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"Andromeda" Appreciation and Discussion Thread

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    I'll be watching the finale. I am a mark for Andromeda. I am probably one of only a handful (if that) that enjoyed the seefra system episodes. There were some truly bizzarre episodes this last season.

    That music they play everytime the 'Route of Ages' appears is down right beautiful and spooky....

    Rodenberry sure likes to blow up mother Earth alot in his writings

    So what do you think, will Earth be blown up like they were leading us to believe at the end of the first part of the series finale.
    the Fifth Race

    Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


      Firefly is awesome.

      I liked Andromeda, just lost interest sometime in Season 4. I stopped taping the episodes after the one episode with the 'ghost' and the maggots. I watched a bit of the end of Season 4, and tried to watch Season 5. I just couldn't. It was bad, and I gave up watching it.

      I might tune in to the series finale just to see everyone DIE!

      Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
      Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


        Originally posted by Ouroboros
        Calling it Hercules in space is actually pretty insulting to Hercules. I'm not kidding. Hercules was a pretty simplistic show but it wasn't the seizering, puke-covered, ex-pornstar in a clownsuit Andromeda's metaphorically become.
        I think you just might be right. I hadn't considered that. I did, after all watch Hercules for a good long while before coming to my sanity. Hercules was really pure genius by comparison.

        "You know what would make a good story? Something about a clown who makes people happy, but inside he's real sad. Also, he has severe diarrhea." - Jack Handy


          I'll watch it just because of its timeslot on SG Friday

          LEE IS NOT A CYLON


            Hercules actually had some really good people behind it to. Guys like Sam Raimi who went on to make things like the Spiderman movie which many comic fans apparently think is the best comic to screen adaption out there. He was also responsible for the Evil Dead trilogy. Herc was silly, cheesy and over the top many a time but it was pretty much like that entirely on purpose.


              The show does suck, and maybe even more than Voyager, I'm sure there has been worst.

              it is the worst Sci-fi in years and years through.


                I think so I was hoping to see what earth is like now that is free


                  Originally posted by MartoufMarty
                  Firefly is awesome.

                  I liked Andromeda, just lost interest sometime in Season 4. I stopped taping the episodes after the one episode with the 'ghost' and the maggots. I watched a bit of the end of Season 4, and tried to watch Season 5. I just couldn't. It was bad, and I gave up watching it.

                  I might tune in to the series finale just to see everyone DIE!
                  I agree with everything you said... hmm every one dies? Sweet!
                  Music Videos from various fandoms


                    Originally posted by Vala
                    I agree with everything you said... hmm every one dies? Sweet!
                    Well uh...

                    WE CAN ONLY HOPE!

                    Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                    Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                      Originally posted by MartoufMarty
                      Well uh...

                      WE CAN ONLY HOPE!

                      Didn't we already see most of them die last season? All of those "death" scenes ended at Seefra.
                      "Trust me. I'm a psychopath." Jekyll

                      "And I thought the end of the world couldn't get any worse" Ianto-Torchwood


                        Originally posted by MasySyma
                        Didn't we already see most of them die last season? All of those "death" scenes ended at Seefra.
                        Yah, i am done with 'everyone dying', it would be like complaining about Buffy dying too much in her show.

                        I am watching mainly because its the last episode, and because it seems more dramatic with the whole 'war', although i almost forgot who the abyss was, so had a question mark over my head for a few minutes...
                        Amanda, "Wallow Central."


                          Originally posted by the Fifth Race
                          I am huge Kevin Sorbo fan
                          *Cymro *****-slaps The Fifth Race*

                          Sorry...couldn't resist.

                          I don't know if it's the worst ever, I'd say second worst after Mutant X - now THAT is the daddy of bad Sci-Fi.

                          Star Trek Reborn


                            Originally posted by jsw

                            Oh to the guy that says andromeda is the worst ever try watching firefly that takes the cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            [mod snip]

                            Some of us like different shows than you, some of us like shows that are writen well. And Firefly is getting a movie. Andromeda will be forgoten.

                            [mod snip]
                            Last edited by Darren; 16 May 2005, 12:34 PM.


                              Yeah. I'll watch. Andromeda had some terrible episodes last season, but did have some good ones. So far, Part 1 has been all good.


                                I wont!

                                Just thinking about Andromeda now makes me nausiated!

                                Gene Rodenberry has had no part in the creation of this show, Since he has been dead since 1991.

                                Its just loosely based on his "Planet Earth" mini series during the 70's prior to Star Trek TMP staring a character with the same name "Dylan Hunt".

                                Earth Final Conflict even its own largely deflated season 5 is probaily far better as a hole then this.

                                The writing on Andromeda this past season is about on par with the average depth of a fourth grader when it comes to plot and characterization.

                                They put another two Gene Roddenberry desecraters Rick Berman and Branon Braga to shame.
                                The Egyptian Cat God .

