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What Doctor Who episode did you watch today?

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    K-9 - Mutant Copper
    Originally posted by Jonzey
    Hardcore nudity means not just without clothes, but without skin. You can't get much more hardcore nude than that.


      TV Movie #03 - The Christmas Invasion

      Notable firsts and lasts:
      • First full appearance of the Doctor's tenth incarnation.
      • First and, to date, last full appearance of Sycorax.
      • First appearance of Robot Santas.
      • First appearance of a Robot Christmas Tree.
      • To date, the last appearance of the TARDIS Wardrobe Room.
      • First story to reveal that a Time Lord's body takes up to 15 hours to complete.
      • The Doctor's right hand is cut off but because he is still going through his regeneration he is able to grow a new one.
      • An alien weapon is put in to use by Torchwood.

      K-9, CLASS and much more...


        Amy's Choice
        Originally posted by Jonzey
        Hardcore nudity means not just without clothes, but without skin. You can't get much more hardcore nude than that.


          The Sound of Drums


            K-9 - The Custodians
            Originally posted by Jonzey
            Hardcore nudity means not just without clothes, but without skin. You can't get much more hardcore nude than that.


              DOCTOR WHO
              28.01 - New Earth

              Notable firsts and lasts:
              • Last appearance of Lady Cassandra O'Brien.?17.
              • First appearance of Novice Hame.
              • First appearance of the planet New Earth.
              • First appearance of the city of New New York.
              • First appearance of the Catkind species.
              • Last appearance of a Spider Robot.
              • The Face of Boe tells the Doctor that they will meet a third and final time and he will tell him a great secret.
              • 5 Billion and 23-years later, a pure human race comes in to existence.

              28.02 - Tooth and Claw

              Notable firsts and lasts:
              • The story of the events that lead to the creation of the Torchwood Institute are told.

              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                The Hungry Earth
                Originally posted by Jonzey
                Hardcore nudity means not just without clothes, but without skin. You can't get much more hardcore nude than that.


                  DOCTOR WHO
                  28.03 - School Reunion

                  Notable firsts and lasts:
                  • Sarah Jane Smith is reunited with the Doctor. She last remembers seeing the Doctor when he was recalled to Gallifrey and was forced to leave her behind on Earth. This suggests that she's had her memories of being Time Scooped, taken to Gallifrey, and encountering his 5th, 3rd, 2nd, and 1st incarnations erased.
                  • Second and last appearance of K-9 Mk. III.
                    He sacrifices himself to stop the Krilitanes.
                  • First appearance of K-9 Mk. IV. He is left as a gift for Sarah Jane along with two other gifts.
                  • First regular appearance of Mickey Smith. He joins the Doctor and Rose Tyler in the TARDIS.
                  • Mickey's investigations in to UFO activity get blocked by Torchwood.

                  28.05 - Rise of the Cybermen

                  Notable firsts and lasts:
                  • Last regular appearance of Mickey Smith. He leaves the TARDIS to remain on an Earth of a parallel universe to bring down Cyber Conversion facilities all across that planet.
                  • First appearance of parallel universe Cybermen.
                  • First and, to date, last appearance of a parallel universe Cyber Controller.
                  • First appearance of the parallel Cybermen's version of conversion. It differs from their primary universe counterparts in that rather than replacing their organic body parts with metal and plastic limbs they entirely remove the brain and place it inside a metal body.
                  • First appearance of Pete Tyler's parallel universe counterpart.
                  • First appearance of Jake Simmonds.
                  • First appearance of the parallel Earth known as "Pete's World".
                  • First appearance of Cybus Earpods.

                  THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                  K-9, CLASS and much more...


                    Cold Blood
                    Originally posted by Jonzey
                    Hardcore nudity means not just without clothes, but without skin. You can't get much more hardcore nude than that.


                      Doctor Who: The Unicorn and the Wasp
                      Doctor Who: Silence in the Library


                        K-9 - Taphony and the Time Loop
                        Originally posted by Jonzey
                        Hardcore nudity means not just without clothes, but without skin. You can't get much more hardcore nude than that.


                          DOCTOR WHO
                          25.04 - The Greatest Show in the Galaxy
                          28.07 - The Impossible Planet

                          Notable firsts:
                          • First appearance of the Ood.
                          • First appearance of the Doctor's Sanctuary Base 6 spacesuit.

                          28.08 - Love & Monsters

                          Notable firsts:
                          • First appearance of a Hoix.
                          • The Torchwood Institute is said to have extensive files on past sightings of the Doctor.
                          • Files on Rose Tyler are corrupted by the Bad Wolf virus.

                          28.10 - Army of Ghosts

                          Notable firsts and lasts:
                          • Last regular appearance of Rose Tyler. She is pulled in to the parallel universe.
                          • Mickey Smith is reunited with the Doctor and Rose. He follows the parallel universe Cybermen after they escaped into the primary universe. After their defeat he returns to the parallel universe.
                          • Jackie Tyler transfers over to the parallel universe. She becomes pregnant.
                          • First encounter between the Daleks and Cybermen.
                          • First appearance of the four Daleks that make up the Cult of Skaro - Daleks Jast, Thay, Caan, and their leader Sec.
                          • First time Daleks are seen to go through an Emergency Temporal Shift.
                          • First appearance of a parallel universe Cyber Leader.
                          • First appearance of the Torchwood Institute. Its London base is in Canary Wharf. It is revealed that Torchwood was created to defend Earth against aliens and salvaging extraterrestrial technology. Torchwood considers the Doctor to be an enemy.
                          • Last appearance of Pete Tyler's parallel universe counterpart.
                          • Last appearance of Jake Simmonds.
                          • First appearance of Dimensional transporters.
                          • First appearance of Donna Noble.

                          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                          K-9, CLASS and much more...


                            The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe

                            Still hate this one.
                            Teselecta: "Silence will fall when the question is asked."

                            Doctor: "And what is the question?"

                            Teselecta: "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"

                            Doctor: " *Brainfart* ".


                              K-9 - Robot Gladiators
                              Originally posted by Jonzey
                              Hardcore nudity means not just without clothes, but without skin. You can't get much more hardcore nude than that.


                                01.01 - Everything Changes

                                Notable firsts:
                                • After last being seen abandoned on Gamestation in the distant future in the Doctor Who story Bad Wolf, Captain Jack Harkness has now somehow made his way to present day Earth and has now become a leader of a section of the Torchwood Institute.
                                • Toshiko Sato, previously seen in the Doctor Who story Aliens of London examining the Space Pig, is revealed to be a member of Torchwood Three and a computer specialist.
                                • First appearance of Torchwood Three. Its base, the Hub, is based underneath the Roald Dahl Plass in Cardiff, South Wales. Torchwood Three's job, aside from defending Earth against alien threats and salvaging alien technology to prepare humanity for the future, is to monitor the space-time Rift which runs through Cardiff.
                                • First appearance of Gwen Cooper.
                                • First appearance of Owen Harper. He is Torchwood Three's Medical Officer.
                                • First appearance of Ianto Jones. He is Torchwood Three's Support Man.
                                • First appearance of Suzie Costello. She is Torchwood Three's Second-in-Command.
                                • First appearance of Rhys Williams. He is Gwen Cooper's boyfriend and works for a transport firm.
                                • First appearance of Andy Davidson. He is Gwen Cooper's Police partner.
                                • First appearance of Torchwood's vehicle, the SUV.
                                • First mention of the Perception Filter. It is a Perception Filter that hides the lift in front of the Cardiff Bay water tower which gains access to the Torchwood Three base. The Perception Filter, Captain Jack Harkness guesses, was created in that spot by a Transcendental Chameleon Circuit which bonded with the Rift.
                                • First appearance of RetCon, a Torchwood drug which erases memories.
                                • First appearance of Torchwood Three's pteranodon pet, Myfanwy.
                                • First appearance of Weevils.
                                • First appearance of the right handed Resurrection Gauntlet.
                                • First appearance of the knife that works in conjunction with the Resurrection Gauntlet.
                                • First appearance of the data absorption/lock decoding device.
                                • Torchwood is revealed to also have a second base in Scotland and Torchwood Four is missing.
                                • Captain Jack Harkness is killed but somehow returns back to life. He cannot die due to something happening to him a long time ago and far away. He needs to find the "right kind of Doctor" to explain what happened to him.
                                • Torchwood Three keeps a severed right hand in a glass jar.

                                01.02 - Day One

                                Notable firsts:
                                • Gwen Cooper's first official mission with Torchwood Three.
                                • Captain Jack Harkness shows great concern for the severed hand.
                                • The Torchwood Three team know next to nothing about who Captain Jack Harkness is.

                                Last edited by Alan; 30 July 2012, 04:32 AM.

                                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                                K-9, CLASS and much more...

