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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Queen Eleta
    Yes, it's been kicking my butt too. *shudders at looming deadlines*
    I am trying to get everything squared away by Wednesday, so I, too, can sit on my butt and watch TV all day. Then Friday were pouring a big honking slab of cement for an addition to our house, so I won't be able to watch Atlantis all day. Though I might try to catch the first few minutes of the first ep since RDA was in it!! Lots of work, but it will be worth it to have my dream bed and bathroom. 2 person jacuzzi tub...... mmmmmmm......

    QEMC: Two person, huh?
    QEJC: Yes, two. And one of them will not be you!
    QE: No arguing now. This is a nice relaxing Sunday, remember? *shudders again thinking of deadlines*
    QEJC: He started it!
    QEMC : What?
    QEJC & QEMC started wrestling around. After taking a moment to enjoy the spectacle QE breaks it up.
    QE: JC behave or I'll put you and... someone's...Daniel clone in the tub together and invite all the slashers to watch.
    QEJC*stunned silent for a moment*: Oh, that is just so wrong on so many levels. *walks away to sulk*
    QEMC: *looking at QE with slight fear* You're not really a slasher are you?
    QE: No. I was just teasing. I like the making up part that comes later.

    No disrespect intended to all of you who do enjoy the slash fic. It's a 'It's just not my thing' thing!

    (((((Eleta)))))) 'Deadlines'.....tsk....tsk...I hate deadlines too...I hope you get everything finished by Wednesday!,Anywho....I can't WAIT 'till Thursday! I think I might watch Atlantis too,I really never have been a huge fan but,I guess I'll give it a go! By the way....2 person jacuzzi tub....sounds fun! Clones are gonna have many fights of that one!


      Originally posted by Lucreleia
      Hello everyone!

      This is my first post in this thread, but I've visited a couple of times before.
      I am rather new to this forum, so please excuse me if I make a mistake uploading pictures, it's a first for me!

      I've loved RDA from McGyver, and I honestly think that he had much to do for my loving of science!

      Here are some pics that I've had in my computer for years, now, hope you all enjoy them!

      Have a great sunday!

      Welcome to the Gutter, Lucreleia

      Hope you have fun thunking with us all here, come back and post more lovely pics soon - those ones of Mac are just gorgeous ^^


        Originally posted by melpomene
        awww hiding RDA's smile...This should not be, it's such a purty smile

        What a baby face!
        Oh what a lovely pic, he looks so cute in it. Thanks for sharing!!!



          Originally posted by Rune
          Awww, glad you're having so much fun with your JackClone, they certainly eat up your um ... spare time and stuff

          Been digging around in my Photobucket account and found this ... I made it soon after arriving here when I was a mere thunkling *sigh* ahhh the innocent days

          Now maybe it'll serve as a friendly reminder to all our new members of the Gutter - be safe & don't forget your Thunk Gear
          Is it me or does that wanted poster make him even more thuddy....swoon!



            Thanks for the great welcome everyone and of course all the lovely Jack/RDA/Mac pics!!



              Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s
              OH RUNE!!!

              Screencapping "Fragile Balance" at 10:30 in the morning, is um, Well..
              Heart skipped a Beat a few times.. Blood is Running Now...oh YEAH, Wide AWAKE Now, don't need anymore coffee... (your Critter Begging Lessons are Working!!)

              Tried, with the Step Version, Tried with mouse Scroll.. Yours looks better then Mine, unless I am capping at the wrong spot!!
              No, I'm sure you're doing it in the right spot, it's a really tricky one to grab as it's so darn quick, we need someone to jump out and grab him next time around to freeze the action ... um , you feel like volunteering?

              As you know by now SS has done some fab caps of this featurette too so now we have a whole army of big brown eyes lookin' at us (kind of like a clones convention!) *sigh*

              And I like your version , it's neat how it's run over into the next scene..

              ... runs out of words due to hypnotic effect of aforementioned eyes


                Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s
                To Go Along with Above Post to RUNE!!

                Rune, Turning on computer and seeing these EYES that Close!!!

                and then seeing this SMILE!!!

                Lets just say, I think you owe me a new computer chair (just kidding)
                THE ARM Broke off this AM!!!
                But I didn't Fall off my CHAIR... yet!!

                Great pics again!

                I owe you a new computer chair huh? You wouldn't have been leaning on the arm that broke off just a little too hard would you? And am I right in thinking that arm was on the side closest to your monitor? Uh huh, thought so, y'know you can't blame me for the resulting damage caused by the allure of those eyes (you can try though!)

                Oh and to answer you from yesterday, practically the entire of this featurette is shot in profile ... grrrr, still a great smile though

                Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s
                But I didn't Fall off my CHAIR... yet!!
                We all know it's only a matter of time till ya do


                  Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s
                  WHOA! Very nice indeed!
                  *silly post-thunk grin*

                  But ONTLL, if I owe you a computer chair I think you now owe me an explanation to give to Kliggins when she finds out I was eating whilst thunking. I got away with it last time but if she realises there's been another keyboard accident with the dulce de leche due to your animation she's going to nag me ... again

                  Maybe your clones can come up with an excuse? They seem very inventive Pleeeeease?


                    THUNK!!! (((((Rune)))))) What lovely pics you have posted!!!! I love the second pic. too!!! I mean you can't get much hotter than that!!!


                      Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s
                      Hey that one goes with this I did Earlier!!

                      I totally agree that animation is HOT ... well RDA is HOT any given day or night

                      avatar and sig by flidget


                        Originally posted by stargatesg1971
                        Oh what a lovely pic, he looks so cute in it. Thanks for sharing!!!

                        Glad you liked it. I always perfer him older, like Season 2 of mac and older. But there are some young pics in which he's just to cute to resist


                          Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                          Oh what a great smile, sigh! Nice caps.



                            Originally posted by Anakin
                            Baby face?... Yeah, I can do baby face too...


                            Yet somehow, I prefer THE MAN with a few lines... these make me wonder if he was of legal age-LOL!!!
                            wow that is so young .... lovely ... RDA ages so well

                            avatar and sig by flidget


                              Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s
                              Okay some more Jack Rourke!!!

                              I think he is apologizing now!!

                              Just walked in from going for a walk to "Cool Down"

                              Sits on the Corner of my Bed!!

                              Oh NO!!
                              JackOneillClone just walked in my Room!!

                              .....THUNK!!!.....ouch!!!.....(((((Two"LL"s)))).....Jack Rourke.....he.....he is so HOT!.....Ahhh............*types from floor*.......Thank you thank you thank you!!!! ((((((BIG HUGS))))))....What would I do without all these great pics from ONTLL!!!!????.....Did I say thank you?

