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Doctor Who & Spin-Offs A-Z Game

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    X ~ Xeraphin were an ancient species encountered by the Fifth Doctor in the story Time-Flight by Peter Grimwade. Originating from the planet Xeriphas, they possessed immense psychokinetic and scientific powers. The Doctor believed the race to have been wiped out during the crossfire during the Vardon/Kosnax war. Instead, the entire race fled to Earth in an escaping spacecraft. The ship crashed near present day Heathrow some 140 million years ago. When the Xeraphin emerged they built a Citadel to mark their new home but the Xeraphin were so plagued with radiation that they abandoned their original humanoid bodies and transformed into a single bioplasmic gestalt [disambiguation needed] intelligence within a sarcophagus at the heart of the Citadel.
    The arrival of the Master coincided with their emergence from the gestalt state when the radiation effects had subsided, and his influence caused the emergence of a split personality of good and evil, each side competing for their tremendous power while yearning to become a proper species once again. The Master, who was stranded on Earth at the time too, succeeded in capturing the Xeraphin as a new power source for his TARDIS. However, the Doctor's intervention meant his nemesis' TARDIS was sent to Xeriphas where events became out of his control.
    Before fleeing Xeriphas and the Xeraphin, the Master took with him Kamelion, a Xeraphin war weapon with advanced shape-changing abilities dependent on the will of its controller. Kamelion was freed from the Master and joined the Doctor's TARDIS crew in "The King's Demons".


      Y ~ Yo-Yo - A yo-yo was a round toy which shot up and down on a string. The Doctor sometimes kept one on his person. He largely used it in his second and fourth incarnations to test local gravity. However, his fourth incarnation may have gotten so used to using it scientifically, that he actually began to simply find it fun to play with. Indeed, his skill with the yo-yo appeared to increase over time.

      K-9, CLASS and much more...


        Z ~ Zygons are a fictional extraterrestrial race in the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. They first appeared in the Fourth Doctor serial Terror of the Zygons, where it was revealed that centuries ago, the Zygon homeworld was destroyed in a stellar explosion. A craft escaped and somehow made it to Earth, where it then crashed into Loch Ness. When the Doctor encountered the Zygons, they were led by a warlord named Broton. Broton wished to conquer the world to allow a refugee fleet of Zygons to colonize Earth.
        The Zygons have shape-shifting abilities, allowing them to replicate the appearance of another being, but they must keep the subject alive in order to use its body print. This skill was vital in their concealment and in their scheme to seize power despite their small numbers. The Zygons were also accompanied by an armoured cyborg creature called the Skarasen, the lactic fluid of which was necessary for them to feed. Broton planned to unleash the Skarasen (or Loch Ness Monster as it was known) as part of a bid to conquer the Earth. The plan was foiled and both he and his crew were killed due to the intervention of the Fourth Doctor and the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce (UNIT). Zygon technology is biological in nature: in essence their ships and equipment are actually alive.


          A ~ Army of Ghosts - 2006 story starring David Tennant as "The Doctor" and Billie Piper in her last regular appearance as "Rose Tyler", and introducing Catherine Tate as "Donna Noble".

          Guest starring Noel Clarke as "Mickey Smith".

          The Torchwood Institute have been tapping into a new energy source that also manifests ghosts all around the world. At the same time, the Cybermen, now in our universe, are taking control of Torchwood from within. But the Cybermen aren't the only enemies the Doctor and Rose have to be careful of...

          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
          K-9, CLASS and much more...


            B ~ Beast, The was an ancient being that had been trapped for billions of years in a pit at the centre of the planet named in the Scriptures of the Veltino as Krop Tor, orbiting the black hole designated K37 Gem 5 by humans. The centre of the planet, ten miles down, had a powerful energy source which kept it in constant gravitational balance against the pull of the black hole. This counterweight extended out in a funnel into open space.
            The Beast claimed that he was the basis of the Devil-figure in all religions and mythologies, (including the Kaled god of war) and originated from before this universe's creation. It is not known whether or not this is true, as the Doctor stated he believed it to be impossible. Exactly what the beast was also remains uncertain; neither the Doctor nor the humans are able to determine its true nature. He had been defeated and trapped beneath the planet by the "Disciples of Light", who had crafted his prison such that if he ever freed himself, the gravitational force would collapse and the planet would be pulled into the black hole, destroying them both.
            The Beast was awakened when a human expeditionary force flew their ship through the funnel to land on the planet, hoping to excavate and claim the power source for their Empire. The Beast exhibited the ability to telepathically possess and speak through other beings, in particular the empathic Ood, who became his "Legion of the Beast". He was also able to divine the hidden fears and secrets of those with whom he spoke, unnerving them greatly.
            He possessed Toby Zed, a human member of the expedition while leaving his own body, which resembled a horned demon, still chained in the Pit at the heart of Krop Tor. In this way he hoped to escape his prison. However, the Tenth Doctor smashed the power source containing the Beast's prison, causing Krop Tor to be dragged into the black hole and the Beast's original body to burst into flames. At the same time, while fleeing the planet in a rocket with the survivors of the expedition, Toby's possession manifested itself, angrily proclaiming that as long as he was feared, he could never be destroyed. However, Rose Tyler shot out the cockpit window with a bolt gun, causing the possessed Toby to be blown into space towards the black hole.
            The Beast claimed that he had many names, among them Abaddon and Satan. It is unknown whether they are the same. Gabriel Woolf, who provided the Beast's voice, also played Sutekh the Destroyer in the 1975 serial Pyramids of Mars, an entity who was also said to have been named Satan.


              C ~ Cybermen - Cybermen were originally a wholly organic species of humanoids originating on Earth's twin planet Mondas that began to implant more and more artificial parts into their bodies as a means of self-preservation. This led to the race becoming coldly logical and calculating, with emotions usually only shown when naked aggression was called for.

              They were created by Dr. Kit Pedler (the unofficial scientific advisor to the programme) and Gerry Davis in 1966, first appearing in the serial, 'The Tenth Planet', the last to feature William Hartnell as the First Doctor. They have since been featured numerous times in their extreme attempts to survive through conquest.

              A parallel universe version of the Cybermen appeared in the 2006 series' two-part story, 'Rise of the Cybermen' and 'The Age of Steel'. These Cybermen also appeared in the two-part 2006 season finale, 'Army of Ghosts' and 'Doomsday'. This then carried through to the spin-off Torchwood in the episode 'Cyberwoman'. They would later return to the revived series in the 2008 Christmas Special 'The Next Doctor', introducing two new variants of the race; the Cyber-Shades and the Cyber-King.


                D ~ Dalek Human race were created by the Cult of Skaro in New York in the year 1930. They were human bodies, with Dalek minds inside. The Cult were relying on a gamma strike from the Sun to release the energy needed to splice the human and Dalek genomes together. However, Dalek Sec, with the Doctor's help, wanted to change the process to give them emotions. However, the rest of the Cult of Skaro believed that Sec was no longer a true Dalek and should not be listened to. They turned on him, but the Doctor escaped, and held onto the spire of the Empire State Building as the gamma strike occurred. His Time Lord DNA mixed with the Dalek Humans' DNA, giving each of the Dalek Humans a potential for free will. Dalek Caan deemed the experiment a failure, and put all of the Dalek Humans to death in an act of genocide.


                  E ~ EMP unit - A cylindrical device used in 'Voyage of the Damned', taken from Bannakaffalatta's cyborg body as their only effective weapon against the Host. It produces a electromagnetic pulse which neutralises the robots, but has to be recharged after it has been used a certain number of times. A similar device, albeit built as a grenade instead of a reusable unit, appears in the episode 'The Age of Steel', where it serves to neutralise a Cyberman. The EMP inadvertently disables the Cyberman's emotional inhibitor, allowing the brain to remember who it was. This led the Tenth Doctor to deactivate the robot body and kill the victim with the sonic screwdriver.


                    F ~ Futurekind are a barbaric humanoid race with pointed teeth and primitive language skills, who appear in the 2007 episode "Utopia", set in the year 100 trillion when the universe is coming to an end. The human survivors describe the Futurekind as what they may become if they do not reach 'Utopia', though that seems to be just a myth. The Futurekind are seen to be aggressive towards normal humans, hunting any they find.


                      G ~ Gas Mask - A regular gas mask from 'The Empty Child'. The "empty" child wore a gas mask. The nanogenes, the cause of the entire problem, grew gas masks on the people affected.


                        G ~ Green Death, The - 1973 story starring Jon Pertwee as "The Doctor" and Katy Manning in her last appearance as "Jo Grant".

                        Guest starring Nicholas Courtney as "Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart".

                        Earth, South Wales, 1973. The suspicious death of a miner at the inactive local pit owned by the mysterious Global Chemicals brings UNIT to sleepy Llanfairfach. There, a local green group - the Wholeweal Community under the leadership of the brilliant Professor Jones - are not convinced of Global's innocence in the affair. Could the waste products from their revolutionary new oil refining process be at fault? Jones is convinced but the Doctor is not so sure and a dangerous expedition down the mine confirms his fears. For there, thousands of giant maggots lie gestating - a dangerously unknown terror waiting to be unleashed upon the world. But by whom? Just who is the power behind Global Chemicals? Who or what is the Boss? And what are his/its plans for the Earth?

                        The Doctor, Jo and the Brigadier must move quickly to find the answers, for the death toll is already rising and the gestation period of the maggots down the mine is coming to an end...

                        THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                        K-9, CLASS and much more...


                          H ~ Haemovore - Haemovores appeared in the Seventh Doctor story 'The Curse of Fenric' (1989).

                          Vampiric creatures that fed on blood, they were the end result of human evolution in a possible far future, caused by millennia of pollution. As part of his final game against the Doctor, the entity known as Fenric transported the most powerful Haemovore (called the "Ancient One") through time to Viking Age Northumbria. There it waited, trapped beneath the North Sea for centuries, occasionally drawing victims into the water and transforming them into Haemovores.


                            I ~ Ice Warriors is the name given to a fictional extraterrestrial race of reptile-like beings in the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. The race originated on Mars, and first appeared in the 1967 serial The Ice Warriors where they encountered the Second Doctor and his companions Jamie and Victoria. The name Ice Warrior is not the name of their species, but was applied to them by an Earth scientific team in the Martians' first on-screen appearance.


                              J ~ Janis thorn - A poisonous weapon of the Sevateem, used by Leela much to the Fourth Doctor's disapproval. Seen in 'The Face of Evil' and 'The Talons of Weng-Chiang', and mentioned (but not seen) in 'The Pirate Planet'.


                                K ~ K-9 - K-9 is the designation given to a series of intelligent dog-like androids who have served as companions for the Doctor, Leela, Romana and Sarah Jane Smith. His technology originated in the 51st century.

                                There have been 4 models of K-9:
                                • K-9 Mk. I was given to the Doctor and Leela by his creator Professor Marius in the 1977 story The Invisible Enemy. Eventually K-9 Mk. I left the TARDIS to remain with Leela on Gallifrey in the 1978 story The Invasion of Time.

                                • K-9 Mk. II was built by the Doctor to replace Mk. I between the 1978 stories The Invasion of Time and The Ribos Operation. He left with Romana to stay in E-Space (in the 1980 story Warriors' Gate) but both later returned to Gallifrey.

                                • K-9 Mk. III was built by the Doctor to replace Mk. II and travelled with the Doctor and Adric (at some point between the TV stories The Keeper of Traken and Logopolis) for a short period. Eventually the Doctor left him as a present for former companion Sarah Jane Smith.

                                • K-9 Mk. IV was built by the Doctor and given to Sarah Jane to replace Mk. III in the 2006 story School Reunion.
                                Last edited by Alan; 08 May 2009, 09:58 AM.

                                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                                K-9, CLASS and much more...

