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New series AND move idea...

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    New series AND move idea...

    Movie intro to a good ship based/exploration show -

    Set 100 years in the future (post star trek nemesis) all is quiet in star trek land. Nothing has been heard from the borg and the dominion have allowed some limited exploration of the gamma quadrant. However, this piece is shattered by a distress call from our once enemies - the dominion. They have been invaded/attacked by the borg!

    In a space battle of scope never seen before on television (I have detailed ideas of what I would like to see in this)

    Now armed to the teeth with anti-borg weaponary (we sent ships to the delta quadrant with sophisticated future tech to spy on the borg in order to defend against any future attack - all intel sent back to alpha quadrant).

    The federation (and possibly other races in alpha quadrant) decide to go to the aid of their once enemy the dominion and fight the borg.

    Whilst this is going on - We could introduce a load of new characters. develop their personalities and see how they approached the ensuing battle.

    There would be no dialog for the borg - they are just going to be a faceless enemy.

    Also - New federation ships have transwarp abilities but this requires them to know the coordinates of hubs or something (haven't thought about the details behind this bit)

    The film ends with the borg being destroyed (or at least severely crippled)

    However - The ship we introduced with loads of new characters is severely damaged, its crew are exposed to a very strange form of radiation (like the episode of TNG when some alien wipes all the memories and computers from the enterprise and tells them to go kill his enemy). The last act to escape the battle is to go to transwarp (involves locating some code or something)

    ANYWAY - The ships occupants awake to surroundings that they are unfamiliar with and also don't know who they are. They know how to operate the ship (and also know about transwarp but don't know how to access it).

    They are in some far flung part of the milky way (well away from borg/dominion/alpha quadrant (other side of beta quadrant say) and have no way of getting home (not that they know what or where home is?

    The series -

    Would detail their adventures in this part of the galaxy - would be strongly character driven (i.e. how to trained star fleet officers organise themselves in this situation?)

    Characters -

    Obviously since this was a joint operation we could have changelings on the bridge helping out and borg prisoners in the med bay or even invading the ship. Maybe a cardasian/romulan who has joined starfleet in the 100 years since we last had star trek?

    The point is - They would all loose their memories! So everyone is going to assume that everyone is a good guy (maybe) or perhaps mistrust each other and the first series is about establishing an internal hierachy on the ship (this is assuming that the characters decide that they want a hierachy!!) Who will become the leader? The cleaner, the cook, the chef, the doctor.... Obviously some roles will be determined by knowledge and skills (i.e. the doctor will realise that they are a doctor very early on).

    Perhaps there is a vulcan and a romulan on the ship and the crew come to a planet with a "lost tribe" of vulcan/romulan ancestors (the lost tribe also not knowing where they are from)

    There are many possibilities for this show... Don't quite know how you could give it a satisfactory conclusion though.. .would you want to?

    Overall, a very interesting idea.
    MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
    "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
    Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


      So Voyager set in there future then, Wouldn't work tbh Startrek can't have another Starfleet ship lost again. Besides Starfleet aren't the kind of people to leave a ship alone and there comms arrays cold nearly contact Voyager in the Delta quadrant so in 100 hundred years it wouldn't be a problem.

      I think a better plot would be again set very far in the future were we have very fast engines (Slip stream Voyager has the tech for it). Just going around the galaxy exploring things. The Cardasian's had to join us to survive after the Dominion wars, The Klingons are under threat from a powerful race and join the Federation as they have no choice and need to stall for time. The Romulans are completly surrounded by Federation space and cloak everything they have for safety and brake off contact.

      Because of the Federations emmense growth (Several times the size of the Federation in TNG times) They begin diplomatic talks with the Q and the Prophets and several other 'Higher beings' and has active diplomatic channels with species 8472 and the Founders are even looking fondly at the Federation for the security they crave and hope to get back to there own exploring. The Federations future looks bright but gets interupted by a race from another galaxy/dimension (Posssibly the sphere builders). Which is were the story takes place defending the emense Federation onboard the sister ship to the Enterprise-J.
      if it wasnt for Carters new plot shield we would be dead


        Its certaintly not voyager set in the future + star fleet would assume the ship was destroyed by the borg in the conflict (and to be honest we could have lost the war.... or perhaps ended the film with some uncertainty as to our victory.

        The show would be able to tap the hole amnesia territory. People finding out who they are both literally and figuratively and also looking at things in the star trek universe from a perspective not seen before (one without prime directive prejudice)

        I would also not want the show to be a "lets find where we are from" type show. I would rather it be just exploration (I.e. this thirst for exploration could be the one thing they all share or something).

        I would want the ship to come really close to finding the federation and possibly not even know they have found it (they would have tech to travel very long distances .... e.g. slip stream type tech as I talked about in the brief).. e.g. they enter into romulan territory or something. This could either a) alert the federation that they are out there b) turns out federation has been all but destroyed in some civil war. They find out where they are from and that they are all that is left of the once great federation. Then the show could turn to a rebuilding civilisation type show... The aim being that each season have a theme.

        Season 1 - Amnesia - They all get along sort of, have some discoveries
        Season 2 - Civil War - The ship has lots of internal divisions
        Season 3 - New Discoveries - They discover about themselves (where they are from)
        Season 4 - The return home - Everything destroyed, need to come to terms with this
        Season 5 - Rebuilding
        Season 6 - Watch this space.


          Sounds like a very interesting idea.

          But I'm not sure I'd like the whole trek canon to jump another hundred years forward.....

          Gate Rider AKA Abnormal on the Sanctuary fan forums.
          Fencers of GW Unite!

