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04.05 - The Tenth Planet, Episode 1
04.06 - The Tenth Planet, Episode 2
04.07 - The Tenth Planet, Episode 3
04.08 - The Tenth Planet, Episode 4
04.09 - The Power of the Daleks, Episode One
04.10 - The Power of the Daleks, Episode Two
04.11 - The Power of the Daleks, Episode Three
04.12 - The Power of the Daleks, Episode Four
04.13 - The Power of the Daleks, Episode Five
04.14 - The Power of the Daleks, Episode Six
01.37 - A Land of Fear (aka "The Reign of Terror, Episode 1")
01.38 - Guests of Madame Guillotine (aka "The Reign of Terror, Episode 2")
01.39 - A Change of Identity (aka "The Reign of Terror, Episode 3")
01.40 - The Tyrant of France (aka "The Reign of Terror, Episode 4")
01.41 - A Bargain of Necessity (aka "The Reign of Terror, Episode 5")
01.42 - Prisoners of Conciergerie (aka "The Reign of Terror, Episode 6")
35.07 - The Zygon Invasion
35.08 - The Zygon Inversion
12.11 - Genesis of the Daleks, Part One
12.12 - Genesis of the Daleks, Part Two
12.13 - Genesis of the Daleks, Part Three
12.14 - Genesis of the Daleks, Part Four
12.15 - Genesis of the Daleks, Part Five
12.16 - Genesis of the Daleks, Part Six
01.05 - The Dead Planet (aka "The Daleks, Episode 1")
01.06 - The Survivors (aka "The Daleks, Episode 2")
01.07 - The Escape (aka "The Daleks, Episode 3")
01.08 - The Ambush (aka "The Daleks, Episode 4")
01.09 - The Expedition (aka "The Daleks, Episode 5")
01.10 - The Ordeal (aka "The Daleks, Episode 6")
01.11 - The Rescue (aka "The Daleks, Episode 7")