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Doctor Who & Spin-Offs A-Z Game

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    X ~ Xenophobia - is the fear and/or hatred of strangers, foreigners and aliens.

    In the 1963 story The Daleks, Ian Chesterton recognised that the Daleks were intensely xenophobic, explaining their hatred of the Thals.

    In the 1991 comic story The Good Soldier, the Doctor described the 1950s as the height of American xenophobia as a result of the Cold War.

    In the 2005 story The Long Game, its show that due to the Jagrafess' manipulation of Earth, by the year 200,000 Humanity had become increasingly xenophobic.

    In the 1973 story Carnival of Monsters, the Inter Minorians became xenophobic after a space plague had been brought to their world.

    K-9, CLASS and much more...


      Y ~ Yo-Yo - Toy the Doctor played with. In the 1975 story The Ark in Space the Doctor used a Yo-Yo to check the gravity level on Space Station Nerva.

      K-9, CLASS and much more...


        Zero Cabinet - A cabinet made from the remnants of The Zero Room which was a room in the TARDIS. The room had walls that shielded it from the rest of the universe, providing a restful environment for the Fifth Doctor to recover from his regeneration in Castrovalva. When the room is later jettisoned in an emergency, its doors are made into the "Zero Cabinet", a coffin-sized box with the same shielding properties. In the Big Finish audio "Zagreus", the TARDIS is able to create a potion of "Zero Matter" which has similar properties.


          A ~ Attack of the Cybermen - 1985 story starring Colin Baker as "The Doctor" and Nicola Bryant as "Peri Brown".

          While attempting to fix the TARDIS's chameleon circuit, the Sixth Doctor returns to Foreman's Yard on Totter's Lane in 1985, where he meets up with his old enemies the Cybermen, who have come from the future to attempt to change history by sending Halley's Comet crashing into Earth. Lytton, last seen working for the Daleks, is also caught up in the Cybermen's plot. But is Lytton working for the Cybermen, himself, or someone else?

          • First story of Season 22.

          • The Cybermen return. They'd last been seen in the 1983 TV movie The Five Doctors.

          • The Cyber Controller returns. He'd last been seen in the 1967 story The Tomb of the Cybermen.

          • Lytton returns. He'd last been seen in the 1984 story Resurrection of the Daleks.

          • The Doctor finally manages to reactivate the TARDIS' Chameleon Circuit...but it fails to blend in with its surroundings on every landing. Eventually it breaks down again and the TARDIS goes back to looking like a 1960's Police Box.

          • The planet Telos is revisited. It had last been visited by the Doctor in The Tomb of the Cybermen.

          • One of the TARDIS' landing spots is at I.M. Foreman's Scrap Merchants at 76 Totter's Lane. This is the original location the TARDIS was seen at in the 1963 story An Unearthly Child.

          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
          K-9, CLASS and much more...


            B ~ Boom Town - 2005 story starring Christopher Eccleston as "The Doctor", Billie Piper as "Rose Tyler", and John Barrowman as "Captain Jack Harkness".

            Guest starring Noel Clarke as "Mickey Smith".

            The Doctor, Rose and Jack travel to modern-day Cardiff to refuel the TARDIS and meet up with Rose's boyfriend, Mickey. There, they discover that a recent enemy is very much alive, and is willing to rip apart the planet to ensure her freedom.

            • Mickey Smith appears. Although he was last seen in Aliens of London, a younger version of him appeared in Father's Day.

            • Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen (aka Margaret Blaine) returns. She was last seen in Aliens of London.

            • First appearance of the Extrapolator. The Doctor would use it again in The Runaway Bride.

            • The TARDIS is seen refuelling its engines using the energy given off from Cardiff's Space/Time Rift that was opened up in The Unquiet Dead. Presumably with Gallifrey destroyed the main Eye of Harmony is now gone and the TARDIS no longer has an infinite amount of power.

            • In spin-off show Torchwood, its revealed that Torchwood Three has the mission of monitoring Cardiff's Space/Time Rift.

            • In retrospect at this time there are three versions of Captain Jack Harkness present. One still travelling with the Doctor and Rose, another leading Torchwood Three, and a third being kept in stasis since 1901.

            • In the Torchwood novel The Twilight Streets, its revealed that Jack kept his Torchwood team locked down in the Hub knowing his younger self, the Doctor, and Rose would deal with the violent Rift activity.

            • The message "Bad Wolf" appears again. This time it makes its appearance as the name of a Nuclear Power Plant - Blaidd Drwg.

            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
            K-9, CLASS and much more...


              C ~ Cybermen - The Cybermen were a race of artificially modified near-Humans which originated on the planet Mondas, Earth's twin planet.

              They first appeared in the 1966 story The Tenth Planet in which they attempted to drain Earth of its energy in order to restore Mondas but they only succeeded in destroying their home world.

              Following this story they returned in The Moonbase, The Tomb of the Cybermen, The Wheel in Space, The Invasion, Revenge of the Cybermen, Earthshock, The Five Doctors, Attack of the Cybermen, & Silver Nemesis.

              Following Silver Nemesis, a group of Cybermen from a parallel Earth have been appearing since the 2006 story Rise of the Cybermen. Since then its been these parallel Cybermen that have been appearing in Doctor Who. They returned in Army of Ghosts, The Next Doctor, & The Pandorica Opens. Elements of these parallel Cybermen appeared in the Torchwood 2006 episode Cyberwoman.

              These parallel Cybermen differed from their primary counterparts in which instead of being augmented humans, they were just the displaced brains placed in to suits of armour. However the Torchwood episode showed that they were prepared to augment humans instead of cannibalising them just for their brains. The Doctor Who story The Pandorica Opens showed a human skull within the head of a Cyberman which might suggest they've changed their whole process in building new units.

              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                D ~ Dream Lord

                The Dream Lord was a dark version of the Doctor, who apparently had control over dreams. He was "awoken" by specks of Psychic Pollen from the Candle Meadows of Karass Don Slava that had got stuck in the time rotor of the Doctor's TARDIS console, and induced a collective dream state for the Doctor and his companions as they were warmed up.


                  E ~ Eternal Dalek - The Eternal Dalek was one of the five pure Daleks to emerge from the Progenitor in the 2010 story Victory of the Daleks. This Dalek was yellow in colour and didn't speak. It differed from the new Daleks by having black sensor domes around its base instead of grey.

                  As yet it is not known what the function of the Eternal Dalek is.

                  In The Pandorica Opens, the Eternal Dalek was one of three Daleks to represent the Dalek Empire in the Alliance during the Doctor's imprisonment in the Pandorica. When reality collapsed the Eternal Dalek, like everyone present during the Doctor's imprisonment, was reduced to dust and stone. When reality was reset in the second Big Bang, the Eternal Dalek would have been restored along with everything else in the universe

                  THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                  K-9, CLASS and much more...


                    F ~ Full Circle - 1980 story starring Tom Baker as "The Doctor", Lalla Ward as "Romana", with John Leeson as the voice of "K-9 Mk. II", and introducing Matthew Waterhouse as "Adric".

                    The Doctor discovers the TARDIS has fallen through a Charged Vacuum Emboitment into E-Space, a pocket universe, and landed on the planet Alzarius. The Doctor, Romana, and K-9 find its only inhabitants are living on a vast, crashed spaceship they have been repairing for generations to return to their home planet, Terradon. But Mistfall, a mythical time of terror, is coming again to Alzarius, and an eerie menace is rising out of the misty marshes.

                    But why have huge poisonous spiders begun to appear in the Alzarian food supply? And what is the secret of the strange marshmen? The TARDIS crew must solves these riddles and more if they are to have any chance of returning to their own universe.

                    • First appearance of Adric.

                    • First chapter of the "E-Space Trilogy". The TARDIS' flight through E-Space would continue in State of Decay and conclude in Warriors' Gate.

                    • The origins of the Charged Vacuum Emboitment (CVE) would eventually be explained in the 1981 story Logopolis.

                    THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                    K-9, CLASS and much more...


                      G ~ Green Death, The - 1973 story starring Jon Pertwee as "The Doctor", Katy Manning as "Jo Grant", and Nicholas Courtney as "Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart".

                      A death at an abandoned coal pit brings UNIT and the Doctor to the South Wales town of Llanfairfach when the body is found glowing bright green. Are pollutants from Global Chemicals responsible? Where are the Giant Maggots coming from? And who is the mysterious BOSS?

                      • Final story of Season 10.

                      • Last appearance of Jo Grant in Doctor Who but she would return in The Sarah Jane Adventures 2010 story Death of the Doctor.

                      • The Doctor finally manages to make it to the planet Metebelis III and manages to get hold of a Blue Crystal. The consequences of this visit to Metebelis III would be revealed in the 1974 story Planet of the Spiders.

                      • The effects of this story have a lasting effect on UNIT Captain, Mike Yates and they would be revealed in the 1974 story Invasion of the Dinosaurs.

                      THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                      K-9, CLASS and much more...


                        H ~ Highlanders, The - 1966 story starring Patrick Troughton as "The Doctor", Anneke Wills as "Polly Wright", Michael Craze as "Ben Jackson", and introducing Frazer Hines as "Jamie McCrimmon".

                        Arriving in Scotland in 1745 in the aftermath of the Battle of Culloden, the Doctor, Polly, and Ben are taken prisoner by a group of Scottish rebels. Offering medical help to the clan's injured Laird, the Doctor is able to win over their captors.

                        Their respite is short-lived, though. While Polly and the Laird's daughter, Kirsty, go to fetch water, the others are captured by a Redcoat troop under the command of Lieutenant Ffinch. Ffinch leaves his prisoners in the custody of Grey, a crooked solicitor who plans to sell them into slavery in the West Indies.

                        To win his friends' freedom, the Doctor must stretch his powers of disguise to their limits...

                        • First appearance of Jamie McCrimmon.

                        • This is the last "pure historical" story until the 1982 story Black Orchid.

                        THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                        K-9, CLASS and much more...


                          I ~ Invasion of Time, The - 1978 story starring Tom Baker as "The Doctor", Louise Jameson as "Leela", and John Leeson as the voice of "K-9 Mk. I".

                          The Doctor is behaving oddly, having clandestine meetings with a race known as the Vardans who can travel via the power of thought. Leela is concerned - and she worries further when she learns that K-9 has been instructed to shoot her if she attempts to interfere.

                          Returning home to Gallifrey, the Doctor demands to take over as Lord President of the High Council of Time Lords. With no-one able to dispute his claim, he is inducted and begins a systematic purge of Time Lord society, expelling many high ranking officials - and Leela - to the wastes of Outer Gallifrey.

                          It seems that the Doctor has joined forces with the Vardans, and is helping in their attempted conquest of Gallifrey out of revenge for his treatment at the hands of previous High Councils. The Vardans want the secrets of time travel and with only his old teacher, Cardinal Borusa, at his side, the Doctor appears to be granting them their wish. But not everything is exactly what it seems. The Doctor has an agenda hidden from the Vardans - and they in turn have a far darker one hidden from him.

                          • Final story of Season 15.

                          • Last appearance of Leela. With her staying on Gallifrey at the conclusion of this story, its highly possible she was killed in the Time Lords' Time War against the Daleks.

                          • Last appearance of K-9 Mk. I in Doctor Who. With Gallifrey having been destroyed in the Time War with the Daleks, it was believed K-9 Mk. I was lost too but the 2009 spin-off show K-9 reveals that he actually survived and is eventually transported to Earth in the year 2059 where, using installed Gallifreyan technology, he regenerates.

                          • Borusa returns. He was last seen in the 1976 story The Deadly Assassin, albeit in a different incarnation.

                          • The Sontarans return. They'd last been seen in the 1975 story The Sontaran Experiment.

                          • Many Gallifreyan artefacts such as the Sash, Rod, and Coronet of Rassilon, last seen in The Deadly Assassin, are seen again.

                          • Gallifrey is seen from space for the first time. It wouldn't be seen again from this view until the 2010 TV movie The End of Time, Part Two.

                          • Gallifrey, outside of the Citadel, is seen for the first time. It wouldn't be seen again until the 2007 story The Sound of Drums.

                          • The interior of the Doctor's TARDIS is explored more. In this story we see many corridors but also the Sickbay, the Swimming Pool, an Art Gallery (which also hides the main Ancillary Power control), Storage Bays, an Arboretum, and a Workshop (something which is apparently only available in Type 40 TARDISes. The Doctor's TARDIS interior structure is also suggested to be unstable and subject to random changes.

                          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                          K-9, CLASS and much more...


                            J ~ Jelly Babies - Form of sweet from Earth. The Doctor's second, fourth, sixth, seventh, and eighth incarnations enjoyed them.

                            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                            K-9, CLASS and much more...


                              K - Keeper of Traken, The - 1981 story starring Tom Baker as "The Doctor" and Matthew Waterhouse as "Adric".

                              Introducing Sarah Sutton as "Nyssa".

                              The empire of Traken has lived in total harmony for over a thousand years, governed by the sacred Keeper and his loyal consuls. Until now. Fading fast, the Keeper calls the Doctor and Adric to Traken, fearing the impending disintegration of his world and the onset of a terrible evil. For the malignant presence of the Melkur lurks close by, growing stronger, plotting to replace the Keeper upon his death.

                              The Doctor must stop it before it gains control of the Source - the energy that sustains the very life of the planet. But just who is controlling the Melkur? The Doctor smells a rat of the very oldest kind...

                              • Penultimate story of Season 18.

                              • First story to be set entirely in N-Space since Meglos.

                              • First appearance of Nyssa.

                              • The Master returns. He was last seen in the 1976 story The Deadly Assassin. In this story he restores his body back to health by absorbing the power of the Keeper and taking over Nyssa's father, Tremas.

                              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                                L ~ Laser Screwdriver - Weapon used by the Master in The Sound of Drums. It featured Isomorphic Controls meaning that only the Master was able to use it. The Laser Screwdriver incorporated technology developed by Professor Richard Lazarus which allowed the Master to age or de-age anyone he fired it at. The Doctor fell victim to it twice and was aged 900-years on both occasions.

                                In the Adventure Game, TARDIS, it was revealed that the Doctor collected the Laser Screwdriver and kept it stored in his TARDIS.

                                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                                K-9, CLASS and much more...

