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The Viral Video Experiment

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    The Viral Video Experiment

    Hello everybody,

    Now riding off the back of the Game of Thrones rom-com spoof video which suddenly went viral (taking in over 250,000 views), we are attempting to get the ball rolling on a Doctor Who counterpart.

    Now, the reason I have started a new thread for this instead of adding to the cool Doctor Who videos thread is obvious exposure. Why? Because YouTube is currently doing awful things which is causing analytical data to not be accurately recorded. But you can help. Here is the direct video link once more:

    What I would ask of you, it to simply visit the page and hit the like button, then share the link elsewhere. Now, a few points:

    - Tom Jones is too amazing so not everybody's ears can handle his voice. As a result, the video in blocked in a multitude of countries, including believe it or not, the United States. So this rules out probably the majority of visitors to Gateworld However, even if you can't watch the video (unless you... bypass... it) I would ask that you share the link regardless somewhere that others may be able to.

    - Secondly, for obvious reasons, nothing on my account is monetized so the only thing that I personally gain is single video views, which don't really mean much in the long run unless you're trying to undertake this very task.

    But from Facepunch and Reddit to DigitalSpy and Facebook (and soon to be featured on DoctorWhoTV), the word is spread and Doctor Who fans are (hopefully, albeit slowly) uniting to take on the Game of Thrones powerhouse.

    So thanks guys, you're awesome

    ETA: Oh and by the way, somebody has been kind enough to throw it on reddit.
    Last edited by Rodney_Mckay; 03 July 2012, 01:36 AM.