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Doctor Who & Spin-Offs A-Z Game

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    M ~ Malmooth - Malmooth are a race of humanoid insects native to the planet Malcassairo, who are all but extinct by the year 100 trillion. The last surviving member of their race, Chantho, played by Chipo Chung, appears in 'Utopia'. A devoted assistant to Professor Yana for 17 years, when the Professor is revealed to be the Master and proceeds to turn on the Doctor and his companions, Chantho threatens to kill him. He electrocutes her, but she manages to shoot him before dying, forcing him to regenerate. A feature of Chantho's speech is that she starts and ends her sentences with "chan" and "tho", respectively. She considers it "rude" to do otherwise, tantamount to swearing. Physical features of the Malmooth include an insectoid exoskeleton and mandibles, and the ability to survive by drinking their own internal milk.


      N - Nyder, played by Peter Miles, was the Security Commander of the Kaled Dome and an assistant to their chief scientist Davros, as seen in Genesis of the Daleks (1975). Nyder was killed by the Daleks after he attempted to carry out one of Davros's instructions against the will of the Daleks.

      Actor Peter Miles had previously appeared in Doctor Who as Dr. Lawrence in Doctor Who and the Silurians (1970) and as Professor Whitaker in Invasion of the Dinosaurs (1974).

      Miles reprised his role as Nyder in 1992 and again in 2005 serving as a witness for Davros in the theatrical production The Trial of Davros. In 2006, he played Nyder as a younger Lieutenant for the Big Finish Productions audio drama I, Davros: Guilt.


        O ~ Ogron - The Ogrons are low-intelligence, ape-like hominids who live in scattered communities on an unnamed planet on the outer fringes of the Milky Way, far from the central spaceways. The dominant lifeform on their home planet is a giant slug-like lizard named the Eater, and the Ogrons both pray to and are preyed on by it.

        Ogrons are hired mercenaries. Those who have employed their services include the Master and the Daleks. On some human planets, Ogrons are employed as police officers, usually led by a mentally augmented leader.


          P - Packer was the henchman of Tobias Vaughn and helped with the Cyberman invasion in The Invasion (1968)


            Q ~ Quantum Accelerator - A TARDIS component, one of the items exchanged between the Master and the Doctor in 'Time Flight'.


              R - Rod of Rassilon Another name for the Great Key, not to be confused with the Key of Rassilon or the other Great Key. It is a control device for the Eye of Harmony, and can be used to drain power from it.


                S ~ Sonic knife - A tool used by Scaroth to steal the Mona Lisa in 'City of Death'.


                  T ~ Two Doctors, The - 1985 story starring Colin Baker as "The Doctor" and Nicola Bryant as "Peri Brown".

                  Guest starring Patrick Troughton as "The Doctor" and Frazer Hines as "Jamie McCrimmon".

                  When the Doctor lands on a space station in the Third Zone, he suspects he's been there before and when he discovers his old assistant - Jamie - he's certain.

                  Accompanied by Jamie and his present assistant Peri, the Doctor follows his second incarnation to 20th Century Seville. There he discovers his old enemies, the Sontarans, about to dissect him in a genetic operation.

                  But just why are they operating on the Doctor? And how will their findings aid their enslavement of the universe? Deadly questions to which the Doctors must find answers in order to escape their own excruciating death...

                  • Last appearance of Patrick Troughton as "The Doctor".

                  • Last appearance, to date, of Frazer Hines as "Jamie McCrimmon".

                  • The Sontarans return. They'd last been seen in the 1978 story The Invasion of Time.

                  • A Stattenheim Remote Control is seen again. It had been introduced in the immediate story prior to this - The Mark of the Rani.

                  • An older looking 2nd Doctor and Jamie travelling alone together in an updated TARDIS Console Room, speaking openly about Time Lords and Gallifrey, and going on missions for them is contradictory to what happened in the 2nd Doctor's era from 1966 - 1969. It is speculated that, for the 2nd Doctor, the events of The Two Doctors take place at some point between his last story (The War Games) and the 3rd Doctor's first story (Spearhead from Space).
                  Last edited by Alan; 24 September 2009, 12:18 PM.

                  THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                  K-9, CLASS and much more...


                    U ~ Usurian - The Usurians from the planet Usurius are a species that abandoned military conquest in favour of economic conquest. They enslaved humanity after their engineers made Mars suitable for human habitation, humans having depleted the Earth's resources. Once humanity had depleted Mars's resources as well, the Usurians engineered Pluto so that humans could inhabit it. They created six artificial "Suns" around it and installed the Collector, seen in 'The Sun Makers', to oversee the collection of taxes from their human workforce. They intended to abandon Pluto and leave humanity to become extinct once the humans had exhausted its resources, there being no economically viable planet to relocate humanity to once more. The humans on Pluto revolted against the Collector and seized control of Pluto. The revolutionaries intended to relocate to Earth as the Doctor assured them it would have regenerated in their absence.

                    The Usurians have knowledge of the Time Lords, graded as "Grade 3" in their "latest market survey", considering it to be of low commercial value. Usurians can adopt a humanoid form but in their natural state they resemble seaweed. Shock can force them to revert to their natural form. According to the Doctor, Usurians are listed in a "flora and fauna" of the universe written by a Professor Thripthead under poisonous fungi.


                      V ~ Vardans - The Vardans were a telepathic race with the ability to mentally travel along any broadcast wavelength. They appeared in the 1978 story The Invasion of Time.

                      Having a default, near-Human form, the Vardans could also change into a shimmering energy form. While on the planet of Gallifrey during their invasion of that world, they appeared in helmets and green uniforms. Their telepathy had limits, as far as lead acting as a shield to their telepathic powers, a disability The Doctor would use this weakness to his advantage. They can "broadcast" themselves, travel from place to place at will and travel down telephone lines. Despite this, they used spacecraft.

                      The Vardans were militaristic species who lived by the principle of "survival of the very fittest", though some had a more sympathetic attitude.

                      They evolved from a near-human form and developed their powers of telepathy as a weapon and perfected them to the point where they could, at will, change into forms of electromagnetic energy.

                      The Vardans contacted the Doctor to ask him to assist them in taking over Gallifrey, the home planet of the Time Lords. The Doctor nominated himself, and was made, Lord President, before placing Gallifrey in a time loop. At the same time, Gallifrey was invaded by Sontarans, who had used the Vardans so that the Sontarans, themselves, could invade Gallifrey.

                      THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                      K-9, CLASS and much more...


                        W - Weeping Angels are a group of hunters featured in the Tenth Doctor episode "Blink". Because their physiology is quantum-locked, they only occupy a single position in space when seen by an observer (see Schrödinger's Cat). When they are not observed they become a "quantum wave form" that occupies many positions in space, thus they cannot move while being observed; but when they are not they can appear to travel exceedingly quickly. They use this ability to approach and attack unwary prey. They turn to stone when observed, acting as a defense mechanism, because according to the Doctor, "you can't kill a stone." While in their locked state they appear as stone statues, often covering their eyes so that they will not see each other and lock themselves forever in stone form. This defense mechanism is what gave them the name "Weeping Angels".

                        According to the Doctor, "[the Weeping Angels] are as old as the universe (or very nearly), but no one really knows where they come from." He also describes them as "creatures of the abstract", "the lonely assassins", and "the only psychopaths in the universe to kill you nicely", because their method of killing doesn't do anything of the sort: a touch sends their victims into the past to live out their lives before they were even born; the Angels then feed on the "potential energy" of the lives their victims would have lived in the present.


                          X ~ X-Ray - X-rays (or Röntgen radiation) were a type of electromagnetic radiation. They were used in medical examinations because they penetrated soft tissue allowing a non-invasive exam of the internal anatomy; they could also be used to examine the interiors of sealed objects using the same method. High levels of X-ray radiation could be harmful to many forms of life. When focused into a coherent beam or laser, X-rays could be used as an offensive weapon.

                          Whilst as a patient as at Ashbridge Cottage Hospital in 1970, an X-ray revealed the newly-regenerated 3rd Doctor's binary vascular system and astounded Dr. Henderson.

                          In 1999, the injured 7th Doctor was taken to Walker General Hospital where the doctors there X-rayed him. Believing the Doctor's two hearts to be a fault with the X-ray machine, the doctors called in Grace Holloway to perform heart surgery on him. The surgery appears to go wrong and the Doctor apparently "dies" on the operating table. Afterwards, Grace reviews the Doctor's X-rays and she realises the truth - the Doctor does have two hearts.

                          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                          K-9, CLASS and much more...


                            Y - Yana (The Master) - The Doctor meets Yana in "Utopia", and Martha Jones inadvertently causes Yana to focus on the "broken" fob watch that contains his Time Lord essence. Through the increased drumming and the voice of his Time Lord essence, Yana opens the watch and becomes the Master again, in a scene that makes clear that YANA is an acronym for the Face of Boe's last words – "You Are Not Alone". The Master is mortally wounded when Chantho shoots him after he fatally injured her, regenerating into a new younger incarnation portrayed by John Simm. The Master steals the Doctor's TARDIS and escapes, though at the last second the Doctor sabotages the TARDIS using his sonic screwdriver so that the Master is only able to travel between present-day Earth and the year 100 Trillion.


                              Z ~ Z-Bomb - The Z-Bomb was a doomsday weapon of which by 1986 two or three were available at strategic positions around the Earth. One of them was in the hands of the International Space Command, and their secretary general had the authority to order it used. This particular Z-bomb was located at Snowcap base in Antarctica.

                              When activated, it caused a nuclear explosion that was said to be powerful enough to split an Earth-sized planet in half.

                              In the 1966 story The Tenth Planet when Cybermen ships were heading for Earth, General Cutler wanted to use the bomb to destroy Mondas, despite concerns that the radiation effects might kill everyone on the side of the Earth facing the explosion, and that the planet targeted might even turn in a supernova. Cutler considered this an acceptable risk, but his personnel sabotaged the missile.

                              However, once the Cybermen took control of the base, they planed to use the bomb to blow up the Earth, thus saving their own planet from the effects of the energy transfer between the two worlds. They failed and Mondas was destroyed.

                              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                                A - Alpha Centauri is a hermaphroditic hexapod from Alpha Centauri. It is tall, green, has one large blue eye, six arms and a high-pitched voice, wears a long yellow cape and walks with a nervous gait. It is prone to cowardice and hysterics. It has a low opinion of Earth, describing it as a "'remote and unattractive" planet, but regrets that its appearance can frighten humans. It regards females as unimportant.

