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Doctor Who & Spin-Offs A-Z Game

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    E ~ 'Earthshock' - The TARDIS arrives on Earth in the 26th Century in a cave system containing numerous dinosaur fossils. The Doctor's party comes under suspicion from a military force, led by Lieutenant Scott, who are investigating the disappearance of a group of palaeontologists and geologists. They are all then attacked by androids - the true culprits - under the control of the Cybermen.

    The Doctor manages to deactivate a bomb intended by the Cybermen to destroy an imminent peace conference. He then follows the bomb's activating signal to an approaching space freighter, commanded by Captain Briggs, on board which it transpires that an army of Cybermen are concealed.

    An attempt by Adric to thwart the Cybermen's plans result in the freighter being inadvertently sent millions of years into the past, where it explodes and causes the extinction of the dinosaurs - and also the death of Adric. The Doctor destroys the Cyber Leader by forcing into its chest unit some gold fragments from a badge previously worn by Adric.


      F ~ Florana - Florana Is one of the universe's most beautiful planets, mentioned at the end of the 1973 story Invasion of the Dinosaurs. It is said by the Doctor that its land is carpeted by perfumed flowers, seas of warm milk and sand as soft as swan's down. It is also described as having oceans of effervescent water (where the bubbles support you).

      The Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith were on their way to Florana when a power drain forced the TARDIS to materialise on the planet Exxilon in Death to the Daleks.

      K-9, CLASS and much more...


        G ~ Great Vampire - The Great Vampire is one of the many Vampire lords. It is the last of its kind, the rest of them having been killed by being shot with large metal spears launched by spacegoing warships known as 'bowships'. The Doctor killed the last with one of the scoutships from the lords tower, actually a grounded space vessel in the serial 'State of Decay'.


          H ~ Hoix - Race of aggressive exo-skeletal aliens with an aversion to certain warm liquids. In the 2006 story Love & Monsters, Elton Pope encountered the Doctor and Rose Tyler trying to contain one in Woolwich, London. A Hoix later appears in the Torchwood episode Exit Wounds, where it is described as a creature which "lives to eat, doesn't matter what."

          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
          K-9, CLASS and much more...


            I ~ Invisible lift - A lift which runs from the Hub to the Roald Dahl Plass. Any person standing on the lift cannot be seen, due to the presence of a "perception filter" that was caused by a "dimensionally transcendental chameleon circuit placed right here on this spot which welded its perception properties to a spatial-temporal rift." In subsequent Doctor Who episodes, the Doctor and the Master use their TARDISes to apply perception filters to Chameleon Arch fob watches and in key chain necklaces to simulate invisibility.


              J ~ Jahoo - Jahoo is one of the twenty-seven planets taken by Davros in The Stolen Earth.

              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                K ~ Key of Rassilon - A Gallifreyan artefact that allows access to the Matrix, the repository of all Time Lord knowledge. It is kept by the Keeper of the Matrix, and should not be confused with the Great Key of Rassilon or the Rod of Rassilon.


                  L ~ Laser Screwdriver - During the course of The Sound of Drums, the Master unveils a new handheld weapon: a laser screwdriver. The Master mocks the Doctor by saying, "Laser screwdriver. Who'd have sonic?" The device functions as a powerful laser weapon, capable of killing with a single shot. It also carries the ability to age victims rapidly (provided the device has a blueprint of the victim's biological data, the Doctor's severed hand from The Christmas Invasion, in this case) using a condensed version of the genetic manipulator developed by Professor Lazarus (The Lazarus Experiment). The screwdriver itself also contains isomorphic technology, a biometric security feature which effectively disables use of the device by anyone other than the Master.

                  THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                  K-9, CLASS and much more...


                    M ~ Malmooth - The Malmooth are a race of humanoid insects native to the planet Malcassairo, who are all but extinct by the year 100 trillion. The last surviving member of their race, Chantho, played by Chipo Chung, appears in 'Utopia'. A devoted assistant to Professor Yana for 17 years, when the Professor is revealed to be the Master and proceeds to turn on the Doctor and his companions, Chantho threatens to kill him. He electrocutes her, but she manages to shoot him before dying, forcing him to regenerate.

                    A feature of Chantho's speech is that she starts and ends her sentences with "chan" and "tho", respectively. She considers it "rude" to do otherwise, tantamount to swearing.

                    Physical features of the Malmooth include an insectoid exoskeleton and mandibles, and the ability to survive by drinking their own internal milk.


                      N ~ Nightmare of Black Island, The - Novel featuring the 10th Doctor and Rose Tyler.

                      On a lonely stretch of Welsh coastline a fisherman is killed by a hideous creature from beneath the waves. When the Doctor and Rose arrive, they discover a village where the children are plagued by nightmares, and the nights are ruled by monsters.

                      The villagers suspect that ancient industrialist Nathanial Morton is to blame, but the Doctor has suspicions of his own.

                      Who are the ancient figures that sleep in the old priory? What are the monsters that prowl the woods after sunset? What is the light that glows in the disused lighthouse on Black Island?

                      As the children’s nightmares get worse, The Doctor and Rose discover an alien plot to resurrect an ancient evil...

                      THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                      K-9, CLASS and much more...


                        O ~ Opera Glasses - These are a small set of binoculars that the Doctor carries with him in the 2005 episode 'The Empty Child', as well as in the novel 'The Nightmare of Black Island'. In the latter, he uses them to gain a closer view of Ynis Du's lighthouse. The actual origin of the glasses are unknown; however, the fact that they are described as having "computer-enhanced lenses" suggests that they are a product of some future time.


                          P ~ Planet of Evil - 1975 story starring Tom Baker as "The Doctor" & Elisabeth Sladen as "Sarah Jane Smith".

                          The expedition to Zeta Minor began with eight men. Seven were murdered. One survived - but he was not the murderer. The Doctor lands on the planet at the same time as the expedition's rescue team, and is immediately taken prisoner - the suspected murderer. But even stranger things soon begin to happen...

                          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                          K-9, CLASS and much more...


                            Q ~ Quantum Accelerator - A TARDIS component, one of the items exchanged between the Master and the Doctor in 'Time Flight'.


                              R ~ Romana - Romana (short for Romanadvoratrelunder) was the Time Lady companion to the Doctor. In a later of stage of her life, she was the Lady President of the Time Lords of Gallifrey.

                              Romana first met the Doctor in her first incarnation. Though a young (about 120) and relatively inexperienced Time Lady, she was nevertheless extremely bright and capable, having obtained a triple first at the Academy. (The Doctor scraped through with a minimal passing score on his second attempt.)

                              The Time Lords and the White Guardian sent Romana to help the Doctor and K-9 Mark II locate the Key to Time. It was the Doctor who first gave her the shortened version of her name. (The Ribos Operation)

                              After the completion of the quest Romana regenerated into her second incarnation. Accounts as to the reasons for this regeneration and the circumstances differ, though all agree that in her second incarnation, Romana permanently adopted the likeness of Princess Astra of Atrios for the duration of the incarnation.

                              Romana and the Doctor at last parted when she decided to remain in E-Space with K-9 in order to help the enslaved Tharils regain their freedom. The Doctor and Adric left for N-Space, the Doctor's native universe, leaving Romana and K-9. (Warriors' Gate)

                              Romana later returned to N-Space and then to Gallifrey where she took a seat on the High Council. She eventually became President right up until Gallifrey's destruction at the end of the Last Great Time War with the Daleks.

                              Romana was played by Mary Tamm and then Lalla Ward.

                              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                                S ~ Seal of the High Council - A round metallic object emblazoned with the Seal of Rassilon, this symbol of Time Lord authority was given to the Master in 'The Five Doctors' to prove to the Doctor that he was working with the Time Lords and not against them. The Third Doctor believes that the Master has stolen it from the Time Lords and takes it from him. When the Master tries to explain to the Fifth Doctor that one of his other selves has taken it he does not believe him.

