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Doctor Who & Spin-Offs A-Z Game

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    Y ~ Yeti - The Yeti although resembling the cryptozoological creatures also called the Yeti, are in actuality alien robots. Their external appearance, that of a huge hairy biped, disguises a small spherical mechanism that provides its motive power. The Yeti serve the Great Intelligence, a disembodied entity from another planet, which tried to form a physical body in order to conquer the Earth. The Yeti are initially a ruse to scare off curiosity seekers, and later form an army serving the Great Intelligence.

    The Great Intelligence and its Yeti minions were thwarted twice by the Doctor's second incarnation, played by Patrick Troughton, in the serials 'The Abominable Snowmen' and 'The Web of Fear'. A Yeti was also one of the creatures in the Death Zone featured in 'The Five Doctors'.


      Z ~ Za - Za was the leader of a primitive tribe circa 100,000 BC. He appeared in the very first Doctor Who story An Unearthly Child. To preserve their power and authority, the leaders of the tribe had kept a monopoly on the secret of making fire, with the secret and leadership being passed down from father to son. Unfortunately, Za's father was killed during a hunt before he could pass on the secret. Unable to make fire for his people, Za found his leadership in jeopardy, more so with Kal, an outsider taken in by the tribe, hoping to take over.

      Za's fears seemed confirmed once Kal had captured the Doctor, claiming that he had seen the old man make fire. Za ordered the stranger and his three companions imprisoned in the Cave of Skulls, hoping to wrest the secret of fire from them before Kal could and so stay in power. When the strangers escaped, Za pursued them together with his mate Hur, and when Za was attacked by a forest animal, these strangers tended to his wounds.

      Despite this, Za still had the strangers reimprisoned, and even after they taught him the secret of fire and helped him defeat the would-be usurper Kal, Za still refused to release them.

      Eventually the strangers managed to escape again, and when Za led the tribe in pursuit of them, he was able to see the strangers enter their strange blue tree, which vanished into thin air even as his men prepared to throw their spears.

      K-9, CLASS and much more...


        A ~ Archangel Network - An Earth-wide mobile phone satellite network (made up of 15 satellites overall) seen in 'The Sound of Drums', the Archangel network creates a low-level, worldwide telepathic field which allows the Master to subtly influence the behaviour of the entire planet, first by convincing a substantial number of the British public to vote for his Mr. Saxon persona and later to keep most of the human race afraid of him. It also masks his Time Lord nature from the Doctor. In 'The Last of the Time Lords', the Doctor uses the network to channel the combined psychic energy of the entire human race, Martha having convinced them to think of the Doctor by name at the same moment.

        It affected 98% of the British population by hypnotising them to Vote Saxon. Characters not affected included Clive Jones and Vivian Rook.


          B ~ Baaraddelskelliumfatrexius Beast - Creature mentioned in The Sarah Jane Adventures 2007 story Revenge of the Slitheen.

          The Baaraddelskelliumfatrexius Beast was an animal resembling a giant squirrel that lived on Raxacoricofallapatorius. The Raxacoricofallapatorians kept hunting them, and the creatures went extinct.

          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
          K-9, CLASS and much more...


            C ~ Crystal of Kronos - From the Third Doctor serial 'The Time Monster', this is used by the Master to power his TOMTIT machine, but turns out to be something much more powerful.


              D ~ Daleks in Manhattan - 2007 story starring David Tennant as "The Doctor" and Freema Agyeman as "Martha Jones".

              In New York, 1930, in the midst of the Depression, people are disappearing from among the homeless and jobless masses. Savage pig creatures hide in the sewers, and at the bottom of the Empire State Building, some of the Doctor's greatest and oldest enemies, the Daleks, are at work, preparing their most horrific plan yet.

              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                E ~ Exxilon - Exxilon was an ancient planet, significantly older than Earth and featued in the Third Doctor serial 'Death to the Daleks'. It orbited a sun which was both larger and closer than the sun of Earth. Its sky was copper in colour. Due to the influence of the Great City of the Exxilons, it was a barren planet, covered in deserts, sand dunes and rocks. The seas had dried up, leaving behind few lakes. It was bitterly cold during the night and unbearably hot during the day. There was little in the way of life on the planet. Exxilon was rich in Parrinium.


                  F ~ Fifi - Fifi was the pet Stigorax of Helen A. She was fed on chocolate by Helen for some time. Helen decided she needed some sport and sent her through the underground pipes of Terra Alpha pursuing Ace. Ace set an explosion injuring Fifi. Fifi was returned to Helen and her wounds were treated and bandaged. Helen then sent Fifi back down the pipes pursuing a number of killjoys, the Doctor and Ace. She was killed when Earl Sigma caused an avalanche the crushed her. She survived for enough time to get out of the pipes were she was found by Helen who wept over her death.

                  Fifi appeared in the 1988 story The Happiness Patrol.

                  THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                  K-9, CLASS and much more...


                    G ~ Gelth - The Gelth appeared in the Ninth Doctor episode 'The Unquiet Dead'. They were a new race of alien villains that the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler encountered in the 2005 series. They were also the first element of the new series that attracted attention for being "too scary". Following complaints (many of which were made by Mediawatch UK), the BBC stated that in future, episodes of that nature would be forewarned by a statement of "may not be suitable for under 8s".

                    The Gelth were intelligent gaseous life-forms, blue and spectral in nature, who claimed to have lost their corporeal forms as a consequence of the Time War. They arrived on Earth via the spacetime rift at an undertaker's house in 1869 Cardiff and proceeded to take possession of recently deceased corpses. Their forms could not be maintained for long in Earth's atmosphere and they required a gaseous medium to sustain them — gas from decomposing bodies or coal gas in the gas pipes common to Victorian era households.

                    Claiming to be on the verge of extinction, the Gelth convinced the Doctor to aid their entrance into our plane of existence via Gwyneth, the undertaker's servant girl who had developed psychic powers due to growing up near the rift. The Gelth proved instead to number in the billions and intended to take the Earth by force and murder its population to provide vessels for themselves. Ultimately, the Gelth were thwarted when Gwyneth sacrificed herself, blowing up the building and sealing the rift. Whether all the Gelth that had entered our world perished as well is unclear.


                      H ~ Happiness Patrol, The - 1988 story starring Sylvester McCoy as "The Doctor" and Sophie Aldred as "Ace".

                      The Doctor has heard stories of strange and sinister goings-on on Earth colony Terra Alpha. Citizens have disappeared without trace, and strange creatures lurk in the pipes and sewers under the capital city. Believing it is high time someone got to the bottom of the mystery, the Doctor declares to his young companion Ace that tonight will be the night...

                      He discovers that Terra Alpha is ruled by the tyrannical Helen A, a dictator who requires her subjects to be happy... or die. Her roving death squads - the Happiness Patrol - are empowered to kill on sight anyone displaying signs of sadness, gloom or melancholy.

                      However, it is not just the sadistic Happiness Patrol that the Doctor and Ace must contend with. Before they can discover the dark secret of Helen A's regime, they must face the fearsome bloodlust of her savage pet, Fifi, and the lethal surprises cooked up by her chief executioner - and confectioner supreme - the Kandy Man.

                      THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                      K-9, CLASS and much more...


                        I ~ Ian Chesterton - (Played by William Russell).

                        Ian Chesterton Travelled with the Doctor between 'An Unearthly Child' and 'The Chase'.

                        A teacher at Coal Hill School, Ian encountered the Doctor when he visited the home of one of his pupils, Susan Foreman, with his colleague, Barbara Wright. Fearing that the teachers would reveal his secret, Susan's "Grandfather" the Doctor kidnapped them, beginning a series of exciting adventures.

                        Ian's speciality was science, but his skills as a diplomat were also useful. He was often called upon to play peacemaker, and many times saved the lives of his fellow travellers. His often stormy relationship with the cantankerous Time Lord ended when he and Barbara finally returned to Earth in an abandoned Dalek time capsule.


                          J ~ Judgement of the Judoon - 2009 novel featuring the 10th Doctor. It is set after the 2008 TV movie The Next Doctor and between the novels The Slitheen Excursion and The Taking of Chelsea 426.

                          Elvis the King Spaceport has grown into the sprawling city-state of New Memphis — an urban jungle, where organized crime is rife. But the launch of the new Terminal 13 hasn't been as smooth as expected. And things are about to get worse... When the Doctor arrives, he finds the whole terminal locked down. The notorious Invisible Assassin is at work again, and the Judoon troopers sent to catch him will stop at nothing to complete their mission.

                          With the assassin loose on the mean streets of New Memphis, the Doctor is forced into a strange alliance. Together with teenage private eye Nikki and a ruthless Judoon Commander, the Doctor soon discovers that things are even more complicated — and dangerous — than he first thought...

                          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                          K-9, CLASS and much more...


                            K ~ Key of Rassilon - A Gallifreyan artefact that allows access to the Matrix, the repository of all Time Lord knowledge. It is kept by the Keeper of the Matrix, and should not be confused with the Great Key of Rassilon or the Rod of Rassilon.


                              L ~ Logopolis - 1981 story starring Tom Baker in his last appearance as "The Doctor", Matthew Waterhouse as "Adric", and introducing Janet Fielding as "Tegan Jovanka" and Peter Davison as "The Doctor".

                              Guest starring Sarah Sutton as "Nyssa".

                              In theory the TARDIS should be able to change its appearance to blend in unobtrusively wherever it happens to materialise. In practice, however, because of a fault in the chameleon circuit, it always looks like a police box – a minor inconvenience the Doctor now hopes to correct.
                              Fixing the mechanism involves a visit to Earth and a trip to the planet Logopolis – normally a quiet little place that keeps itself to itself.
                              But on this occasion the meddling presence of the Doctor’s archenemy, the Master, ensure the disruption of normality. And even the Master is horrified by the threat of total chaos he unintentionally precipitates – until he finds a way to turn the imminent destruction of the universe to his own advantage…

                              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                                M ~ Melkur - In 'The Keeper of Traken', Melkurs are evil beings turned into statues when they arrive on the planet Traken. The statue featured in the serial is revealed to be The Master's TARDIS.

