? He did. Hug.
                              5. Wraith: CG Without him John may not have survived. Sure the team would have found him, but would it have been in time?

                              Considering that most of the villains listed here would like to kill and/or eat J/T, I can safely say this would be bad on their relationship. But for the others:
                              & : Have known from the moment they saw the two together. Aiden saw it on Athos. Ronon on the radiation planet. : Though he’s a bit slow to notice things appears to be picking up on it as well. I think he’d approve and encourage the relationship.

                              Oh hey, had an idea for the 1000th post celebration. What if we did something like ‘1000 Steps to J/T’? Someone could post 25 things John should do/say/teach to Teyla and vice versa. With 50 items per post, we would only need 20 to reach 1000 (Or you could just do 25 and let someone else do the other 25). i.e.:

                              25 Romantic things that J/T would say
                              25 Gifts that J/T would buy
                              25 Things that J/T would teach each other
                              25 Places J/T would go on a date
                              25 Things that J/T would like to see T/J wear

                              What do you think??


                                We just have to wait and see which one...most likely The Game or The Ark...

                                The movie network is the one listing a rerun,,, they haven't caught up to MovieCentral...but they are not listing anything since they seems to have some problems at the site... so all we can do is wait and see..
                                Sigs by Scifan

