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Shadow's Sulky Thread

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    Originally posted by ShadowMaat
    The only reason I saw the XF movie was because the boss let us all out of work early so we could go see it. I thought it was pretty awful.
    Okay. I have to admit that I saw it six times on one day. I really enjoyed the movie

    Or was it six times over the course of it's airing ... Either way, I really enjoyed it I have a copy of the script ... Cell clip thing they used to do.

    If I never reply to something you said to me, it doesn't mean I'm ignoring you, it means I'm lazy and the thread moves too fast.
    It's all explained here. Well, one part anyhow

    My LibraryThing.


      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
      I fell off the XF bandwagon when they lost DD for a while, plus I thought the ep quality was going downhill. I faintly remember tuning in for the final ep but can't remember a damn thing about it. I don't have a big desire to get the DVDs, first because they're so damn expensive and second because I have a hard time purchasing a series and going through the whole thing again when the ending apparently didn't answer a lot of the plotholes and mysteries throughout the series. I'd just get frustrated all over again.
      the last eps i watched was the lucy lawless one...whenever that was

      i gave up and never even missed it.

      did the same with voyager, enterprise, xena and earth: final conflict too
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        There were times when i wondered why i kept watching, mostly during seasons 6 and 7, but i couldn't stop watching, i confess, i was addicted to that show.
        With JAG i got fed up and stopped watching, same goes for SG1, but with TXF i never could. I loved season 8 though, season 9 not so much, what with the whole M/S stuff turning into a soap, and the sprog.
        Last edited by Luz; 18 May 2006, 11:08 AM.


          I loved the XF movie. I still watch it from time to time. It was after the movie that the XF started going downhill for me and then when DD left it was pretty much the death knell.

          It was, is, and always will be GREEN


            Originally posted by Skydiver
            the last eps i watched was the lucy lawless one...whenever that was

            i gave up and never even missed it.

            did the same with voyager, enterprise, xena and earth: final conflict too
            HATED THAT EPISODE! <Vomit> OMG!
            What was the point of that episode anyhow?! Having Lucy Lawless naked in a a pool of water?! Was that episode ever referenced again?! Argh!

            I agree about the episodes/seasons after the movie. Anyone remember the 1st episode following the movie? Mulder and Scully are going up to a house in some neighborhood in Texas and Scully goes to hold Mulder's hand.

            If I never reply to something you said to me, it doesn't mean I'm ignoring you, it means I'm lazy and the thread moves too fast.
            It's all explained here. Well, one part anyhow

            My LibraryThing.



              When you submit your 1st paper to be published if you write the legend to your Figures like this author I will hunt you down and beat with you a stick.

              Figure 6. Double logarithmic plot of the intensity I-Ict versus time curves above tc
              for a) 1.5 %Carrageenan and b) 2.5 %Carrageenan concentration,
              respectively (where C-/C+=0.23). The ? exponents were determined from
              the slope of the straight lines.


              He's done the EXACT SAME THING to his references:
              7. R.P. Millane, E.U. Nzewi, S. Arnott In: R.P. Millane, J.N. BeMiller and R.
              Chandrasekaran, editors. Frontiers in carbohydrate research1. London: Elsevier
              Applied Science, 104 (1989)

              If I never reply to something you said to me, it doesn't mean I'm ignoring you, it means I'm lazy and the thread moves too fast.
              It's all explained here. Well, one part anyhow

              My LibraryThing.



                I'll remember to send it to a different publisher
                I'm not Weird, I'm Gifted!


                  Originally posted by jonno

                  I'll remember to send it to a different publisher
                  Hmmm. Wait this has backfired

                  If I never reply to something you said to me, it doesn't mean I'm ignoring you, it means I'm lazy and the thread moves too fast.
                  It's all explained here. Well, one part anyhow

                  My LibraryThing.


                    Originally posted by Shipperahoy
                    I loved the XF movie. I still watch it from time to time. It was after the movie that the XF started going downhill for me and then when DD left it was pretty much the death knell.
                    I am with you Ship Mum when DD left Xfiles was done for me as well.

                    Mythbusters is extremely fun to watch ...and yup it does have a lot of repeats but at tleast if you are taking any notes you don't miss any important steps

                    I too like the CSI:Vegas mainly because the cast really IS Ensemble and everyone is in on the show. I don't get that feeling from the other two CSI shows so they didn't hold my interest. I like Gary Sinese ALOT but if the rest of the cast isn't in on the show its just no fun.

                    Skydiver ..I do have to agree with you about the Unit.. the one wife doing the nasty with her hubby's Co definitely turned me off but hopefully that is at an end now. I don't know if they will still be around next season CBS is touting that it is one of the most watched new series so *shrug*

                    I am a HUGE military/special forces story nut so I have just been enjoying the heck out it and being an spouse of ex-military I can definitely identify with some of the issues the wives do deal with.

                    I guess I am just easy, as long as you keep me entertained for that 42-48 minutes I am not going to complain that much. I may thin this or that is stupid but you really have to screw up the show to make me turn it off. XFiles...I turned off

                    Oh another fun show I found is on the Science Channel called *Survivor man* this guy is dropped off for 7 days with all the camera equipment and does all his own filming while surviving and trying to get out in 7 days. That is usually a fun show.
                    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                      Originally posted by AdrianneP
                      Hmmm. Wait this has backfired

                      Actually, that's a point ... would you give me lower rates were i to use you as my publisher?
                      I'm not Weird, I'm Gifted!


                        Originally posted by jonno
                        Actually, that's a point ... would you give me lower rates were i to use you as my publisher?
                        We don't charge you to publish with us unless you have color. Otherwise it's totally free.

                        Course, I guess it could be said that working with me is payment enough

                        If I never reply to something you said to me, it doesn't mean I'm ignoring you, it means I'm lazy and the thread moves too fast.
                        It's all explained here. Well, one part anyhow

                        My LibraryThing.


                          Originally posted by AdrianneP
                          We don't charge you to publish with us unless you have color. Otherwise it's totally free.

                          Course, I guess it could be said that working with me is payment enough

                          Of course ...

                          being a Biologist, i would of course, require colour with s 'u'
                          I'm not Weird, I'm Gifted!


                            Well, I have to admit that I stuck out until S9 of the X-Files. It really pissed me off when Scully spent 90% of that one season all weepy though. And the final episode was crap. A clip show? The final episode is 90% a clip show? Give me a break.

                            Nutty! So glad to hear that you're okay. Sounds like you had quite the treacherous drive. Hope the rest of your trip goes well.

                            Atlantisrocks - I'm also glad to hear that your grandmother is doing well. Did they ever catch the guy?
                            Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


                              May I rant and whine for a while? Please.

                              [RANT] Why is my section of the US stuck in what appears to be the atmospheric incarnation of a TOILET!!! The %#$# rain is just sitting here swirling around and around on the radar.
                              *shakes her fist at the sky* STOP ALREADY!!! [/RANT]

                              *deep breath* Thank you. I feel better.
                              You're never too old to do something goofy.
                              Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                                Oo please! You're in/at Lake Erie?!
                                You should be a little more further east where dams are breaking down from the massive flooding!

                                I haven't minded the rain this week. Flooding is bad but haven't minded the rain.

                                If I never reply to something you said to me, it doesn't mean I'm ignoring you, it means I'm lazy and the thread moves too fast.
                                It's all explained here. Well, one part anyhow

                                My LibraryThing.

