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X-Files Discussion and Appreciation Thread

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    For the first time in probably two months, maybe longer, I sat down and watched a couple episodes of this show ("Brand X" (7x18) and "Hollywood A.D." (7x19)). Two, maybe as long as three years ago I started watching this series, going straight through from season one, episode one, no skips. I already knew a little about The X-Files from repeats on Scifi (er, excuse me, Syfy) and because it was on the TV every week as I was growing up. I'd heard that music many nights. (My folks were big fans and watched the series all the way through to the end.)

    I pretty much fell in love with this show from the first season, and though I've at times stopped watching, I always come back to it. Tonight, I just felt I needed a little reprieve from my SG-1 first-time-watching blog and go back to a sci-fi I'm a little more familiar with. Nothing like a little grossout to balance all the alien drama!
    (But you could say that X-Files has its own brand of alien drama. )

    Great series. Unfortunately I've heard that Mulder vanishes after this seventh season and is replaced by that Doggett fellow. I'm kind of dreading that departure!


      Originally posted by CMWriter View Post

      Great series. Unfortunately I've heard that Mulder vanishes after this seventh season and is replaced by that Doggett fellow. I'm kind of dreading that departure!
      In my opinion - it actually works well in Series 8. Mulder isn't just written out, he's a continuing element of the storyline, and even appears in a new, prominant role, in the opening credits. Doggett ISN'T his replacement at all, and Duchovney does return for some of the series. It's when Series 9 roles around, and they write Mulder out almost completely in the most sloppy way imaginable that things go downhill, if you ask me... that's when it feels like the show was struggling.

      "Five Rounds Rapid"



        And I agree with your assessment of Season 8, but not 9

        To me, Season 9 was the real rejuvenation of the show. Without the baggage of Mulder, and by largely sidelining Scully, they were able to start treating Doggett/Reyes as their own entity
        "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


          Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
          And I agree with your assessment of Season 8, but not 9

          To me, Season 9 was the real rejuvenation of the show. Without the baggage of Mulder, and by largely sidelining Scully, they were able to start treating Doggett/Reyes as their own entity
          Scully should have been written out of Season 9 IMHO. The writers should have had William, Mulder, and Scully disappeared and let given Doggett and Reyes take the spotlight. All S9 did was highlight what a terrible idea giving Scully a baby was plus it didn't reflect very well on Scully as a mother.

          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
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            Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
            And I agree with your assessment of Season 8, but not 9

            To me, Season 9 was the real rejuvenation of the show. Without the baggage of Mulder, and by largely sidelining Scully, they were able to start treating Doggett/Reyes as their own entity
            To each their own. I dislike S9 for several reasons. Part of it is the poor dismisal of Mulder, but much of it involved the sudden backpeddling. S8 felt bloody epic. My most memorable scene in S8 was when a man tried to break into the Whitehouse in order to warn the President that the invasion had begun - and that was the key theme. Forget Human/Alien hybrids or shapeshifting grey's, the supersoldiers were here paving the way for actual invasion. The stakes just got higher, everything escalated beyond control, until we had the greatest X-Files series finale EVER. And then S9 happened. All of a sudden, TPTB decided that they needed to reintroduce ambiguity... why? We'd essentially had the entire alien mytharc cleared up for us in S6, with S7 closing old threads, and S8 marking the start of the invasion proper. WHY backpeddle and try and assert that the supersoldiers were US government military experiments, why backpeddle and once again try and put the 'its all a US non-alien conspiracy' argument forward again? It was a total anti climax...

            Whilst I genunly like Doggett and Reyes as characters, I feel S9 was a poor attempt to bring the show back to the old days in order to facilitate another ten years worth of show, where as what it needed was to drive forward in new directions, even if that meant abandoning the FBI connection.

            "Five Rounds Rapid"



              Ok, I'm watching x-files (well, listening) while I work and heard Scully say "because they don't exist" in Agua Mala. "Because sea monsters can only be read about, Mulder. Because they don't exist." I know she's said it a few more times. Can you guys help me list what episodes (and the context)? I'd love to go through and put all that audio together.

              I think she may have said it in Bad Blood as well in one of their retellings... probably Mulder's.
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                  For some reason, last night, I decided that I was being OVERLOADED by SG-1... so I went back to something a little more familiar: My beloved X-Files (which I keep managing to mention in nearly half of my Stargate blogs).
                  I finally got to the season seven finale... gah, what a cliffhanger! I'd forgotten just how much I loved this show. Had everything you could ask for in a great X-Files episode: The Lone Gunmen (I seriously adore those guys), the Smoking Man, Krycek, the alien bounty hunter, a freakin' huge spaceship..! Even a really sweet moment for Scully and Mulder (awwww).

                  Season five of SG-1 might have to hold off a day or two, though I'm so close.. the FBI demands my attention more than the SGC!


                    X-files is one of put into series of my childhood, as stargate, I have always a lot to like(love) even if I did not understand everything. The seasons 6 and 7 are my preferred because, it are the ones of what(which,whom) I remember myself best. In no way like(love) 8 on the other hand, without Mulder, it was not the same...

                    A good fantastic series in any case, which(who) became cult =)
                    by AresLover452 ^^


                      Originally posted by Duval View Post
                      X-files is one of put into series of my childhood, as stargate, I have always a lot to like(love) even if I did not understand everything. The seasons 6 and 7 are my preferred because, it are the ones of what(which,whom) I remember myself best. In no way like(love) 8 on the other hand, without Mulder, it was not the same...

                      A good fantastic series in any case, which(who) became cult =)
                      Really? Six and Seven? I loved the mythology episodes in those ones, specifically "Requiem", but some of the stand-alones were just...odd.

                      Call me weird, but I liked Season 8. It was not the same without Mulder, to be sure, but Dogget was a good character.

                      The series was one of those types that theoretically could go on without the stars it started with...Mulder was the more difficult to replace but it clearly was possible. Monica Reyes was just...meh.

                      I wish it could have gone on a bit longer, but I am so happy I rediscovered the series last year after not being able to watch it much when I was younger.


                        Yes really six and seven, later I find that that it is to essoufler one can. Episodes is not bizare, they are funny has less that I have a strange humor (it is possible).

                        I saw again(revised) the first seasons, are they whom I find strange, but good not bad either.

                        X-files will have had a history(story) to complicate to follow sometimes also...
                        by AresLover452 ^^


                          X-Files woot! the only other scifi show that comes even close to the awesomeness of Stargate :-D


                            Something for fans of The X-Files and Doctor Who

                            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                            K-9, CLASS and much more...


                              Lol wow.

                              Gillian's voice sounded odd.


                                She's just speaking with an accent.

