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J.J. Abrams on Star Trek Movie Themes, Characters, Bad Guy and Sequels

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    J.J. Abrams on Star Trek Movie Themes, Characters, Bad Guy and Sequels

    UK's Sky Movies Channel posted a new video interview with Star Trek director J.J. Abrams and here are few excerpts, courtesy of

    "First of all Star Trek is an incredibly optimistic world that Roddenberry was basically positing that not only do we live, but we thrive." Abrams said "And not just racially, but inter-species. The idea of ‘Star Trek' is trekking through stars and trekking through space and discovering the final frontier and it is something you take for granted or may thing is silly, but when you actually think about that notion it is a very optimistic one. So part of what I love about the world of Star Trek before you even get to this film, I live its optimism. And I think specifically with this movie - this is an origin story about people who come together. This is a family on this ship. To see Kirk, who is at the beginning this incredibly cocky - when we first meet him he is aimless guy who is looking for his place, he doesn't know how to use his power. And then you got Spock who is this logical character, but also conflicted because he is half human. And you have these two characters and they are sort of yin and yang and they come together and it is sort of like two brothers in a way, their story."

    "I think the themes of the movie beyond. There is definitely good versus evil. Eric Bana plays an incredibly scary bad guy [Nero] who has a great story and is incredible in the movie. so you definitely have good vs. evil, but even the good is defined in this movie. You see it coming together. So it is a very optimistic film in that way. To me it is the thing that I am happiest about, that we realized that goal which is to invest in and love the characters and go up against the bad guy."

    If this movie will be followed by sequels, he said "Yes...I believe so - ideally it would be fantastic. You love these people and want to see what they do next."

    More from Abrams on the movie, including the full video interview, can be found at TrekMovie

    I remain very positive about this film. I really can't wait to see it on the big screen.
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