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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    me too - reminds me of my childhood when i had to sind a song to santa just to get me a gift...


      Hiya everyone!! Just wanting to drop this off.



        *sigh* Very lovely photo!


          Originally posted by starg8fans View Post

          Have fun! I'll refrain from even starting until the whole season's out on DVD. Better for my nerves.
          you can wait? *is impressed*

          Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post

          I'd recommend strong drinks while you watch... this is by far the best season so far imo... I'm sure Lizzie will back me up on the nerve wrecking bit!!
          Oh's fantastic.... I'm sure you'll love it...

          Originally posted by starg8fans View Post

          Heck, if he was sitting in the confessional I think I'd be ready to turn Catholic!
          Oh me too....or perhaps we can get a day pass.....

          Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
          I don't fancy that many blokes though *thinks* Nah, don't think I could even get 5!
          Ha! me thinks a confession is in order... *coughs* Jack...and another Jack

          Edit: ignore this comment as I see you've expertly wiggled out of it on another thread......

          Hehe, yep... although I'd have to turn from athiest 1st! Would it be against the rules to confess to having sinful thoughts about the priest?
          I'm sure there's a special kind of hell reserved for those kind of thoughts....

          Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis View Post
          Hmmm...Now why don't they look even remotely believable as priests?

          Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post

          *looks around* No, she's not back yet... I'm safe. I blame Lizzie!!
          Oi! cheeky!!!

          Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
          Off to watch 24 *bites nails*
          Yep... not getting any easier...I'm a nervous wreck!!!!
          Last edited by LizzieAnne; 27 April 2009, 03:15 PM.


            Originally posted by Fainne View Post
            what do you study? and why didn't i have that thought too when working in the lab?
            Environmental chemistry, I'm sitting my 2nd year exams right now. Hopefully I'll make it to 3rd year... You?


              Originally posted by Daniel's shadow View Post
              Hiya everyone!! Just wanting to drop this off.

              Lovely shot!

              Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
              you can wait? *is impressed*
              Actually, it's easy when you live in a country that gets 24 years after it orginally airs - and then it's dubbed in German...

              Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
              Environmental chemistry, I'm sitting my 2nd year exams right now. Hopefully I'll make it to 3rd year... You?
              Chemistry, wow! That is a tough subject. Hope your exams go well!

              Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                Morning all *waves*

                Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                Oh's fantastic.... I'm sure you'll love it...
                *nods* It really is. The box set is available to pre-order now, so it shouldn't be long before it's out. The idea of watching it quickly and not having the torture of waiting a week inbetween is great, although I honestly don't know if I could watch more than 2 or 3 eps in 1 go this time!! You're in for a treat Stars, you really are!!

                Oh me too....or perhaps we can get a day pass.....
                Lizzie you are a genius!! Sign me up! Maybe I'll even have 2 day passes!!

                Ha! me thinks a confession is in order... *coughs* Jack...and another Jack

                Edit: ignore this comment as I see you've expertly wiggled out of it on another thread......
                LOL. I was only going to confess to our sexy priest, but then you beat me to it. I should still confess something to him though! I only have clones of those who I really really fancy, i.e. send my thoughts entirely gutterward. T'other Jack's nice, but not clone material!!

                I'm sure there's a special kind of hell reserved for those kind of thoughts....
                Well in that case, my afterlife is all planned out!! Stars assures me that if they can get S4 spoiler

                Dean ot of Hell, I can be saved by the right angel too. *sigh* that priest would make a fantastic angel!!

                If you didnt click the spoiler, I'll just say that there could be hope for me yet!

                Hmmm...Now why don't they look even remotely believable as priests?
                Priests shouldn't be allowed to look like that...EVER!!!

                Oi! cheeky!!!

                Yep... not getting any easier...I'm a nervous wreck!!!!
                *thinks about the ep, heart pounds and then sits in a heap, babbling incoherently*



                  Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                  Environmental chemistry, I'm sitting my 2nd year exams right now. Hopefully I'll make it to 3rd year... You?
                  wow, tough subject. I study conservation of arhaeological heritage, a lot forensic work too. I can't believe how many scientists are in this forum...
                  Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                  Actually, it's easy when you live in a country that gets 24 years after it orginally airs - and then it's dubbed in German...
                  so true


                    Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                    Actually, it's easy when you live in a country that gets 24 years after it orginally airs - and then it's dubbed in German...
                    Stoppt deutsches Synchronisieren!!!
                    I think it's strange season 3 hasn't aired yet cuz all the other shows (CSI, Bones, Fringe...) are in their newest season here in Germany, although the seasons haven't even finished in the US...

                    *raises hand* Another scientist here


                      Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                      Still The Pit for me, but I suppose the decision should rest with Kylie seeing as she started the thread... or we could just start a coup!
                      oi steady now, no need for that the pit sounds perfect. suits the thread very well.


                        Originally posted by kylieS21 View Post
                        oi steady now, no need for that the pit sounds perfect. suits the thread very well.
                        Pft, no coup? You're no fun!

                        Hehe, in that case, Good Morning Pit!!!



                          Good moring Pit from me, too!


                            Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                            Chemistry, wow! That is a tough subject. Hope your exams go well!

                            Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                            wow, tough subject. I study conservation of arhaeological heritage, a lot forensic work too. I can't believe how many scientists are in this forum...
                            I know, it's great!

                            Originally posted by kylieS21 View Post
                            oi steady now, no need for that the pit sounds perfect. suits the thread very well.
                            Yay! Hello Pit


                              Evening Pit!



                                Run by picspam!!

                                Back later!

                                *runs out*


