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So. What good is UNIT?

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    So. What good is UNIT?

    It pains me to say this... afterall I adore UNIT totally...


    With RTD's new Doctor Who series, UNIT seems to be not only obselete, but... never much good for anything.

    UNIT, under the command of the Brigadier were the ones who originally fought of Cyberman invasions, Dalek attacks, Autons, and so on so forth, UNIT kicked ass. They did a lot of good for the planet, and often saved the day (with the Doctor's help). They were always the first on the scene when a UFO crashed....

    Aliens of London sees UNIT representatives die... ok. Moving on...

    Christmas Invasion shows us an all new, totally updated version of UNIT, and by GOD they looked good. They had an excellent base of operations, the latest tech... everything. Except for the ability to shoot down the alien space ship... which, oh by the way TORCHWOOD has...

    So immediatly, Torchwood is shown to be more capable than UNIT. Then why was UNIT so good at foiling alien invasions in the past?

    Torchwood has all this technology it's never been used before though...

    And then we get Series 28 of Doctor Who... where Torchwood are EVERYWHERE. They're getting involved with everything. So... what about UNIT? Surely the events of "Idiots Lantern" are what UNIT would deal with?

    Are UNIT any good for anything these days? Why didn't we see UNIT putting up a bit of resistance in Doomsday?


    Following the Yeti Incident, the United Nations became aware that the world faced threats from extraterrestrial sources, and that with the space program sending probes deeper and deeper into space, mankind had drawn attention to itself. Consequently, the United Nations established UNIT with the mandate to investigate, monitor and combat such threats. Lethbridge-Stewart was promoted to the rank of Brigadier and put in charge of the British contingent, which was apparently under the purview of the British government's Department C19. Department C19 was first mentioned in the serial Time-Flight, being the department at whose behest the Fifth Doctor investigated the mystery of a Concorde aeroplane that had disappeared. Several of the spin-off novels explore the idea that C19 gathers up alien technology for their own ends.
    Perhaps Dept C19 IS Torchwood?
    Last edited by Flyboy; 14 October 2006, 05:11 AM.

    "Five Rounds Rapid"


    Originally posted by Flying Officer Bennett View Post

    And then we get Series 28 of Doctor Who... where Torchwood are EVERYWHERE. They're getting involved with everything. So... what about UNIT? Surely the events of "Idiots Lantern" are what UNIT would deal with?
    Just want to correct something here. Idiot's Lantern took place long before the formation of UNIT. In fact, it's even before UNIT's prototype the Intrusion Counter-Measures Group (ICMG) under the lead of Group Captain Ian "Chunky" Gilmore.

    So, they wouldn't be involved in that.

    Also, I tend to think that UNIT was fighting the Cybermen when Doomsday occured.

    But, let's face it... the heart and soul of that operation was Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart. If he's not there, they seem to be less effective, as seen in Battlefield.
    "There's not a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy... and this little boy can." --The Doctor.
    "The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."--The Question.
    BAD WOLF!!!


      I stand corrected.

      But I would like to see more of them and how they relate to Torchwood.

      If Torchwood IS Dept C19, then that means that when UNIT was formed, Torchwood placed them under their duristiction so that they could use them for their own ends, without them getting too close to the truth. However these days it would seem that UNIT, at least the British UNIT contingient is very aware of Torchwood. So maybe the Torchwood Soldiers (which i HATE) are actually UNIT soldiers...?

      "Five Rounds Rapid"



        Originally posted by Flying Officer Bennett View Post
        I stand corrected.

        But I would like to see more of them and how they relate to Torchwood.

        If Torchwood IS Dept C19, then that means that when UNIT was formed, Torchwood placed them under their duristiction so that they could use them for their own ends, without them getting too close to the truth. However these days it would seem that UNIT, at least the British UNIT contingient is very aware of Torchwood. So maybe the Torchwood Soldiers (which i HATE) are actually UNIT soldiers...?
        I don't think they are C-19. C-19 is a great deal more shady an organization, and was at least partially invovled with the Master. If you want to see evidence of Torchwood in the Classic Series, watch Ambassadors of Death again.
        "There's not a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy... and this little boy can." --The Doctor.
        "The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."--The Question.
        BAD WOLF!!!


          I'd love to see a revitalized UNIT in some Earth-centric eps, but as you say, TW really has made them obsolete from a story telling standpoint.

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            What Torchwood evidence shows up in Ambassadors of Death?


              when did the doctor start working for the unit and how long did he hlep them?


                Originally posted by lord-anubis View Post
                when did the doctor start working for the unit and how long did he hlep them?
                The Doctor first encountered UNIT in the 2nd Doctor story "The Invasion" which featured a Cyberman invasion of Earth, however he started working as UNIT's scientific advisor just after regenerating into the 3rd

                However I have no idea when his last chronological work with UNIT took place prior to the new Who.

                "Five Rounds Rapid"


