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Russell T. Davies' Easy Solutions [SPOILERS]

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    Originally posted by IMForeman
    Every phone has a data port of some sort. It's how they program them. It's usually at the bottom of the phone, and on a Samsung (which Rose's phone is), it IS on the bottom.
    Well, I think the issue was that the phone was able to interface with the computer console automatically as if it were like a Palm Pilot being connected to its cradle and then the auto-update computer program kicks in.

    Oh hey, maybe that's actually what happened. Silly Cybermen having such a weakness!

    @ Enemyone~
    We're just comparing some of the newer stuff with the old stuff. Nothing's being taken really seriously or else we would have dropped the recent Doctor Who seasons like that.

    RTD's definitely got his own way of resolving problems which is all fine and dandy. I do like some of the premises and concepts that he brings up but it's just that some of us would like to see more complex and creative approaches to problem solving. :3


      Originally posted by IMForeman
      Every phone has a data port of some sort. It's how they program them. It's usually at the bottom of the phone, and on a Samsung (which Rose's phone is), it IS on the bottom.
      *checks her Razr* One port for the charger. I see two little hole kinda things on the side, so it looks like in order to upgrade they'd have to pull the whole thing apart. Mine's an early model that doesn't record videos (you can only watch them) and I'd have to send it in to get it fixed so they can pull the phone apart, or at least pull the back off where the battery and sim card are. Maybe that's why they wanted so much freakin' money for the upgrade...

      I guess if the Doctor had to use my phone to plug into the cyber port thing, he'd really be screwed!

      He'd be like, "Er, hold on second." *whips out sonic screwdriver to take phone apart* "Darnit! Battery." *pulls battery out*

      Cyber controller: "You will be deleted." *fires laser*

      Doctor's last words: "Stupid Motorola! Why didn't you get a Samsung, Rose?!"

      And RTD didn't write that one...
      Eh. I neglected to check that as I was quite occupied with my critique. Thanks for keeping track. Anyway, I think by this point, I'm just sort of ranting in general about the scripts as a whole.


      You know i wasnt that big of a Doctor Who fan back in the day and i started watching the show recently and i really liked it. I read through this entire thread and i have to say some of you people need to ease up a bit its Sci Fi which means you have to suspend some of your real world thinking. Oh well takes all kinds to make the world go around over analyze the show to death till you cant stand watching it Thats the ticket
      Yes, we're aware that sci-fi requires a suspension of beliefs. Just because we nitpick doesn't mean we don't enjoy the show. I can't speak for others, but I've been having a blast with Doctor Who back on the air! It's certainly better than nothing and they've chosen the actors well, IMO. It's just that the scripts need to be improved.

      Another example, I'm a huge Star Trek fan, I love the show, and I pick all of the series apart like nobody's business because there are easily fixable errors in logic and silly plot devices that should've been taken care of. I see nothing wrong with pointing this sort of thing out. You can enjoy something and still watch it with a critical eye. Only once has my nitpicking led to my just quitting on a show, but that show deserved it and a lot of other people gave up on it too (it twisted canon so badly that it's permanently in knots). Talking about things that you would like to see adjusted in futue tv scripts is no different than have a literary discussion or something. You enjoy the book, but you can still have a discussion about the good and bad elements of it. If I wanted, I could, and usually do, ignore the problems in the scripts, but sometimes I'm inclined to go through them with a fine-toothed comb. What else am I supposed to do in the "off-season?"

      ETA: I swear, I'm still looking at my phone trying to find more ports. Just nope. Button to remove the back where the battery is and one recess on either side of the screen part so that you can pull it apart.

      Either way, even if Rose's phone did do the upgrade thing, it still doesn't make sense that there's a random phone port in the control room that just happens to perfectly fit the shape of Rose's model of phone. I mean, it was in there pretty snug. Also, wouldn't you have to send the number directly to a receiver of some sort? I don't see how the number in a text message or whatever can be pulled out and recognized as a thingie that controls the inhibitor chips just by plugging it into a port. I'd think there'd have to be a command given or something.

      It's easier to overlook holes when we're dealing with totally alien technology because you always have the excuse, "Well how do know item A can't do XYZ? It's future technology!" See, there's no answer against that, so it's fine.

      "The TARDIS can't travel through time! It's against the laws of physics!"

      "Well, how do you know it can't? A super old and way more technologically advanced race might've managed it because humans know squat compared to them."

      " win."

      It's when we get to stuff like levers in Doomsday and modern-day phones- that's where logic becomes truly important, IMO, because we know how this stuff works or we can guess well enough. Did that make any sense at all?

      Last edited by AyanEva; 15 August 2006, 10:10 PM.


        Originally posted by AyanEva
        *checks her Razr* One port for the charger. I see two little hole kinda things on the side, so it looks like in order to upgrade they'd have to pull the whole thing apart. Mine's an early model that doesn't record videos (you can only watch them) and I'd have to send it in to get it fixed so they can pull the phone apart, or at least pull the back off where the battery and sim card are. Maybe that's why they wanted so much freakin' money for the upgrade...

        I guess if the Doctor had to use my phone to plug into the cyber port thing, he'd really be screwed!

        He'd be like, "Er, hold on second." *whips out sonic screwdriver to take phone apart* "Darnit! Battery." *pulls battery out*

        Cyber controller: "You will be deleted." *fires laser*

        Doctor's last words: "Stupid Motorola! Why didn't you get a Samsung, Rose?!"

        Eh. I neglected to check that as I was quite occupied with my critique. Thanks for keeping track. Anyway, I think by this point, I'm just sort of ranting in general about the scripts as a whole.


        Yes, we're aware that sci-fi requires a suspension of beliefs. Just because we nitpick doesn't mean we don't enjoy the show. I can't speak for others, but I've been having a blast with Doctor Who back on the air! It's certainly better than nothing and they've chosen the actors well, IMO. It's just that the scripts need to be improved.

        Another example, I'm a huge Star Trek fan, I love the show, and I pick all of the series apart like nobody's business because there are easily fixable errors in logic and silly plot devices that should've been taken care of. I see nothing wrong with pointing this sort of thing out. You can enjoy something and still watch it with a critical eye. Only once has my nitpicking led to my just quitting on a show, but that show deserved it and a lot of other people gave up on it too (it twisted canon so badly that it's permanently in knots). Talking about things that you would like to see adjusted in futue tv scripts is no different than have a literary discussion or something. You enjoy the book, but you can still have a discussion about the good and bad elements of it. If I wanted, I could, and usually do, ignore the problems in the scripts, but sometimes I'm inclined to go through them with a fine-toothed comb. What else am I supposed to do in the "off-season?"

        ETA: I swear, I'm still looking at my phone trying to find more ports. Just nope. Button to remove the back where the battery is and one recess on either side of the screen part so that you can pull it apart.

        Either way, even if Rose's phone did do the upgrade thing, it still doesn't make sense that there's a random phone port in the control room that just happens to perfectly fit the shape of Rose's model of phone. I mean, it was in there pretty snug. Also, wouldn't you have to send the number directly to a receiver of some sort? I don't see how the number in a text message or whatever can be pulled out and recognized as a thingie that controls the inhibitor chips just by plugging it into a port. I'd think there'd have to be a command given or something.

        It's easier to overlook holes when we're dealing with totally alien technology because you always have the excuse, "Well how do know item A can't do XYZ? It's future technology!" See, there's no answer against that, so it's fine.

        "The TARDIS can't travel through time! It's against the laws of physics!"

        "Well, how do you know it can't? A super old and way more technologically advanced race might've managed it because humans know squat compared to them."

        " win."

        It's when we get to stuff like levers in Doomsday and modern-day phones- that's where logic becomes truly important, IMO, because we know how this stuff works or we can guess well enough. Did that make any sense at all?

        I agree with you there AyanEva. And personally fans are fans to be critical aswell as appraising. thats my view anyway.
        Oh Yes the Sam is Back and hes more Sci-fied up than ever !!!!!!!!!

        Coming Soon a new Banner from Me


          Originally posted by AyanEva
          *checks her Razr* One port for the charger. I see two little hole kinda things on the side, so it looks like in order to upgrade they'd have to pull the whole thing apart. Mine's an early model that doesn't record videos (you can only watch them) and I'd have to send it in to get it fixed so they can pull the phone apart, or at least pull the back off where the battery and sim card are. Maybe that's why they wanted so much freakin' money for the upgrade...

          I guess if the Doctor had to use my phone to plug into the cyber port thing, he'd really be screwed!

          He'd be like, "Er, hold on second." *whips out sonic screwdriver to take phone apart* "Darnit! Battery." *pulls battery out*

          Cyber controller: "You will be deleted." *fires laser*

          Doctor's last words: "Stupid Motorola! Why didn't you get a Samsung, Rose?!"

          Eh. I neglected to check that as I was quite occupied with my critique. Thanks for keeping track. Anyway, I think by this point, I'm just sort of ranting in general about the scripts as a whole.


          Yes, we're aware that sci-fi requires a suspension of beliefs. Just because we nitpick doesn't mean we don't enjoy the show. I can't speak for others, but I've been having a blast with Doctor Who back on the air! It's certainly better than nothing and they've chosen the actors well, IMO. It's just that the scripts need to be improved.

          Another example, I'm a huge Star Trek fan, I love the show, and I pick all of the series apart like nobody's business because there are easily fixable errors in logic and silly plot devices that should've been taken care of. I see nothing wrong with pointing this sort of thing out. You can enjoy something and still watch it with a critical eye. Only once has my nitpicking led to my just quitting on a show, but that show deserved it and a lot of other people gave up on it too (it twisted canon so badly that it's permanently in knots). Talking about things that you would like to see adjusted in futue tv scripts is no different than have a literary discussion or something. You enjoy the book, but you can still have a discussion about the good and bad elements of it. If I wanted, I could, and usually do, ignore the problems in the scripts, but sometimes I'm inclined to go through them with a fine-toothed comb. What else am I supposed to do in the "off-season?"

          ETA: I swear, I'm still looking at my phone trying to find more ports. Just nope. Button to remove the back where the battery is and one recess on either side of the screen part so that you can pull it apart.

          Either way, even if Rose's phone did do the upgrade thing, it still doesn't make sense that there's a random phone port in the control room that just happens to perfectly fit the shape of Rose's model of phone. I mean, it was in there pretty snug. Also, wouldn't you have to send the number directly to a receiver of some sort? I don't see how the number in a text message or whatever can be pulled out and recognized as a thingie that controls the inhibitor chips just by plugging it into a port. I'd think there'd have to be a command given or something.

          It's easier to overlook holes when we're dealing with totally alien technology because you always have the excuse, "Well how do know item A can't do XYZ? It's future technology!" See, there's no answer against that, so it's fine.

          "The TARDIS can't travel through time! It's against the laws of physics!"

          "Well, how do you know it can't? A super old and way more technologically advanced race might've managed it because humans know squat compared to them."

          " win."

          It's when we get to stuff like levers in Doomsday and modern-day phones- that's where logic becomes truly important, IMO, because we know how this stuff works or we can guess well enough. Did that make any sense at all?


          Most Motorola's have a large, really crappy port at the bottom, but the Razr has an actual USB port, which you can see in this picture.

          I think the whole point there is that (and the Doctor actually says this) that on that parallel world, Cybus came to be so prominant by making every bit of technology work with every other bit of technology. Cybus definitely did seem to have a lock on the cellular industry there.
          "There's not a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy... and this little boy can." --The Doctor.
          "The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."--The Question.
          BAD WOLF!!!


            Originally posted by IMForeman
            Most Motorola's have a large, really crappy port at the bottom, but the Razr has an actual USB port, which you can see in this picture.
            Ah ha! That's where the charger plugs in, so the spot where the charger goes is the USB port. I see now. I guess they were saving on space, 2-in-1 deal...? Clever.

            I think the whole point there is that (and the Doctor actually says this) that on that parallel world, Cybus came to be so prominant by making every bit of technology work with every other bit of technology. Cybus definitely did seem to have a lock on the cellular industry there.
            Alright, I think I'll have to give you the win with that argument.


