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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    I can't ignore fanfic, I enjoy it too much. Daddy Dean fics are my favorite kinds of fics. Sis-fics are my second favorite. Specially when the stories follow the series. I love seeing how the writer adjusts the episodes to fit the OC (daughter or sister), keeping the original dialogue and just adding to it. I'm actually reading two right now, have the tabs open and refreshing now and then to check for updates.
    Sig by ME.


      yea... i'm huge on fanfic, but i'm very picky with what i read and lately it seems like i can't find a fic that fits my exacting criteria, or i do but i just can't get into it.... couple years ago i used to be heavy into apocalypse aftermath fics with a side of destiel and possible samby.... now that the apocalypse is done and over with, i haven't really found any stories that have grabbed my interest.... atleast not pure SPN fics atleast.... a few fusion fics with the main charcters from other fandoms in SPN like situations still see to grab my attention or crossovers.... there's some really good SPN/Buffy crossovers out there, even if most of them are deaffy.... altho sam and dawn do make a cute couple....
      I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


        that is one thing that I've never gotten into - fanfics. I know if I start, it will be like potato chips - I won't be able to stop. So far, I'm on a strict diet of Pol's Campfire stories. Fortunately, it is a limited bag, so even consuming the whole thing isn't overwhelming


          I've read so many fanfics of all kinds during my high Stargate time - great ones as well as mediocre ones, het, gen, slash, no matter as long as they were good. But I also love reading books. And I just don't have the time to read fanfiction AND books, and in the moment it's books. I exchange a lot of thrillers and crime books (in German) with my mum and sister and next to that I read Game of Thrones in English - which is quite a challenge because English is still my second language and there are always words I simply do not know.
          But who knows, maybe there will be a time when I'm into fanfic again. I just find it hard to find any SPN FF I like, because I'm really not into any of the common relationships, I mainly enjoy GEN and that's hard to find.
          The cake is a lie!


            i love reading books, but that's scaled back too.... every now and then i find some interesting book in the grocery store that i'll pick up and read, but other than that, there's two authors, three series, i follow religiously: Laurel K Hamilton's Anita Blake series and Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson and Alpha and Omega series.... Anita Blake has a new book every june, and Briggs is even slower than that so i'm constantly on the lookout for new books from her.... but, once i get a book in hand, i devour it... i can read an Anita Blake novel in two to three days, depending on how busy i am when i get my hands on them....

            i have to pass the time in between books somehow, so i fill the void with fanfic.... as it is, i'm the only one in my family who likes to read, so i don't have anyone to trade books with.... right now, i looked up an author i enjoyed in high school, Tamora Pierce, and am rereading everything she wrote.... well, i say rereading, but in truth, i've only read about half her books before.... anywho, it's only been a week, but i've gone thru eight of them.... Pierce has a habit of writing in quartets, but they're interconnected, so someone who's a major character in one quartet will be a minor character in another....

            as it is, as far as fanfic is concerned, i'm on a Marvel kick.... i can't get myself interested in anything that isn't Avengers related, and believe you me, boy have i tried..... but i just love my SHIELD Husbands oh so much.... this is why i can't wait for Agents of SHIELD to start.... no more speculative #CoulsonLives crap... it's officially cannon, and we'll have more fodder for fic
            I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


              Originally posted by iolanda View Post
              I've read so many fanfics of all kinds during my high Stargate time - great ones as well as mediocre ones, het, gen, slash, no matter as long as they were good. But I also love reading books. And I just don't have the time to read fanfiction AND books, and in the moment it's books. I exchange a lot of thrillers and crime books (in German) with my mum and sister and next to that I read Game of Thrones in English - which is quite a challenge because English is still my second language and there are always words I simply do not know.
              But who knows, maybe there will be a time when I'm into fanfic again. I just find it hard to find any SPN FF I like, because I'm really not into any of the common relationships, I mainly enjoy GEN and that's hard to find.

              I too love to read books. I'm into Stephen King's books. The last one of his I read and LOVED was "Cell". SK's take on Zombies. I couldn't put it down. Also, I have read all the SPN novels except for two - both of which I'm currently still reading. Yeah, I read many books at the same time. When I'm in the mood to read I simply choose which book I want to, ah, get lost in, and read that one. I also like scifi-horror/fantasy books too. "Robopocalypse" was a favorite of mine though I never got to finish it. It was a library book and I had to return it before I finished it. I have also read a ton of Buffy novels too. Still have them.

              Okay, now that that's outta the way I'm gonna go see about finishing my icons for copter.
              Sig by ME.


                i too read several books at once... still got a 50 pages left of one book... and i'm about halfway thru a Leverage book... plus i'm a quarter way thru a 16k Avengers fanfic.... on top of being halfway thru book 1 of the third quartet i've picked up in a week....
                I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                  Sig by ME.


                    yea... i'm a bibilomaniac.... i'll read just about anything put in front of me.... picked up an interesting title at the grocery store the other day: Alice in Zombieland and yes, it's exactly what you think it is... i'm not usually into zombies, but eh... thought i'd give it a shot
                    I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                      Originally posted by Lilith View Post
                      couple years ago i used to be heavy into apocalypse aftermath fics with a side of destiel and possible samby....

                      I was at first, "What in the world is Samby?!"

                      Oh, derp. Sam/Ruby.

                      I tell ya, I'm getting slow on the uptake in my old age...


                        Originally posted by Freckles View Post
                        I was at first, "What in the world is Samby?!"

                        Oh, derp. Sam/Ruby.

                        I tell ya, I'm getting slow on the uptake in my old age...
                        if i could figure out how to combine sam/dawn and have it still make sense, i would have... so far i've come up sawn and dawnual... 'cept the second doesn't make any sense b/c no one calls sam samual...
                        I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                          Originally posted by Lilith View Post
                          if i could figure out how to combine sam/dawn and have it still make sense, i would have... so far i've come up sawn and dawnual... 'cept the second doesn't make any sense b/c no one calls sam samual...
                          Dam? lol


                            Adding some thunk


                            You try and tell me he doesn't do puppet shows for JJ in her crib and I'll call you a big fat liar!


                              i wanna be a fly on the wall when he's in full dad mode.... of course witnessing such an just might kill me....
                              I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                                Fly on the wall, definitely.

                                Originally posted by Freckles View Post
                                I was at first, "What in the world is Samby?!"

                                Oh, derp. Sam/Ruby.
                                I was too! Took me a few seconds to figure that one out.

                                Originally posted by Freckles View Post
                                Adding some thunk



                                You try and tell me he doesn't do puppet shows for JJ in her crib and I'll call you a big fat liar!
                                Oooh, lovely, lovely thunk!
                                Sig by ME.

